
  1. N

    COVID Wedding Dramas

    Curious to see what other kind of dramas people have had with having a Covid wedding my drama kicked off the day after the wedding and lasted 2.5 months 😂😂
  2. N

    Has anyone been offered the Covid vaccine due to being “obese”?

    Just wondering!
  3. Sunshine&clouds


    This made me cry with laughter when I read it. I hate guns. 😂🤣
  4. P

    Gerry Lavz - runs the country and wonders why he got Covid.

    Gerry Lavz - influencer, photographer, dj, Chinese eater. He's a man of many talents 🙄🙄
  5. Oohthedrama

    Anti Conspiracy Theories - a place to discuss the stuff you’re seeing online that’s winding you up!

    Just to save threads being derailed this might be an interesting thread 😂 post your Facebook status and twitter posts that are making you steam with anger!!! Keep any disagreements if they happen respectful and that’s that on that.
  6. P

    Your view on covid in one paragraph..

    Do you think lockdown is too much and we should be trying to gain back some normal life.. are the death figures reliable.. do you think that we should have a lockdown as strict as the one back in March... discuss!
  7. Matterbaby

    Celebs breaking Covid rules so we can unfollow them

    Just a thread so people can post any influencers or celebs breaking covid rules.
  8. Moolo

    Covid Symptoms

    I know there is a few threads on this but cant seem to find them - apologies for duplicating Just wondering - those that have had covid - could you put your symptoms below? (preferably not if you had a bad case of it!!) - My husband just tested positive, I have symptoms and spiralling with...
  9. S

    Long COVID

    Does anyone else feel like they have this the more they hear about it? I had COVID back in April, I wasn’t too badly ill just felt like I had the flu with a nasty cough and was completely devoid of energy with a fever, in fact, my toddler had it worse than I did (and they say kids can’t get it...
  10. Milliehaha123

    New York! (Let’s pretend covid doesn’t exist lol)

    Hello everyone! My partner turned 30 this year but obviously we couldn’t actually do anything / celebrate wildly. I’ve saved a load of money in lockdown and I’m thinking of taking him to New York for a 4 day blow out trip. This is totally not something we ever would have been able to do in...
  11. Blahblahahaaa77

    Being mad @ COVID

    Okay, I know that my life is better than some but is it okay to be super mad and depressed about the current situation? I’m considering deleting social media as seeing all these influencers crying in their mansions surrounded by free shite and fading tans from Dubai is making the situation...
  12. MonkeyTennis

    The fantastic Ian McKellen doing his bit for covid.

    Brilliant actor and so great and versatile in every role, his cameo in Extras was great. Hopefully this will encourage others who might think twice about getting the vaccine.get the vacancie.
  13. H

    To COVID vaccine, or not to vaccine?

    I’ve been offered the COVID-19 vaccine at work. I work in a care home so it’s being offered alongside our residents. We have to let them know if we want it so one can be ordered for us.. but I’m in two minds! What would you do? And why?
  14. D

    Covid symptoms?

    My little one fell ill on Friday, cough, runny nose, no temp, and is running around like normal but now we’ve all got it, he’s due in nursery tomorrow, do I send him or not? I don’t really want to have to put him through a covid test as I’m sure it’s just a cold because of the runny nose but...
  15. T

    COVID and step children

    So I’m 28 weeks pregnant and have a 2 year old. The only places we go is work, my son goes to my mums as she is our childcare and only goto a supermarket if my partners working. Other than that we don’t really go anywhere, I’m too scared to even take the poor kid to soft play! My partner has a...
  16. J

    If you had confirmed case of Covid, what were your symptoms?

    Huge outbreak in the home I work at. EVERYONE has been wearing PPE but I feel like I will get it because almost every staff has caught it :( just wondering what was your symptoms and was it quite severe? A lot of staff have been saying they've got a very bad headache which seems like that's a...
  17. 265

    Shops with special offers because of Covid 19

    Because of the Pandemic some shops and food outlets have some deals, Coffee for example has seen a price drop. I've just signed up to PRET'S new coffee scheme, the first month is free, after that it's £20 a month, for that you can get 5 cups of coffee a day. In theory, if you bought 5 Flat...
  18. Yel

    Covid Price Increases

    Anyone else noticed huge increases in some places? The dentist now has an £80 covid supplement fee Swimming was £4.80 and now £8! Limited to 50 minutes and you have to book in advance. Hairdressers you understand the small additional fee, others seem to have added huge amounts on.
  19. Rxt156

    COVID Wedding

    Anyone planning to get married in the near future or had their wedding postponed due to the virus? I am due to be married in a few months and hoping that the rules change within the next month or so. Fingers crossed!
  20. Noseybatch

    Back to school re Covid

    What is your children's school implementation of safety upon return? My son's schools have requested they bring a mask, sanitizer gel and anti bac wipes to clean their area. They do 6 classes per day and there is approx 900 students. While I applaud the cleaniness, I'm horrified at the amount...
  21. H

    Has anyone had to get tested for covid??

    So I’m currently nearly 8 weeks pregnant and it came out at the beginning of the week that one of our employees in work had tested positive for the virus. I don’t think I have it I have no symptoms but I went and had a test done yesterday more so for peace of mind and because I started to get...
  22. Blahblahahaaa77

    Quarantine after holidays ☀️

    Hey! So, this is just a rant 😂 Is anyone else quarantining after getting back from Spain? I am, I knew it was a risk going away and I’m following the rules ... but, I’m getting super pissed off seeing these Z-listers coming back and flaunting the rules!!! 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️
  23. Yel

    Are you prepared to be sprayed? (Covid-19)

  24. Yel

    Going back to the gym post COVID lockdown

    Gyms reopening, yay! But think I'm going to skip it as for mine you now have to: Keep workouts to 45 mins or less Book your session in advance and turn up on time to make sure you get your full 45 mins, then everyone will be kicked out at the same time No changing rooms or showers No pool...
  25. M

    Contraception removal during covid 19

    Have any of you on here booked appointments for contraception removal? I am wanting to book for my copper IUD removed in September as we want to start trying then but all online info I can find is dated around March/April stating no face to face appointments... I’m hoping this has changed as...