
  1. Rach88

    BeckiJones4 #83 Couch to 600k (g)

    Thread title suggestion by @fopperbollocks which again is so funny New Fred Only recap that's needed is she's still eating her way to a early grave and celebrated her 600k followers Rules are as usual No guessing what she weighs, too much is the only acceptable answer No she dosent have a...
  2. Rach88

    Becki Jones #82 Jurassic Pork the lost meal prep

    Excellent thread title suggestion by @Instafamous1 gonna be chuckling at this one all thread haha New threadum every1um Rules are No almond mummying No guessing what she weighs answer is to much No she dosent have cpap machine we don't know or care what that mark is on her nose No she, dosent...
  3. K

    BeckiJones4 #81 Clothes Shrinking, Breath Stinking, Ricketts Sinking; Boner Pinking & Frowback Finking

    hi everywunnnn, noom fred!! Title by @amb1505 with contributions by @chattypatty and @Sertraline Queen read the wiki for a laugh. * Noum, Becki doesn’t have special needs * Noum, we don’t care that you get full for a week of one teaspoon of rice And remember, just be bluddi kind and don’t...
  4. goldie341

    BeckiJones4 #80 A Hamwich short of a picnic

    Fred title by @Mrsptobe Obese n cpap machine fat fingers haunted dog blah blah blah youm know the drill
  5. Rach88

    BeckiJones4 #79 Not Dead, Over Fed, Broke Her Bed

    Brilliant Thread title suggestion by @amb1505 New thread guysss Rules are No guessing how much she weighs she gets bigger by the hour and we don't care No almond mummying No asking what that mark is on her nose we don't care No she didn't pass away Second update no she dosent have a cpap...
  6. Rach88

    BeckiJones4 #78 Hair full of grease, morbidly obese, very much obsessed with her niece

    Thread title suggestion by @LifeOfMog with a credit to @Rita. New thread Rules are No we don't care how much she weighs too much is the acceptable answer No almond mummying No we have no idea what that mark is on her nose again we don't care Happy tattling everyum
  7. NoHintOfDrama

    BeckiJones4 #77 Easter Legs

    Do your worst, Bisonettes! The title had over 100 likes Thanks @4yogits ---
  8. K

    BeckiJones4 #76 Usain Bloat

    Credit to @4yogits for the fred titleum Recap? * Becki is still a raging n. * She’s eating more because she walks once a week. * She’s taken up ‘interval running’, helfy fitness kween. No, she doesn’t have special needs. She’s just a cunt. Also no one cares that since the new year...
  9. Sertraline Queen

    Beckijones4 #75 cat funt

  10. Sertraline Queen

    Beckijones4 #74 Beynonce 24/7% of the time

    --- Sorry I can’t remember who to credit for fred title.
  11. Sertraline Queen

    Beckijones4 #73 Tubby custard, eyes the colour of mustard, under 18s get her flustered

    Fankyoum @user726 for the fred title!
  12. Rach88

    BeckiJones4 #71 Celebrating the year of the Dragon by turning into a Food Wagon

    Thread title suggestion by @Venom carry on folks 😂 Not much to recap apart from as per although you lot are feral 😂 Becki seems to think because she's walking more (ha next joke) that shes allowed a extra 3000 calories to make up for it and poor gigi has been extra extra busy with the takeaway...
  13. Rach88

    BeckiJones 4 #70 Her neck, her back, big fat gunt and flat arse crack 🎶

    Excellent thread title suggestion by @LloydsBoosters 😂 No becki does not have special needs We do not need to guess how much she weighs answer is too much
  14. goldie341

    Beckijones4 #69 box of meat, big fat feet, just another takeaway treat

    Thread title from @user726 - The fat cunt’s dad is very ill, she couldn’t give less of a shit - She weighs over 20 stone - She does not have a learning disability - n - Bone idle virgin Anything else?
  15. Diddikins

    BeckiJones #68 Fatty

    New thread - title thanks to @gdennis20 Can’t believe how quick the last thread went! Bec Bec has had a hair cut and a few highlights and is loving herself at the moment. Shes still only done three walks but has had a few more takeaways. Still obsessed with Paige. As you were bisonettes
  16. Diddikins

    BeckJones4 #67 Too sad to do her “job” but not too sad to shovel garlic bread in her gob

    New thread - title thanks to @Mrsptobe Read the Wiki Recap: - she’s been on three walks (about half hour each) - has managed to eat about 17 takeaways/meals out - Rickets still lives - Did a sad post about some bad news but looked more distressed when she found that Frankie and Bennys had...
  17. K

    BeckiJones4 #66 Face like Pumba, got no bunda. Starting to look like a big brown gumba

    Thanks to @user726 for the Fred title, two kebabum for yoom If you’re new here, click the pink Wiki button. No one cares that you only ate 1 shred of iceberg lettuce in the whole of 2023 and no, beckatron doesn’t have special needs. Fank yoom and welcome to the funniest fred on tattle carry on...
  18. goldie341

    Beckijones4 #65 31 stone, 31 years old, 31 IQ

    Happy new threadum, everywun! (thread title @Rodeodown suggested by @mumaof2boys)
  19. U

    BeckiJones4 #64 Run of the Mill Fat Ting

    New threadum for takeaway Friday Joint effort by @gigilouxx and @kayefeluu20 foe the name.
  20. NoHintOfDrama

    Beckijones4 #63 She looks like Hagrid

    Knock yourselves out! --- Thanks @Venom for the fred title
  21. K

    BeckiJones4 #62 Boobs resting on her belly, sat like toad of toad hall

    Had to go with this for Fred title @gigilouxx merry crespmas
  22. RandomAlpaca22

    BeckiJones4 #59 Huge Hefner

    Hi everywunnnn. Welcome to another thread for Bison Becz. There didn't appear to be any suggestions, so congrats and thanks to @gigi_93 for her observation of someone on tiktok referring to her as Huge Hefner, I think it's really fitting for the wildebeest. Previous threadum...