* Its Tea Time!!!! Word has it that.....................................
* Price.Dropped!
* Seksi Foters and Rubbish about "How seksi wot I iz innit.................."
* Moosik! plus Odd Odes etc -
* Assorted Books of Lies & Accompanying Shite -
* Bankruptcy here we come Again - Woo Hoo!
* The Shitty Shack Is No More - Welcome to the Shitty Shack II aka The Rancid Rental -
* Court Cases, Driving Offences & Other Alleged "Crimes Against MEEEEEEEE"- #Criminaljunkie
* Old Egg alias The One # 3697, Cole aka Crawl
* Legohead Bongo aka The Security Team- The One # 3698. The Latest Plonker-in-Chief & Their Media Showmance
* Clan Grifter Gossip
* Surrogacy & Adoption plus More Baybee Nonsense & Weddings (In yer dweems skanky!)
* # Ouch!!
* Recruitment Campaign for Noo Eggs - Recruiting the next The One mk 3699 - "Ize a singul gal now!"-
* "Isss Awll Abaaaaht MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Innit, The Product!",
*"Pwojects Awwwlll Abahhhttt MEEEEE!" & Some "Poor MEEEEEEEs" as well -
* Its Panto Time Again Woo Hoo! - "Its Behind You Innit!"
* Plasterclasses & Assorted Live Tour Garbage!
*"Iss MEEEEEEE Mentawl 'Elf Innit!"
* The Braindeads are Amongst us!
* Scrounging & Grifting, Flogging Crap, More shite on Tiktok, Flogging JYY Crap and Lives
* Podcast Garbage
* Lies, Lies and More Lies
* Scams and Bizznizz Opertewnitys, ie. "Rebuilding the Empire"
* The Dodgy Social Wanker, Lynn Rickwood aka Skank's Mole, Destroyer of Families
* F4J Dive In on the Skank -
* Awl dem Bewty Tweetments, the Syrups, Dodgy Gnashers, Surgeries, Crap Tattoos & FILTERS!
* Find a Bandwagon & Jump Aboard Woo Hoo! -
* The ex-Husband Squad & Escapees - fighting back against the Gorgon
* Getting at the Exes Plus The Escapees
* "I downt dwink..............................Ize sowber innit an' Ize not a dwuggy eeeeva. Nor dem vape fings!"
* Animals Bought (or grifted) to Die. Take Note AGAIN RSPCA - Justice for Blade!
* Slamming & Swiping - its wot she duzz innit?
* Twolls, Burglars, Vandals, Stalkers, Kidnappers, Wapists, 'Orsham's Own Banksy & Acid Chuckers etc -
* Its Panto Time - "Its Behind you Woo Hoo!" -
* Breaking The Law - Court Cases for Bankruptcy, Driving & God Knows What Else -
* Using Harvey for Publicity and Sympathy - "Pimp My Child" -
* Those Poor Kids and "Crooly Mum-Shamed"
* Fwends Woo Hoo!
* Only Grans and Suchlike
* Work aka 'Olidays!! Woo Hoo!!
* The Browkern Trotters
* The Media Sticking It To Her - just remember, The Media created her, thus The Media will destroy her ... tick tock
Nearly there skanky, nearly there now
As if this thing needs any reminders about Self Love FFS!
versus The Troof
Its Tea Time!!!! Word has it that.....................................
10.10.24 - A new vague blind item that Enty alleges is the skank "The fetishes she has to indulge to make a living are going to kill this foreign celebrity who often gets naked. "
Price.Dropped! -
30.9.24 - today's edition deals with her turning over the BMW whilst off her trolley. Daily Price Drop (@price.drop2024) • Photos et vidéos Instagram
They show two versions, one given by skank and the other from Clan Grifter ie AFP's Book of Lies when she insisted skank had tried to commit suicide and failed - then months later skank effectively blamed it on P neglecting MEEEEEEEE. Neither of which are true. Its all LIES! As usual she'd was trollied on drugs & booze after SB stormed off following a row instigated by her to get rid of him so she could trawl about for Noo Eggs. She'd been "partying" hard all night therefore supplies of the old ❄ were running low so skank set off in the wee small hours to collect more from "her friend" and the thing turned the car over in her haste to get there. The house was an absolute shambles too - not the sombre place AFP alluded to, ie the miserable mansion where a suicidal woman contemplated "ending it all.................." No it was more like a squalid drug-den.
* Heres AFP lying her arse off about it Daily Price Drop (@price.drop2024) • Photos et vidéos Instagram
It's a complete mystery how AFP simply states Skanky "Crashed her car while high on alcohol and cocaine." The End
No mention of shock or surprise or even some disappointment that her precious daughter was using once again after everything that has gone on. Nothing. Complete silence. Lying Scumbags the lot of them
* Interestingly PD claim skank spent £38,000 on her "rehab" at the Priory to avoid being imprisoned - what an amaaaaazin' success that was eh??? How did this bankrupt manage to find £38k out of nowhere?
* They also add that skank still drives wherever and whenever she feels like it because she doesn't give a shit basically.
* Will this tale be like the ever-changing Saaaarrrrffff Affrikka Saga, to earn itself multiple different versions? The only Troof in it is that the whole thing is just made up of LIES, whatever version you are given
1.10.24 - More incoming today
* More about the disgusting way she's "brought up" H. God alone what else he mimicks for Mummy's Amusement bearing in mind the F4J allegations. SICK Daily Price Drop (@price.drop2024) • Photos et vidéos Instagram
4.10.24 -
200 shags at £50k a time would net her £10 million & just about sort out it's debts. But let's face it, just ewww
* Heres a comment on PD regarding poor dear Blade-
Its seems this bunch of asshats were going to offer the dog-killer another animal to sacrifice at the Altar of MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. They really are utter shitbags
5.10.24 - Next week is already shaping-up well! Looks like this one may well be about The Original Egg, PA - the one she still cannot let go of https://www.instagram.com/reel/DAtvOjqorER/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
* https://www.instagram.com/reel/DAt5_uooJN8/ - Dim Lynne bent social wanker, allegedly she's "In Love with the skank" which might explain her sacrificing her career in the SS destroying families for the love of the goddess wot is skanky. What a mug! Does this foolish woman think skank will treat her any differently to the blokes eh?
6.10.24 - Using Harvey again eh skanky? Daily Price Drop (@price.drop2024) • Photos et vidéos Instagram
* A comment on the item regarding H's teenage "nannies" / carers.
* and this one regarding H's residential placement where she used to turn up and film herself with him doing all sorts of pathetic stuff for her SMs, to get the best possible mileage out of having to waste her valuable MEEEEEE time with him. He is just a Tool To Be Used by her - she owns him, he belongs to MEEEEEEEE and thats it. (Thats even if someone else is looking after him and more importantly PAYING FOR HIM)
Inasmuch then it does make perfect sense why she keeps taking him out all the time at the moment, its the fact his residential aren't playing Her Game any more. So now she just takes him out, utilises him fully for dozens of insta pictures of him swearing profusely and her slobberring all over him doing Pointy-Toe-Pouty-Face to placate the moronic Braindeads, then she ships him back there & dumps him off so the staff get to put up with all the bad behaviours and swearing that Mummy has encouraged for her Instas etc. When H leaves Star no doubt there will be a collective sigh of relief at no more Mummy turning up to exploit him.
