Ye Olde Skank -
She thinks she’s really sexy
She thinks she’s sultry and alluring
She thinks she still has what it takes to be a ‘glamour model’
She thinks 25 years in the business means she knows what men want, and it’s this
She thinks people find her comedy boobs sexy
She thinks her long flowing wigs make her look young and sexy
She thinks her old butchered heavily surgery damaged body is a turn-on for men
She thinks she can compete with younger models in their early 20s
She actually thinks she’s 20 years old
She thinks all the young people still lust after her
She thinks she can party with a generation who could be her daughters or sons
She thinks she can sing
She thinks she can sing karaoke and sound like Beyoncé
She thinks people love her joining in with their singing
She thinks people like her gate-crashing their gig or party
She thinks she can dance
She thinks people like her drooling herself all over them
She thinks she still has whatever she thought she had in her heyday
In truth, SHE is very wrong
* Find a Bandwagon and Jump Aboard! Woo Hoo
* Old Egg alias The One # 3497, Sink Boy Crawl
* The Original Slapgate
* Slapgate, the Sequel
* Troofgate!
* "Ize a singul gal now!" Recruiting the next The One mk 3498
* "Isss mee mentawl 'elf innit"
* Scrounging and Grifting plus Flogging Crap
* Scams and Bizznizz Opertewnitys
* Awl dem Bewty Tweetments, the Syrups, Surgeries etc
* Getting at the Exes
* Escapees, the Exes and the Recruitment Campaign for Noo Eggs
* Those Poor Kids
* Using Harvey for Publicity and Sympathy
* Court Cases
* Bankruptcy & Flogging Crap to Fund it's sordid "Lifestyle"
* "Iss awl abaaaht Meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee innit!"
* Lies, Lies and More Lies (including the Saaaarrrrff Affrikka Set)
* Taking Swipes - thats wot she duzz innit!
* 'Olidays!! Woo Hoo!!
* The Broken Trotters
* Ownly Fans (for blind, deaf mugs)
* Animal Victims - take note RSPCA!!
* Trampy Towers - aka the Mucky Manshun
* The Media Sticking It To Her
* Moooosik!
Find a Bandwagon Then Jump Aboard - Woo hoo!
16.12.22- Fancies itself in Panto again, no doubt as Sleeping Beauty, Cinderella or Snow White
More suited to Ugly Sister or Widow Twankey roles though
It tried it some years ago but was bloody dreadful as anticipated with clodhopping dancing, unrehearsed and basically USELESS with ZERO charisma. Don't even think about it's singing FGS! However, read this-
This was the panto for a charity in aid of special needs kids. Katie was given numerous complimentary tickets for the wrap event but she didn't claim them or respond, so the tickets were given to someone else. Right before the event she kicked off that she was the star and should go to the event. She wouldn't hear she was at fault for not collecting the tickets so the charity had to withdraw from sale tickets for her and her gang of hangers on. Naturally she turned up late, ignored everyone, quaffed all the free drinks then left. The charity lost loads of money through her laziness and greed. Quelle surprise!!
20.12.22 - "They loved Meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!" Before you go getting excited that its going to do some tremendous volunteer work, please bear in mind that it still has many many hours left of the 170 it was obliged to undertake for it's Community Service. How it has got away with this is beyond belief and yet here we are with it lauding itself again. Furthermore it reckons The Samaritans are keen for her to join them too FFS
- if ever there was something to tip an already unstable personality over-the-edge its having Rentagob-Look-at-Meeeeeeeeeeeeeeee screeching down the phone at you whilst at your lowest ebb
This is basically more old cobblers from the foetid trap of skanky trying to make herself out to be nice
Old Egg Alias The One # 3497 -
It seems Sinkboy has "bought Noo Owse", somewhere to store all the old jalopies (including skanky)
Property values will plummet when people see what is vegetating on the premises
15.12.22 - and here we go again! Wash, rinse, repeat, Iss Awll Off Agin!
18.12.22 - Really? LOL
22.12.22 - 'Tis done...................... the Hero departeth! SB has moved out of Trampy Towers and the left the skank on her own with the children. Woo Hoo!!!
Faymuss Fuewds - not content with sniping at all the Exes it also cannot resist a dig at other people. During the Sunday Times Lie-Fest it mentioned how ITV wickedly abandoned her wiv Mentawl 'Elf Ishoos when they left her without security to be robbed and raped by a huge gang of murderous, armed bandits in Saaaarrrrff Affrika about which it makes full note to the journo that "Had it been Phil & Holly" it would have been an entirely different matter indeed. Come on ITV and Phil & Holly - go put it right! Next skank will be back having a pop at
Jodie Marsh again
"Iys a Singul Gal Nah" - Recruiting the Next The One mk 3498 -
20.12.22-getting ready to storm the stage to "sing" at the captive audience
Never one to miss an opportunity eh skanks??
22.12.22 -
"Iss Me Mentawl Elf Innit" -
13.12.22 - This garbage from one of her tame story-tellers "
Krap" magazine. Like as hell this will happen but then her last 6 visits to 'Otel Pwiowy have proven to be such a massive success have they not?
18.12.22 - Sunday times - '‘My triggers, when I’ve gone downhill, are men.’
Scrounging & Grifting plus Flogging Crap-
15.12.22 - advertising hair extensions again. You too can have a rat's nest on your head! - not labelled as an AD either, contrary to IG rules
16.12.22 - promoting these vitamin Gummies suppose to help hair health. Considering it wears syrups and multiple extensions what exactly is the point or are they used to stick-down all the fake hair to her bald bonce?
Take a read of this lot which is the transcript of text between skanky and one of her Hair Replacement Specialists (this one being one that she dropped like a hot turd some time ago and has recently picked up again to use to the utmost degree. There are some interesting notes to be had like grifting the holiday villas in the Maldives, £700 in a couple of days on food FGS & not paying for the extensive work to install all her fake barnet and a lot more besides. This being between Lou, owner of LA Studio & skanky - see how badly they argued when skank and SB went to the Maldives and now they're Bestest Mates again
* note :- it mentions
"I've got a couple to live in and do 'everything'" which completely contradicts what she said in the Sunday Times.
