demi donnelly

  1. lilyrosedeep

    Demi Donnelly #15 Lies about weight, boots a state. Sean do a runner!

    New thread credits to @TeaAndBiscuitsMate for title, edited for length
  2. lilyrosedeep

    Demi Donnelly #14 Brand deals, ready meals, lounge bras don’t fit triple G’s

    I made up the title quickly in case the last thread got locked, creds to the people who suggested ready meals and brand deals lol
  3. Noseybarker

    Demi Donnelly #13 - 2021 Deleting comments so my boyfriend doesn’t leave me

    Shout out to @Snugglet for the name suggestion. Would anyone like to recap the recent sh*t show?
  4. She's back

    Demi Donnelly #12

    Title by @pinecones Had to edit it to fit it as a title, sorry hunnybun, you still take the title crown though 👏👑 So let's round up our favourite Demi moments of 2020 ladies.... Taking number one spot for me is by FAR is Demi fisting her arse on camera, going through the editing process and...
  5. TeaAndBiscuitsMate

    Demi Donnelly #11 Picks her arse, relationships a farce. Pups 4 content, ideas are sparse.

    I had to edit the title slightly to make it fit. Thank you for voting one of my ideas 🤣 who can forget the arse digging? For your viewing pleasure I will attach the pic. And here’s a little Christmas something for you all... ‘‘Twas then night before vlogAmus and all through the dream house...
  6. TeaAndBiscuitsMate

    Demi Donnelly #10 mirroh mirroh on the wall, who pacifically is the most stunning of all?

    Thank you to @theodorable for the new thread title 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 Can someone do a recap on Demi the box troll?
  7. J

    Demi Donnelly #9

    Someone post a recap! Blame my ADHD for the title
  8. HanB33

    Demi Donnelly #8 obsessed with greggs, photoshopping her legs & deleting comments on't reg

    had to shorten the title due to it not fitting so went a bit Yorkshire! So, to sum up the previous thread....WHIRLWIND. Our favourite hunnybun Amber Demz got herself an overpriced house (with the help of the government) because she liked the BBQ hut out the back (despite her being a vegan)...
  9. HanB33

    Demi Donnelly #7 Amber twerks whilst poor Sean works

    title by @TeaAndBiscuitsMate 🌞 A sum up of the previous thread(s) Demi Donnelly came onto Tattle under the name Amber Wright, slagging off several other youtubers and bigging up herself including calling herself "stunning" and saying she has great tits...she was caught out and she came on...
  10. bookwormbex

    Demi Donnelly #6 Controversy for clicks, hey Amber does your brother still like your tits?

    Fabulous title from @josefinaosterlund
  11. Wellubcherub

    Demi Donelly #5 dirty room, compulsive liar, hairs been washed in a deep fat fryer

    Keep the tea spilling dahhhlings
  12. TheBurnBook

    Demi Donnelly #4 with a weird upside down smile,Sean looking like he wants to run a mile

    New thread. Thanks to @dramallama123 for the thread suggestion. I had to shorten the original to fit in the title. original -Demi Donnelly #4 - Pretends to be vegan, with a weird upside down smile, Sean constantly looking like he wants to run a mile. previous threads -...
  13. TheBurnBook

    Demi Donnelly #3 Amber Wright still making up lies, got caught out eating McDonald’s fries

    Thanks to @theteaishot for the thread suggestion!!! We need to remind everyone about the cringey, awkward, Amber Wright situation 😂 view old threads here -
  14. H

    Demi Donnelly #2

    Continue here View last thread :
  15. M

    Demi Donnelly

    Christ on a bike she is (I think) 23 but she looks to have had some work done on her face