disney vloggers

  1. Iwantallthetea

    The Tim Tracker #81 All in all it was a Fantastic Day to Lose 2k Followers

    Thread title courtesy of @Auntyg Anyone care to do a recap for us??
  2. TheNextStacey

    Michael & Dave Kay #10 Bitter...Party of One

    Time for a new thread! Thanks to @Moonpie_Mickey for the new title! Love it. Who has time to do a recap for us?
  3. N

    Best Life And Beyond #40 KT was Actually Sick. Spencer’s a Mansplaining Dick.

    Thank you @hoffdog for the winning thread name, short and sweet!
  4. N

    Best Life & Beyond #39 KT Slockbower Is Still Morbidly Obese. Spencer Emmon's Mommy Had To Co-Sign lease

    New thread Can I change my name on here? I DEFINITELY want to hit a tattle meetup one day and my username doesn’t roll off the tongue! Lol
  5. Iwantallthetea

    The Tim Tracker #80 The World is Our Metal Toilet

    Thread title courtesy of @HereForTheT3a22 continue discussing the Slackers here
  6. Grifters of the Caribbean

    Best Life and Beyond #38 Spencer Emmons Ejaculates Dust All Over His ExGirlfriends' Pictures in the G-rge

    Thank you for voting for my thread title! I had to Spencerize garage since the title was too long... Gucci rad! Anyways, here's a post the mother of Katie's NOT EX husband made. Don't believe Katie's lies that they are friends who talk all the time. Friendly remember that Katie and Spencer...
  7. Tom Wambsgans

    Best Life & Beyond #37 Katie Slockbower Spencer Emmons Videos deleted & stans cheated w/ Patreon bullshit

    Thank you to @OutofScope for the thread title! (with slight modifications due to length) These posts are to be included at the beginning of each thread as they let out newer members know more about their true "love" story!
  8. S

    The Dis Unplugged #2 What a Fiasco!!!

    Starting this thread, but I am probably not the best person to recap the old one. Anyone want to give it a shot? Congrats @Murray9000 on the winning thread title! 😁
  9. The Real Deal

    Best Life & Beyond #36 KT admits she bullied a Stage 4 Cancer Patient then deletes the Live

    Thank you to @diskneelvr for the thread title! These posts are to be included at the beginning of each thread as they let out newer members know more about their true "love" story!
  10. peteykirch

    The Tim Tracker #79 Still Spending Their Loot on Everything But Fresh Fruit

    Time for new TimSlacker Thread! This oneis courtesy of @esc2476 Poor J$ continues to not get the food he wants and enjoys and is instead handfed beige boring food at every turn, meanwhile Dim and Ginn satiate their needs whenever they want! Remember she never gets to have seafood y'all and...
  11. Grifters of the Caribbean

    Best Life and Beyond #35 Katie Slockbower & Spencer Emmons Left My Asian Fiance(Soulmate)@the Churro Cart

    Thank you for voting for my title! It has been decreed that three items be posted with each thread. 1. This message from the mother of Katie's (NOT EX) husband 2. These messages from Spencer that reveal his true feelings about Katie 3. Katie and Spencer talking about how much they hate...
  12. V

    Paging Mr Morrow #7 Oppsies, Scoopsies! I ate too much and I got the Poopsies

    New thread time. Expanded PMM #7 Oppsies, Scoopsies! I ate too much and I got the Poopsies to what you see above. I'll let someone else handle the recap. Congrats to @MichaelKaysHairyBack for the close win!
  13. Grifters of the Caribbean

    Best Life & Beyond #34 Spencer Emmons & Katie Slockbower jumble times as we still live in their minds

    Thank you for the thread title @PourTheTee (Shortened for length) Here's a post from the mother of Katie's (NOT EX) husband. Katie hates this post. Here's a reminder that Katie wants the trolls to come at her! Don't let her tell you otherwise. (Also, here's the forum user/lurker poll for...
  14. peteykirch

    The Tim Tracker #78 Won't Do Anything Unless They Can Film It - Including Paying Taxes

    Time for a new thread, the Slackers finally finished their 532894324th Bucket List Cruise Vlog that only took them nearly an entire month to edit and upload. The thread title is courtesy of @quietcandy while on the subject of the thread title, can anyone confirm if the Slackers have paid their...
  15. The Real Deal

    Best Life & Beyond #33 KT Filters out the Fat & Truth, has a Gray Tooth & can't Beat the Tattie Sleuths

    New Thread! Thanks to @AnaheimGangLeader for the title! Had to modify a bit because of the character limit. This post from the mother of Katie's (not ex) husband will be posted at the beginning of each thread.
  16. Grifters of the Caribbean

    Best Life & Beyond #32 They Think They're High Rollin & Go Start Trollin But Tattle Keeps Strollin Along

    Congrats to @Mr Flibble for the winning thread title; that was a close one! (Title shortened to fit.) It has been decreed that teripeterson's Previously on Best Life and Beyond post be linked to each new thread...
  17. peteykirch

    The Tim Tracker #77 Walking on Eggshells and Banana Peels

    Time for a new Tim Slacker thread. The title is courtesy of @Quasimodo The Slackers are in the middle up their most recent CUNTcierge Cruise Voyage, the next vlog uploaded should be the date that the HM's Wife tested positive for Rona. We will see how Ginn edits the footage to either pretend...
  18. Grifters of the Caribbean

    Best Life and Beyond #31 In efforts to escape The Woo, Katie Slockbower and Spencer Emmons flee to BU!

    Congrats to @The Real Deal for having the winning thread title. (Shortened it to fit.) It has been decreed that teripeterson's Previously on Best Life and Beyond post be linked to each new thread...
  19. Scooby Don't

    Kyle Pallo #6 Grifter Extraordinaire!

    Title by @Iwantallthetea In the previous chapter of the saga of Pallo's ongoing adventures in Disney our hero had visits from family and friend, spent obscene amounts of other people's money on luxury accommodation, VIP tours and alcohol, whilst whining about everything. Lately he's been...
  20. Grifters of the Caribbean

    Best Life & Beyond #30 Are there more Spirits haunting the HM or Debt Collectors leaving K & S Voicemails

    Congrats to @UncleLester for having the winning thread title. I had to shorten it to fit. Also, it has been decreed--especially now that it really pisses Katie off--that this post from the mother of Katie's (NOT EX) husband be added to each thread.
  21. Grifters of the Caribbean

    Best Life & Beyond #29 Lifestyles of the Ghetto Fabulous with Katie Slockbower and Spencer Emmons

    Thanks for the winning title @Mr Flibble ! It has been decreed that Matt Slockbower's mother's post about Katie should be posted on every thread for new members to see:
  22. Grifters of the Caribbean

    Best Life & Beyond #28 KT Says "Ich bin ein Grifter."

    Thanks to @PurpleMonkeyDishwasher for the title.
  23. Iwantallthetea

    The Tim Tracker #76 Tim and Jenn's Emotional Rollercoaster

    Thread title courtesy of @NotCrazy We just watched Day 2 of the latest Cunt-cierge covid cruise
  24. Tom Wambsgans

    Best Life & Beyond #27 Don't give these grifters any money

    Let's keep it clean in here, folks. Confusing fear-mongering is not what we're here for. KT's unhinged, we know this. Do not give her insane tactics an inch. She barely knows how to run a Patreon - she certainly isn't capable of tracking down every Tattler's true identity. I mean, I know she has...
  25. teripeterson

    Best Life & Beyond #26 KT’s Block Party is Spinning While Griftbusters IG is Winning

    New thread time! Shout out to Beautiful Tomorrow TV for blowing up the last thread so quickly!