* Its Tea Time!!!!
Word has it that..................................... (Poo Gate #)
* Price.Dropped!
Daily Price Drop (@price.drop2024) • Photos et vidéos Instagram -
* Seksi Foters and Rubbish about "
How seksi wot I iz innit.................."
* Moosik! plus Odd Odes etc -
* Assorted Books of Lies & Accompanying Shite -
* Bankruptcy here we come Again - Woo Hoo!
* The Shitty Shack Is No More - Welcome to the Shitty Shack II aka The Rancid Rental -
* Court Cases, Driving Offences & Other Alleged "
Crimes Against MEEEEEEEE"-
* Old Egg alias The One # 3697, Sink Boy Crawl
* Legohead Bong Boy aka The Security Team- The One # 3698. The Latest Plonker-in-Chief & Their Media Showmance
* Clan Grifter Gossip
* Surrogacy & Adoption plus More Baybee Nonsense & Weddings (In yer dweems skanky!)
* # Ouch!!
* Recruitment Campaign for Noo Eggs - Recruiting the next The One mk 3699 - "
Ize a singul gal now!"-
"Isss Awll Abaaaaht MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Innit, The Product!",
*"Pwojects Awwwlll Abahhhttt MEEEEE!" & Some "Poor MEEEEEEEs" as well -
* Plasterclasses & Assorted Live Tour Garbage!
"Iss MEEEEEEE Mentawl 'Elf Innit!"
* The Braindeads are Amongst us!
* Scrounging & Grifting, Flogging Crap, More shite on Tiktok, Flogging JYY Crap and Lives
* Podcast Garbage
* Lies, Lies and More Lies
* Scams and Bizznizz Opertewnitys, ie.
"Rebuilding the Empire"
* The Dodgy Social Wanker, Lynn Rickwood aka Skank's Mole, Destroyer of Families
* F4J Dive In on the Skank -
* Awl dem Bewty Tweetments, the Syrups, Dodgy Gnashers, Surgeries, Crap Tattoos & FILTERS!
* Find a Bandwagon & Jump Aboard Woo Hoo! -
* The ex-Husband Squad & Escapees - fighting back against the Gorgon
* Getting at the Exes Plus The Escapees
"I downt dwink..............................Ize sowber innit an' Ize not a dwuggy eeeeva. Nor dem vape fings!"
* Animals Bought (or grifted) to Die at the Shitty Shack. Take Note AGAIN RSPCA
* Slamming & Swiping - its wot she duzz innit?
* Twolls, Burglars, Vandals, Stalkers, Kidnappers, Wapists, 'Orsham's Own Banksy & Acid Chuckers etc -
* Breaking The Law - Court Cases for Bankruptcy, Driving & God Knows What Else -
* Using Harvey for Publicity and Sympathy - "Pimp My Child" -
* Those Poor Kids and "Crooly Mum-Shamed"
* Fwends Woo Hoo!
* Only Grans and Suchlike
* Work aka 'Olidays!! Woo Hoo!!
* The Browkern Trotters
* The Media Sticking It To Her - just remember,
The Media created her, thus The Media will destroy her ... tick tock
August 2019.... How's it all going for you Skanky.... five years later...?
Its Tea Time!!!! Word has it that..................................... (Poo Gate #)
15.8.24 - it comes to something when even a bog-roll company is joining in the fun!
* The Metro also said
"Arrested , mug shot taken and DNA sample taken....." With the amount of times skank has had KH arrested his DNA would be on file, and in any case - why would the dirtbag keep a turd for a number of years anyway unless it was for proof/evidence? (Strangely thats what all her husbands did when they married it!)
* There are lots of photos lifted from it's grubby OF and put on fapello, including a very clear one of her horrible, worn-out chuff and several of her playing with herself, so hearing it screeching with outrage is nuts considering what a dirty piece of work she is. She's got no qualms about who-sees-what if she's being paid for it which makes the thing a bloody hypocrite, particularly when its been persecuting AR for years over his pretty tame predilection compared to this revolting one she willingly participated in.
* On that topic it told everyone it was a YouTube video she was showing about Alex and not a private video, therefore she thought that makes it ok.
A) no, it wasn't a YouTube video. It was a private video she had on her phone of him. And that was proven in court
B) the comments she herself made about him on numerous interviews demonstrate clearly she had the intention to cause distress and humiliation in revealing private and intimate details to the public about him - thats certainly not ok!
C) she accused him of being "Disgusting
Well who is the "Disgusting" one now eh skank?? Everyone KNOWS now who really is the "disgusting" one - its HER
* https://metro.co.uk/2024/08/15/37-year-old-man-arrested-leaked-sexual-images-female-celebrity-21426680/
It certainly looks like she's placed The Blame for this squarely on K's lap - yet again - another even worse accusation he'll have to fight off vehemently for months on end as the thing crows about it. How many cases is it now she's wasted the police time with about KH that have ALL proven to be utter LIES from the thing???
