Marcus Mitchell

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    TRIGGER WARNING: Marcus Mitchell often talks of wanting to commit suicide, detailing the various ways of doing so, crying and having breakdowns. This is common for him and tends to be 'put on' to manipulate or attention seek. This Wiki contains that content and may be triggering to other Tattlers going through the same struggles.


    Marcus Mitchell is an Instagrammer from Camborne in Cornwall. He is autistic (although this appears to be self diagnosed), and began as a MUA on Facebook, this is how he built up his following. He then changed his page to position himself as an "autism advocate” - this page was also on Facebook, called Marcus' Autism Journey. He used this page to share memes. Marcus continued to grow in followers and later released a book called 'Living with Autism' which (as of April 22) is no longer available to buy on Amazon, the book received poor reviews as it seemed to focus on Marcus, Marcus' memes and Marcus' life rather than the challenges, joys, or tips about living life with autism.

    After losing access to his original Marcus' Autism Journey page due to backlash from begging for items and cash, Marcus decided to rebrand himself as a comedian and meme artist, but instead became the biggest ponce on Instagram - where he can regularly be seen threatening to kill himself, begging for free drinks, food and other gifted items.

    He posts regularly across Instagram and Facebook, but in February 2022 Marcus branched out into other social media avenues such as Tiktok, unfortunately after a 2 day stint on the platform he was banned for pretending to snort sugar, leading to the quote ‘shitshitshitshit.. I don’t wanna get banned’ - shortly before he was promptly banned.

    Marcus Snorts Sugar

    Brief Montage
    Here is a brief montage video of Marcus' antics by @KJ-2022 . Please be warned it contains foul language and noises (shitting in a bush)
    The compilation

    Due to Marcus' erratic and triggering behaviour he is often banned or removed from social media. Here are his most commonly used accounts:

    TikTok: @itsmarcusmitchellsocial
    Instagram: @itsmarcusmitchell, @marcusmitchellmerch

    Marcus still likes to think of himself as a meme account - the so called 'King of the Memes' - as seen by the cardboard cut out he bought himself for his birthday - but the memes he posts are stolen from other accounts and not original content he’s thought of himself. He steals the idea and then reposts the meme as his with himself in the picture. He is not clear about this and never credits the original content creator. Others have called him out on this and he simply deletes the comments made.

    Marcus is gay but 'didn't bother' to come out; he 'hates it when gays push that on you'.
    Marcus also claims to have OCD as well as autism, which causes him to become violently obsessed with men and male figures in his life, as he explains here in a blog post: 'People Obsessions'


    The Travelodge

    As of March 22 (threads 29-), Marcus lived in a hotel and said this was for 56 days while he sorted out permanent housing, which suggests he’s been placed in temporary accommodation by his local council. Marcus appears to have fallen out for good with Sid (that’s his mum), who has had enough of him hogging the communal acting like a spoilt entitled twat and finally chucked him out. This led to Marcus posting on his stories that he had slept on the streets (but eagle eyed tattlers noted the striking similarity to his back garden fence in the pictures posted).

    After moving into the hotel, he posted Instagram stories from both parents' homes despite being officially classed as homeless. He also claimed to receive cooked meals delivered daily, assuming from the hotel, but constantly feasted on Good to Go bags and other junk during his lives. He also took twice daily trips to McDonalds, for breakfast early doors and again at 10:45pm, just before closing, on his final booze run, to beg for any scraps they have left.

    His mental health apparently crashed again and he spent most of the day on Instagram lives, drinking cans of cider, projectile vomiting still, taking a load of tablets alluding to attempting suicide, cutting off the live and making his beauts worry about him. The first time this happened concerned beauts, as well as concerned tattlers called the emergency services and was told he was fine, the hotel has also been called multiple times by concerned followers.

    Marcus apparently was assessed under a section 136, after apparently returning to the A30 (see suicide attempts) and the other incidents mentioned above, but still not held by a mental health team, presumably because they can also see that he is attention seeking.

    The second time, concerned people called the hotel and a member of staff knocked to check on him - he told them he was fine again and was left alone.