8.10.24 - Incoming re H and the Scalding Bathwater Daily Price Drop (@price.drop2024) • Photos et vidéos Instagram
They're saying KP wouldn't have baby gates because she couldn't be arsed opening & closing them constantly, so H got upstairs and injured himself, first by running a scalding bath for himself, then secondly by pulling a mirror down onto himself. After these accidents she still couldn't be arsed to use baby gates, in fact she sold stories on these incidents and exaggerated them, then very kindly blamed them on Pete after he finally left her!!!. Yet another example of it leaving her children at risk and then profiting from the accidents! This comment though
* Her AMAAAAAZIN' Caweer - excelling in everything and yet achieving NOTHING WHATSOEVER!! Heres just a few examples of skank's sheer incredible ability to excell whatever she does! (Lying is what she's best at even though said lies are more obvious than Those Things nailed on her frontage) Daily Price Drop (@price.drop2024) • Photos et vidéos Instagram
* They have missed-out quite a few items such as adopting a disabled child (due to her wealth of experience with H), oh and it also fancied doing an Angelina & Madonna job by flitting off to Nigeria on the recommendation of some bird from the hairdressers she was currently grifting from to get Herself a child to add to her collection! That was until the Nigerian Embassy basically said "Absolutely NO WAY luv!" and it was never mentioned again. Let's face it folks - she hasn't even got her own children so NOBODY is going to allow her to adopt are they?
* Heres a rather interesting comment regarding her "caweer" "I used to work for a TV company making soft & hardcore adult TV/euro video releases in the 90s. She was on our books and she was in demand there they gave her a break into UK adult TV alongside her tabloid stuff - she dropped them like a stone around '97 we called to book her and she said she was Jordan now and don't call again. The way her career is going it has pretty much regressed to those days of porn."
11.10.24 - Mentawl 'Elf this time - hers that is because she doesn't give a shit about anybody else's. Daily Price Drop (@price.drop2024) • Photos et vidéos Instagram
* The latest Browkern Trotterz incident? Word has it that if they knew about the supposed foot injury.....
They said its "Definitely staged for Backgrid coin. Had trouble selling them on apparently but obviously got some takers"
Seksi Foters and Rubbish about "How seksi wot I iz innit.................." -
Ready for Hallow'een -
Oh dear! Look at the state of it!
Now that really is a bulldog-chewing-a-wasp!
Go compare - heresthe fiction she posts compared to the REALITY captured by everyone else
Breathe in skanky!
Moosik! plus Odd Odes etc -
Heres the vast singing talent that we just LURVVVVE https://youtu.be/A3knPOJwzEI
Listen to the thing rudely say to the bloke "Urry up! I know yer old an awl.........................." Fucking cheek of it!! "Her career is finished,
Her looks have diminished,
She's Skanky the Spock-faced twat!'
Toot! Toot!
Assorted Books of Lies & Accompanying Shite -
8.10.24 - The Big Clear Out has begun! Amazon have slashed the cost of skanky's shit fest book, they're beginning the shifting of all the unsold copies of the ‘Book of Lies’ Gives one a warm glow inside doesn’t it……bringing her empire back
Bankruptcy here we come Again - Woo Hoo! -
28.9.24 - Yes the bankrupt is off on 'oliday again folks!
Bongo is there too.
* Strange that her case was updated on 2nd Oct and co-incidentally skank just so happened to be out-of-the-country again - was it possibly evading another face-to-face meeting???
The Shitty Shack Is No More - Welcome to the Shitty Shack II aka The Rancid Rental -
7.10.24 - as of today the price of the Shitty Shack has been dropped to try to find a buyer for it - that of course means MORE deficit skanky will have to cover
8.10.22 - The Sun are quick off the mark rubbing it in though https://www.thesun.co.uk/tvandshowbiz/30919725/price-slashed-on-katie-prices-mucky-mansion/ Its been reduced in price to £1.34 million!!! It makes you wonder WHY a developer hasn't snapped this place up bearing in mind how many houses they could potentially squash into the estate - why don't even they want it???
* They add this though "Katie's home was originally repossessed after she failed to meet payments for two mortgages on the sprawling pad. It means that the 46-year-old will not actually make a single penny from the sale of the house".
* Now The Mail join the party
"The price of Katie Price's former Mucky Mansion has been completely slashed after a sale fell through. A buyer had been found for the £1.5m home weeks after the former glamour model was evicted for not paying the mortgage.................But the nine-bedroom house is once again back on the market for a drastically lower price tag after having previously been under offer. A new listing for the house reveals it is now being flogged for £1.35million.It marks a steep decrease of £150,000 for the mansion, which sits on 12 acres, that was central to Katie's life for many years".
Court Cases, Driving Offences & Other Alleged "Crimes Against MEEEEEEEE"- #Criminaljunkie -
12.10.24 - https://www.thesun.co.uk/tvandshowbiz/31028881/katie-price-back-driving-ban-crash/
So it has a licence again - but for how long this time? The Sun are pretty peeved over it too like the rest if us but the thing is, WHY did the DVLA not insist it retakes both the theory and practical tests because that way they could ensure it never legally drove again?? What a crock of shite...................
* The biggest change we will now see with it getting a licence again will be the departure of Bongo - she won't need his chauffeuring services any longer so he'll be released from his Contract of Employment (imprisonment)
* Of course with all the points it already has on this next licence that have followed through she must have near on 9 points already stacked up, so needless to add that she won’t have it for long. It’s better if she has it back as the penalties will be more severe than when she didn’t have it but hopefully 'Aywerd's Eef Plodshop will be on the lookout for the drunken cokehead like they do on Police Interceptors on telly.
* Imagine how high the insurance premium will be with her driving record (if she even bothers with it as in the past), especially as Bongo does not have a car sales policy to cover her like Cole had. Perhaps she's persuaded DL to insure it in her name with skank as a named driver?
* Skank also has a history obtaining Motability cars in Harvey’s name, so think this is more likely than a ‘rental’ - another use for Harvey you see!
* Wheres the pink RR then skanky??
* Can skank safely operate the pedals on this new car with her browkern Trotterz and her Ozempic'd Grissini breadstick legs?
Sum exclooosive ... actual pictures of Katie Price broken bread stick injured foot / leg following hospital dash in Cyprus! 'Ize mite nevvva walkz proppa or drives a car agen' ... #trigger warning - lies, lies & more lies
* https://www.ok.co.uk/celebrity-news/katie-price-back-behind-wheel-33875785
* Bear in mind this is the skank we are dealing with. The last time skank staged driving pictures was when she actually got caught driving without a licence and insurance, Edna then had to lie for skank claiming they'd sent doctors letters off and that they assumed automatically meant skank could drive legally - or so they thought (allegedly)! . So maybe when skank said a few weeks ago she was getting her licence back she'd actually been nicked again for driving and these staged pictures are laying the foundation for another excuse/ LIE?
