* Its Tea Time!!!!
Word has it that.....................................
* Price.Dropped!
* Seksi Foters and Rubbish about "
How seksi wot I iz innit.................."
* Moosik! plus Odd Odes etc -
* Assorted Books of Lies & Accompanying Shite -
* Bankruptcy here we come Again - Woo Hoo!
* The Shitty Shack Is No More - Welcome to the Shitty Shack II aka The Rancid Rental -
* Court Cases, Driving Offences & Other Alleged "
Crimes Against MEEEEEEEE"-
* Old Egg alias The One # 3697, Cole aka Crawl
* Legohead Bongo aka The Security Team- The One # 3698. The Latest Plonker-in-Chief & Their Media Showmance
* Clan Grifter Gossip
* Surrogacy & Adoption plus More Baybee Nonsense & Weddings (In yer dweems skanky!)
* # Ouch!!
* Recruitment Campaign for Noo Eggs - Recruiting the next The One mk 3699 - "
Ize a singul gal now!"-
"Isss Awll Abaaaaht MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Innit, The Product!" -
*"Pwojects Awwwlll Abahhhttt MEEEEE!" & Some "Poor MEEEEEEEs" as well -
* Plasterclasses & Assorted Live Tour Garbage!
"Iss MEEEEEEE Mentawl 'Elf Innit!"
* The Braindeads are Amongst us!
* Scrounging & Grifting, Flogging Crap, More shite on Tiktok, Flogging JYY Crap and Lives
* Podcast Garbage
* Lies, Lies and More Lies
* Scams and Bizznizz Opertewnitys, ie.
"Rebuilding the Empire"
* The Dodgy Social Wanker, Lynn Rickwood aka Skank's Mole, Destroyer of Families
* F4J Dive In on the Skank -
* Awl dem Bewty Tweetments, the Syrups, Dodgy Gnashers, Surgeries, Crap Tattoos & FILTERS!
* Find a Bandwagon & Jump Aboard Woo Hoo! -
* The ex-Husband Squad & Escapees - fighting back against the Gorgon
* Getting at the Exes Plus The Escapees
"I downt dwink..............................Ize sowber innit an' Ize not a dwuggy eeeeva. Nor dem vape fings!"
* Animals Bought (or grifted) to Die. Take Note AGAIN RSPCA
- Justice for Blade!
* Slamming & Swiping - its wot she duzz innit?
* Twolls, Burglars, Vandals, Stalkers, Kidnappers, Wapists, 'Orsham's Own Banksy & Acid Chuckers etc -
* Its Panto Time - "Its Behind you Woo Hoo!" -
* Breaking The Law - Court Cases for Bankruptcy, Driving & God Knows What Else -
* Using Harvey for Publicity and Sympathy - "Pimp My Child" -
* Those Poor Kids and "Crooly Mum-Shamed"
* Fwends Woo Hoo!
* Only Grans and Suchlike
* Work aka 'Olidays!! Woo Hoo!!
* The Browkern Trotters
* The Media Sticking It To Her - just remember,
The Media created her, thus The Media will destroy her ... tick tock
Its Tea Time!!!! Word has it that.....................................
16.10.24 - Unofficial gossip from you-know-who & here's what they've shared:
*The cars are definitely all rentals
*They have a video taken the morning after Crashgate which they cannot publish for obvious reasons. The Shitty Shack was an absolute state, strewn with lots and lots and lots of empty booze bottles, plus lots of evidence of ❄ useage.
*Only 2 other people have this video and one of them is PFP
*She didn't do overnight
at all at the Priory after Crashgate, hence why she was swanning about getting BackEnd to photograph her out shopping.
* She paid £38k to go into the Priory to avoid a harsh or custodial sentence. That's how she scored a suspended sentence because by doing that she complied with the judge's initial request.
* Oh, and she shagged Paul Dannan whilst she was "in" there
So another potential The One who didn't claim her then?)
20.10.24 - CDAN https://www.crazydaysandnights.net/2024/10/blind-items-revealed-4_19.html
Price.Dropped! -
13.10.24 - Heres a new scam its pushing to the Braindeads - she
"Luvvs apps" dontcha knaaaa!! It says these con-artists pay YOU money to play their inane games and they pay up within days! - sounds like just her sort of a grift eh?
Daily Price Drop (@price.drop2024) • Photos et vidéos Instagram
She's in a nail salon yet again having a pedicure on that severely injured trotter (but her diction made it sound like a 'now sawwon') and she's advertising that this bent app pays you £80 or something to just log onto it. She repeats herself about
"Getting paid within 24 hours" -yeah righty-ho!- but she can hardly string a sentence together. Bet they're really glad she's boosting their scam,, in fact skank is even saying Trustpilot approve of this scam!!!!
15.10.24 -
MONEY! It's favourite topic when not talking about MEEEEEEEEEEEEE. None of it is any great shock but how come PD can find this out when the Trustees are seemingly quite unable to do so?
Money hidden here there and everywhere, paying the thing cash-in-hand, money being filtered through Clan Grifter and Jeyda............ oh and it still owns the London flat which is in the name of a Clan Grifter member.
£150k stashed away "offshore" - That £150,000 could've paid her 12 months worth of £12,000 per month IVA and she'd still have the MM and £6,000 to play with. Her greedy and grasping nature is her downfall. Yaaaaay.
* Why have the Trustees not discovered this lot and what about these Forensic Investigators eh?? What the eff are they actually doing for their salaries???
Daily Price Drop (@price.drop2024) • Photos et vidéos Instagram
* Somebody has already shared today's missile onto her FB page & PD have shared their info with the Trustees and Forensic Accountants
*In a way the proof of veracity and The Obvious Troof behind these allegations is the failure of Skank to see a solicitor or the police about such a damning series of exposures because if they were untrue they would be considered libel, and even if Skank didn't have enough money to sue there's many a no-win-no-fee solicitor who would be happy to take on her case if she could show the assertions were lies. But she can't can she?! The police can identify social media posters (as shown by Skank when she made them go after the anti-Harvey people and succeeded in grifting Munney for MEEEEE out of it), however The Proof is in her silence as well as any documentary evidence PD have in their possession. Likewise her gobby accusations against F4J and what she was going to do to them tat were hurled about went nowhere either.
* As to PD not identifying their witnesses outright or those who have come forward to corroborate various grim tales, on balance, the fact that PD had the coke photos in their possession taken in skank's bedroom, it does indicate they DO have a genuine sources or are themselves a source of genuine information. No-one on here is going to be able to verify if every single claim is true but I think it's probable most of the PD stuff is.
* Heres an interesting comment on one of PD's articles - it would be justifiably done too
Seksi Foters and Rubbish about "How seksi wot I iz innit.................." -
Guess who???
and "
Wiping The Shit Wiv Dem Twenny-Summinks anawl."