    Since moving in, Marcus tried to pass himself off as every variety of vulnerable adult including but not limited to:
    > self induced alcoholism
    > self diagnosed bipolar disorder, and then a live video of him drunkenly stating if he wants to diagnose himself, then he will, and that is as good as any professional diagnosis.
    > (pseudo) hallucinations
    > depressed
    > amputee (via a gangrenous toe)

    In fact, the only diagnosis he didn't include was the one he actually has of emotionally unstable personality disorder, probably because that one can’t get him PIP or an admission to a mental health hospital.

    4/20 may be known to others as 'high day' but it will go down in our tattle history as the most monumental of MMMM days, where he went live continuously across the 19th and 20th April. Notable MMMM’s on this day include:
    > the Coke Bottle incident
    > Head Banging
    > Emma, the hotel manager, visits Marcus to warn him about his behaviour and ask him to stop posting everything on social media as hotel staff, her children, the public and guests can see it - she also confirms on the live that guests have been asking for refunds due to the carry on.
    > begging for Paypal money for Thatchers
    > Arguing with Sid on live

    30/4/22 - Marcus’ Facebook returns, and he tries is hand at some new manipulation asking his followers for money on their and updating them that he is now an alcoholic. Most people don’t fall for it, the majority follow him on Instagram.

    At this point his family have gone around the shops in his local area with pictures of Marcus asking that he not be sold booze, so he is having to travel further afield to get his drink. After reading on tattle that if he was actually an alcoholic he wouldn’t be drinking cans of dark fruits he has started buying M&S vodka.

    Marcus goes out with his new “friend” Will after drinking all day in the hotel and goes to a pub that he ends up getting thrown out of after one pint. Not before he made sure to tell them he was an alcoholic. He then roam the streets drinking. Goes back to the hotel on live and appears to mouth asking Will if he has a line left (Who tells him it’s in the bathroom)

    Marcus then goes back to his racist roots dressing up as a “refugee” by putting a scarf over his head as a disguise in the hope the shop will then send him vodka. Whilst out getting his drink, live streaming ofc, he manages to shit himself in a bush. Link to live below.

    Below are some more screenshots of some of his escapades at the hotel...









    One of his LLL brigade also booked him a break over the Easter holidays, costing an estimated £800, it is disgusting that he’d even accept a gift like that knowing how many people are currently suffering in the world, he posted that this stay was #gifted trying to hint at a collab with the hotel however this was then cancelled and the hotel confirmed it was not a collab, that the trip was booked on his behalf and that he will categorically not be staying with them. On a live video, he was asked why he was no longer going on the trip and he said that the hotel owners were a bunch of @**holes.

    Temporary accommodation

    After being chucked out of the Travelodge, he was placed into a self contained en suite temporary accommodation complete with shared kitchen and lounge areas. He refuses to use the kitchen, blaming his “OCD” and instead washes his crockery in his bathroom sink. He uses the air fryer in his room to make his dinners.

    He has complained time and time again about this accommodation saying how much he hates it and that it’s boring and he only has “three walls” to stare at. He then goes and stays at his mum's at any opportunity. This is new temporary accommodation in the area and a kick in the teeth to those suffering genuine homelessness who would give anything for a place like he has been given.
    The temporary accommodation seemingly comes with rules as since moving in he’s not been drinking, and has not been on live. Apart from ...


    While his mum went on her summer holiday in August 2022, she tasked Marcus with housesitting and looking after her cats (amazing that this was something he can do, given that at the time he was getting free accommodation from Cornwall County Council on the grounds that he was homeless.)

    The combination of the free house, the pocket money left to him and the heatwave caused Marcus to “relapse” and start drinking again, complete with live streaming the disaster, first on TikTok and then, when his TikTok live was banned, on Instagram.