Old Egg alias The One # 3697, Cole aka Crawl -
7.10.24 - here comes Cole with an article from OKrap mag, lifted by The Mirror.
As usual her 'spokesperson", (likely to be Edna) is still enabling her... "A spokesperson for Katie expressed their dismay, remarking, "It's disappointing that people who were once close to Kate are now exploiting her insecurities and mental health issues."
This bit will sting though "Katie will do what she wants." If he thought she would heed his words, there's one message Carl would love Katie to truly understand. "I feel like she's constantly butchering herself. I'd say, 'Kate, grow old gracefully. "
* Mentawl 'Elf getting a mention too Obviously Clan Grifter do not care one jot. ENABLERS the lot of them.
Legohead Bongo aka The Security Team- The One # 3698. The Latest Plonker-in-Chief & Their Media Showmance -
28.9.24 - He's surfaced again so still on the payroll obviously and here he is again trying to be all Gangsta on IG in his car. He's got some rap song on saying ...."You wanna know pressure? I know pressure my wifey...." What a sad little turnip he is!!
* He's grown into a proper knock-off model of Carl Woods though (albeit the economy model), but CW at least he looked manly and could kind of pull off the car posing whereas Bongo simply looks like a spotty little teenager who has pinched his brother's motor and done a quick insta story in it whilst wheel-spinning through Tesco's car park.
*Notice the comments under his grid posts, they're all taking the piss out of him and KFP! Why do these blokes embarrass themselves for this withered old gargoyle? Surely he ought to be with some z list Love Island type who might even fancy him and then he could have a happy normal relationship with a human-looking female without all the skank baggage, but you gotta ask WHY has he lowered himself to a public showmance and ridicule with this hideous slag? What exactly is in it for him?
29.9.24 - Look! He's even gotten into The Art of Grifting! Check out the sneaky advertising for some expensive cat food brand skank sent him to grift
* Now pretending that the new cat is HIS! Mr. No Personality aka Doormat is here!!
4.10.24 - heres Bongo escorting the skank and Those Things around town whilst on 'oliday. Bless, he's got matching shorts on!
Look at them there, no chemistry, he just looks exactly what he is - a paid little-man-for-hire…. some sort of a bargain-basement gigolo. Jump Bongo jump, higher now -madam requires you to do her bidding, good boy Bongo.
* Still trying to push the "romance" idea though - and failing dismally
No doubt it's pointing it's toe under the table too to go with the pouty face
6.10.24 - Heres a hilarious montage of Backgridded, over-filterered images of these morons vainly plugging-away to convince The Public that this "romance" is anything but a SHAM. They have failed spectacularly https://www.thesun.co.uk/tvandshowbiz/30890787/katie-price-strips-bikini-kisses-boyfriend-jj-slater/
* Her being Demure and Mindful, him thinking "WTF am I doing here with THAT ???"
7.10.24 -
10.10.24 - Come on JJ, wake tf up… can't he see what the skank is doing in running through Her Script? It’s just rinse and repeat, just like she did with Carl.. Started with a skiing holiday. Carl ✔
Texting other guys behind your back. Carl ✔ Mind you JJ, you messaged her when she was seeing Carl
Baby ivf talk. Carl ✔
Wedding dress backgrid pictures. Carl ✔
Excluding you from friends and family (but had an initial meet up with the parents) Carl✔
Getting you to do cringy #ads. Carl ✔
Pushing her around in a wheelchair. Carl ✔
General set up fake stories in the press. Carl ✔
Is the relationship on/off. Carl ✔
He loves my kids. Carl ✔
My family love him. Carl ✔
The cosmetic surgery. New turkey teef. Carl ✔
KP is happy and healthy. Carl ✔
Just the chauffeur. Carl ✔
He pays for me/himself as has his own money. Carl ✔
All the holidays. Carl ✔
She doesn’t drink. Carl ✔
He doesn’t come to work with me (yeah right!). Carl ✔
Matching tattoos
Tidies up after her. Carl ✔
And so on….and it’s not even been a year yet…there’s still time for you to attend another Court appearance with her, I’m sure there will be plenty of opportunities, but that will make DL jealous won't it
However theres no danger ineffectual little Bongo would ever be accused with "Attakkkin MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" though - she'd snap his arms off!!
10.10.24 - skank has allowed Bongo a quick visit to Corporate HQ to oversee the takeover bid by Adidas; Or rather a lock-up where he stores thousands of tshirts NOBODY wants to buy!
Surrogacy & Adoption plus More Baybee Nonsense & Weddings (In yer dweems skanky!) -
In this case it would most certainly be appropriate
12.10.24 - Have C4 really filmed this or is it another of her LIES?? https://www.mirror.co.uk/tv/tv-news/katie-price-lifts-lid-ivf-33877317
Quote of the century from the cretinous imbecile itself "People have got to realise it doesn’t matter if I act young or if I look younger, your body is still 46,''
Everyone else knows that, it's just skanky who needs to realise
* "Katie and ex fiance Carl Woods split at the end of last year amid cheating claims. A source close to Carl said: “He’s not looking forward to reliving that chapter of his life.”
And who can blame him eh? Yet again its skanky using someone else to make money from for which she'll be especially happy that she's sticking it to Cole and forcing him to remember those traumatic times he was stick with HER
# Ouch!!-
1.10.24 - why are her own FB page continually reprising her arrest at Heathrow airport?
* https://www.12ft.io/https://www.12ft.io/https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-13911739/Bankrupt-Katie-Price-shows-sixth-facelift-17th-boob-job-tiny-green-bikini-packs-PDA-boyfriend-JJ-Slater-Cyprus.html Comments are on fire!! "What do you get if you cross Spock with a couple of Space Hoppers?"
12.10.24 - The comments on her magnificently triumphant Loaded return are devastating for someone who reckons themself as much as skank does though
"Isss Awll Abaaaaht MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Innit, The Product!" -
29.9.24 - so Loose Wimmin are "celebrating" their 25th anniversary eh?? Funny how they neglected to invite skanky along considering she was such a firm favourite with the all the cast, crew and audiences
No skanky woo hoo!!!!
30.9.24 -The best thing about her crappy book release was that it clearly showed she is blacklisted by ITV. There were no invites from the Daytime schedule of GMB, Lorraine or This Morning, Loose Women or any of their weekend chat/lifestyle shows - they all failed to invite her in to discuss the latest version of her LIES. The BBC also blanked her, there was nothing from Sky, same with her faves at C4 (Sunday Brunch will have anyone on normally) or even C5! .
* Did she get any promo slots from the TV world for her crappy book? NO! Return of the Empire you say Skank? Didn’t see any sign of that with the book did we? Likewise NOBODY offered her tickets for the NTAs either Nevertheless, she is still insisting that we have a ton of shows she‘s made for C4 arriving soon (particularly looking forward to the Texas serial killer one), and of course the Turkey face-job documentary she filmed at the clinic, plus theres all her exciting Youchoob films because she’s bringing back that channel as well. Woo Hoo!! We are also promised/threatened with noo moosic, a single release before Christmas with a full album and a tour (hour-long set list she says) in 2025!! Yeah righty-ho skank!!