Remember the Valentine's Day splurge on 10k of flowers beycorse SB luvd 'er sow mutch? All a lie - quelle surprise!!
Scams aka Bizzniss Opertewnitys -
17.12.22 - still flogging the Stinking by Skanky Price range, ie these shitty Goody Boxes being touted as Christmas Gifts. Notice amongst the T&Cs that this junk will not even be despatched until 4th January & even then it'll probably be broken
19.12.22 -
She ripped this lot off mercilessly too (serves them right for selling fur though), but there were no qualms from the skank about promoting the use of fur to begin with
Awl dem Bewty Tweetments, Wigs & Syrups, Serjeries etc -
17.12.22 - so here we are, one day after having two stupid morons spending an entire day attaching the umpteenth lot of "extenshuns" this year to it's own crewcut barnet, just look at the bloody state of it!
and all the surgeries - so worth it!
18.12.22 - the 3rd hairdo in a week which ain't bad considering the rat's nest was only installed a couple of days ago. The idiots who wasted their day stitching the Rat's Nest in must be so delighted they chose it as their Ambassador LOL
20.12.22 - It allegedly underwent it's 16th boobjob just before the "Sking 'oliday". It needs to have the Biggest Boobs in the UK apparently (forgetting that it already has One, in the guise of SB) So now it has the THREE Biggest Boobs in the UK
21.12.22 - highlighting the latest set of plastic talons - does it get a Noo Set every week? Either way this awful photo demonstrates rather succinctly the wonky eyes and nose, the injected "cheeks", those hilarious eyebrows à la Groucho Marx, the Grouper fish lips and all coated in Ronseal's finest shed & fence paint (compliments of PFP) - all this still visible even though there are about 200 layers of filters operating on this hideous image.
3d2ce2bb-7cca-4be8-a5c3-179b6a571799-jpeg.1822367 (649×900) (
Getting at the Exes -
19.12.22 - the media are in a feeding frenzy cherry-picking shite out of that Sunday Times bullcrap. Heres the DM's bit. What a great pity that because they've lifted this from elsewhere the scabby old boot won't get a penny from it
20.12.22 - article in DM blaming Kieron for her "self-medication" techniques, ie Drugs and Booze - "she blamed Kieran for having to 'self medicate' after hearing of his alleged affairs".
Here it is harrassing KB prior to trawling in the next The One 3497.
Escapees, the Exes and the Recruitment Campaign for Noo Eggs -
14.12.22 - Heres Boyson getting brave in view of skanky concentrating her venom on his predecessor currently. I wonder if it'll retailiate considering he marked her card properly last time when she tried to break into his home?
16.12.22 - another moron placing himself in it's sights as Noo Egg #3498. He's a funny-looking one too
Yet it is denying everything. The trouble with that is SB knows what a lying cheat it is already - how many times so far eh Cole??
Cue Slapgate mk ???????????????????
17.12.22 - reminiscing...................... I doubt Peter feels the same skanky
20.12.22 - Kieron appears to be marking her card for her.
This one got away with his cojones intact but had to deliver a toxic open text to it before it finally left him alone. Heres the recruiting tactic
Theres nothing new in this technique because she's been using it for YEARS to recruit Eggs because it's like she's used that line before, it's worked for some mug previously and now she tries it each time...
"Sorry I'm not out to cause trouble........................
* I think you're (or "your" as that illiterate twat writes it) just my type
* People are out to make money off you
* I can hook you up with some good deals (but you have to become The One and shag me )"
Here she is out Recruiting The One # 3498 using P as bait
22.12.22 -Desperately recruiting now or she'll be
"Lownley dis Cwissmass"
Here it is warning-off a Potential Egg from getting with another woman, but she got a bit more than she'd bargained on LOL
18.12.22 -
why are Sunday Times even entertaining this hag anyway? On the other hand they are making a few snidey comments
* also note they remark about all five dogs being incarcerated in the stables again.
And -
"As she is today........" are they taking the piss or what????
Major league LIES from it too, ie the numerous "kidnap threats", being found beside an overturned vehicle off it's head on drugs & booze long after Kieron had escaped, being photographed with the kids surrounded by empty voddy bottles (not hers apparently LOL) on the Eve of Slapgate, being photographed and videoed pissed as a fart screeching at some godawful karaoke bar in this past week, oh and the on/off "engagement" farce. She "chides" that they must not believe all they read and yet here it is perpetuating another set of fucking LIES that she will return to at a later date to blame on these idiots for "lying abahht Meeeeeeeeeeeeeee agen".
20.12.22 - Boasting about it's gawjus pritty feyt innit - do you mean these same Liyfe-Fretninly-Injurrd-Feyt or do you have another set for night's out wiv' der gals innit trying to recruit the next The One?
Hereswhat it said about Chris Hughes (ie the bloke she tried to recruit who turned her down flat lol); This is rather ironic considering how she pissed-off The Sun over Slapgate
Lies, Lies and More Lies................
Going back to the ever-changing Saaaarrrrff Affrikka Armed Rape by 6 Blokes Incident
19.12.22 - and this from the laughable lie-fest told to the Sunday Times. How can ITV just sit there whilst it sends this ever-changing and ever-increasing LIE out for another airing? Not even repeated with an
"alleged" in front of the statement therefore aren't the ST in trouble also for slanderous reporting?
"ITV had not provided any security when she was carjacked and raped in South Africa, she says, “and they wouldn’t do that to Phillip Schofield and Holly Willoughby, would they? If they went away they’d have security people licking their arses, sweeping the f***ing floor for them. I’m the type of person who’ll stay in the same hotel as the crew, because they get cheaper hotels than the talent. Because I’m me, and I’m humble, people take advantage of it. Look what happened. I have to live with that for the rest of my life.”