    Memorable points:
    • informing us he has a tiny penis multiple times
    • calling Sid (that’s his mum) a Fucking bitch
    • Going off live to charge his battery / go to Aldi and coming back on with a black eye
    • He allegedly strangled his dad, who then punched him in the face and called the police, the police then escorted him out of his mum's house
    • He then goes to the pub alone and sits on live crying with his swollen eye
    • A girl called Rachel and Tom turn up at the pub and he abruptly ends the live (was Tom there as a friend or to claim back his £80?)
    • He then live streams back from the temporary accommodation as he’s not allowed back to Sid’s house and cries saying it’s all his fault
    • Confesses to apparently trying to OD on “50 nytol” the day before Sids holiday


    Throughout the threads Marcus has a variety of nicknames:
    > Beggy/Beggy Mitchell (due to his blatant begging)
    > Carcus (what he smells like, probably)
    > Narcus (due to his narcissistic personality)
    > Vincent/Vincent Van Trough (due to a dodgy photoshopping attempt where Marcus - in attempting to shave off a few pounds - lopped his ear off instead making him look like Vincent Van Gogh.)


    After gaining a following on the back of his “living with autism” page Marcus decided to use his new found “fame” to set up an only fans account, this is just one of the things that tattlers have said left a bad taste in their mouths. A lot of his followers were young people with autism, or their parents and other vulnerable adults and Marcus manipulated them and subjected minors to sexually explicit content. In January 2022 he created another 'Only Fans' inspired page called 'Admire Me' and even offered to sell his used, worn mankini. By February 2022 ‘Admire Me’ seemed to have disappeared and Marcus expressed his intention to lose weight and re-join only fans as he is ‘not sure why he deleted it’. His Only Fans, he states, will support him to live independently.




    Amy-Jane - Marcus’ alias that he uses to send disturbing messages to men in Camborne, his ex friend also informed us that this is how him and Marcus originally met. He shared screenshots and another tattler then remembered the messages from a different Facebook friend, who had also received the worrying texts.













    Lisa/Sid - his mother who we nicknamed Sid due to what some may say is an uncanny resemblance to a character from the Ice Age movies. On thread 7 a new member came to the thread claiming to be a neighbour and made allegations regarding Lisa which must be noted came with no supporting evidence whatsoever, however the claims have sort of become a running joke in the thread.

    In January 2022 Sid remembered that she does have a son, she got pissed up on Moscato and, like her son, decided to blame Tattle for everything that is wrong in life. She also informed us that she wants to be known as Betty Book, we believe that’s Betty Boop's librarian twin sister. She was subsequently heard, but not seen, in one of Marcus' live videos, in April 2022 where she was cleaning up his hotel room, asking him to get off live and to stop spilling family secrets. [See above]. Marcus said she would have to 'fight him' to get him off his phone.

    Marcus has also taken to abusing Sid, and who us tattlers have now called Sid Senior (his late granny) on his live videos, saying derogatory and sexual things about them both.

    In June 2022 Marcus told his following that Sid is controlling his benefits and not allowing him access to his money now that Marcus has moved out. As of 2024 he's still repeating this and alleges that she withholds his money from him.






    Andy - Sid's boyfriend who passed away in 2007 'on her doorstep'. In texts sent to Marcus Sid alleged this was an eight year old Marcus' fault. Marcus talks about this here saying that Andy had a heart condition and suffered a fatal heart attack after Marcus had an autistic meltdown and refused to get into the car to go to school.

    Utterly Butterly/Rich Mitch - Richard Mitchell, Marcus' father. He is named Utterly Butterly due to a piece of very nice toast that he made Marcus. He isn't seen as often as Sid but allegedly gave Marcus a black eye.

    Stephen/SG (RIP) - the object of Marcus' desires who took Marcus under his wing, sadly after about 2 meet ups this friendship soured due to Marcus' overbearing and stalker like tendencies which included turning up at Stephen's house unannounced drunk. Stephen explicitly told Marcus to leave him alone. Shortly afterwards Stephen sadly passed away and ever since Marcus has behaved in a very concerning manner including uploading an edited picture of them as angels and declaring he was on his way to be with him, SG is often the focal point of Marcus' many suicide threats and recently it was revealed Marcus has a shrine to him in his bedroom. Marcus did not attend Stephen’s funeral because Stephen’s family banned him. Marcus has made many allegations about SG which can be found through out the threads. There is no evidence to support Marcus' claims and he only made these claims once SG was sadly no longer here.








