Terrie Mcevoy

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  • Nights away from her child


    17th - Wineport Lodge
    18th - Glasson Lake house

    London with Sol de Janeiro

    2nd - over night with Gossies
    6th-8th - London
    12th-15th - Dubai
    29th - Lough Eske Castle

    4th - Primark PR trip London
    22nd-24th - Portugal, Quinta (home from Portugal & straight to …)
    24th- Glasson Lakehouse
    26th AND 27th - Conrad Hotel, VIPs

    22nd - London Sol de Janeiro press trip
    26th May - Portugal for 6 weeks with family

    5th - Dublin Mantra launch
    21st - London Sol de Janeiro
    25th - London Meta speaking gig (not sure if this was an overnight)
    29th - Dublin Taylor Swift gig with Sol de Janeiro

    24th-26th - Marbella hen

    20th - Ibiza

    25th - Belfast with Lunn Jewellers
    27th - henparty at ?


    Start Feb - trip to Paris with Daveh 2 days
    End Feb Girls trip to London
    1-2 nights?

    7th March, girls trip to dubai 5/6 nights
    20th March Marbella a week or so (was this with Sydney?)

    19th trip to london PR
    24 H&M PRtrip for Mugler launch night - 1 night away?

    3rd one or two nights in cork child free with Daveh for a Mantra shoot that could have been shot in any beige house in Dublin

    5th May - girls trip to Paris 2-3 nights?
    12th Mallorca week with Daveh & Perth
    26th May night in Dublin for VIP Awards

    17th June - press trip for Armani - not sure where that was (Italy perhaps?)

    30th Jul - girls trip to Marbella 4/5 nights?

    4th August Waterford - all together now festival 1/2 nights.
    Also had a night in town this weekend with Daveh & some friends

    19th Aug - Croatia - 4/5 nights?

    30th August Venice press trip for Armani -2 nights?

    6th Sept - Ibiza about 2 weeks?
    17th Sept - London with Mac as PR trip - 1 or 2 nights
    19th Sept - Bristol with Elizabeth Arden - 2 nights?

    1 October - 2 nights in galgorm
    14th October - day out in town with gals

    12 Nov - tatter awards, night in hotel in dublin
    14th Nov - Amsterdam with Daveh for 2/3 nights
    19th image business awards, no doubt stayed at hotel
    22nd Nov - night in Belfast for Smirnoff - Daveh tagged along

    7th Dec - night in hotel with Daveh for foundation awards
    8th Dec - girls night out, doubt she travelled bk to Rush

    The Repromed Scandal
    During every Q&A Terrie had ever done, especially since getting married, somebody would ask her if she had any plans to have children. She always immediately slammed the poster, point blank ignoring to give any comment, and demanding that people stopped asking her about whether or not they wanted children.

    1st April 2021 (ironic that it was April Fools Day - we were the fools) Terrie announced that she was a brand ambassador for fertility clinic Repromed. She said "This campaign is designed to open up the conversation and to encourage women to think about their fertility and the steps that they can take, to ensure they optimise their options in the future" and that she wants to "use my platform to encourage open and honest conversations about women better understanding their fertility with the help from a fertility specialist Dr Hans at @repromed.ireland".
    Following on from this, Terrie gained a large number of followers who had come over from the Repromed page, a large proportion of which were going through their own fertility and conception issues and decided to follow Terrie as a result.

    On 3rd May, Terrie did a chat with Dr Hans in Repromed around fertility. Between this chat and a Q&A on her stories, she admitted that she had no fertility issues herself but knew of people who had, and that she didn't know the chances of getting pregnant decreased with age!

    Only 10 days later, on 13th May 2021 Terrie and David announced their Pregnancy on Terrie's grid. This was only 6 weeks after starting to work with Repromed. The dates make it quite clear she knew she was pregnant when she announced she was a brand ambassador for Repromed. It was completely out of the blue and came with no trigger warning to all those women she had fooled into following her as a fertility brand ambassador!

    On 14th May 2021 she posted an insensitive video of positive pregnancy tests, knowing full well she had gained a huge number of followers who were struggling and paying Repromed a fortune with the hope of seeing those positive pregnancy tests.

    She and Repromed both received backlash, and both dug their heads in the sand and ignored everything. Nothing has been mentioned since!

    Ambiguous Cervical Cancer saga
    In late 2017 Terrie heavily implied that she received a devastating diagnosis. She was very careful not to use the word cancer but it was implied throughout her snot fest stories that she posted when she was living in Australia. This led to all the other dim huns sharing poor sick Terries “Shock diagnosis” 🙄
    Below are screenshots of a goss article (goss is the only outlet that reports on these cunts) that covered this breaking news story about a girl that had an abnormal smear test 🙄

    Competition Fix:

    She was a brand ambassador for a place called 'Tower Jewellers' that she claimed to be related to and the competitions she ran through her page which were for prizes sponsored by them were won by people she knew (friends and family members). Tower Jewellers then came out and said they weren't related at all and Terrie gave some pathetic excuse that she was trying to be nice.

    Nursing Scandal:

    She got paid to recruit Irish nurses to Australia and when they landed over to Oz to work, there was little to no work available for them. Some people got 2 - 3 hours work a week, others got no work and had to come home, meanwhile Terrie was lapping it up with all the money she earned from the recruitment! Radio silence from Terrie.


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