Doing Pointy-Toe even when sitting down to accentuate The Bandage as well
16.10.24 - Lookin' good whilst out in her Noo Moter - NOT!
What a mess!
18.10.24 - Just absolutely EPIC! Wiping the shit with all those twenny-year-olds of course but look at those fucking horrible boots. Imagine its spindly twiglet legs wearing those things without trousers on................
It'll look like two golf clubs stuck in a wrinkled leather bag
Moosik! plus Odd Odes etc -
Dedicated to Skank, money manager Danny and the rest of the inhuman clan. To the beautiful tune of Oh Danny Boy
Oh Danny boy, the courts, the courts are calling.
From cell to cell, and around the jailhouse walls.
The money's gone and HMRC are calling.
It's you, it's you must go, while skanky tries to hide.
But then the clan, they all end up surrounded.
By cred-it-ors from far and wide.
And finally Skanks got no place to hide.
Oh Danny boy, You're all fucked and WE love it sooooo!
Bankruptcy here we come Again - Woo Hoo! -
15.10.24 - PD have unearthed a whole load of info as to the skank's dodgy money dealings (see above) to which its something the useless Trustees and even the Forensic Accountants appear to have failed to do. Non-professionals have excavated this latest lot and yet these so-called
"professionals" have seemingly done NOTHING!!!
*At the very least they should be approaching PD to see the proof they hold then earn their own exorbitant salaries by doing some investigating of their own then arrest the old slag over it, but no, instead of doing that small thing they're sitting at their desks drinking coffee and doing PISS ALL about the grifting old slag-bag as it rakes in the cash for itself and knocks everybody it owes money to. Do these people actually serve any purpose at all????
PD have sent them THE LOT so they cannot say "We didn't know!"!)
20.10.24 - the Pink Monstrosity was seen outside the Rancid Retal today so she's still got it
Court Cases, Driving Offences & Other Alleged "Crimes Against MEEEEEEEE"- #Criminaljunkie-
13.10.24 - heres an interesting comment on one of the few articles about it getting a driving licence again.
True? Maybe.
14.10.24 - just rubbing it in again
15.10.24 -
* OK then, the fact skank has somehow got her licence back from the DVLA
proves there's nothing wrong with her either mentally and physically, so Court and sitting before a judge to answer questions isn't a problem anymore obviously. But as skank itself pointed out and admitted, she was going to lie under oath to the judge anyway, as in "
I can't tell The Truth with those people here"
18.10.24 - How long has the thing had it's licence back?? Driving Bongo about today and already its speeding!
Plus its driving wearing those ludicrous fluffy slider things too - the ideal driving shoe. Wonder if Lewis Hamilton wears them too?
* https://metro.co.uk/2024/10/18/katie-price-back-behind-wheel-18-month-driving-ban-21814086/
Old Egg alias The One # 3697, Cole aka Crawl -
15.10.24 -Heres Cole responding to the "IVF journey" bullshit
16.10.24 - Awwwwwwwww come on! Nobody gives a frig about Kate but please keep this up Cole!
Katie Price's ex launches scathing attack and says JJ Slater is 'being used as a sperm donor' | The Sun
18.10.24 - he got a five minute spot on GB news talking about nothing in particular - so why did he not blab about skanky eh?? IVF, Only Fans and Sid - I suppose it's better than sink boys last appearance answering questions with
"I like cars.........I like old cars" Still, she'll be pissed that he got the slot and she didn't!!
Copied from another topic but this is the gist of it
22.10.24 - Cole really does NOT want to be reminded of the worst years of his life does he? And who can blame him?
Hopefully he does manage to get this rubbish binned because that'll piss her off even more
Legohead Bongo aka The Security Team- The One # 3698. The Latest Plonker-in-Chief & Their Media Showmance -
15.10.24 - so he is still around then...............for the time being
. "Stockober"?? Whats that then??
Is skank one of the exhibits?
* Gotta love his quip back at her though, something along the lines of life with her being a horror story.........................
18.10.24 - it it does appear that Bongo has gotten away with having to spend a grim Christmas with it, so instead it gets to spend the holiday with a fellow Addict! I suppose she doesn't have the inconvenience of the kids with her any longer, so can just get on with doing what she loves! ❄
Surrogacy & Adoption plus More Baybee Nonsense & Weddings (In yer dweems skanky!)-
13.10.24 - In light of skanky's announcement that C4 are broadcasting some shit about her and Cole's epic "IVF journey" to get a behbeh for her to use, you can but wonder about the sanity of whoever sanctioned this garbage (IF they did)? Cole cannot be happy either. Saying that, WTF is this programme anyway, why would anyone other than her collective idiot fanbase be interested in a story about this wreck of a human trying IVF with an ex boyfriend from 18 months to 2 years ago, (which he will by the time this crap is broadcast.)
"Successfully overcoming the first hurdle of growing a perfect egg, there are many more obstacles ahead on the rocky road to having a baby....................."
* Everyone knows it failed, we know no baby came from whatever this rubbish is (thank God!) - so what is the point?? What did they do? The surrogate said she had no viable eggs left and the thing itself has been heard to say she never froze her eggs and has none now, apart than this nonsense about "One Egg". Skank has nothing effectively so this bullshit is just another LIE!
* So what do we have left then to make a "show" about C4? The story about trying for IVF with a reluctant boyfriend who she was rowing & fighting with constantly with absolute zero chance of conceiving as in fact she had NO VIABLE EGGS? On top of that the thing was abusing it's raddled body at the time with ❄,
and a
fast food diet, so yeah that was gonna work innit??. Basically all that remains is a scintillating programme about Skank meeting consultants who tell her she has no chance of becoming pregnant while she performs her ‘sad face’ and Cole looks on not giving a f*ck apart from relief. Yeah fascinating subject matter there C4.................;
* How have they commissioned this, indeed WHY do they still want to broadcast this law-breaking, criminal junkie liar anyway when it’s insulting to all the women who are unlucky with IVF even though they did everything they could to conceive?? Precisely WHY are they entertaining her fake story, cos that’s what this is? This thing just takes the piss with the endless bankruptcies, the driving convictions, all the rest of her numerous crimes and misdemeanours, and now this, with our media playing along with her lies?
Its a total fucking pisstake....as usual. Why don't any of the press question her where J& B are to show what sort of a "Mother" it actually is?
She just continues with all the fucking lies....non stop, ad infinitum and NOBODY seems capable of stopping it
15.10.24 - they're still putting this bullshit out https://www.mirror.co.uk/3am/celebrity-news/katie-price-health-fears-cosmetic-33892609 It ain't happening and NOBODY CARES ANYWAY!
