
  1. LittleMissMuffet

    Menstrual cycles affected by covid

    Hi All, I recently had covid for the second time (I first got it nearly two years ago and was largely unaffected just felt a bit rubbish) and I’m also TTC with baby #2. I was due to start my period 3 days ago. I’m almost never late (I track my cycle on an app and have done for years just...
  2. rainbowlemon

    The recent Australian senate hearings and covid hindsight.

    Has anyone else been watching? Now that we have the gift of hindsight, if you could go back in time to when the covid era first started and another pandemic was announced today what would do differently or do the same? -Do you still feel that you made the right decision in choosing to get...
  3. xyzcba

    COVID-19 vaccine #23 & general vaccine conversation

    As you were you crazy tin-foil hat wearing loons!* And everyone else. I popped a poll up, just because we haven't had one in a while & it's good to see the general feeling. *
  4. M

    Covid - isolation length confusion

    I know I should probably know this by now but this is the first time I’ve had it. Came down with it Friday but was negative Friday and Saturday, tested positive on Sunday. Is it self isolation for 5 days from the positive test or is it 5 days from the start of symptoms? The nhs app is saying I...
  5. Purrrrrrr

    COVID-19 vaccine #22 & general vaccine conversation

    Old thread For those interested this is the vaccine schedule for today's children V 70s and early 80s The routine immunisation schedule from February 2022 WhenDiseases protected...
  6. rainbowlemon

    Long Covid research and support group.

    A thread to provide support and to discuss new research.
  7. Prefrontalmedialcortex

    COVID-19 vaccine #21 & general vaccine conversation

    Previous thread - Keep it friendly. 🤗
  8. Purrrrrrr

    COVID-19 vaccine #20 & general vaccine conversation

    Old thread
  9. Purrrrrrr

    COVID-19 vaccine #19 & general vaccine conversation

    Old thread I'm seeing more and more people being vaccine-hesitant or downright antivax about all vaccines since the covid vaccine rolled out. For me, this is good news as people just...
  10. Prefrontalmedialcortex

    COVID-19 vaccine #18 & general vaccine conversation

    Previous thread - Keep it friendly. 🤗
  11. Emmelina Ball

    Coronavirus Disease Outbreak COVID-19 #117

    Covid hasn’t gone away ya know! Cases are on the rise.. again! Super new variant are reinfecting people within 4-5 weeks of being infected! Is it time to bring back restrictions or is it time to move on?
  12. Prefrontalmedialcortex

    COVID-19 vaccine #17 & general vaccine conversation

    Previous thread - Keep it friendly. 🤗
  13. Ryan80

    Claire Balding #6 Even Covid couldn't put up with her

    New thread title courtesy of @Skinner
  14. Prefrontalmedialcortex

    COVID-19 vaccine #16 & general vaccine conversation

    Previous thread - Keep it friendly. 🤗
  15. Prefrontalmedialcortex

    COVID-19 vaccine #15 & general vaccine conversation

    Previous thread - Keep it friendly. 🤗
  16. Em_

    Covid Vaccine for Children aged 5-11

    I've received a letter from the NHS that my child is now eligible for the covid vaccine for 5-11 year olds. My daughter (7) and my 2 year old had covid at the end of last year and she was ill for 2 days and my 2 year old wasn't ill at all. It made me think that the vaccine wasn't necessary for...
  17. Prefrontalmedialcortex

    COVID-19 vaccine #14 & general vaccine conversation

    Previous thread - Keep it friendly. 🤗 Moderator edit; . If you can’t keep it civil hit ignore on the thread . Do not attack other members for their view . Do not argue with members based on other thread...
  18. 1001 others

    Covid - Did anyone break out in hives (or, raised bumps which are grouped together ... three here, four there, etc.)?

    Did anyone break out in hives (or, raised bumps which are grouped together ... three here, four there, etc.)? I have Googled and it doesn't seem to be a reported symptom, but would just like to check! (I also have the tiredness, fatigue, shortness of breath, etc.).
  19. Prefrontalmedialcortex

    COVID-19 vaccine #13 & general vaccine conversation

    Previous thread - Keep it friendly! 🤗
  20. J

    Stomach Cramps after COVID

    I’ve had COVID twice. First time in August 2021 (assume it was the delta variant) & second time more recently earlier this month (assuming it was omicron) I was quite ill during but didn’t have any lasting affects after delta apart from my sense of smell took a couple of months to return. Was...
  21. Blahblahahaaa77

    Travel after having covid

    Random one, but has anyone been to Dubai after having covid within 90 days? The Emirates website says you must have a PCR test but the PCR company have said they wouldn’t recommend doing a test as it will likely come back positive. Any ideas?
  22. forgotmyacc

    Siobhan O'Hagan #25 mould in her hair, picking her face, spreading covid all over the place

    Thanks to @Ruokannie for the title!
  23. Prefrontalmedialcortex

    COVID-19 vaccine #12 & general vaccine conversation

    Previous thread - Keep it friendly otherwise fig rolls will make an appearance. 😅
  24. irishjen

    Twinsandme #29 Left me kids home with covid and did a legger, Headed for the Dean in me new “fox” leather

    New thread for meJulie thanks to @Seratago for the title....carry on
  25. Blahblahahaaa77

    Covid positive for Christmas 🤦🏼‍♀️

    Hey all, Just making a separate thread for all of us that have tested positive in the last week or so and now Christmas is ruined 🤦🏼‍♀️. How’s everyone feeling? I’m on day 3 and have no smell or taste, my head feels like cotton wool and I can’t hear a thing! Has your family come down with...