*She’ll be fitting all that in around her ‘Life Coaching’ job of course as she’s been training hard for that as well. Has she even started the paramedic course, or even the basic qualifications courses to get on a paramedic course?, But she’s only 46, so plenty of time for that! Theres lot to look forward to in the coming months……or maybe not
* Oh and please don't forget that she is making another series of The Mucky Mansion III (even though its been reposessed), plus theres the 3 part or was it a 4 part documentary on Netflix? I know Netflix have said it's not happening but don't believe them! Trust in Katie because she never lies - does she????
*And her perfumes & underwear range..... she said it's allllllll coming back so it must be!. The only thing coming back is my dinner after her latest photo's
1.10.24 - no doubt it put itself forward for this. Poor bloody sharks though - they're not used to eating plastic
9.10.24 - Remember back at the start of the year 2024 was going to be "My Year"? It seems that October is it now, one whole month, but its now the time when everything is fine in the Universe of Skank because no doubt shes been manifesting it to make it so. And what a major success it is eh?
Oh and this is an unmarked ADVERT too
10.10.24 - heres that Loaded rubbish it was so pleased with
Common as muck, a cheap and nasty old slapper
* She is not the resurrection, she is not coming back, she is f*cking finished - it’s over you idiots! What is wrong with these people who suck up to this oxygen thief ? This Ham bloke is living up to his name with this bollockfest though. * " I'm a pop star, I'm releasing an album..........................." Oh course you are dearie........
* People allegedly say “You’re not like I thought you’d be” Course they do kipper, course they do. That’s her stock phrase, the lying bint
* Perhaps she could liaise with Mr Woods Senior....? Like he'd have anything to do with the skank tho
OMFG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Loaded have gotta be taking the piss surely????
* The Loaded piece - WTF!! "All perfect teeth, cheekbones and eyes ‘o’ fire constantly shooting light beams around the room that somehow evoke dreams, determination, strength and a smattering of hurt. Disneyfied almost. Staring right through you. If any eyes have said “COME ON THEN” more plainly than this pair then I haven’t seen them. This woman could lead an army into battle. She speaks, men go quiet and follow.
So many young girls now are having facial surgery and I worry for them ‘cos I think, “What are they going to look like when they’re 46?”
Is there a favourite '90s story you like to tell? “Good old China White on a Wednesday night. Wasn't she show preggars with harvey in there I’ve been diagnosed with ADHD and they want to put me on medication but I don’t want to suppress me. I want to be me I’ve got rid of so many friends, filtered out so many people I can’t trust. I’ve been used, abused, used for money, 'cos I’m too kind, too trusting so now; it’s not happening. Blaming her debt on others as usual.
Wow. So the worrrrrrrrrrrrsssssst ADHD evah, the worse case in the history of the universe but she won't take the medication for it because it would dull her scintillating "personality"? . So it isn't that bad then? . She does take coke which she said was self-medicating (and therefore justifiable useage) and theres the Ozempic she hasn't been prescribed yet jabs herself with weekly doseages though. (No denying it either skanky as it was seen piled-up in her kitchen) No problems there!
* We all guessed this didn't we - its no shock because she wants The Diagnosis to play the victim but she does NOT want to change anything about herself naturally. God she is sickening
* Skank is Not A Popstar now or ever has been!!. Listen luv, just because you warble some songs (badly and very out of tune) in a pub full of drunken Mancunians every now and again does NOT mean you can sing. The fact that all those record producers turned you down is because they knew you have zero talent, stage presence or appeal & that's aside from the flat, out-of-tune caterwauling, so you posting some blurry footage of yourself on TikTok is no substitute for a recording contract!! Give it up, love. It's not going to happen, however much you pretend to yourself that it is.
* Also, this bullshit about her being a "kind person", would all those people in your past who have been spitefully stitched up, shopped to the police on false allegations or slagged off on social media agree with that? Don't think so somehow. * "She speaks and men go quiet and follow".... (they're not permitted to speak in troof - ask Bongo)
*The tagline"Loaded, for men who know better" Surely they mean "Loaded, for men who should know better"
Effectively they're a bunch of sad, deluded man-childs who never left the 90s - that is their target audience
* There were no photos with this garbage (maybe you have to subscribe to benefit from seeing hideous images of it), or maybe the photos were SO BAD that even weapons-grade filters and a jar of Vaseline smeared over the lens made no difference to the images, so they were forced to concentate on her scintillating "personality" instead?
* The Mail have issued some of the foters from Loaded - photoshopped to high-heaven of course, as anticipated; Here it is Wiping the Shit with those twenty-somethings!
It's the hardened drugged up face of an old junkie in troof.
* Her new tag should be "Wiping the shit with young drag artistes" rather than twenty-something girly models, although most Drag Artistes and Ladyboys are still better looking than her. Skank looks like an old drag queen, she’s so hard-faced & been around a lot, plying her trade in small backstreet bars, this photo is the promo photo on a flyer…. Maybe its why she hangs around with so many Drag Queens - because she thinks they make her look Amaaaaazin'???
12.10.24 - that nightmarish Loaded rubbish - https://alertcontent.com/index.php/2024/10/11/alert-embattled-katie-price-46-marks-her-resurrection-as-she-returns-to-loaded-in-a-busty-swimsuit-20-years-on-and-claims-her-lads-mag-heyday-was-a-great-time-in-her-life-amid-double-bank/
The photos in this article are not what the Resurrected One would approve of hahaha!!!
13.10.24 - these morons are responsible for the alleged IVF documentary that C4 have supposédly bought. If so - are C4 really THAT STUPID?
"Pwojects Awwwlll Abahhhttt MEEEEE!" & Some "Poor MEEEEEEEs" as well -
8.10.24 - Its got another gig lined up, appearing at a drag queen contest - surely that'll be too much competition for the skank??
Looks like they chose the perfect guest given the name of the production
Its Panto Time Woo Hoo! - "Its Behind You Innit!"
* Nothing has changed so a word of warning from Popbitch
Nice eh??
1.10.24 - Confirmation that skanky's adult panto stint has been cancelled
9.10.24 - attempting to drum-up interest in this fiasco
Woo Hoo!!
The Braindeads are Amongst us! -
29.9.24 - so its off on 'oliday again dragging along Bongo and her last remaining personal money-maker, Harvey, who has probably paid for this excursion. In troof this 'oliday is for her and her only as usual - she will have a solid motive for it - whereas her dumb fans will say how good a mum she is taking Harvey on holiday again! Funny how none of her braindead 'fans' wonder why Jett and Bunny are never on holiday with her these days and are not seen any more either, that its only ever Harvey now because he is all she has ready access to. Despite that it still proclaims that all 5 kids live with her
1.10.24 - This is probably one of Clan Grifter in a lame diguise The comments though...........