Heres the South African version of it -
Now this :-
19.12.22 - ITV are not happy bunnies
20.12.22 - the Daily Mirror are running with it - "Me Ordeyl Beyin Waped by 6 Armd Geeezers in Saaarrrff Affrika an' ITV Dun Fukawl Abaht it" /
22.12.22 - "Ize sowber dontcha knawww" Of course you are luv
and another one -
Taking Swipes - cos thats wot she duzz innit-
13.12.22 -
Yep digging at the Exes YET AGAIN
19.12.22 - swiping at everybody who questioned her posting pictures of B wearing more slap on her chops than Mummy Dearest does;
'Olidays! -
15.12.22 - yes the first photos have emerged of The 'Oliday it hi-jacked J&B to go on with her and SB. Poor little Jett looks so miserable.
The Broken Trotters -
15.12.22 - simply amazing how it can manage to go on a "sking" 'oliday on those liyfe-fretninly injurrd feyt innit. It is also seen stomping about in the snow wearing the Crocs - real aprés-skiwear
16.12.22 - Yes! Days after all the grinding to it's own terrible "singing" in a karaoke bar and a "Sking" 'oliday, up comes this little number - its going for sugery on The Liyfe-Fretninly-Injurrd-Feyt due to all the agony it's been in throughout. With any luck the hag will get it's surgery cancelled - the comments have virtully no sympathetic remarks apart from The Usual Suspects
The ol' trotters don't appear to be sufferring unduly in this horrid photo of it all pointy-toed an' seksi, Jordan circa 1990
18.12.22 - exactly as predicted, only days after The Sking 'Oliday its back on sticks again due to intense pain from the broken trotters, which naturally will necessitate the return of The Speshul Boots also.
Bleating-on again searching for sympathy over the Broken Trotter Saga
Ownli Fans - woo hoo!
22.12.22 - another dissatisfied customer
Those Poor Kids -
13.12.22 -
Changing Princess' surname to Price now; This will undoubtedly happen to J & B too
15.12.22 - Poor little Jett shoved in front of a camera wiv Mummy on 'oliday when he ought to be at school; He looks so sad
15.12.22 - Having been taken out of school again for unuvva 'oliday wiv Mummy the girl will struggle to read and write, but who cares as long as she can do Make-up? Woo Hoo!
AND using the kids in her sleazy OF crap too
in doing so going against what Kieron told her regarding Using the Kids in OF - thus showing she doesn't give a shit
18.12.22 - an excerpt from the crap in today's Sunday Times magazine where it Talks-the-Talk but does not Walk-the-Walk as regards the children; Just read this load of hypocracy from it!
"Criticism of her as a mother cuts her to the quick. She knows people accuse her of overexposing her children on social media, of lacking domestic boundaries — and she is having none of it.
“I’ve got five kids, I’ve got animals, I’ve got a house to run, I’m the breadwinner and I just do it by myself. I wouldn’t have it any other way. You don’t have kids to pass them off to nannies, you don’t have kids to put them in boarding school. If you’re going to have kids, then you involve them in your life." Isss awlll abaaaaht Meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee innit, as usual! In any case whats the point in having kids if you cannot use them whenever you want to?
Speaking to the Sun at some time about her twarmas over the birth of Jett ("So twarmatik fer Meeeeeeeeeeeee")
“I felt so vulnerable after the birth and all my worst insecurities came back to haunt me. I thought, ‘I need to get myself glam again for Kieran to notice me’ so I called Mikey and flew him over to put my hair extensions back in,” Katie told the Sun.
Allowing tears to fall, she added “I was with Mikey the first time I saw Jett properly. He pushed me up to intensive care in my wheelchair.” It appears getting her barnet done was more important than seeing her newborn son or was she concerned Jett might reject her if her wig looked a state?
22.12.22 - here we go then, back on the Mini-Me Thing and using P as bait now she's been dumped by SB
Using Harvey for Publicity & Sympathy -
Yep; She really duz luv 'Arv innit, as seen in this little clip
17.12.22 -
19.12.22 - yep - gotta get in a reminder about Harvey smashing things up on a regular basis “Don’t let it bang!” is the perpetual refrain. “Harvey smashed my front window yesterday cos someone slammed it,” Just underlining the fact she got him placed in a residential because she was "afraid" of him.
Ownli Fans (for blind, deaf mugs!) -
12.12.22 - Ewwwwwwwwwwwww
Thinking it is Bo Derek circa 1980-whatever. More like Bo Diddley in reality
15.12.22 - and this gruesome image of it looking filthy dirty too- grubby in every sense of the word. Quite how she thinks this is seksi is incredible and BTW what is a Hump Day unless she's referring to the camel's humps nailed on her front
17.12.22 - Get yer Cwissmiss content 'ere innit! Note that it's got it's crown out of the cupboard so now it really does look like one of the stick figures it drew all over it's Pwiowy Colouring Books covered in hashtags ###################
Of course it does
Court Cases -
14.12.22 - in response to the Steven Bear case re Revenge Porn, heres Alex Ried's comment because of course this is EXACTLY what skanky did to him a few years ago.
18.12.22 - according to that nonsense in the Sunday Times it seems skanky has
STILL NOT COMPLETED the community service order placed on her after turning the car over off-her-face in a country lane. How come she is getting such lenient treatment? Worse still she reckons the Samaritans have approached her to help them, can you imagine it???
19.12.22 -
Bankruptcy & Flogging Crap to Fund It's Sordid Lifestyle -
Get your scruffy, knackered old shoes here! Only £200 anawl!!
18.12.22 - taken from the Sunday Times bullcrap. In these austere times The Local Bankrupt does'nt give a rat's ass does it?
"Is anyone cold? I’m always cold. I’ve got the radiators on full but it’s crazy, the oil heating bill’s three grand every four or five weeks. "
18.12.22 - earning a few quid for another shitty book when it goes to prison
Well thats what it thinks anyway
19.12.22 - Sunday Times article -
"She fumes about tradespeople wary of her financial situation. “Because they believe the word ‘bankrupt’, I get judged for it. But I don’t let it get to me now; I just think, OK, if you don’t want my business cos you believe what you read, then you lose out. Bankruptcy’s just, like, a word. But I don’t let it affect me, cos I know the truth.”