    Heidi/Corset - Marcus' once bffl now sort of friend. They used to frequent their local wetherspoons quite frequently where Marcus would ask his followers to buy them drinks, to which they often obliged. Marcus would often be left in a drunken pool of his own sick on these nights out. They went on holiday to Birmingham for a week, however they spectacularly fell out the night before they were due to come home due to Marcus filming Heidi smooching in a nightclub. We know this as Marcus former bffl turned Arch enemy Tom joined us on thread #8 and spilled the beans.

    Tom - Marcus' former friend turned rival. Tom used to take Marcus for days out and tried to lead him down a better path, even offering him a job that Marcus couldn’t be bothered to turn up for. However one explosive night down spoons on a now infamous live Marcus and Tom verbally abused a woman named Chloe with many misogynistic comments. Tom later came to tattle to apologise for his behaviour. Tom was seen on a live with Marcus driving with an alcoholic drink between his legs. Tattlers speculated that Tom was drunk driving, however Tom cleared up the rumours himself on thread #8 and #9. Is a manager of a pub. Doesn't drink drive. Is still owed £80 from Marcus.

    Adelle - Adelle with all the Ls as she is sometimes known as. Adelllle is Marcus former friend turned foe who joined us on thread #6. Adelle also tried to help Marcus but he also drove her away with his antics. Adelle is also the former sister in law of SG. When Marcus and Adellle fell out, she joined tattle to spill the tea on Marcus (she joins around thread 7 under the username @mothergoose666 ) , once Marcus finds out about Adellles betrayal, he slaytes her all over instagram calling her a cokehead 'Adelle the cokehead'. (Adellle then posts on tattle that she enjoys the odd powder and that she gets it for free and that Marcus also used to take it with her) and a crap mum, he then goes on live stating that she has betrayed him and posts extracts of her tattle posts.

    Tom also joined tattle (@daddygoose999) and him and Adelle start posting their own live videos on instagram mocking marcus, including one where Adelllle pretends to stab herself with a wine bottle, mocking Marcus' apparent suicide attempt.

    As of 26 April 22, Marcus and Adelle appear to have made up with Marcus posting a picture of Adellle to his story, and grid stating that they had a great day and responding. The last we heard from Adellle, back in January, she had fallen out with Marcus' Slob (her words) sister, and she also had police involved due to threatening and harrassment towards her and her children by the Mitchell duo - assuming Marcus and his mum.

    Early June 2022 Marcus confesses, while on a night out in spoons, that he was only pretending to make up with Adelle so that he can hurt her like she hurt him by joining tattle - the way he hurt her was by drinking with her ex and posting it to his stories. As of August 22 the two appear to have made up as Adelle is following his new account.

    In June 2024 a new Tattler alleged they had seen Marcus kicking off at a KFC worker and screaming at her in public. After being directed to the wiki, they identified Adelle as the worker in question. Adelle subsequently returned to Tattle saying she was being harassed by fake accounts on Insta, and shared screenshots - some of which referred to her working in KFC. It was all very strange and whoever was responsible had clearly been following the Tattle threads closely.





    Hannah/Hannah Longface - Support worker assigned to Marcus by Social Services, who is basically paid to look after him in the guise of being his friend. Marcus gets along with her like a house on fire, likely because she doesn't seem to be too bright. He calls her his best friend and she has appeared on lives with him as well as doing various activities together (gym, cinema, cream tea) and planning to go on a holiday. Recently, Hannah has not been appearing on his social media so much, and on a few occasions Marcus has tried to cover this up by posting obviously old photos of them together. We can only imagine her patience is fraying, much like that of anyone else who's ever had to spend any amount of time around him.



    Winnie - Kitten which Marcus neglects, keeps in unsafe conditions (such as wearing a collar far too tight for a cat), and leaves alone all day. He describes Winnie as his "best friend" and says she has "saved his life", but seems none too bothered about keeping her alive. As of mid-late August 2024 she has not been seen on Marcus' socials for a couple of weeks which has prompted concerns.

