brogan tate

  1. disneys

    Brogan Tate #63 It’s me, Brogan!

    Welcome to brogan Tate 63 , thanks to @Emxxx for the title , which references bogie’s embarrassing encounter with her not-ex boyfriend ! 📣 BROGAN NOW HAS A WIKI ! HERE YOU CAN FIND ANSWERS TO ALL FAQs AND A BREAKDOWN OF HER SPENDING ! CLICK THE PINK BUTTON AT THE TOP OF THE THREAD ! 📣 So ...
  2. disneys

    Brogan Tate #62 Using wild to hide her stench, went to Liverpool to sit on a bench

    Hello m’loves and welcome to another Brogie tat thread !! Well done @Venom on the title , a firm fave with over 115 likes , I had to change it slightly to get it to fit 🙂 📣 BROGAN NOW HAS A WIKI ! FOR FAQa , SUMMARIES OF HER RECENT DRAMAS AND SPENDING AND A BROGAN TAT GLOSSARY , CLICK THE PINK...
  3. disneys

    Brogan Tate #61 Content's wacky, house is tacky, better call Kim & Aggie

    WELCOME TO A NEW BOGIE THREAD M’LOVES thank you @Venom for the most liked title with 51 likes ! ⚠ BROGAN NOW HAS A WIKI WITH FAQs, A BREAKDOWN OF HER MONTHLY SPENDING AND A BROGAN TO ENGLISH DICTIONARY ⚠ so, what’s been going on in Mooney mansion? Well... - Brogan continued to cling onto...
  4. disneys

    Brogan Tate #60 Bedslobs and brum-sticks

    Welcome to the 60th thread ladies and gents !! Thanks for the epic title @Busterboo !! Shall we have a recap m’loves? - brogan celebrated 10 years on YouTube !!! Congrats Brogie ! To celebrate she created a self indulgent montage of all her best bits and promised we’d all cry through it ...
  5. disneys

    Brogan Tate #59 Oh duck off

    NEW THREAD! Thanks to @Viewer1901 for the title which won with 101 likes 👑 (mods edited it because it can’t have a swear in it) ❤️ BROGAN NOW HAS A WIKI PAGE! TO FIND ACCESS TO DELETED VLOGS, FAQs ETC CLICK THERE ❤️ So , what’s been going on in MM ???? Well..... - Let’s start with the Inspo...
  6. disneys

    Brogan Tate #58 years old

    WELCOME M’LOVES .... brogan Tate 58 , we’re poets and we didn’t know it Now , the most liked title was one we’d already had before (when’s Benji gonna lever) so I went for the second most liked title which was this one by @Polkadotsx .. it literally had one or two likes less that the other one...
  7. disneys

    Brogan Tate #57 This was supposed to be thread 56 but we ‘sized up’

    WELCOME TO ANOTHER BROGAN THREAD M’LOVES 👏🏻 Thread title was by me with 90 likes 👍🏼 ⚠️ BROGAN NOW HAS A WIKI. FAQs AND THE LINKS TO THE VAULT VLOGS (1-60) ARE HERE. ⚠️ What’s been happening in Mooney mansion ??? ... welll .... - The shops have opened and so has Brogan’s purse .. this month...
  8. disneys

    Brogan Tate #56 House crammed full of crap; Benji, blink three times if you are trapped!

    Hello m’loves , welcome to Brogan’s 56th thread ! The title was by me and had the most likes , around 50 or so ! ⚠️ BROGAN NOW HAS A WIKI - LINKS TO THE OLD VLOGS ARE ON THERE , AS WELL AS FAQs , HER 2021 SPENDING AND DETAILS OF HER RECENT “SCANDALS” ⚠️ RECAP: - Brogan has been quite quiet on...
  9. disneys

    Brogan Tate #55 Relationship’s died, birthday lies, eating cake to double her size

    New thread !! Title by @Imherebutimnot , I had to amend it slightly for it to fit x 💜 BROGAN NOW HAS A WIKI ! Press the pink button at the top of the thread to see it ! 💜 so, what’s the haps in Mooney Mansion this week ? - some brilliant tattle users found brogan’s privated Weekly vlogs 1 -...
  10. disneys

    Brogan Tate #54 Living with Brogan is such a chore that Sebbie shoved himself in a drawer

    welcome to thread 54 ladies !!! Full title was by me with 103 likes , .. had to change it it a bit to fit it in ...Brogan Tate #54 living with brogan is such a chore that even Sebbie shoved himself in a drawer time for a recap .... - brogo turned 72 ... oh sorry , 27 !! And my my my what an...
  11. disneys

    Brogan Tate #53 Obviously it's an honest review ... unless it's an AD

    WOOHOO !! Thread 53 !! These are going by so quickly ! Thanks to @LittleBird for the title with 73 likes ! so, what’s the happs in Mooney Mansion ?? well ..... - the kitchen is finally finished and it is the white washed , mismatched , impractical space that we all knew it would be !! -...
  12. disneys

    Brogan Tate #52 Obviously she’s known for a while

    we’re on the same number thread as brogie’s real age, what a milestone !!! Thanks @Viewer123 for the new title with 87 likes :) we flew through that last thread so what happened ??? - brogan made a massive twat of herself , as per se ! - her two friends Jade billington and Grace victory have...
  13. disneys

    Brogan Tate #51 You say it best ... when you say nothing at all

    Hello m’loves .... welcome to brogan #51 , and thanks to @gossgal for the title with 55 likes So what’s been going on in Mooney mansion? WELL... - brogan and bianca did a podcast on contraception and it was highly controversial ; brogan talked about what an inconvenience condoms were and...
  14. disneys

    Brogan Tate #50 I am B, I drink tea, why is no one friends with me?