16.10.24 - a comment in PD's revelation says that C4 have DENIED they bought this crap and are thinking of broadcasting it! So another LIE then???
17.10.24 - so another source says they have bought this garbage then & plan to air it in the New Year, basically long after Cole parted company with the thing!!
“It’s called Katie Price: Making Babies, but the sad reality is Katie’s IVF journey doesn’t hasn’t had a happy ending yet." Keeping the options open there then?
* Hopefully this crap gets the backlash it deserves & it looks like it will when we are already seeing people who have gone through IVF angry about this on SMs, so maybe this will end up being a good thing?. No baby came from it, no baby will ever come from it and more people will ask questions about her children she has lost already,
* OMFG its out there!
"This insightful two-part special follows the ups and downs, shock discoveries, and hormonal hurdles of media personality Katie Price's IVF journey - but at 45, the fertility odds are against her.
"In her mid-forties and a mother of 5 children, Katie has been married 3 times, and the complexity of juggling family life with her work schedule is always chaotic. In a last ditch attempt to have a baby Katie decides to go through the physically demanding and emotionally-draining fertility programme.
But with IVF being only a 1% chance of success in women aged over 45, will have their dreams be dashed before they’ve even begun?
Successfully overcoming the first hurdle of growing a perfect egg, there are many more obstacles ahead on the rocky road to having a baby."
No way will they find "a perfect egg" in that raddled old thing, no way whatsoever
* Who on earth thinks that the public would be interested in Skank's IVF journey anyway?! But, perhaps that's the entire issue? This stupid production company has filmed it, but no channel will now touch it? Would explain delay from filming to still no release date
* PD spoke to the morons at C4 who bought this shite - apparently it will be broadcast next year so lets hope it co-incides directly with the thing going back to Court yet again then locked up?
# Ouch!! -
14.10.24 - an absolute belter of a comment on the DM article about its poor browkern trotter
22.10.24 - This quote is from one of Bongo's compatriates on MAFS - not very flattering to skank or Bongo is it?
"Isss Awll Abaaaaht MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Innit, The Product!" -
16.10.24 - ts banging on about Druggz now with another
"Poor Me" shitefest -
The details are evolving & changing on this one too like they've done on Saaaarrrrrfffff Affrikka and various other Twarmers in it's grim existence . The latest version says it had 2 x 5 week stints at the Priory but the number of weeks changes every time. (Even her mum didn't say it was that long) so guess what? Its
LIES again
* There is nothing "emotional" about this garbage - she's just talking about what a "victim" she is as usual and therefore its all somebody else's fault naturally.
18.10.24 - it did a Q&A session for Braindeads to ask her about her glorious Make-up routine. There are so many questions that need to be asked, just not about her plasterwork - how about a few of these then?
When is the rescheduled book signing she was ranting about at the press going ahead?
When does she become a fully qualified paramedic?
When is her West End show about MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE coming out?
Has she started her Netflix filming?
Has she booked the family holiday with all the kids for next year?
Has she applied for her US visa for filming her Texas seriel killers gig over there next year?
When is her YouTube back? No sign of it yet.
When does she start filming the travel show with Princess?
When is she getting tattoos of her other kids?
When is she doing the rescheduled makeup masterclasses?
When is her empire coming back? Perfume, underwear, as she’s being saying for years..
Has she given up on KP Equestrian?
Has she stopped selling TT tat from her kitchen?
Why did she rant at the press about her Little Pricey company when she’s never launched it?
Why isn’t she showing herself driving her Amaaaaazin' newly blinged up pink RR?
Why hasn’t she done the house tour of the new rental? I personally want to see how she has done up ALL the kids bedrooms.
Why didn’t she feed her kids on Christmas Day 2023 or buy them presents? Hope she enjoyed her 4 bottles of Prosecco that day.
Why did she let someone take a dump on her stomach?
Why does she blame an ex for ‘introducing’ her to coke when she’s been on it for decades?.
Why does she lie about everything?
why does she exploit her kids so much?
When is she going to give up vaping?…
We could be here all day….
20.10.24 - this is supposed to be an advert for that crappy "event" its doing shortly at a drag queen do. Its' waggling its plastic arse and juggling Phil and Grant around
Don't know if anyone has actually seen this witty little ad on insta for that Top of the Sloppy flops event in November, but her dememented prancing about is toe curlingly bad as per usual. She's wriggling her scrawny arse and juggling her concrete gate balls - WOW its a particular highlight
Plus who keeps ornaments on their induction hob let alone inflammable crap dry flower arrangements? Or could it be she hasnt actually been making her special rustic spaggy bols and roasts
20.10.24 - Here we go; Its back on youchoob talking about MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE and dishing out another whole load of LIES about everything - none of it is her fault though you understand
https://youtu.be/w3EORuHc9UM Just another batch full of full of all her usual deflecting crap, i.e.
"I was never bankrupt, you lot were... I am minted............"
* Little does she know that when you search youchoob for her rubbish, just below her new channel is PD's video of Cole talking about her cheating. Excellent placement
* Of course its just yet another rehash of The Usual Bullshit ie
Reasons behind the bankrupt- this will just be lies, hopefully it’ll say something that will incriminate it even further as the gob runs off blabbering LIES
Reasons behind losing the ol' Shitty Shack -It will claim she wasn’t evicted, instead she wanted to leave because Bandits and Intruders were after her, as opposed to The Truth that she lost it cos she refused to pay the mortgage.
The surgeries…what’s to tell? Let her just carry on butchering herself because all she's succeeded in doing is making herself look older than she is. Sepsis awaits! Wonder if she will keep plugging the butchers who do her hilarious BBL procedures, because that now will land her in a whole heap of trouble
She’s back - Absolutely NOT - her "career" is in the bin but she just can’t see it herself
Talking about my hobbies - the only one she has is horse riding and she no longer has the horses, so more lies then
Getting the young people on board, they don’t know Katie Price - they don’t give a f*ck about her because its an old has-been & of no interest to the young people
Said I’d never be a pop star, I do my singing now - No she's NOT a pop star in fact she can’t sing at all! Its simply mildly amusing novelty act thats turned up at few Pride events where drunk people laugh at her, she's basically a joke act. Where are all her Chart Hits then IF she's such an amaaaaazin' success???
Behind the scenes in my new house, house to - this will be good, she's going to show us all the kids rooms eh? Looking forward to this one
Cleaning up lots of rumours - basically lying & lying with a bit more lying added in
The real me, not the fake me the media portray.... I have nothing to do with those stories - Skank sells an endless stream of fake staged photos and associated nonsense but they never tell the Real Truth they already know about her anyway. Just keep biting the hand that feeds you skanky because you have already alienated The Sun & OKrap are not exactly on friendly terms recently are they?