Price is, without a shadow of a doubt, still bankrupt. Her next court hearing on the matter is scheduled for February, but when I double-check the date with her she looks bored. “I don’t know. If you’ve read that … I don’t know. I don’t let it affect me. Everything’s sorted.” Listen skank - YOU are to blame for your own predicament - nobody else, JUST YOU!
The Media Sticking it to her -
16.12.22 - heres hoping this does address the issues in question rather than another fluff-piece to cover up The Truth
18.12.22 - the old shite from the Sunday Times; One might have thought they'd know better than dish out this pile of crap but there you go, these idiot journos have wrecked their own careers
- however it does contain a few "insights" from the reporter but where do you even begin with this utter bollockfest?
Katie Price: ‘I don’t need men’s validation any more’ - The former page 3 model and reality star speaks to Decca Aitkenhead about therapy, family and longing for a drama-free life
Katie Price, 44, as she is today (of course she is!)
Decca Aitkenhead
Sunday December 18 2022, 12.01am, The Sunday Times
Five of Katie Price’s dogs have been locked in the stables before I arrive at her farmhouse. “Because otherwise,” she assures me, “it would be chaos!”
The non-chaotic scene in her kitchen therefore looks like this: Price, 44, is perched on a high stool in rollers; her make-up artist is working on her face; her nine-year-old son, Jett, is on a sofa; her severely autistic 20-year-old son, Harvey, is on his iPad; her 32-year-old half-sister, Sophie, is at the table. Then we have the photographer, two photographic assistants, Price’s old friend Ross and her hairdresser, who goes by the stage name of Mikey Kardashian and is fondly recalling the occasion of Jett’s birth, when he fitted hair extensions to Price as she lay on her hospital bed, catheter still in situ, recovering from an emergency caesarean. “We’ve done some weird old jobs together, haven’t we?” There are painters and decorators in the room next door, radio blaring — and there is Blade, a big black dog Price has to grab hold of each time the front door opens to another new arrival.
“Don’t let it bang!” is the perpetual refrain. “Harvey smashed my front window yesterday cos someone slammed it,” she explains. “That’s what triggers him … Blade! Come here! Is anyone cold? I’m always cold. I’ve got the radiators on full but it’s crazy, the oil heating bill’s three grand every four or five weeks. Blade, here! Would anyone like a cup of tea? Don’t look at the mess. Five kids, six dogs, six horses and no help. Whenever things calm down there’s another thing. And a-nother thing.”
“And-a-nother thing,” Jett sings along softly from the sofa.
In the 12 years since I last interviewed Price, it has indeed been one thing after another. Even back then her life already seemed unfathomably eventful. Propelled to fame by page 3 at just 17, the glamour model formerly known as Jordan had built a celebrity empire on her implausibly pneumatic figure and remorselessly public private life. A premiership footballer, Dwight Yorke, had abandoned her while pregnant, leaving her to raise their profoundly disabled son, Harvey, alone. Reality TV cameras had followed every moment of her first marriage to the pop star Peter Andre, whom she met in the Australian jungle in 2004 on I’m a Celebrity. Their 2009 divorce was as ugly as their OK! wedding had been candy pink, and the pair have been feuding over their two children, Junior, 17, and Princess, 15, ever since. In 2010 she had just married Alex Reid, a cross-dressing cage fighter, and was reported to be worth £30 million, having monetised every twist and turn of the drama through reality TV shows, product lines, photoshoots, autobiographies, children’s books, even novels, none of which she wrote but one of which famously outsold an entire Booker prize shortlist.
I remember a disconcertingly dead-eyed quality in Price when we met. Her internal life appeared indivisible from the bottom line, as if all human emotion had been transplanted by commercial calculation. The closest this country may ever come to its own Kim Kardashian, with her fortune secured Price struck me then as bulletproof. I could not have been more wrong.
As a teenager in Brighton, 1995
The following year she split from Reid, and in 2013 married a part-time stripper and decorator, Kieran Hayler, five weeks after meeting him and already pregnant with Jett. A daughter, Bunny, followed in 2014, but by then Price had discovered Hayler’s affair with one of her oldest friends. Another affair with another of her closest friends soon emerged and the marriage ended in 2017 when she discovered he had also been sleeping with their nanny.
In 2018 she was carjacked at gunpoint in South Africa and raped — she was there filming a reality show for ITV with her family — after which she suffered a mental breakdown, attempted suicide and was treated at the Priory for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). In 2019 she was declared bankrupt owing £3.2 million, convicted of driving while disqualified and issued with a restraining order against Hayler’s new partner following ugly scenes in a school playground. The following year she admitted to self-medicating with cocaine, returned to the Priory and began a relationship with a former Love Island contestant, Carl Woods.
Price was readmitted to the Priory again last year after flipping her BMW while on cocaine and over the limit, and received a suspended prison sentence. She narrowly avoided jail again twice this year, once for breaching the terms of her insolvency and again for breaching the restraining order, for which she received 170 hours of community service. One week before our meeting Woods announced on Instagram that their relationship was over and accused her of cheating on him.
This account is not even close to exhaustive. In between there have been burglaries, BBC documentaries, kidnap plots, toy boys, facelifts, fiancés, OnlyFans, boob jobs, a YouTube channel and the relentless challenge of caring for Harvey’s complex medical needs. Born partially blind, with a rare condition called Prader-Willi syndrome, her eldest son will always need intensive specialist care and violent outbursts are a fact of daily life. Price is undergoing tests for ADHD and is still recovering from an accident while on holiday in Turkey two years ago when she fell off a wall and broke both of her feet. Her beloved mother, Amy, 70, is terminally ill. The Instagram accounts of Price and her various exes function as a running commentary on the relentless drama, while the gossip sites run stories about her practically every day.
How any one person could withstand all of this is mind-boggling. I wanted to sit down with her to try and make some sense of it. To say that Price does not love the press would be quite the understatement, so I was surprised when my request for an interview received an enthusiastic yes. It is a less welcome surprise to discover she expects it to take place in the midst of the commotion in her kitchen, surrounded by nine other people and a dog.