10.10.24 - they're still out there plugging-away for their goddess
Scrounging & Grifting, Flogging Crap, More shite on Tiktok, Flogging JYY Crap and Lives -
28.9.24 - Flogging the JYY crap again. This time it's poor quality jumpers and its trying to allude to having tidied the house!! Suzy Homemaker strikes again eh?
The big question is - Do these jumpers smell of fish like all the rest of JYY's rubbish does?
6.10.24 - flogging sex-aids again. Note that its had to put "Paid Partnership" onto the advert though
13.10.24 - Oh dear! Things won't be hunky-dory at JYY corporate HQ after this swingeing attack from the Mirror concerning JYY's dreadful customer service. Its high time somebody pulled this bunch if cowboys over their diabolical treatment of the Braindeads who are stupid enough to buy their crap to start with, and yes, whilst they deserve to be treated as such it doesn't mean skank and Jeyda deserve to profit from these idiot's sheer stupidity!
* and the Mail too. https://www.mirror.co.uk/3am/celebrity-news/katie-price-sparks-fury-among-33877922
Podcast Garbage -
3.10.24 - and thus another week passes and still no Crapcast from skank & Edna! It seems Edna has given herself until Summer 2025 as maternity leave so we won't be seeing this bullshit again then, WOO HOO!
8.10.24 - so they've had to suspend the subscriptions for this bollockfest finally, only whats happenned about the money the Braindeads have already paid for this garbage eh? Refunds? Don't be silly!!
12.10.24 -
That comment though
The Dodgy Social Wanker, Lynn Rickwood aka Skank's Mole, Destroyer of Families -
4.10.24 - PD alleging that Dim Lynne is "in love" with skanky (see above). It might explain why the idiot sacrificed her career to LIE for the the beast and is still fawning after it!
11.10.24 - it would appear that DL is now H's "carer" when with Mummy. Here he is in Brighton yesterday wih DL and Slymi
No sign of Mummy but its alleged she had a supervised visit with J&B instead.
Awl dem Bewty Tweetments, the Syrups, Dodgy Gnashers, Surgeries, Crap Tattoos & FILTERS! -
28.9.24 - it calls this "A Hair Re-set" but just look how far back it's hairline has receeded and even then it's been filled-in with a black marker pen!
29.9.24 - sooooooooooooo its not gone to Turkey - it was spotted on a flight to Cyprus! Its not gone to Turkey then for her Teef then but was'nt skank in Cyprus for an IVF consultation a few months ago so maybe gone back for a procedure this time?. Or did she win that competition to stay at Pete's villa that she still says she paid for?
High forehead? That spray-on hair stuff for bald patches is being utilised to the full.
* And out with the dodgy filters for this - but look at her legs!
Those are Stork legs Not a beautiful stork either - one of these - a Marabou Stork
* Nor has her cack-handed, blatently OBVIOUS photoshopping gone unnoticed
3.10.24 - and what an absolute BARGAIN that has been eh? All that money to look like a gargoyle!
* https://www.thesun.ie/fabulous/13937861/surgeon-katie-price-neck-true-cost-face-lift/ "Dr Ross tells Fabulous: "Looking at Katie Price’s face lift we can see the skin has been pulled incredibly tight along the jaw line and towards the ear, this is leaving somewhat of an unnatural contour and tension on the face and around the neck area.
"It also means that it’s making her look gaunt and obviously her facial expressions will be somewhat muted due to this."
Dr Ross agreed that it looked like the procedure hadn't completely gone to plan as the eye area looked wonky.
He explains: "There is also some asymmetry around the eyes which is due to having further surgery done in and around the eye area .
"She was advised not to have any further surgery by reputable UK surgeons, however, she’s decided to obviously seek advice elsewhere and have the surgery which hopefully in time settle down and leave a more natural look and result."
Dr Ross also revealed that face lifts are not the way to go to reverse ageing". Right on doc Ross! However, you must remember that it was turned down for surgery in Thailand because "They" said she was "Too bewtiful for more surgery...." Turkey beg to differ on that score & carry on butchering with gay abandon
* Its looking very likely that skank did get the Lumino-gnashers redone on this last 'oliday. A quick trip across the border into Turkish Cyprus then a ferry ride, et voilà! Noo teef! Harvey just being used as deflection yet again of course
4.10.24 - https://metro.co.uk/2024/10/04/katie-price-reveals-full-body-transformation-10-000-face-lift-17th-boob-job-21732964/
* And now the thought that its come back for some tinpot "awards" thing in Liverpool but flying straight back out afterwards?? WTF??? Where is Harvey then considering this rubbish is supposed to be about him rather than MEEEEEE?
* And heres a massive photoshop failure printed in the media. Looks like she's got FOUR LEGS
5.10.24 - https://www.mirror.co.uk/3am/celebrity-news/katie-price-pouts-shares-cat-33824325
10.10.24 - Despite the furore about the death of that woman at the hands of one of skanky's BBL Butchering Mates, here it is actively promoting this dodgy practice for her Turkish Chums
It appears to have been recorded on her last trip there, but still she is actually promoting the BBL procedure there, after all that is happening in the UK, they are "Very good at BBL’s at the clinic......." according to this twat - "Specialises in everything....." it statesErm no, thats not what a specialist is, actually he sounds like she's promoting a Jack-of-all-trades ie Master of None. So all you Braindeads out there - ignore all the stories you hear about surgeries abroad because it’s fine and skank trusts them with her face (even though they’ve f*cked that up forever). She’s really promoting the consultations in London with these butchers.
11.10.24 - https://www.dailystar.co.uk/showbiz/katie-price-admits-shes-hypocrite-33869213
"Forced" to admit to being a hypocrite at last for slagging off everyone else for plastic surgery, yet all the while looking like a prime example of a surgeon's "Friday afternoon....................I wanna play golf.....................", in their last-butchery-of-the-day job "Elsewhere in the interview, Katie revealed she may be taking a U-turn in her career as she enters the personal motivator market. She explained that over the years, she has become more experienced and emotionally mature and wants to put her skills to good use.
Describing herself as a "caring person", Katie revealed she was training to become a life coach and help people get their lives back on track. She revealed that she is processing what triggers her on a daily basis and by doing so, she is able to confront her trauma head on, something she believes can help others. " Yeah righty-ho skanky!!
The ex-Husband Squad & Escapees - fighting back against the Gorgon -
30.9.24 - skank will go ballistic when she sees this - "Dat barstid Pete iz twiggering MEEEEEE agen!"
She failed to show at the rubbish Diversity awards either!
* An old one but it proves what a nasty shitbag skank always has been. https://www.walesonline.co.uk/sport/football/joe-harts-furious-live-tv-30081607
Getting at the Exes Plus The Escapees - "I downt dwink..............................Ize sowber innit an' Ize not a dwuggy eeeeva. Nor dem vape fings!" -
Animals Bought (or grifted) to Die. Take Note AGAIN RSPCA - Justice for Blade! -
Probably not a full list but bad enough -
As a child she had a gerbil, that died
Then a rabbit called Star
Sherpa puppy called Storm (When she was with Warren)
She bought Junior a pony
She bought Princess a horse called Minnie
Horse called Andre
Her horse Princess was killed on the road
Horse called Otto pts
Horse called Blaze, sold to a riding school
6 dogs when she was with Pete, Smurf, Scooby rehomed, Hooch was returned
Dogs Kevin, Vera (died) Trevor
Dog drowned in pool?