* Furthermore, imagine if it’s NOT him and charges are dropped because she’s made yet another vexatious allegation… what an absolute psychopath that would make her !!!! Yet why would he leak it when progress with the kids etc has been resolved to a degree? He is not that stupid but hopefully The Truth will come out like it has every other time skank has pulled the Accusation Card out against him, then he'll be vindicated YET AGAIN! He
must then get an Order out against her 100% after this lot. She will push him too far with the constant false allegations
* It's rather hypocritical of skank to feel mortified over this pic when there are plenty of other disgusting pics of her online from leaked OFs. Yet she never once complained about them though, however think about the timing of this - all this all happens in and around B, J and A's birthdays, 4th, 12th and 13th. Not at all suspicious then eh?
* It muttered something at the BH that she had other court stuff on 27th. Now wouldn't that be convenient timing to have KH arrested if it’s a final family case hearing or something ?
* This entire scenario looks like Pie Gate# again with all the other accusations she shreiked to the police accusing K of just about EVERYTHING -
* Incidentally -
The turd pic has been posted onto fapello twice from different sources
16.8.24 - In case you are wondering, this is just one of many instances of it proclaiming that Revenge is her gambit
20.8.24 - seen on CDAN but it certainly has a familiar ring to it - allegedly
* On another topic concerning this disgusting specimen, word has it via the "Girls Next Level" podcast (which is Hugh Hefner's ex girlfriends discussing life in the Playboy Mansion), that skank disgraced itself back then too leaving little wonder that Hef sent her packing. Answering a question about how Hef felt about girls being drunk or high around him, one of them said they couldn't remember him being angry about it more than once or twice but they did remember him pulling someone aside and telling them to sort themselves out! The other one said
'Katie Price at the Midsummer's Party', perhaps the occasion she shat in the fairy grotto as revenge, who knows??
Proof that skank has been embarrassing herself for a long time now ........................
22.8.24 - Word has it that this month's 'oliday from the crapcasts was
forced onto skanky. It would appear tha
t The-Only-Woman-Ever-To-Have-Been-Pregnant-TWICE could not cope with the current weight of all the (literal) shit she's been obliged to fend off from all directions, yes poor ol' Edna needed a rest from it so skank had no choice but to "take an 'oliday" from her boring crapcasts.
Price.Dropped! - Daily Price Drop (@price.drop2024) • Photos et vidéos Instagram -
*CW talks about Slapgate # - https://www.instagram.com/reel/C-hxgDdIOwq/
14.8.24 -
Saaarrrfff Affrikka, Version 1 -
15.8.24 -
Saaarrrfff Affrikka, Version 2 -
16.8.24 -
Saaarrrfff Affrikka Version 3 -
17.8.24 -
Saaarrrfff Affrikka Version 4 -
18.8.24 -
Saaarrrfff Affrikka Version 5 -
19.8.24 - Saaarrrfff Affrikka Version 6 -
20.8.24 -
Comparing all the different versions of her LIES about Saaarrrfff Affrikka
* Its all rather impressive that heroic Neil can drive & be IN multiple cars all at the same time in different versions & it seems he's now partially blind too! Its also sad that nobody involved in this farce is allowed to make comment or is able count either the men or vehicles involved. Recollections may vary...................
* It seems Neil Tawse can't keep his side of the story straight either:
2018 Neil Tawse says “
there were three cars and I was in the front car at the time – I could hear Kate screaming in the back car”
2023 Amy’s book of lies “the film crew led the convoy and Kate was in the second car with Junior, Princess and her long-term friend Neil Tawse” ("
Long-term friend" eh? Funny but we were told it was more of a Uganda relationship..... nudge nudge
* Bloody amaaaazin' though how all these alleged "Attackers" managed to predict the exact spot in the whole of Saaarrrfff Affrikka where J would need to stop for a wee eh? Now one might think she was lying again.....
* Heres a contemporary version of this Ordeal as told/ LIED to the Sun (
for a huge fee no doubt)
https://www.thesun.co.uk/tvandshowbiz/5946585/katie-price-and-two-of-her-kids-carjacked-in-south-africa-with-cash-jewellery-and-laptops-worth-tens-of-thousands-snatched/ Funny her claiming all this stuff was nicked though (the cameras and phones etc), when in photographs taken at the time of this horrific incident show skank USING HER PHONE inside the ambulance
* As per Version 5 - this time it's ITV's fault
And they weren't offered therapy either!
In this version SHE'S jumped in the front trying to get the key in to start the car... whilst holding a pillow in front of herself ready to be shot to "
Take the bullet for J&P!" What a heroine she is eh?
ITV's statement has a very diferent version
* PD have also denied sharing
That Image too
18.8.24 - https://www.instagram.com/reel/C-yRn6mIZ6F/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
One of her dodgy scams.