Price with her children in 2020, from left, Junior, Harvey, Jett, Princess and Bunny
“Well, I’ve only got this room,” she says, explaining that she has just finished filming a new series of Katie Price’s Mucky Mansion for Channel 4, chronicling her attempts to restore the West Sussex property following a catalogue of break-ins, vandalism and disrepair, so is contractually forbidden to grant any other media access to the rest of the 19-room farmhouse. “But don’t mind this lot,” she offers cheerfully. “They’ve heard it all before.”
And there’s the problem. At ease among her audience, Price happily riffs along familiar lines — “I’ve put in all white carpets upstairs, I know, I must be mad,” and so on — retreading old anecdotes and jokes until I have to put my foot down. Looking faintly puzzled but eager to be agreeable, in the end she reluctantly packs four of them off to a nearby garden centre, waving them out the door with, “Sorry, guys, it’s not me saying you have to go.”
The minute they’ve gone I feel guilty. It is very plain that bustle soothes Price and makes her feel secure; the busier and noisier the house, the happier she is. “Even when I was young,” she agrees, “it was always the same, always horses and animals, my family was so sociable and outgoing, and it still is like that. You know, anyone could just turn up, ‘Cup of tea, yeah? Come in!’ It’s always packed. We’re people people.”
There is nothing dead-eyed about Price this time. In an old pair of tracksuit bottoms and one of Harvey’s T-shirts, artifice-free and insistently charismatic, she talks at full pelt and gives the impression of someone trying hard to connect. Her default setting is more broadcast than receive, so she doesn’t tend to listen very carefully, but openness is clearly central to her self-image and she wants me to know she is the opposite of controlling.
“I’ve got nothing to hide. My Mucky Mansion, they’ve been filming here since July, they film wherever they want to and I’m happy, cos I am who I am, welcome to my home, I love filming, I love sharing, I just love it. The camera crew say to me I’m one of the only people they’ve ever met who’s exactly the same on camera as off.
The other pillar of her self-image is betrayal. Believing herself wronged by practically every person she has ever met — animated by outrage, simultaneously resigned — Price appears to exist in a perma-froth of indignation.
With the possible exception of Woods — about whom Price seems undecided — she says every single man she’s ever dated has cheated on her (Andre has always denied that he did). “Kieran even had an affair with the woman I bought the guinea pigs from.” When they’re not sleeping with her husbands, people are “always trying to make money out of me”.
Giving a guided tour of its interior on YouTube
Criticism of her as a mother cuts her to the quick. She knows people accuse her of overexposing her children on social media, of lacking domestic boundaries — and she is having none of it. “I’ve got five kids, I’ve got animals, I’ve got a house to run, I’m the breadwinner and I just do it by myself. I wouldn’t have it any other way. You don’t have kids to pass them off to nannies, you don’t have kids to put them in boarding school. If you’re going to have kids, then you involve them in your life.
I ask if she can imagine ever leading a drama-free life. “I would
love it. Oh, I crave it. I’m trying to do it now. I don’t want drama. I’ve sorted myself out. I’ve got help, I do therapy. I’m in control and happy now. It’s all set.”
hat night she will gatecrash the stage at a gay bar in Soho and seize the mike for an impromptu duet with a startled singer. Hours later Woods will post, then delete, the audio footage of Price talking about taking cocaine. That weekend the pair are reportedly spotted together at her son Jett’s football game, and rumoured to be back together. The following week her ex-husband Hayler is arrested on suspicion of stalking and interviewed by police before being released. Price and I are due to talk again on Zoom a few days later, but half an hour beforehand her sister emails to say she is unwell. The following day Price is reported to have “fled the country” — or alternatively “gone skiing” — with her two youngest children and Woods. And so it goes on.
I point out, that she tested positive for cocaine when she crashed her BMW last year. “No, that was just drink, that one. I was just drinking. But that’s the papers again.”
The BMW she crashed while high and drunk in 2021
Is it? The BBC covered her court case following the accident and reported: “Price was taken to hospital, where she told police, ‘I took drugs, I should not be driving, I admit it all.’ The court heard a drugs wipe gave a positive reading for cocaine.”
She fumes about tradespeople wary of her financial situation. “Because they believe the word ‘bankrupt’, I get judged for it. But I don’t let it get to me now; I just think, OK, if you don’t want my business cos you believe what you read, then you lose out. Bankruptcy’s just, like, a word. But I don’t let it affect me, cos I know the truth.”
Price is, without a shadow of a doubt, still bankrupt. Her next court hearing on the matter is scheduled for February, but when I double-check the date with her she looks bored. “I don’t know. If you’ve read that … I don’t know. I don’t let it affect me. Everything’s sorted.”
Every time I try to get to the bottom of anything, she says: “I don’t want this whole interview to be doom and gloom.” I thought we were trying to set the record straight? “Well, it’s sounding all doom and gloom. What you can say is I’ve been through real shit and I’ve come out the other end, which is amazing.”
The very next night she will announce on Instagram: “Yeah, I’m single.” Hours later Woods posts audio footage on his Instagram account of Price talking about taking cocaine during their relationship.
Price is immensely likeable and at times surprisingly guileless, but her relationship with the truth can be highly unreliable. One possible explanation would be commercial: she may be guarding material for her next autobiography. Another might involve legal constraints, as there have been various injunctions and gagging orders over the years. My guess would be that it’s more psychologically complicated than that. Most of the time I think she believes whatever she says at any given moment to be true — or at least, no more of a lie than anything anyone else in her world says. Contradictory reports about her appeared almost hourly online last week; every time I thought I’d got things straight, they changed again. After just a few weeks immersed in this fog of confusion, my head was spinning, so what it’s like to be inside hers I do not like to think. It is easy to see how the very notion of truth could have got lost along the way.
What’s certainly true is that she has suffered multiple traumas, even long before she became famous. Born in Brighton, she was four when her dad walked out on her and her mother. Her stepfather, a builder, has been a constant in her life, but her biological father vanished from her world for good. At just six years old she was sexually assaulted in a park. She left school at 16 to train as a nurse, but when a friend suggested modelling she submitted photos to page 3, and underwent her first breast enlargement at 20. I point out, that she tested positive for cocaine when she crashed her BMW last year. “No, that was just drink, that one. I was just drinking. But that’s the papers again.”