Various other horses Storm, Sally, Tyke
various cats/kittens Pete (died), Jenna & Kate
Cat Dobby rehomed
Cat Hagrid reported he was rehomed but got back for photo ops, now MIA
Hamsters MIA
Guinea pigs MIA
2 kittens on the MM show MIA
Dog Queenie killed by vehicle
Marvin the chameleon died of a broken heart
piglet Bingles, gave away
Bear the dog rehomed
Peggy the hedgehog that went MIA
Dog Sparkle killed by vehicle
Dog Rolo crushed in chair/cbd oil by Harvey's carer,
Bunny's pony Ellie (Fenella selling)
Dog Precious rehomed
Dog Sharon killed by vehicle
Dog Captain MIA
Dog Buddy MIA
Dog Batman MIA
Dog Colin MIA
Protection Dog Blade Killed by vehicle after she went on a 10 day bender
Puppy Tank rehomed/given to electrician for payment of work
Dog Lady MIA
Frog the 5/6 month old sphinx kitten PTS
New sphinx cat/kitten Tony
Horse Wallace With old MM neighbour, used for photo ops
Pony Bobby MIA
Various other horses at MM all MIA probably sold on. Emma & Cassie
New sphinx cat/kitten Daisy
Plus all the farm animals she had to sell (inc Goats, Llamas, Peacock, pigs, sheep (or sheeps as KP called them), ducks, rabbits)
* Also add in Bunty's Guinea Pigs that skank dumped at Findon animal rescue centre after she lost custody of the children.
Its Panto Time - "Its Behind you Woo Hoo!" -
30.9.24 - Clearly they're taking the piss here...........
1.10.24 - Suddenly the adult panto in Blackpool has been cancelled! How long will the other version last seeing it'll be just as smut-raddled as the adult one would have been?? https://www.thesun.ie/tvandshowbiz/13925329/katie-price-adult-panto-axed/amp/
Using Harvey for Publicity and Sympathy - "Pimp My Child" -
28.9.24 - Using H again. Here its posted a photo of him crashed out with sheer BOREDOM or perhaps drugged-up to the eyeballs to keep him contained during many endless hours at the poxy hair salon whilst Mummy gets more useless gunk slathered over her ropey barnet. Poor lad
Its neither "cute" nor amusing, particularly as H cannot give his permission for the USE Mummy makes of him. That picture is simply sad - there is NO WAY is it "cute". The poor lad obviously so bored and didn't want to go to spend hours sitting in a poxy salon waiting for her - yet Mummy drags him along as usual. So selfish of her
* https://www.thesun.co.uk/tvandshowbiz/30727134/katie-price-hair-transformation-harvey-falls-asleep/
29.9.24 - so its jetted off on 'oliday dragging Bongo and H. So what comes first we wonder?
1, Staged advertising pictures getting her Teef done?
2, Staged pictures of skank with a ring on having a romantic meal with little Bongo?.
3, Staged pictures of skank, Bongo and best man H wedding dress shopping?
4, Staged pool pictures of H showing what a good time he's having with Mum of the Year (whilst he's dumped onto the Carers)?.
5, Staged pictures of H and uncle step daddy Bongo walking down the street with a "My boys" caption and a "Harvey loves Bongo & they get on so well"
* Apparently its gone to Cyprus this time, flying economy class which won't please H at all. Last time it went there was for an IVF consultation........... https://www.thesun.co.uk/tvandshowbiz/30729734/katie-price-jets-off-another-holiday-jj-split-rumours/ * "Putting to bed the rumours they'd split" -Yes rumours skank started by having bong boy keep a low profile for weeks even though he was still around - this is going to be a last-ditch-desperate-attempt at trying to kickstart some interest in this pathetic Showmance with some big fake IVF Pregnancy, engagement and wedding rumours. If there is enough interest and coin these two desperate fame hungry twats may actually get married or they'll split after new year.
29.9.24 - You have to wonder what she's trying to grift out of Peppa Pig then?? Her showing anything like this needs to have an ulterior motive behind it In that video of H with the kissing Peppa pigs, he’s saying (repeating) “Love you babe” “Love you JJ”; What else does he re-enact after what he's seen when in Mummy's company? Unfortunately the lad has no idea how exploited he is whilst being trained parrot-fashion by Mummy
* You've got to say one thing about skank, she's consistent when it comes to exploiting H what with the airport pics, pool pics, grifting sympathy and good mummy points although this is largely because now there's no chance of using the other kids for some Christmas advertising and freebies, so she's got him playing with toys. Skanks hoping that companies see the braindeads saying how great H is and what a great mum she is that they'll be on the phone asking if H can advertise this and that and momager skank can then look after his 'career' - and more importantly H's money so she can carry on spending it for him
* and look here at this gruesome image of it doing pouty kisses at it's own 21 year old son FGS
H is just doing as Mummy ordered him to do of course (rather like Bongo does) but check out Mummy placing her concrete boobs all over her adult son again
* Is the 'Unconditional love' thing a dig at the other kids? Harvey is the only one not allowed a mind of his own seeing as he is solely Mummy's Property.
30.9.24 - https://www.thesun.ie/tvandshowbiz/13910734/katie-price-new-face-kisses-son-harvey-pool-holiday/
She really is quite gross. One look at those gigantic plastic norks pressed up against his back is enough to make one positively nauseous on his behalf....
* and another example of inappropriate behaviour with H
3.10.24 - heres the Mirror getting in a jibe or two about skank's shameless useage of H, ie filming him sleeping then prodding him to wake-up on cue (amongst other stuff) https://www.mirror.co.uk/3am/celebrity-news/katie-price-shares-video-exhausted-33807233
That is not trying to wake him, that is purposely provoking him & what sort of parent does that? I think we know the answer to that question already
4.10.24 - here we go with more Using Harvey for the delight of the Braindeads. Its posted a vile H exploitation video on it's IG stories with H singing, just saying a few words but mainly "F*cker, f*cking, mutha fu*cker...............", while she giggles in the background.. She’s captioned it “H on Form” and of course skank is fully aware that H acts-up even more for her with this behaviour BECAUSE he knows it pleases Mummy and she loves to post it for her Braindeads to laugh at. She knows her audience & that they’ll love it because her fans are as sick as her This thing needs dealing with now, she’s despicable - that poor lad should be nowhere near her - but is it not strange that We, the supposéd trolls, care more about his welfare than this thing that is unfortunately his "mother" ?