Love having the camera following MEEEEEE -we love it too due to the abysmal failures on the filters on YouTube - anyone remember ‘Piggy Island’ ? She looked awful, skin looked so bad and it looks worse now, oh what fun this will be
Finally, we’ll get to see how you have Zero Chemistry with Bongo, but we will get to see who else you have working for you, like Dim Lynne and others. Oh this will be comedy gold, kinda looking forward to how much she’ll give away gobbing-off, reckon it’ll be hilarious for us as it drops itself deeper in the mire
The statistics aren't exactly favourable though
22.10.24 -
That'll be the same Barbie who neglected to invite skanky to the film premiere then?
* Posted a picture of J&P at last night's Pride of Britain Awards (to which she did NOT get invited) Instead they went with Pete & Emily so this photo originated as a Family Group, but disgruntled, doubtless Foomin' Mummy edited them out of the picture
https://tattle.life/attachments/img_3882-jpeg.3232000/ versus the original picture
* in any case, why would she wanna go to that Pride of Britain rubbish? Innit much better to walk up and down your back garden dodging the cat shit wearing highly flammable (available in sizes 8 to 34) and highly static shit clothing???? Furthermore, without a doubt it would have turned up at this event shreiking, dressed like this, in its usual effortlessly chic "style".
"Iss MEEEEEEE Mentawl 'Elf Innit!" -
Going back to some crapcast it was on, check this out where the thing states that it won't take medications anyway "b
eycorz it'll suppress me persunallitty innit..................." Now I thought that would be a good thing?
Its not stopped her taking other stuff (or self-medicating skank calls it) though has it, ie ❄ amongst other things?
* She also has supposedly had access to the Priory for numerous years now for her Mentawl 'Elf nonsense but of course her bad MH is a get out for everything she does wrong therefore skank is NOT going to actually DO anything about it is she?.
* Heres part of the Priory Bullshit she fed them
Note that she has only shown these initial referral papers rather than the Diagnosis & Treatment papers.................. wonder why that is eh?
* and also an extract from her book of LIES concerning it's Mentawl 'Elf. You gotta feel immensely sorry for the ghost-writer who had to put her deranged ramblings into some sort of a readable format though
Nevertheless it is complete & utter drivel
The Braindeads are Amongst us! -
What a weapons-grade twat this one is!!
19.10.24 - but there again things ain't quite so rosy over on it's FB
It seems the Twollz have infiltrated both her FB and Lardy Lou's page too ......
21.10.24 - The Braindeads are thrilled to have it back on youchoob though
Absolute cretins
* another infiltrator nipped in and posted this though, asking her if the turd on the stomach picture is real
* and one very special Braindead indeed - Naked Rodney!!!
Yet ol' Rodney has his scruples dontcha knaaaw - check this out -
Well his belovéd goddess skank is only one small step away from this and yet here he is supporting the thing
Scrounging & Grifting, Flogging Crap, More shite on Tiktok, Flogging JYY Crap and Lives -
13.10.24 - So the media have finally dived-in on the dreadful Customer Service at JYY, but its not as if skanky has not been ripping mugs off for a very long time under various guises long before JYY reared its cheap and nasty head over the parapet.
* For a start theres the investment scams (forex), hawking those VIP tickets for plasterclasses where it doesn’t turn up anyway with no refunds offered or given, theres the wristwatch scams , or "
Stinking by Katie Price" where people just didn’t get their orders after the cash was taken which is to mention just a few - and now thanks to JYY people have again lost thousands to these crooks. * Then we have all those Ads that have been banned, all her low calorie diet "foods & supplements", the Collarjean gunk etc etc and then theres her Crapcast that ended abruptly after the Braindeads had paid out their subs for it - no refunds no apologies!
* And yet some morons still think she’s wonderful? She's the type who'd skin a turd if she thought it would make her money
(having scraped it off her belly first of course), skank will have no thought for anyone except MEEEE & especially not her brain dead moronic fans who are only there to be utilised like she does with Harvey. It’s not going to worry about creditors is it ?
* Quote from the Mirror article
* The Sun
Its about time the media got stuck into this bunch of scamsters
* Even today its pushing another of those "I
ncwedibul Apps wot I luv!" to the Braindeads saying how they can get £80 for doing nuffink but log-in!! It makes a point of repeating how you'll be paid directly within 24 hours AND that Trustpilot approve it (which is more than can be said of JYY's reputation on Trustpilot)
Scamming is alive and well
* So it couldn't even grift tickets for the opening night at Tulley's Shocktober thing! LOL
"Stocktober" as well
16.10.24 - here we go again moddlin' another tatty item from JYY, stomping about her back yard in 'Aywerds 'Eef" thinking she's on the catwalks of Paris instead of avoiding the piles of cat shit on the pathway in suburbia.
* Come on - admit it! Who said they've seen better looking & more convincing flashers at King's Cross Station???
And doesn't everybody wear fluffy slippers with a winter coat???
* Flogging some rag-bag items for JYY here you can see where it's tried to put right the scrawny Breadstick leg doing Pointy-Toe with a bit of Photoshopping - and failed!
Having two calves doesn't look right.
17.10.24 - Back flogging Collarjean again - look at the glow-in-the-dark Hallow'een Teef though
18.10.24 - and more garbage for landfill compliments of JYY. Just love how that tatty cardigan is screaming for mercy at the buttons as it struggles to restrain Phil & Grant, then theres that flimsy rag thats trying SO HARD to be "Designer" and fails miserably.
Its all wonky like her face!
* Trying to tell us its
"Off to a meeting................" dressed like that!
(Note to skank - the courts don't mind what you wear - they just want you to turn up for a change!) Like you do eh?? Presumably this is her still trying to fake the amazing businesswoman image when in truth she's the kiss-of-death to any business by association.
* She's certainly on a selling spree though
In her haste to be Seksi, she forgot her trousers!
* and now this monstrosity. Doesn't everybody go out like this having forgotten their top this time? Just ridiculously awful.......
Yet Wowsers! Just how seksi does she look in her groovy granny cardi. As usual, the industrial grade filter is polishing a turd, she’s got her ridiculous boobs on show as well as her enormous clown feet stuffed into roadkill. But I see she’s hiding her twiglet granny legs. She really does wipe the shit wiv' dem yunger moddels down’t she
20.10.24 - and more hilarious "moddlin" from it including a bit of Pointy Toe.
She really does think a backyard in 'Aywerds 'Eef equates to the Paris catwalks, plus she reckons she's sex on legs doesn't she? More like death on legs
* and more still! Now don't you ladies be greedy and pay out for tons of stuff because History Dictates that you will get sod-all back, let alone these allegéd cheapo items for a fiver apiece! (please
see details further up here ⬆
Incidentally, going by the carbon-dating of its current manicure it would appear that the thing STILL has the pink monstrosity - along with the new rented jobs!