“If you want me to say I’m addicted to surgery,” she says dully, sounding resigned, “I’ll say I’m addicted.” She says she has endured a lifetime of “gaslighting and mental abuse” from men — and yet still she craved their approval.
“You don’t have to be a genius to work out that men are the downfall in my life. A million per cent,” she says. “All my dramas, my bankruptcy — everything is men. Always men. That is it.” All of her money has gone on men, she says — spending it on them to keep them, paying lawyers to divorce them and funding hefty settlements. “When you see exes gloat around, knowing you’ve paid for stuff, that’s the worst torment for me,” she says, with raw feeling.
“My triggers, when I’ve gone downhill, are men. And I’m a sucker for love. I used to need validation. Men’s approval. Wanting them to want me … but they don’t.” Her face lights up when she talks about how therapy has helped. “It’s amazing, because you have to learn to love yourself. So I don’t need their validation now, I don’t need it any more.” She says this with such poignant earnestness, I can only hope she is right.
Court no longer holds any fear for Price; after so many appearances “I’m numb to it”. Does she worry that her luck could run out and she may wind up in prison? “If I do I’ll write a chapter for my next book and it will earn me money,” she flashes back with more characteristic defiance. “And I love peace and quiet. That’s the attitude I have. So there you go. Answered that.” She seems to feel not so much prosecuted as persecuted — “Well, if they’re just going to keep going,” she shrugs with unconvincing nonchalance, “then just put me in there.”
She has thoroughly enjoyed doing community service, however, at a food bank in Horsham. “Loved it! And they loved me there.” Her face lights up again. “Yeah, I’ve offered to be a volunteer. And the Samaritans in Brighton have asked, and I want to do that. I’ve got a lot more hours left to do. It’s nice to do something different and give something back.” On this, I absolutely believe her.
In January she intends to enrol in a course to learn how to administer injectable cosmetic treatments — “Botox, fillers, all that. I’ve had enough of them in my life to know what’s good and what’s not.” The plan is to open her own beauty salon in the annexe of her farmhouse. “Well, I’ve got the car parking, and I pay council tax on the bloody thing, so I might as well use it.”
This doesn’t sound like a thoroughly well thought-out plan, but she has already come up with a name for the clinic. “Carl was going to do it with me, so it’s ‘Barbie and Ken’. Why not?” Well, trademark regulations, for one. “Yeah, I might have to change a letter or something to make it look different. But that’s genius. Why not?"
Bullet Points re this article - journos please note we will dissect your BS!
* the opening paragraph starts “five of Katie Price’s dogs have been locked in the stables before I arrive at her farmhouse. “Because otherwise,” she assures me, “it would be chaos!”….. One caring and careful Dog owner right there… not. Surprised none of the poor animals made a bolt for freedom and the afterlife away from Price.
* SFP proven to lie for it too
" Price and I are due to talk again on Zoom a few days later, but half an hour beforehand her sister emails to say she is unwell. The following day Price is reported to have “fled the country” — or alternatively “gone skiing” — with her two youngest children and Woods. "
* She tries to make a point of all 5 kids living with her and making the house chaotic, which as we all know is bullshit.
* Not completed the Community Service slapped on it for the last Driving Events either "
I’ve got a lot more hours left to do. It’s nice to do something different and give something back.” Yeah righty-ho skanky! So how many of the 170 hours has it actually done??
* Still pushing the five kids full time, no help. Do even her most deluded fans believe that?
* Going to do CS at the Samaritans? Can you imagine feeling suicidal and getting her droning monotone on the phone. “How can I help?” “I’m feeling very low” “Feeling low? I LOVE it! Go and get your hair and nails done!”
* Also, is she trying to say she isn’t really bankrupt? The Insolvency Group and all her creditors know otherwise.
* And no drugs for years? LOL
* She tells so many lies that I don’t think she even remembers what the truth is.
* "Her face lights up when she talks about how therapy has helped.
“It’s amazing, because you have to learn to love yourself. So I don’t need their validation now, I don’t need it any more.”. Is that why she is so desperate to recruit the next The One before SB really does have enough of her shit then departs ready to release his 93 Pages of Der Troof concerning Life wiv der skank? Needless to say the 6 previous visits to 'otel Pwiowyfor ferappy have been a massive success (not), culminating in her brandishing her 'Otel Pwiowy Colouring Book in which she's covered all the stickmen images of the Exes with hashtags because they're Her Twiggers obviously and given herself a crown! ####################### See previous wikis for details
* Also the bit where she says it annoys her to see her exes gloating with things they bought with HER money... erm... come again? PA earns his own money and so does KH (not to everyone's taste but its his own) and she admitted that they both took nothing after the divorce. Any money or assets he may have earned as a result from being married to her (no amount of money is ever worth the drama she brings after), wasn't hers anyway. She owes well over £3m!
It's like saying "how dare you spend the money that I stole from my creditors. Only I can spend it!"
And she OWES Alex R money that he won in the revenge porn court case so the audacity of this woman is another level! (No Dane pun intended)
* 'She brightens as she tells me about her idea for a TV show in which she will take her revenge.
“What I’ve done, I’ve kept every single article, I’ve found a lawyer, and HBO and Netflix want to do a documentary on it. So I’m going to go back to the papers and sue them for every story that they can’t prove was true.'' You carry on with that notion skanky because you will soon find out where the media's loyalties lie, especially the Sun who are still gently simmerring after the Slapgate II Saga.