    WE MADE IT !! Thread 50 !!! Thanks to @Disneylifeonly for the title with 68 likes !! 😅 So , what has our dear Brogie been up to this week (yes , it’s a thread a week kinda situation these days .. !) WELL ... - Broji have been together for 4 years and brogan marked the occasion with a Braggy...
  15. disneys

    Brogan Tate #49 Lawrence Llewelyn-Brogan’s “Changing Rums”

    NEW THREAD ! Title by me and @Laur91 (and thanks @Busterboo for making the post that inspired our word play if someone has good photoshop skills , I’d love a picture of brogan’s face on Lawrence’s body SO WHAT’S NEW IN MOONEY MANSION? Well... - the kitchen is here and it’s the vision of...
  16. C

    Brogan Tate #48 podcast's flat, makeup's matte, house still full of Disney tat

    Thought we should start a new thread before the kitchen reno vlog (spoiler: there isn’t an island!) Thanks to @mediocrehouseplant for the thread title. It was joint with my suggestion of Brogan Tate #48 More Tattle viewers than subscribers, but you get bonus points for rhyming. Can someone do...
  17. disneys

    Brogan Tate #47 Bins, pins and double chins

    new bogie thread ladies !!! Thanks @Moot22 for the title which had nearly 90 likes in the end !! RECAP - Mooney mansion still doesn’t have a functioning kitchen , it has been 3 weeks now nearly 4 , no update and the island that she loves so much is in a skip - she’s been quiet on SM but has...
  18. disneys

    Brogan Tate #46 Something in common whilst apart, Brogie & Benj both eat Portuguese tart!

    NEW THREAD and amazing new title by @Donald73 - I am so glad it fit !! so what’s our dear brolodyte been up to this week .. WELL .. - her and Benji are doing up their kitchen and are actually making it worse by the looks of things .. less counter space , no island etc ! And we assume it will...
  19. Polkadot123

    Brogan Tate #45 One star Jibes & Neggy Vibes

    There was a suggestion with a few more votes but I couldn't make it fit and still make sense I'm afraid. Catch up - started a podcast, has a planner with stickers, doesn't know when to put thebins out, kitchen has been stripped out. And same old same old.
  20. disneys

    Brogan Tate #44 has a podcast with Binky, even though Benji DM'd her a pic of his winky

    NEW THREAD ! I said #43 would be the last brogan thread of 2020 but I was wrong , so let’s ring in the new year with a new bogie thread ... had to edit the title to get it to fit but the original was by @Polkadotsx and had 74 likes! What happened on the last bogie thread .... - fuck all , yet...
  21. disneys

    Brogan Tate #43 Toes are fat, house looks crap, spent £3k on pointless tat

    HERE WE ARE FOLKS! The last Brogan thread of 2020 ? I’m not solely convinced it will be ! Title was by me and was the most liked , I promise I didn’t just pick my own one ! Lol RECAP TIME - really .. she hasn’t done a lot! a tattler worked out that since about mid October she has spent...
  22. disneys

    Brogan Tate #42 All’s well at Mooney Mansion? We’re not solely convinced!

    Great title by @Pop!91 ❤️ So, what’s been going on in Mooney mansion? WELL... - ADs galore! Big Potato, Desenio... - Christmas has descended on Mooney Mansion , tacky Disney decor ensued but her tree actually didn’t look as bad as we all expected. - she bought matching Xmas Pajamas for her...
  23. disneys

    Brogan Tate #41 more offline than online

    Here we are, just like Brogan we are in our early forties ! hilarious title by @Millyve with 86 likes - reposted on the last few pages. SO, what have we missed?! Well , not a lot. - brogan did a video reviewing an American subscription box which was as dull as dishwater - brogan also did a...
  24. disneys

    Brogan Tate #40 Benji’s gonna Lever

    It’s thead 40 babyyyy .. one of these days the threads will pass the age our dear Brogie looks but THAT AINT TODAY ! Amazing title by @vodkaandcokeplz SO TO RECAP - it has nearly been a fortnight without a Brogie upload - she has some new fweeends that she’s been dog walking with - Benji...
  25. Emmapism

    Brogan Tate #39 Don't expect anything anytime soon

    New thread! I think the title says it all really. Thanks for picking mine gang. And thanks to Brogan for the complete lack of inspiration.