Not posting the video because its just WRONG on all levels but heres a still - the music she chose BTW also uses the N word a lot, the word she & the fragrant AFP use on H himself Furthermore, the optics of featuring your mixed race son in a video which is overlaid with lyrics containing such a vile word are not good when he's been subject to racially abusive trolling in the past........ you know, like when she sued the Met Police for compo for those idiots taking the piss and happily spent the lot on MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
* PD apparently have a lot of other stuff that they personally cannot publish but have let it known a couple of items that DO need to be Out There irrespectively. For instance, (these next bits contain some upsetting information so please be aware) and they come with the proviso "Allegedly" as absolute proof won't be readily forthcoming.
1. when Peter left, she had wall restraints fitted in H's room, (info provided by a former nanny)
2. One night, she left him alone and the carer found him trying to inject himself with his meds. There were bent needles strewn across the floor. How he isn't dead yet is beyond belief.
3. Also what went on with Jett and Bunny is in their words "beyond horrific" but obviously they can't say anything publicly. Its all the more shocking that the SS took so long to rescue them but then skank did have her smitten Social Wanker onside working undercover & LYING to the head honchos in social services to keep the children with Mummy.
* Re the wall restraints and Harvey's welfare in general, theres another issue. Why didn't the nanny or carer report it at the time you may ask? Everyone says they would have reported it yet these so-called "Nannys" (four of them so far) were just unqualified 16 year olds that skanky could bully and threaten easily - plus they have said they were bound by NDAs (AFP's favourite tool of oppression bandied about at employees and The Ones with no compunction). Its only now they feel they can only speak out about the things they witnessed all those years ago because skank simply hasn't got the finances to sue them these days, yet as to morally, NDA or not, who could stand by to see a child restrained to a wall? A kid who doesn't know any better perhaps? PD have stated that there is no photographic evidence of this - just testimony from 4 of the nannies. They've also clearly stated that the nannies were just 16 year old kids which means they were employed as a "Nanny" but clearly not qualified to be a "Nanny", and definately not paid the proper rate as a "Nanny" would be.
* Strange then in view of that when skanky insisted Peter employ a FULLY QUALIFIED NANNY whenever he had sparse contact with H (before she stopped it totally). However they were never good enough for skank, basically because skank didn't want a qualified nanny around the kids and house because they had a Duty of Care to report any dangers regarding the kids and skank wouldn't be able to bully them or have any leverage on them from her paying them cash-in-hand.
* But this is of course what skanky does all the time. Maybe she told these young girls H "has to be restrained like this for his own safety" so what is a naive16 year old girl of make of it when Skanky makes the abnormal appear to be normal? A case of who doesn't chain their out-of-control-child to a wall then??.
6.10.24 - an oldie for you. https://www.mirror.co.uk/tv/tv-news/katie-price-reveals-reported-neglect-7738327
She says she was out yet she was actually downstairs and H was found by a house guest. So lying from day one ! H it seems got fed-up waiting for Mummy to run his bath for him so he did it himself but he only used the hot tap, he climbed in and burnt himself badly. Skank tried to blame Pete for this like everything else
* Like all her sordid tales of LIES (Saaarrrrffff Affrikka etc), this one got embellished with every outing. In this version H had "three months in hospital...." but in the other it was a few days . She can’t get her lies right can she? https://www.thesun.co.uk/tvandshowbiz/16529457/katie-prices-harvey-stopped-breathing-after-burns-accident/
6.10.24 - The offensive video of H swearing to some dreadful rap noise has now appeared on it's FB - she finds it highly amusing
Those Poor Kids and "Crooly Mum-Shamed" -
Not a new item but it demonstrates how little was thought of those kids when it had them held hostage. This is the woman who was going to be skank's "surrogate" so she could get hold of anuvva behbeh, that is until this woman saw for herself how skank treats the kids she already had and CANCELLED the very idea of it!
* This surrogate was around in the Summer of 2023 so when the kids were being kept from their father purposefully, so this is the neglect they were subjected to - amongst other things - whilst skank was trying to make out she was some sort of heroic single parent. Presumably Dim Lynne was on the scene then too covering up for her by LYING to those in charge at the SS. Remember when skank sold those contact centre photos and made that video with Jett saying 'socials' were stopping the kids seeing their dad? Well at that time she was sending Bunty out with dog piss-soaked clothing..................
Only Grans and Suchlike -
1.10.24 - you will note that the thing has not been posting much of it's gruesome images on Only Grans lately. Fact is that skank has moved a lot of her OF content on to Snapchat subs now so she doesn’t have to pay the 40% to HMRC.
* Nevertheless it popped up today to urge her warped pervy "fans" to come and "Chat wiv MEEEEEEEEE!" UGH
2.10.24 - this is from Enty. They allege this is Price: "The Rules: It was not that many years ago that this foreign born former A- list celebrity made enough money through her various endeavors that she didn't need to yacht. As that money dried up and offers went away, she started yachting. She required the money and ticket in advance and also a comprehensive screening for STD's, although they were still required to use protection. Then, that was not enough for her bills and spending and drug use, so she lowered her fees and requirements. Then, she agreed to start doing threesomes. Then, she started having sex with doctors to perform surgery on her and other doctors to take care of some of the diseases she had acquired and the beatings she was now allowing to keep the fees coming in. At this point in time, she is now doing anything with any number of guys just to keep the money flowing. Her hard limit has always been filming of the sex, but that will probably change within the next year or so."
6.10.24 - tempting in the pervs & weirdos to come chat mucky stuff wiv MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE woo hoo!! This is how far it has fallen folks, online mucky talk with sleazebags for casheroonies, but why even bovva with that when they can attend her Panto with Koketona? https://media2.tattle.life/data/video/3207/3207728-b68500d84e6c6d28fe599124dc7d9b70.mp4
Work aka 'Olidays!! Woo Hoo!! -
30.9.24 - a spot of Pointy-toe-pouty-face but not wearing JYY this time - a true sign that it's on 'oliday again
Yes she's certainly wiping the shit wiv dem uvva moddles innit
1.10.24 - Bargain Basement time! All pictures taken from her instagram so no fee for skanky, plus love how they say "Kissed Harvey on his lips..." and then repeat "Bankruptcy etc"
* advertising its "services" over on OF- naked Rodney will be thrilled. https://media2.tattle.life/data/video/3199/3199176-164753e5a863fe560edd15b5acb8ef66.mp4 God, that OnlyFans "invitation" though! Does she really think she sounds sexy when she talks like that?
3.10.24 - so they grifters are en route back to UK, travelling in cattle class on a budget airline, returning from a cut price holiday in a cheap hotel to a rented house that smells of cat pee! Nice view of your bald spot though eh skank? Woo hoo ... I love it ...
* oh and from Big Lou's tedious foters & vids you can see that Slymi also happenned to be at the same place at the very same time...................
7.10.24 - it has returned to Cyprus with Bongo to continue their well-deserved 'oliday of course!! Wonder why it had to go back then? Court?? Thought is that it might have returned in order to see J&B - that can't be right - can it?