Does this lawyer (if he actually exists) expect to be paid for representing this old tramp and it's catalogue of Lies? It has several lots of legals already on her List of Creditors so another lot makes no difference to the skank
In 2018 she was carjacked at gunpoint in South Africa and raped — she was there filming a reality show for ITV with her family — after which she suffered a mental breakdown, (allegéd) attempted suicide and was treated at the Priory for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) ". Basically her crew was robbed by a couple of chancers in a small car who pinched cameras and a few trinkets, yet over the passing years it has developed into a fully-armed robbery at gunpoint where they nicked all her diamonds she happened to be carrying, perpetrated by at least 6 crazed Saaaarrrf Affrikans who beat up the camera crew then raped her in front of the children! None of this was reported to the Authorities at the time and the very next day it was swimming with sharks as if nothing had happened (Poor bloody sharks) Details on previous wikis Note - it also threw ITV under the bus again blaming Them for leaving her with no security and stating the South Africa incident caused her mental breakdown. All THEIR FAULT you see! ITV must have her on a blacklist now surely.
* The animals locked in the stables before the interviewer arrived, sadly I think this confirms our fears that this is where they spend most of their lives. It’s so awful she is allowed pets, they are treated terribly.
* An admission of 3k a month on heating, as we have said how is a bankrupt affording this, she cannot run that house, The MM needs to go, BH need to act, she will never again have the income to pay these bills going forward.
* The chaos in the house, her portrayal of the kids always with her, she has caused the KH issue to gain access to the youngest two, so she can run a ‘happy chaotic family’ in an effort to keep the MM for her kids, she even arranged H to be there for the interview, on a rare visit. Look at me ‘Five kids, six dogs, six horses and no help’. Very calculated.
* For once the difficulties with H haven’t been glossed over “her eldest son will always need intensive specialist care and violent outbursts are a fact of daily life”, H wasn’t used in a positive way in this interview.
* Slagged off OK magazine and others, it no longer gives them interviews as they now write horrible things about her. So Skank does know the likes of the Scum are no longer her friend. Interesting.
* Hawking a TV show to HBO and Netflix highlighting all the press lies, even threatens to sue…..oh how I laughed…..they will destroy you like swatting a wounded fly if you even try, they haven’t printed a fraction of the truth about you, they KNOW your secrets.
* Bankruptcy is just a word to her, totally in denial. She even says
"It doesn’t matter.............., it’s all sorted". Really???
* Dismayed local tradespeople refuse to work for her, due to bankruptcy rumours - finally an admission that people are wise to her ways.
* Tries to fob off her addiction to surgery by blaming it on all the men in her life -nah it’s just she knows her looks have gone therefore the surgery will continue as she cannot accept losing her looks. It will carry on.
* Court no longer holds any fear for Price; after so many appearances
“I’m numb to it”. An admission prison will bring her coin, I now don’t believe she does fear it, the loss of her money, house and lifestyle is all she fears. BH need to take that away from her, it will be worse than prison for her.
* Bollox about setting up the cosmetic surgery, that would involve actual work for her, never going to happen. Even the interviewer scoffs at her as it’s not a well thought-out plan. Rather like turning the same place into a deluxe Wedding Venue - an empty pipedream from the waster skanky.
* An admission she’s still with Sink-Boy, but nothing about love or future We are right, it’s a fake business relationship, he will go when a new egg is found, she’s biding her time with him for now.
* Finally Skank believes she’s sorted….I ask if she can imagine ever leading a drama-free life.
“I would love it. Oh, I crave it. I’m trying to do it now. I don’t want drama. I’ve sorted myself out. I’ve got help, I do therapy. I’m in control and happy now. It’s all set.” Yeah hardy-ha-ha
It absolutely thrives on chaos and mayhem
* Threw ITV under the bus again, left her with no security and stating the South Africa incident caused her mental breakdown, ITV must have her on a blacklist now surely. When are they going to sue her for this lie-fest?
* Slagged off OK magazine and others & no longer gives them interviews as they now write horrible things about her. So Skank does know the likes of the Scum are no longer her friend. Interesting.
* Hawking a TV show to HBO and Netflix highlighting all the press lies, even threatens to sue all & sundry because she thinks she is Megan Markle now; She is seemingly unaware they will destroy her like swatting a wounded fly because the media haven’t printed a fraction of the truth about her - they KNOW her sordid secrets.
* Bankruptcy is just a word to her, totally in denial, she even says it "Doesn’t matter.... it’s all sorted"
* Dismayed local tradespeople refuse to work for her due to bankruptcy rumours, so finally an admission people are wise to her crooked con-artist ways.
*Tries to fob off her addiction to surgery by blaming it on all the men in her life. Truth is it’s just that she knows her looks have gone, the surgery will continue as she cannot accept losing her looks. It will carry on until it kills her
* Being hauled into Court yet again no longer holds any fear for Price after so many appearances because “I’m numb to it”. Its all about dressing in some outfit more suited to an 18 year old then strut about in big sunglasses thinking she's the Bizz, then theres the admission prison will bring her coin thus confirming she does not fear it. However the loss of her money, house and lifestyle is all she fears. The BH need to take that away from her once and for all - it will be worse than prison for her.
* The absolute garbage about setting up a cosmetic surgery clinic in her sheds but that would involve actual work for her so never going to happen. Even the interviewer scoffs at her that it’s not a well thought-out plan. She has also stated previously she was turning the outbuildings into a deluxe Wedding Venue - that never happened either
* An admission she’s still with Sink-Boy, but nothing about love or a joint future so we are right - it’s a fake business relationship & nothing more than that. Sinkboy will go when a Noo Egg is successfully recruited (bearing in mind that Noo Egg 3498 buggerred off across the horizon poste haste when he was unveiled recently), therefore she’s biding her time with Sinkboy for now until another masochistic muppet crosses her path
* "Skank believes she’s sorted….I ask if she can imagine ever leading a drama-free life.
“I would love it. Oh, I crave it. I’m trying to do it now. I don’t want drama. I’ve sorted myself out. I’ve got help, I do therapy. I’m in control and happy now. It’s all set.” Absolute BOLLOCKS!!! Drama = publicity so thats a load of garbage for a start!
* So no booze in the fridge that day but plenty of alcoholic drinks in virtually every photo when she has a meal. When she had her hair done recently there was an empty vodka bottle in the background! Kieran should ask the court for drink and drugs tests, she should be fine with it seeng as she's apparently quit
* ".....autobiographies, children’s books, even novels,
none of which she wrote but one of which famously outsold an entire
Booker prize shortlist." LOL
* '‘My triggers, when I’ve gone downhill, are men.’