* Heres a couple of customer reviews from Trustpilot
13 Oct 2024
No thanks!
Ok, so I have been reading these reviews for a couple of weeks and decided to order for myself to see how it goes. Oh, let me just add that I work for a local newspaper, basically covering lifestyle stuff. I have also just seen that the Mail online has cottoned on to JYY so my piece for the newspaper is probably going to be shelved now
Anyways, ordered the “mystery bag” Only mystery is that they continue to get away with selling this absolute rubbish!!! Got a pair of sunglasses, which obviously we all need in October. Also took 2 weeks to arrive, which I think is pretty poor as I have had stuff off Temu that’s arrived quicker!
It doesn’t help that certain celebrities are endorsing this “brand” I can’t imagine how many young and impressionable girls are buying into this.
Date of experience: 13 October 2024
2 days ago
I ordered from this company to never receive any items
I ordered from this company not realising that what I had ordered was a pre order. This wasn’t made clear upfront. On writing to the company I via their website with my order number I got a message of order not found. So I wrote direct on the website, and Instagram and got no answer. Only then did I read the reviews. Working in insolvency for several years I did my homework into this company to find the lady who is director owns a lot of companies that are named after Katie Price’s children. I the found an article that explains Katie and her boyfriend are front men with the Director. I suspect because she’s been made bankrupt previously and currently she’s simply keeping her name off documentation but this is her company. As soon as I wrote on a post of Katie’s I got a response to my email. As explained the invoice did say pre order, which was two weeks away, so I waited. 4 weeks later I emailed, send instagram messages again. I wrote on a JYYLDN Instagram post, commented on a story put on that day. No response. I went on to send a message threatening trading standards, no response. I commented directly on Katie’s page regarding trading standards, within 15 mins I got a response that my item still hadn’t arrived and offered a refund. It took two months for nothing to arrive, not even the item in stock. I opted for a refund as it all seemed very badly run and I just didn’t trust I would ever see anything after that. I was dubious about ever seeing my money again but I did eventually get a full refund rather than the items ordered.
Date of experience: 11 October 2024
Well what a surprise there then eh????
* Its back on youtube folks.................. https://youtu.be/w3EORuHc9UM
"Back doing everything that everyone wants MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE to do" Is she gonna pay her debts off and fuck off then? No such luck I fear
* Its hilarious on that YT clip when she talks about "E-joocaytin them Noo peepul 'oo say, "
Who is Katie Price?"
Katie. Love. Trust me; they don't!
"And to all those people who said, "She'll never be a popstar. She'll never be able to do singing..... well, you're wrong, I DO do my singing." Katie luv, that's a whole different thing. You might DO it but that doesn't mean you're any good at it and who picked that clip of you 'singing'
"Tell it to my heart" COMPLETELY off-key? It causes eardrum damage.
21.10.24 - Onwards we go with the Christmas Campaign of flogging cheapo crap at top mark-ups to the Braindeads - but you do get a signed photo of MEEEEEEEE with whatever rubbish you purchase though WOO HOO.......
* Does she have the kids shut in a cellar somewhere slicing soaps & sticking on labels from Instaprint?? She's done something with them considering they've not been seen since June..........
* The packaging is something else though because she's really gone-to-town on making these things classy and upmarket has'nt she? Ten thousand sticky labels from Instaprint, one slapped on each plastic bag direct from Temu China. But you do get an autographed foter of MEEEEEEEE though
* An old photo too because theres a shortage of hideous tattoos on the thing
* Note the implication that you'll get all this garbage for your tenner, not just one crappy item. Fraudulent advertising if ever I saw it.
* And a repeat of this with another seksi moddlin' pose
Note it says about watching Junior play football - what a tragedy she stopped Jett playing the game he loved in her ploy to hurt K as much as she could
21.10.24 - hawking the Collarjean muck again.
"Slap dis on yer face an' yew can lukk liyk MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!". No fanx luv
You can achieve similar results with a smack in the mush from a cast iron frying pan
* Someone likes her Collarjean though
22.10.24 - and more flogging shoddy clothing, although one might think the thing is selling Itself rather more than the cheap & nasty garments for JYY
GRIM viewing
There she goes. Wiping the shit off 20 year olds, while all the time being the colour of creosote
Podcast Garbage -
16.10.24 - another boring, brainless twat has invited it to guest on his tedious Crapcast on Thursday 18th so cue all the same bullshit & LIES it spews at every single outing. Nothing new, just LIES, deflection & the normal quota of utter BS! I suppose theres always the chance one of these idiots will call the thing out........... nah just more grovelling and ass-licking as per usual
17.10.24 - and here it is, more regurgitated rubbish the same every other crapcast it's ever done
Podcast has a warning about sensitive issues being discussed.
First 15 minutes
*This was done a while back when s
here apparently.
* Informed the host that she is the 'perfect guest' and he can ask her anything.. (this fool describes her as the most famous person in Britain at one point).
*We've got the registered nurse stuff.
*She doesn't know any different to any of this of course.................
*She's "Normal".
Same old shit, same phrases as all the other crapcasts.
* Blah blah blah............ "Girl's hated her.....She's got awards......."
* All the magazine's being reeled off now .
* China White's, clubs being reeled off.
* Its any excuse for the press to bring her down dontcha knaaaawww...............
* She's got a NO 1 book............... press never write about that.
Maybe thats because its not and has never been a Number One best seller??
* She known as Katie Price not Jordan
* She does OFs. Loves posing in her underwear etc but she doesn't show anything...
(Apart from someone else's turds presumably??)
* You'll never see pictures of her in a bikini on Insta. (Really??? LOL Whats this then? Cheap undies are different are they?)
* She Loves it, loves posing.
* OF's isn't her main income, its Podcasts & TT. (Nice little note of those Useless Trustees there, not that she has either now LOL)
* People want to see any pictures of her, even just watching TV !!
She won't do naked stuff (except with turds) as she has kids and family and a partner - theres nothing worse than sitting at a table knowing her mate's partners have seen her nude!! (
Errrr has she forgotten the naked shower pics it was selling & the Turd Photo etc)
* Sounds like Junior doesn't like her doing OFs. Junior knows what she is about, poor little sod.
* She always gets slated for her singing. She loves it, she's very booked up for her singing. (Oh really? What happenned to all those dates over the summer then and the special cabaret in Dubai?)
* She starts singing what songs she is doing. (Perhaps she's after a duet with the host?)
* Pete gets a mentioned now about them singing together. (He'd rather forget about it too)
* Eurovision is her worst regret.
* Pete mentioned again.
* She hates being slated for her singing.
She knows she can sing!. She has had singing lessons in the past dontcha knaaaw
*Doing what she wants to do now.
