
  1. T

    Coronavirus Disease Outbreak COVID-19 #107

    Last thread here: There's a new variant that is omicron from s Africa. Nicola has put an 8 day lockdown in place (I think?) Spain is not allowing unvaxxed in. Rules for England have updated, back to...
  2. Notgonnalie

    COVID-19 vaccine #7 and general vaccine conversation

    Continue here… Usual Reminder: 🔅Keep it respectful when you don’t agree🔆 🔅Remember to utilise ignore button if needed🔆 Keep on topic please please please🙏 😝 old thread
  3. Notgonnalie

    Coronavirus Disease Outbreak COVID-19 #106

    Thought we were overdue another covid thread 🤭… who knows maybe Santa will bring us all the cure and stop the spread 🤞🏻🤞🏻 old thread:
  4. Notgonnalie

    COVID-19 vaccine #6 and general vaccine conversation

    Old thread: Usual disclaimers: Keep it respectful we all don’t have the same opinion Utilise the “ignore” button if you need to 😜 📣🔥PSA: this is not an anti vaccine or a pro vaccine thread🔥📣 carry on….
  5. Notgonnalie

    COVID-19 vaccine #5 and general vaccine conversation

    Continuing on from “Refusing the COVID-19 vaccine #4 and general vaccine conversation.” 📢⚠This is not an anti vaccine thread this is a thread to discuss the covid vaccine (& other general vaccine conversation)⚠📢 Usual disclaimer - keep it respectful even if you don’t agree with someone else’s...
  6. Oohthedrama

    Post pandemic Halloween/Christmas, what’s the plan?

    We all know last year was legally cancelled by both Boris and SAGE member, Bette Midler but is anyone putting restrictions on their own celebration’s this Halloween/Christmas/New Years? Or is it pretty much back to normal for you? with trick or treating/family get togethers/nights out etc?
  7. Notgonnalie

    Coronavirus Disease Outbreak COVID-19 #105

    Continue here…. Since the last thread covid is still here and ain’t going anywhere! *usual disclaimer to keep respectful of everyone’s views even if you don’t agree with them 😬😬* last thread
  8. Oohthedrama

    Coronavirus Disease Outbreak COVID-19 #104

    Time for a new thread me thinks 😬 - Respect other people’s decisions and views, - Disagreeing respectfully, - Report if necessary - Ignore users if necessary. All other covid threads;
  9. T

    Coronavirus Disease Outbreak COVID-19 #103

    Seems like we have travelled back in time, cases rising and reports of another potential lockdown... Previous thread here:
  10. T

    Coronavirus Disease Outbreak COVID-19 #102

    Previous thread:
  11. T

    Coronavirus Disease Outbreak COVID-19 #101

    Previous thread here:
  12. Notgonnalie

    Refusing the Covid 19 Vaccine #3 & general vaccine conversation

    Continue here... previous thread Since the last thread there have been reports of incentives being offered for those to take the vaccine in an attempt to increase uptake. 💰 It has emerged that...
  13. Yel

    Coronavirus Disease Outbreak COVID-19 #100

    Welcome to the new thread. Latest news is vaccines required to enter nightclubs from end of September.
  14. T

    Coronavirus Disease Outbreak COVID-19 #99

    Last page of previous thread: Nobody knows what's going on anymore 🤷🏽‍♀️
  15. T

    Coronavirus Disease Outbreak COVID-19 #98

    Carry on as you were.... Previous thread here:
  16. Oohthedrama

    Refusing the Covid 19 Vaccine #2 & general vaccine conversation.

    New thread. continue here. please refrain from giving advice on what a user should do when deciding on a vaccine. No arguing - use the ignore option if necessary, keep it respectful and civilised as we all ENJOY a general chat around this, you’re on a gossip forum, you’re not instructing...
  17. 265

    Coronavirus Disease Outbreak COVID-19 #97

    Previous thread - Latest story. Carry on...
  18. J

    Refusing the Covid 19 vaccine & general vaccine conversation.

    I am not having it. Just my personal choice but I work in healthcare and have seen they are trying to make it mandatory to have it but that means I will leave because I am not being forced into having it. Anyone else here NOT having it and if so, why not? Ps I am not antivax and definitely not...
  19. Oohthedrama

    Coronavirus Disease Outbreak COVID-19 #96

    Just announced. another 83 months in lockdown, or, whatever, Protect the NHS and screw you if you don’t have the covid, get some flat 7up for your cancer, look after yourself... variants... buy one we‘ll make one up for free get one offer, all that jazz. continue here, while you’re allowed...
  20. T

    Coronavirus Disease Outbreak COVID-19 #95

    Instead of naming variants after places ie Kent varient, we are now naming them after Greek letters eg delta variant Looks like England Road map date 21 June is going to be delayed, media speculating between 2-4 weeks. I believe Scotland, Wales and Ireland are still pretty locked down (please...
  21. Purrrrrrr

    Coronavirus Disease Outbreak COVID-19 #94

    Last page of old thread here
  22. T

    Coronavirus Disease Outbreak COVID-19 #93

    Indian variant is now a variant of concern. England have moved to the next phase of their road map. Think Wales are still locked down? Not sure about Scotland or Ireland, sorry! There's a big focus on getting people vaccinated. Previous thread here...
  23. T

    Coronavirus Disease Outbreak COVID-19 #92

    Oxford AZ jab now not allowed for under 40s in England (please correct me if I'm wrong, I'm tired 😴) Situation in India sadly is getting worse The green list of countries you can travel to is underwhelming at best. Previous thread here...
  24. Yel

    Coronavirus Disease Outbreak COVID-19 #91

    Continuing covid nineteen into thread ninety one India records a "record breaking" 315k cases today, but in comparison to the UK population that's around 13k cases a day. UK peaked at around 68k a day in January so it's still a long way off that, but then you have to account for less...
  25. T

    Coronavirus Disease Outbreak COVID-19 #90

    Vaccine passports are looking increasingly likely Britain is stopping under 30s having the Oxford AZ vaccination due to blood clot fears Numbers of cases, infections and hospitalisations are going down Twice weekly lateral flow tests are optional Previous thread...