* The only good thing to come out of this report is.
1. The reporter basically calls her a liar.
2. Implies she has "disorders"
3. No one wants to do any work for the Skanky Robbing Cunt.
4. ITV needs to "investigate" her very serious accusations against them.
* "
The other pillar of her self-image is betrayal. Believing herself wronged by practically every person she has ever met — animated by outrage, simultaneously resigned — Price appears to exist in a perma-froth of indignation". Nothing is EVER Her Fault
* "
With the possible exception of Woods — about whom Price seems undecided — she says every single man she’s ever dated has "cheated on her" - So it has tried that one on SB and it didn't work eh??
* You will also note that Jett was present during this farce She has kept him off school since the start of November for whatever reason she thinks she has - why? How come the authorities have not been on her case over this absence?
* Not quite true - she attended her "father's" wedding a few years ago and has'nt he also been roped-in at some time to fix stuff around Trampy Towers? " Her stepfather, a builder, has been a constant in her life, but her biological father vanished from her world for good". Proof enough here The poor sod is still around.
* Still repeating the libellous stuff about Alex too. " In 2010 she had just married Alex Reid, a cross-dressing cage fighter, "
* Harvey is still smashing things up of course; We need to be reminded thats why he's in a special unit these days - because she is afraid of him - “Don’t let it bang!” is the perpetual refrain. “Harvey smashed my front window yesterday cos someone slammed it,”
* The Police are useless because they don't protect her from the paparazzi, burglars, kidnappers, Saaaarrf Affrikans or Mexicans all lurking in the polluted gardens. No all they ever do is NICK HER! "the paparazzi trespass on her property, hide in bushes, fly drones over her house. “I get paranoid. I feel like I’m being followed — and normally I am.” The police won’t protect her. “If I was a normal person called Linda, going in my car, and I said, ‘I’ve got six guys following me,’ the police would be there straight away. But as soon as they know it’s Katie Price, ‘Oh, nothing we can do.’ But I’m still vulnerable and scared.” LOL She also outright accuses people of stalking her like the bloke in the garden centre or the car outside pulled up on the dual carriageway whom she accused of going through her dustbins! Paranoia at its finest. Are her neighbours protective? “I think they’ve sold stories on me too.”
The poor unfortunate neighbours are also to blame even though its they who look after all the neglected animals she goes off and leaves for days or weeks on end
* She says she "loves peace and quiet..." but then she's said she "loves the chaos" too
* "6 horses " Plus managing to pay 3G a month for the oil to heat the place 24/7. Being bankrupt is the best thing that ever happened to it of course
* Then theres this. Abducting J&B to live (exist) in that hellhole with her and SB is absolutely PERFICK to stop the utilities being cut-off for not paying the bills like normal people are obliged to do. She now has the full deck to add to the Get Out of Jail Free card, ie "Yew carn't turn ME off! Ize got 5 kids, one wots disabled and a terminally ill mother to look after.................." Even if AFP is no longer "terminally ill" after her transplant surgery some weeks ago
* "
I point out, that she tested positive for cocaine when she crashed her BMW last year. “No, that was just drink, that one. I was just drinking. But that’s the papers again.” So speaking to a journo who works for A Paper it says this??!! What about the FACT she admitted being off her trolley on booze & cocaine whilst driving unlicenced, under an ongoing driving ban & therefore uninsured? Her admittance of fact was used in her Court case for same offence! AND - "
The BBC covered her court case following the accident and reported: “Price was taken to hospital, where she told police, ‘I took drugs, I should not be driving, I admit it all.’ The court heard a drugs wipe gave a positive reading for cocaine.” Then theres this - proof positive -
But iss awl lies innit, as usual
* "a cartoonish figure.................................." You got it in one there!
* Saaaarff Affrikka - How can ITV just sit there whilst it sends this ever-changing and ever-increasing LIE out for another airing with not even an
"alleged" in front of the statement? By doing this aren't the ST in trouble for slanderous reporting?
"ITV had not provided any security when she was carjacked and raped in South Africa, she says, “and they wouldn’t do that to Phillip Schofield and Holly Willoughby, would they? If they went away they’d have security people licking their arses, sweeping the f***ing floor for them. I’m the type of person who’ll stay in the same hotel as the crew, because they get cheaper hotels than the talent. Because I’m me, and I’m humble, people take advantage of it. Look what happened. I have to live with that for the rest of my life.”
* Note the quote
"they loved me there" as regards the scant few hours it has spent at Horsham Matters doing a small fraction of the 170 hours it is supposed to complete in a year. She does this a lot this
'they loved me' nonsense, likewise you will also hear this one regularly -
'Harvey is a credit to me'. Very self absorbed. No empathy
* It's interesting she wanted her (the reporter) to know "
she wasn't controlling' ..... the Kipper doth protest too much
She definitely wants to control the conversation though, making excuses of
'not being doom or gloom' when she was asked anything too probing. She's manipulative and coked up no doubt! She also mentioned Holly and Phil again because she's got such a grudge and an axe to grind
Best of all out of it is this quote :-
"She has a very serious delusional psychological condition along with some sort of mythomania - I think she actually believes her own lies."
18.12.22 - Metro getting in on the sniping too -
22.12.22 - Heres the Sun again in a turd lifted from it's SMs pointing out that said person "who does not drink at all" is necking shots with some random bloke.
Sober-drink-night-out/ another one - they're gunning for her!
Moosik -
14.12.22 - it ought to remember this little ditty it has posted because its
The Very Same One it was attempting to "rap" whilst on 'oliday in the company of a couple of German lads in September 2018 whilst off-its-head on self-same stuff
19.12.22 - as yet this moosical horror has not emerged; I cannot imagine why...................
20.12.22 - out on the lash with its equally hideous plasticised "mates", this happens! lol
20.12.22 - barges it's way onstage at E17 gig to screech-over their songs. Lucky them and lucky audience
I bet security had to drag it kicking and screaming off the stage
"Embarrassed...." LOL