* NB brings up the Eurovision clip, Pete mentioned again, she can't remember who she was pregnant with at the time P or J
* Her latest book, explains what has REALLY been happening behind the scenes she insists, but yes in fact its the same old shit, repeating every other pod cast's script.
* Mentawl 'elf now - she's got SEVERE PTSD, everyone was shocked when she did the coke, alcohol is fine but she doesn't drink at home
Fucking liar-pants-on-fire!) says
she never drinks at home unless she has a party.
* She was introduced to the coke by an ex so it really is Someone Elses Fault! She did coke at home. (That was the final straw for Pete - he left her)
* SEVERE ADHD now mentioned again.
* She never had an addiction with coke. She only did it over a few months.
(Such LIES!!)
* She's never been one to do it, nevertheless she wrote that farewell letter to coke when doing her 30 minutes at day at 'Otel Pwiowy remember!. It doesn't cross her mind to do it now though.
* She was general patient at the Priory so was paying £8.5k a week for treatment, blah blah blah. She speaks a lot about the addiction people while in the Priory, apparently she had tests which said she didn't need to be given anything to come off the drugs as she wasn't an addict.
(Fact is,, she hasn't actually
"Come off it" has she?)
* Heres the Suicide attempt now. She is real, doesn't want to hide everything, everything is in the book, she has a PTSD warning in her book.
God this is so shite.
*Noises in her head.............. Communication.................. Repeat, repeat, repeat.....................;
* Speaks to her therapist every 2/3 weeks. (That'll be Alan then)
* And now heres her "Life coach training" LIES.
* Worse thing happened to her? Hanging herself with the microphone wire, you feel the heat as you pull it tight, then she woke up, phone down toilet, eyes black from falling. (
What a load of fucking CRAP!!!)
*She's a strong person though.
* She didn't know about therapy before all this happened...(WTAF, of course she did).
She is actually repeating every single previous podcast word for word. BLAH BLAH BLAH
*She's constantly taken advantage of... yawn..............zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
* Said she doesn't have a manager anymore, or not in England anyway. (Interesting.......).
* Heres the Product bit now. She's a product not a person. She's a robot.
* Despite that, it says No one is dictating to her, she does the work she wants to & she deserves it.
* And this - funniest bit of all - she
"Doesn't look 46!!"
* It says its going to Turkey tomorrow for the facelift (so that dates when this was recorded)
* She is in control apparently.
* Bankruptcy...she is getting her shit together. It's the media who go on about it but she's on top of everything, she's in control! She has money, (PD confirmed that), plus she's still working and turning work down.
* "Just deal with it and move on". It grandly announces
* The Media torments her. She's never been evicted for her bankruptcy. (Really now?)
* Papers blamed her for Harvey being blind, but it wasn't her fault!
* Her kids are her everything. yeah............................. we can see that.................
* She's still hungry and driven no one can take that away from her. Washing machine/reset/got knowledge and experience
* Downside for her was she was
raped 3 times under the age of 18, first time when she was 7, LIES
* Now on to men...mental abuse, toxic blah, blah blah,
* Now in a healthy relationship; She knows the red flags to watch for you see!.
* Now said
"It's not men's fault..." when every other time its "ALWAYS A BLOKE'S FAULT - not MEEEEEEE!!!" Another different version of events then
* On about her book launch and people were trying to get her to drink, but she refused.
*Asked what her routine is... straight to horses, says she has FOUR horses.
* Apparently she always wondered what it was like to have a new build house, so she got rid of the farm house (aka the Shitty Shack) and is now in a new build - she chose everything in it. She loves it.
* Reels off kids ages. Wants more kids, she likes chaos. "M
ake MEEEE a cup of tea!" screeched at J&B during the hell that was last Christmas. (Yes we all know how that worked out don't we skanky??).
* Went BA to Turkey
Heres another massive great bunch of LIES from it. Harvey - she never has carers, she does it all.
* Harvey's law/trolling. She repeats the
"Hello you C*nts" phrase, then says
"He is an icon for it". (
That is NOT iconic, it is shameful to have even taught him that!)
* The host, to her -"You are a devoted mum!"
Harvey's law is a bit delayed so it says ...
* When she went to court re someone trolling Harvey, she kept having a go at the Judge and he kept trying to tell her to shut up and getting her told off. The guy was let off - she said it was the same judge as when she kept getting done for drink driving (not sure if that is true) so therefore he was biased against MEEEEEEEEEEEE. Another LIE probably but she thinks it sounds good presumably, but what is the likelihood of A Judge being so easily diverted? Maybe Judge just recognised an asshole when he saw one??
* Begging for part 2 podcast, she can't remember Jamie Laing's name! (Who wants to do a part 3)
* Off we go with this bullshit now -
Bringing back the empire woo hoo!! More shitty books. Tedious documentaries about MEEEEEE of course, & now going to Texas end of NEXT year to interview serial killers. Doing docu with Harvey in November, BBC want to do another & she will be back doing that grim podcast with her sister.
(Yeah righty-ho skanky!)
* Never done Strictly or DOI. (No chance of it either luv - have you forgotten the Browkern Trotterz?)
* IAC... public voted for her everyday on the 2nd one... blah blah blah.
* She just offended NB with some comment about not needing the money or raising her profile.
* Regrets?
Men, Eurovision and some managers.
* Up, down, up, down.
* She used to fancy Mark from Westlife.
* Pete mentioned again.
* Panto with KK, we are the Ugly Sisters.
(Since changed after her protests to The Wicked Sisters as she ain't Ugly innit!"
* KK doesn't even drink these days. She doesn't know the name of Cinderella. Mentions the Panto in October, which has been cancelled.
* Surgery, - she will only have a bandage on her face so she can still go in pool with her pus oozing.
She can't wait and is excited.
* Broke her feet 2 years ago. (here we go again....
* Her mum calls her ridiculous for the surgery and tattoos. Doesn't care if she is on TV with a bandage.
* Why Turkey? She's seen friends get stuff done there.
* C4 are filming her facelift, for behind the scenes. NB says she will be stunning after the surgery.
(wonder if he's seen the results then?) Actually it was the clinic filming for some in-house nonsense - NOT C4!
* Planning her 50th, she wants a big event.
(Probably a bit like her 30th anniversary party)
* NB asks her to choose ultimate boyband...Nick Carter, Gary Barlow, Luther Vandross, Chris Brown & George Benson, and she would call them Priceywoods. How come Pete never got a place in her Boyband then?
* She used to fancy Nick Carter.
* She's open minded about everything.
(Yeah we've seen the Shit Pix)
* "Never underestimate the Pricey.... " The End
Where is the gin & Xanax please....???
* Its launched into the usual script again.
* It says if there is drama, she will keep it going until she has the last word! (
Isn't that admitting she's obsessive and manipulative? Aka - abusive?)