    Mike/Big Mike- Marcus' current (as of July-August 2024) boyfriend. Mike is considerably older than Marcus and lives in a very nice house which may explain some of his appeal. Marcus posted photos of Mike on social media with his face fully visible, along with photos of his home and the area he lived and exposed Mike as a police officer on social media. Mike's since unfollowed Marcus (probably for his own safety) but Marcus continues to be indiscreet about everything relating to him.

    We question what, if anything, Marcus has told Mike about his own brushes with the law - including Scaffoldergate? (See wiki page 2.) Marcus has advised Sid to "get your wedding hat ready". She can probably hold onto the one she was going to wear to his wedding to someone in France only a few weeks before he met Mike, see below.

    Marcus announced at the beginning of September 2024 that he was leaving social media as he was riding off into the sunset with Mike and wanted to enjoy a private life together. (The option of simply not talking about the relationship had apparently not occurred to him.) He lurked in the background liking other people's Insta posts and went through a cycle of de-activating and re-activating his various social media accounts. Finally, in mid-October he returned to Instagram revealing he had moved in with Mike in Leicester, and talking about his new life as a "housewife" for Mike. He happily admits to pirating movies and other things you would expect Mike not to approve of, given that as a police officer he will be subject to regular background checks which include on his partner.


    BG - Local hard man - brother of SG and is often referenced on the threads.

    Jason - A tattle user who joined us in thread #7 alleging to be Marcus.



    Gentlemen callers - a running joke about Lisa which stemmed from Jason's allegations.

    Alex the Great: A man by the name of Alex who was dragged into one of Marcus’ lives, Marcus accused him of being a troll and a saddo despite Alex (correctly) calling Marcus out.

    Alex calling Marcus out :
    Alex and Marcus

    Will: Marcus' 'housemate' at the travelodge, who suspiciously calls around about 9pm each evening, usually when Marcus is on a live, knocking at the door with a 'yo' 25.4.22 he appears to offer Marcus a line, before the live stream is cut.

    Kirk Norcross: after one of Marcus’ dramatic insta suicides, Kirk reached out to Marcus to offer his support, this wasn’t long after Kirks dad Mick tragically lost his battle with depression. Cue a Kirk obsession from Marcus for a while after, Kirk soon wised up to Marcus and subsequently unfollowed him. Marcus has never mentioned him since.

    Megan McKenna / Wonder Woman: Marcus has an unhealthy obsession with another ex-TOWIE star, Megan McKenna and one of our favourite moments was when Marcus put up a goodbye post and someone tagged Megan saying “Marcus needs you” 🤣.We imagine Megan donning her best lounge gear and racing to Cornwall to talk Marcus down from the bridge.

    Tommy Mallet: Following one of Marcus many suicide proclamations, Tommy Mallet who runs a trainer business reached out in sympathy, offering to gift Marcus a pair of trainers. Marcus declared this a dream come true; thus the trainers, which incidentally remained elusive for quite some time due to probably being much too small for his feet (and are now suspected to be the cause of the gangrene toe), became life savers.







    Katie Price - On 23/09/2022 Marcus went live with Katie Price on tiktok. Although she does this randomly with all sorts of people, Marcus took it to mean that he is now a celebrity, we will never hear the end of it, much like the reused Sunday Lunch pic.

    Monsieur Garcia - In spring/summer 2024 Marcus claimed that he was engaged to a French man, and intended to change his name to Marcus Garcia and move to Paris with his soon to be husband. This never materialised and with less than two weeks before he was supposed to move to Paris, Marcus was stalking a construction worker (see wiki page 2.) Presumably the reason the engagement was called off?


    The communal/ the family heirloom - in reference to the dildo we expect Marcus and Sid shared when he was living at home, also a reference to Jason (see above) implying Sid was/is rather promiscuous.

    'I've got to go away now' - in reference to an incident where Marcus came on Instagram live claiming he was being sectioned.

    ‘That’s my mum’ - in reference to an Instagram live when Marcus was asked "who is Sid?"

    'Not in a malicious way' - in reference to messages Marcus sent unsuspecting men including Tom under his alias Amy Jayne.

    'Bye fuckers' - in reference to a now infamous comment made by Jason where he claimed to be Marcus himself.