10.10.24 - So following on from the set piece foters with Bongo pushing the thing about in H's wheelchair (same as Cole did), what next for our Skanky Bingo Cards? She's almost ticked off all the obligatory and mandatory set up photos with JJ for the holiday photo bingo shenannigans. Still waiting for these then it'll be BINGO!!! ⬇
1) Them nonchalantly getting papped outside the hotel with her holding a brown envelope with the words "TV CONTRACTS' written on it.... (which will either be thin as a pamphlet, or thick as the final Harry Potter book)
2) A demure and mindful JJ putting "a tender hand" (as DM always like to put it ) on Kipper's imaginary baby bump.
3) Wedding dress shopping with Bongo and Dim Lynne
The Browkern Trotters -
7.10.24 - Remember those life-changingly brokern trotterz? Well looky here at it walking over sharp jagged rocks out in Cyprus without a care in the wurrrld Do you think she might have LIED????
And that ghastly "skirt" thing too
9.10.24 - Oh dear! Whats she trying to get out of this time then? "Deploy the browkern trotterz bullshit!"
Every week theres always some drama or another with her raddled body... the feet, bum, boobs, fingers, face, hair, brows, eyes, ears, etc etc etc yawn.............. zzzzz............
Let's hope JJ is ready to carry her about or lift her on the toilet (which was all bollocks last time)
* So whats next to grift then? A sparkly new pink mobility scooter & a new pink wheelchair grift? Shame she chucked all that stuff away when she got EVICTED eh? Maybe its a cover story for the fact the DVLA won't give her licence back OR she's trying to get out of demonstrating that she absolutely CANNOT DANCE at all in that crappy panto??
* And here we go then - Groundhog Day! Same old bullshit but different MUG!
In fact this is H's wheelchair seen last week - so she's now using his chair to do foters to sell and probably to grift priority at the airport and better seats on the plane. And why turn up like that at a hospital anyway - its not as if she is an emergency case rushed into A&E or crippled is it? As it is, that pretty much looks like the Hotel reception area being used as a fake 'ospitawl for foters of this latest critical injury to the skank
* Imagine living your life like this? In order to make money you have to send DL to buy a bandage, she tenderly wraps your foot up, you use your son's wheelchair to be wheeled about by your exceptionally gormless idiot manchild around the hotel reception area (hoping people will think its 'Ospitawl A&E), while the sacked social worker takes pictures that she passes to a fat, dancing-thro-tulips Scouser who edits and sells the pics along with another invented, dull-ass story to an agency. Skank is beyond ridiculous. Its the same shit, the same stories, the same type of lowlife arseholes - as proven by the list on Bongo's heading where you can see skank is simply running through the exact same script she used with Cole!!
* Heres the Mail following the script submitted by skanky - 12ft "Katie Price has suffered yet another accident while on holiday as she was pictured in a wheelchair with a bandaged foot in Cyprus on Wednesday. The former glamour model, 46, was pushed through the hospital car park by her boyfriend JJ Slater, 32, after slipping on a rock. She previously broke bones in both of her feet after falling from a 25-foot wall during a break in Turkey in 2020, she underwent multiple surgeries in a bid to fix the damage but was left unable to walk for six months.
Seen leaving the hospital, Katie was still dressed for the beach in a plunging bikini, with her hair pulled back into a high ponytail.
JJ dressed in a white vest top that he teamed with a pair of grey shorts and trainers, shielding his eyes with sunglasses". ALL TOTAL LIES!!
* The comments are not impressed though!! The 2.1K comments stand proud with everyone either disbelieving her, rubbishing her for attention-seeking or just saying what a total state she is! Backfired beautifully there, Skanky. ✔
11.10.24 - a clickbait story designed in inscense the readers into a fury
The Mirror ran similar in which skanky was ripped to shreds in the comments
The Media Sticking It To Her - just remember, The Media created her, thus The Media will destroy her ... tick tock
29.9.24 - Heres the Mirror sticking it to the Double-Bankrupt about another 'oliday!
* are the Sun using an old photo with J&B maybe to remind the thing that it's LOST them? Katie Price pushes son Harvey in a wheelchair as she jets off on ANOTHER holiday amid bankruptcy struggle | The Sun
* Fact is the ol' Back End Foters will have paid for a lot of the cost of this 'oliday, minus the 40% tee hee
29.9.24 - Heres The Sun sticking it to the thing over the cats - not that she'll give a frig anyway
1.10.24 - Whats all this then? Closer mag used to grovel all over skanky and Koketona but just look at this!! Kokey has got the right hump over it
but Skank won't give a shite though. It seems its alright for this pair to be morally outraged by stuff like this but they seemingly have forgotten that they've promised loads of smut and filthy "bants" in their delightful panto disaster. Whats the difference?? This is quite hypocritical of her isn't it?! She's been banging on about her and the skank talking filth, but now it seems someone else was present whilst she was talking disgusting topics with skank, that being someone who then repeated it - and she's not happy?! It's OK Katona, your bessie mate says it's normal, so it should be acceptable for a magazine to say this stuff too!
* Heres the Mirror now remarking about the bloody fright that released these photos of itself wiping the shit with Everybody!
5.10.24 - The Sun of course - an oldie but nevertheless even more appropriate
8.10.24 - more crap about it's extended 'oliday in Cyprus including pictures of it "showcasing" itself & another exploitative photo of H. https://www.thescottishsun.co.uk/tvandshowbiz/13662241/katie-price-strips-bikini-tattoo-addicted-surgery-carl-woods/
* Closer mag sticking their oar in now https://closeronline.co.uk/celebrity/news/katie-price-ozempic-fears/
Nobody fears it though - its the thing's own fault entirely! Liar liar, pants on fire..... "She says she’s lost almost two stone in just eight weeks naturally through eating healthier food, taking supplements and exercising more....."
* Another of her old acolytes who used to grovel all over skanky throwing money at her for Excloosivs. Well not any more!!
OKrap Mag this time
What a bloody state it is, and heres OKrap highlighting it!!
* The Sun here, ostensibly showing the thing "showcasing" its amaaaazin' figure with a spot of Pointy-Toe-Pouty-Face. However, the biggest part of this rubbish article just so happens to be a gigantic banner video/photo of it slobberring inappropriately all over H - who else takes photos like that with their 21 year old son?? YUK! Katie Price strips to barely there bikini to show off huge tattoo collection after ex branded her 'addicted to surgery' | The Sun
11.10.24 - The Sun have held on long enough presumably and here they go with both barrells as regards her dodgy association with the shonky JYY cowboys https://www.thesun.ie/tvandshowbiz/13986394/katie-price-accused-scamming-fans-spent-100s/
* Yee ha! More bollocks and lies from JYY & sknky's rep Edna..... "When contacted by The Sun, a rep for Katie and JYY London insisted many items are sold to order.
They said: "Some of our items online are preorder; meaning people order them and we make them to order due to high demand and selling out faster than we expected.
"Online there are dispatch dates of when peoples orders will get dispatched and our customer service team are always working and replying to customers queries everyday 7 days a week. "
11.10.24 - Ohhh the Sun are pissed off now. They're taking swipes at her pretend poorly foot & they're saying she made sure she was seen in her Noo Moter etc Think of it this way, everyone will be on the lookout for her now so only a matter of time untill shes in court again for a driving offence