* She is still running with the "Pretending to be a horse jumping over a bush" on holiday in Turkey insisting that is how she broke her trotterz in this ADHD podcast.
(We all know the Troof though don't we - and that ain't it! LIES again!)
* Onwards it goes spouting bullshit and LIES from The Script its used so many times before
* Still also running with the Priory 'General' patient category and
Not drugs/alcohol - it WAS SEVERE PTSD.
Funny then how the people it saw in the Priory (her Alan) were specialists in drugs/addictions.
* Making out she
'Does the kids' -(
When would that be then since she's not had them since June, J&P a lot longer?)
* Horse riding is her 'talent'
(Well its certainly NOT singing is it? And BTW she's a useless horse-rider too)
* Her mani-pedi usually takes 3 hours. (
No wonder H gets pissed-off then when he's stuck in some bloody salon for 3 hours whilst it gets preened again)
* Talking about her parenting. Routine? Boundaries? She doesn't have these. (Ya don't say??)
* She's impulsive.
(or is that Repulsive?)
* She's always late.
* She was on holiday when she recorded this.
* It says it has to have an Appropriate Adult for court as she can't take it in. She can't fill out forms. Been assessed by a judge in court. She can read it but not take it in. She wishes she had been assessed before to have an appropriate adult.
(She understands how to hide money in off shore accounts and to be paid cash in hand though, doesn’t she? Funny that!)
* Talks about going to court and being arrested - has to have someone in the room as well as a solicitor, hence why she's stringing Dim Lynne along now.
* Bankruptcy can happen to anyone...but it's her MH fault & because nothing was explained to her she didn't understand it.
* Her bankruptcy ends in March she said.
(Really? Which one?)
* Professionals trying to make her take meds for her ADHD. Been on escitalopram for 15 years.
(Its been on coke longer though. * This drug has clearly not worked when you consider she had her
"Biggest break down evah" whilst taking it having crashed her car etc, she was off her plastic tits on drugs & jumped off a balcony, oh and neglected her kids throughout. Yeah the drug company can be really proud of her as a shining example! (
Escitalopram is mainly used to treat major depressive disorder and generalized anxiety disorder. )
* She shouted throughout that pod.
* Anyway the thing is off for a massage now so its blissfully short, nevertheless theres plenty of fawning over "Britain's number 1 celeb" (allegedly) BARF
* Oh and it left with the menacing threat that her own Crapcast will be back soon after Edna's sprog comes along. Funny how Edna said she was taking until September 2025 as maternity leave but doubtless skank won't give a shite about that idea - Edna will do as commanded of course.
18.10.24 - as to it's own shitty Crapcast, the Sun picked up on it being MIA.
Katie Price reveals real reason her hit podcast with sister went ‘missing’ as she confirms show’s future | The Sun
Quite how they can claim her Crapcast is "successful" though is an enigma, but the bad news is the skank & Edna show threatening to Come Back AND another sell-out Tour
Awl dem Bewty Tweetments, the Syrups, Dodgy Gnashers, Surgeries, Crap Tattoos & FILTERS! -
15.10.24 - more revolting tattoos en route
Just to enhance the "hairy back" tatttooing she already has
* Nevertheless this last mangled surgery has given her permanent resting bitch face crossed with dead shark eyes. Her eye shape is fucked forever. Her mouth looks downturned all the time. Even if (highly unlikely) she wasn’t miserable she’d still look it. Thats called KARMA sweetie!
* Flogging some rag-bag items for JYY where you can see it's tried to put right the Breadstick leg doing Pointy-Toe with a bit of Photoshopping - and failed!
Two calves don't look right do they?
16.10.24 -
Another gallon of gloop jabbed into it's fishlips. Gruesome. Then at the end it adds
"Very demurr"...
* She says
"Can you notice a difference, if you can't that's good" Well why in the fuck would you have them done then if you don't want to see a difference!
* https://www.thesun.co.uk/tvandshowbiz/31122570/bankrupt-katie-price-new-butterfly-lips/ Fish lips
20.10.24 - more of this old rubbish
Look at the difference though
Find a Bandwagon & Jump Aboard Woo Hoo! -
17.10.24 - following the untimely death of Liam Payne, how long before it attaches it's bandwagon to this story somehow? Was he yet another potential The One?
* Yep here we go. Not long now before it starts comparing itself with LP then?? Perhaps she ought to take note of LP's sad demise because this is what can happen when you let alcohol and drugs get the better of you unchecked?. She should count herself very fortunate that she only broke her feet rather than her scrawny neck when she flung herself off that 500 metre high wall at the theme park / hotel / wherever in Turkey whilst "
pretending to be a horse".....
18.10.24 - she'll be pleased the 12 year olds have picked up on her sympathy message though
"I downt dwink..............................Ize sowber innit an' Ize not a dwuggy eeeeva. Nor dem vape fings!" -
On this next podcast garbage its guesting on it harps-on about about her 'severe' ADHD, she says this:
Appearing on Westlife singer Nicky Byrne's new podcast, Katie said: "I've been diagnosed with severe ADHD.
"I remember the doctor saying to me, because obviously he knew I'd done [cocaine]...
"I'm like, 'I just go completely quiet and shut down'. He said, 'That's a major sign of someone with ADHD."
She really "shut down" when those German lads filmed her infamous
"Ize luvs der coke innit" video eh?
https://youtu.be/1AB248Yfxa0 or did she mean
"Ize luvs ter self-medikayte innit"??
17.10.24 - Just a few of her Coke pix from Other Sources, assorted occasions when skank forgot to remove the incriminating evidence of her little hobby.............. Bear in mind that during all this time the thing still had J&B under house arrest being kept away from their father with more LIES & false accusations
Animals Bought (or grifted) to Die. Take Note AGAIN RSPCA - Justice for Blade! -
17.10.24 - Its now got THREE Sphynx cats, a tom and two young female kitties, so it looks like the thing is going into breeding cats to sell!
"My baby's" (sic) it states - she'll treat these just as well as her own Behbehs and the rental will be knee-deep in cat shit very shortly
17.10.24 - https://www.thesun.ie/tvandshowbiz/14024728/katie-price-slammed-another-cat-bankruptcy/
20.10.24 - theres a very good chance it has another dog now too
Breaking The Law - Court Cases for Bankruptcy, Driving & God Knows What Else -
16.10.24 - yes its back on the road - but for how long this time?
How can it drive in those Herman Munster boots anyway? Herman wants his dancing shoes back before Hallow'een though skanky
17.10.24 - so in today's crappy podcast rubbish it says this about when she took some idiots to court for laughing at Harvey.
"A judge telling MEEEEE to
"Shut up!!!!..." so it says.