    Slayting’ - in reference to a typo made by Marcus’ mum Lisa, to mean ‘slating’.

    ‘MMMM’ - Marcus Mitchell mega meltdown, in reference to Marcus’ regular periods of emotional instability that leads, inevitably, to him crying on lives/pissing himself through being so drunk/alienating anyone he has ever been able to call a friend.

    ’Wank Pocket’ - in reference to a torn off piece of pocket that Marcus claims is from Stephen’s joggers or clothing, given to him. Marcus keeps this as a memento to remember Stephen by in death and recently he has been seen with the pocket in bed with him. Tattlers suspect he may be having sexual relations with the pocket as he isn’t getting much action elsewhere and ‘his last shag’ has passed.

    ’See ya, wouldn't wanna be ya!’ - relates to an incident where, during a family argument, Marcus' father prevented him from leaving the room. Not to be deterred, Marcus cried "See ya, wouldn't wanna be ya!" and tried to wriggle out through a tiny window - unsuccessfully, as he could barely fit through it.

    'Have you eaten?' - During his Travelodge days Marcus declared himself an anorexic and claimed he was starving himself, this is a reference to the comments made from worried followers, despite the fact he was eating full Colin Caterpillars and two/three McDonalds a day.

    'Thanks I have OCD' - Referencing how Marcus deflects blame for his shitty behaviour on his various mental health conditions in this case OCD.



    Marcus’ favourite drinking spot, the backdrop for most of his lives.
    Drunk Instagram live moments:
    - pissing himself
    - inhaling an egg
    - puking over himself











    In June 2022 Marcus was seemingly banned from Wetherspoons. Right before the ban, he had bragged on his social media about sneaking his own alcohol in there and stealing other customers' drinks (complete with photo evidence), so Tattlers are not surprised if they kicked him out.


    Despite his work-shy nature Marcus has had a few short-term jobs which the DWP forced him to accept.

    Kitchen porter - He had a part time job as a kitchen porter for about a month. He dropped heavy hints on Insta stories that he and the chef, who he called Permhead, were having an affair and slagged off Permhead's wife. Marcus claimed he loved the job but he then "took time out" for his mental health and never returned. We question if he was fired for stalking/obsessing over Permhead.

    Tanning salon - Another part time job which Marcus took full advantage of by sizzling himself to a crisp on the sunbeds every day and was a luminous shade of orange for weeks. Again this job lasted about a month - it may have been part of a restart/work experience scheme the DWP made him do.

    Places he didn't go to

    When Marcus makes a big drama out of going somewhere and then never does it.

    London - He announced he was going to "start a new life" in London, and bought an overnight coach ticket that very evening. Saying "no one can stop me" now he had the ticket. If you don't want people to stop you, why show them the details of your trip? He said he was prepared to be homeless if necessary, which shows how little Marcus knows about the reality of living in London.

    A few hours later he went on live, eating a vast amount of burgers and chips in McDonalds and pissed to the bollocks. He made a clumsy attempt to flirt with one of the staff and asked if the guy was "watching him", bragging that he is on TikTok. Also interrupting someone's conversation to ask if they were talking about "psychotic meds." He threw up in the toilet (bringing his earphones so everyone could hear) and then moved onto Pizza Hut to order a pizza and ice cream! Sid joined in the live demanding he answer his phone and then, after Marcus posted on Facebook, she replied with "Don't you dare get on that coach to London." She probably wasn't even that bothered about getting him back - otherwise she would have been at the station looking for him. But it seems to have done the trick and Marcus didn't go.









    Paris - In early June 2024, Marcus announced he was going on holiday and had booked a trip to Paris. A few days later he started posting rambling, nonsensical Insta stories indicating he was in a new relationship. He then revealed that the purpose of the trip was to meet up with his current boyfriend, who was French. He said he was leaving on the 29th and wanted to "start a new life" (again!) in Paris with his dream man. Shortly afterwards, he announced his intention to get married and change his name to Marcus Garcia. Not a very French name - does Marcus think Paris is in Spain? But on 17th June, he was seemingly arrested after trying to stalk another man on a building site (see "Scaffoldergate" on wiki page 2. He was quiet on his social media for days and when he returned, no further mention of Paris or his apparent fiance was ever made. He didn't even go on the holiday!







    Any time life isn’t going Marcus’ way, he is called out for his behaviour, or he needs to drum up some followers he fakes a suicide attempt. This is usually after some cryptic tweets, an indirect message aimed at tattle and a drunken live insta story. He then disappears for a couple days and comes back like nothing ever happened. If you ever dare to question how he’s doing or what happened he will call you a troll, block you and delete your comment quicker than you can say John Frances Basset.

    The A30. One night Marcus decided he would put the world to rights once and for all and threw himself down a hill at the side of the bridge at the A30. The next day this was reported in the local news, although Marcus wasn't named we had a good idea it was him. It must be noted this was never verified but tattlers unearthed some strong evidence that pointed towards the fact.

    Budweiser gate: One night Marcus decided he would show tattle trolls once and for all the alleged damage we were causing and apparently stabbed himself with a kitchen knife straight through his bowel. A member of staff from the hospital then joined Tattle to state that Marcus had actually...

    - scratched himself with a Budweiser bottle

    - been abusing the staff in the hospital

    - had his stomach pumped because he told them he drank bleach.

    It must be noted that this story cannot be taken as the honest truth. Adelle for example believed Marcus had stabbed himself with a kitchen knife, but Tom then came onto the thread and said that his understanding was that there was a Budweiser bottle involved too.

    Marcus' wound sites looked suspiciously like routine surgery marks, he has since addressed these marks by saying he had routine surgery after stabbing him self to check for lacerations in his bowel, but there was no mention of this until Tattle pointed out the strange marks on his belly. The wound where he allegedly stabbed himself is nowhere near the lower bowels the consultant was allegedly investigating so it would appear Marcus had routine keyhole surgery and passed it off as another suicide attempt. The knife/bottle would have had to have bent in a way neither object can to reach the lower bowel. The morning after allegedly slashing of his bowels he uploaded a picture of himself in hospital. However he forgot he had breadcrumbs in his beard in the picture, leading tattlers to question if he had indeed stabbed himself in the bowel as he would still be nil by mouth that soon after surgery for suspected damaged bowels. Days after Marcus posted a picture of himself eating a rather large fatty meal. This was nothing short of a Christmas miracle. Since the incident Marcus has stated on some occasions that tattle drove him to it, other times he insists it was nothing to do with tattle. Sid was nowhere to be seen throughout the ordeal, other than uploading a curry in a curry house on her Facebook.

    a tattler who knew Marcus told us that after a guy rejected him while at college he wrote a suicide note, blaming this guy for his death, and tried to staple his finger and stab himself with scissors.

    taking tablets at the hotel - these from his pill box and a handful of others.

    He occasionally schedules his suicides for a future date. At the beginning of June he made numerous posts slagging off family members, including the one above about his mother Sid, they then rightly washed their hands of him. Following this marcus made some new friends and was seen, once again, drinking in spoons every single day.

    He then posted saying he’d spent all his money in three days and was seen begging for drinks and putting his table number up. His followers called him out on since deleted posts on Facebook and Instagram. The following day he was suicidal again posting a mock up of his grave stone, stating it was all he was looking forward to. Posted a few posts saying he wanted to be loved etc. and then in the next breath happy as Larry again in spoons. That night once people had stopped buying him drinks / gone home to their normal lives marcus decided he was suicidal again posting a goodbye message to his parents and walking around Camborne in silence.

    In August, as part of his meltdown after being allegedly attacked by his dad he stated he wanted to unalive himself again, but that he was unable to do due to the following:
    - apparently unable to hang himself as he is too heavy and the rope snaps
    - unable to take an overdose as he has a gag reflex and can’t swallow pills
    - all that is left for him to do is roll down the a30 but he can’t do that for a reason that was unintelligible



























    This second Wiki goes on to detail:
    - Marcus' weight loss attempts
    - Marcus' lies
    - Marcus' hypocrisy
    - Marcus stalking and being creepy toward other men
    - Marcus Mitchell 'Mash Ups', videos and pics made by other talented tattlers[/SPOILER]


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