Skank kept having a go at the Judge and he kept trying to tell her to shut up & telling her off. As a result the guy was let off....... She said it was the same judge as when she kept getting done for drink driving....." - so clearly he was hugely biased then or did he just recognise an asshole when he saw one?
Using Harvey for Publicity and Sympathy - "Pimp My Child" -
14.10.24 - getting some more mileage out of H. He's using a stick to walk now so she's told the media, which equals more
"Poor MEEEEEEEEE!" of course
There is absolutely NOTHING "
sweet" about any of this either because skank is USING HIM like she always does.
Harvey’s learning disability and sensitive hearing means he gets distressed by the sound of cutlery, drawers closing or doors banging. In restaurants, Katie asks staff to put a napkin over the door to muffle the sound and when he gets distressed, she calms him with noises. “I have to go ‘Ahem’ and then clap my hands,” - Super Mum innit?
No mention of teaching him to swear though then encouraging it by laughing or posting videos of him doing it either.
* Demonstrating H's new cane here - BTW, how does this flimsy stick help his walking? Thats more of the type of cane a partially sighted person would use surely?
She's lying again, PLUS he was photographed and videoed just the other day at Brighton station walking unaided and without holding onto anyone either
Notice at the beginning of that video of the cane, someone (prob Lover Lynn) says “GO” so she knows when to start jabberring her bullshit - as usual kipper’s brain takes a few seconds to register before she speaks (shouts) but even then the alleged brain is often not engaged when it begin blabberring anyway.
* Of course its vitally important that she’s got to be
Seen to be providing all the necessary bits for H. Maybe the Noo Car is a Mobility car for which MEEEEE and the Dimmest Evva Bent Social Wanker have hatched a plan, ie get H back to live with MEEEEEE then she gets a Car and Benefits and then she can pay Dim Lynne, plus probably get a Day centre to cart him off too so he's out of her way? And she gets the best deflection ever and possibly avoids a Custodial sentence for fraud - all perfectly feasible.
To Them this makes sense, To Us we know she’s using him, nor she will skank cope with H at home for very long smashing the place up (even though she likes to live in squalor)
15.10.24 - Has H got a review coming up since he is scheduled to be leaving the residential? Rental/mobility car and a walking/ PIP scamming aid for poor Harv - sheer coincidence perhaps? Also a few photos of him in a wheelchair for extra proof & don't forget she did the same with poor J making him "disabled" with something or other to fit her requirements of the day. Harvey doesn’t stand a chance here. We know there are people who disable their children in some way to claim these benefits, and those payments certainly add up, but theres also NPD and we know she is 100 per cent Narc, Munchausens is linked so maybe a bit of both, but one thing is for certain here - it helps her to desperately make a bit of cash out of the poor sod in various ways, to fully utilise him for her own benefit #saveHarvey
* The only reason the visually impaired cane has appeared is she is trying to get an uplift in benefits and mobility. Along with him having no continuing health care needs as she was rightly informed (those that cannot be met by Gp or generic health services), he may well have had his Mobility Allowance part of PIP reduced,or removed. Lets us hope he is just treated like anyone else with similar disabilities and not pandered to as its the skank screeching about the injustice of it all, however DL will know every trick in the book to get him more than he actually deserves.
Another reason skank keeps DL dangling on a string.
* Still standing proud out there is the question - how she can have 4 out of 5 children removed from her "care" for God only knows what, yet she can have free access to Harvey and do what she wants with him when he is the most vulnerable of all?. For all that he seems to have no one fighting his corner.
* And as for the Prader-Willi Syndrome she diagnosed for him, when has she
EVER done anything like even mention the Prader- Willi Association? Strange when she has actually turned up for a couple of the Lung Foundation events on behalf of AFP but never for H and Prader-Willi, indeed has skank EVER done anything for them which seems odd considering she said she was happy to do ANYTHING for charity?!
Actually the only charity she has
ever mentioned re H was Mencap and I think that was only because they used Harvey as one of their poster boys a couple of years ago, yet if he really did have PW she could have got a lot of help and useful information re handling his food issues from them. Has skank ever even mentioned them once? NO.
* an oldie here but it raises even more questions regarding H.
For a start, WHY had she not bothered previously and was perfectly happy to feed him burgers, grease & 12 portion carrot cakes? This 'top nutritionist' claim sounds suspect too - any regular NHS nutritionist would have done the job - but check this woman out and there you are! There is no mention of nutritional training on her website, in fact she's some sort of 'naturopath' who runs a retreat which makes this entire farce stink of a PR deal similar to how KP was supposedly "training" with the psychopath life coach! All one Big Con!
* More regurgitated bullshit from the Mirror. It shows how up-to-date they are because they're still harping-on about her being a dedicated Mother of Five and how hard it is "Caring for Harvey! FGS she has NONE of her children now and H is at his residential most of the time away from HER - furthermore she does'nt care about anybody except MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.
Fwends Woo Hoo! -
14.10.24 - a grovelling tribute to her Bestist Forevva Fwend by groveller-in-chief Lardy Lou
Both breathing in - a lot!!
The Browkern Trotters -
14.10.24 - the Mirror are a bit late with this one.
"Just to make sure everyone can see my latest life changing injury, I'd better draw some extra attention to it. Ooooh lots of owies. Poor MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE....................."
* It looks even more like one of these now ➡
* More desperate pictures of it merely underlining just how FAKE her whole life is because thats ALL it has to offer now.
Pretending to hurt her foot.
Sending DL or Bongo out to buy (grift) a bandage to wrap fake injury.
Staging some pap shots pretending she has hurt her foot.
Someone actually stupid enough to take photos of fake injury.
Someone selling faked photos.
A redtop actually paying for faked, staged pictures,
Then showing herself driving a couple of days later "Beycorz ize awll betta naaahh innit".
What a way to live eh??
The Media Sticking It To Her - just remember, The Media created her, thus The Media will destroy her ... tick tock -
16.10.24 - The Sun sticking the knife is as regards The Bankrupt in it's £40k Noo Moter - bloody disgraceful!
18.10.24 - The Sun again - giving it to the thing both barrells
C4 will air Katie Price show about IVF pregnancy with ex Carl after two year delay - here’s when fans can watch | The Sun
Double bankrupt Katie Price gets her ‘butterfly lips’ made even BIGGER just weeks after £10k facelift | The Sun
19.10.24 - The Sun are in hot pursuit now
Katie Price fans accuse star of ‘another stunt for sympathy’ after new dancing video | The Sun
"She just lies about everything."
Double bankrupt Katie Price drives brand new £40k car after getting licence back - and shows off results of £10k surgery | The Sun LOL
21.10.24 - oh dear, she must have upset someone at OKrap Mag because heres another article about the thing thats NOT glorifying it and is actually having a dig instead