19.8.24 -
"Wedding dress shopping" this time - so this must be for the famous documentary she's been doing with the last three The Ones, ie
. "How to get married in ******" (Add current choice of location & groom) https://www.instagram.com/reel/C-0kRyJI1QI/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
Price.Dropped are very simply pointing out all her fkn games which must be driving her (even more) mentawl!!! -
20.8.24 -
* And more LIES about her "
charity work" aka the Community Service stint she was obliged to do as punishment for some of her driving offences https://www.instagram.com/reel/C-5Ud3roJzo/
21.8.24 - well they said they would find out Der Troof about
poor darling Blade and it seems they have - more to come when they have assembled the facts.
Justice for Blade #
* And poor little Rolo as well https://www.instagram.com/reel/C-5pjwOIJP8/
Poor little baby Rolo never stood a chance in that hellhole, but getting P to lie for her is despicable
* Don't forget this when skank was confronted by a Tattler who asked her directly if she'd "
Killed any more dogs lately?"
https://www.instagram.com/reel/C-VUX1lC8dO/ Look at it's reaction after which it scuttled off to demand the questioner be removed from her presence!!
It bangs-on about Der Troof yet doesnt like it when it gets delivered to her
* Now a few examples of skank
NOT doing nudes nor smutty photos (this doesn't even include That Photo either) https://www.instagram.com/reel/C-7mwSUIJrz/
23.8.24 -
Its the one we have been dreading collectively - what really happened to poor darling boy Blade. Its utterly heartbreaking to read this, to know he was so desperate for food, water and company that he ran off then got killed on the dual carriageway, then we find out skank had'nt even noticed he was'nt there because the thing was off on a snow-bender. Nobody cared about Blade. You will see that skank tried to blame various other people for this, like F4J and others who she said were
"targeting MEEEEEEE", when in fact she absolutely KNEW what had happened to him but still tried to shift the blame elsewhere. This thing is pure EVIL! Do not forget we are also going to find out what really happened to Rolo as well
* Her blaming others is nothing new either - heres just one example about another dog who died because of HER
There have been too many examples over the years but it says it all when you view it this way - No ID chip, no food in his belly but wearing a designer collar. Everything is for show with her
"If I could be half the person my dog is, I’d be twice the human I am" - Charles Yu or
"The more I see of some people, the more I like dogs" -particularly skanky, God damn her vile soul
Seksi Foters and Rubbish about "How seksi wot I iz innit.................."
A still from one of her films for Netflix possibly?
Moosik! plus Odd Odes etc -
Skanky needs to pay for her breasts,
So she let some men shit on her chest,
It wasn’t enough,
Just selling her muff,
So Onlygrans paid for the rest. Boom Boom!
* Currently her OF Grift for the Noo Boobs has raised a princely £630!
A real success eh??
Assorted Books of Lies & Accompanying Shite -
21.8.24 - You guessed it! The Sun gleefully reporting that the skank's epic tome of LIES has finally bombed-out!
Poundland here she comes
Bankruptcy here we come Again - Woo Hoo!
* Back to the last Court date, Deputy Insolvency and Companies Court Judge Daniel Schaffer set a further hearing for 27 August, telling skank
“You have to attend that date, no ifs or buts, no going abroad, no holidays.” Skank had to agree in Court to attend this date, she had to agree to it therefore no excuses will be acceptable & she knows this, so an embarrassing picture circulated on the internet nor her Mentawl 'Elf doth not make a viable excuse
17.8.24 -
STOP PRESS........... She’s "in court" on the 19th too…Judge Burton again - a remote hearing by the looks of it. No doubt there will be
"internet problems" that stop it going ahead again
* DL will get to have another day out with her idol, one where she gets to hold her hand and gaze lovingly in her eyes.
Wonder what Monday’s court outfit will consist of… Moonboots? Head bandage? The upside down Y fronts holding her face and ears in place? Sticky plasters all over her ugly face? Another JYY off the shoulder number or her first wedding dress, or perhaps that podcast tour outfit? The Carthorse boots and a bikini? Maybe she'll find that blue water-tank coat? What about her OF’s launch outfit -the nun's habit?
* AND it appears it still has the Pink Monstrosity that was supposed to have been handed over to the Bailiffs! HOW? WHY??
Or perhaps the thing thinks it is being clever and amusing with her little games??
The recent hearing also heard an application by the trustee related to six of Ms Price’s vehicles.
"Mr Connell said in written submissions that Ms Price had indicated that she would deliver the vehicles to the trustee, including her pink Range Rover which has borne a personalised registration plate with (the) initials of the bankrupt, and a Volkswagen Beetle.
But the court was told that this had not happened, with Mr Connell stating it was “plain” that the vehicles “will not be delivered up by the bankrupt”.
In court, he added: “The concern is that absent an order from the court, the position will remain the same and that these assets cannot be readily realised.”
The judge ruled that Ms Price must provide details of the cars’ locations within five working days and deliver the vehicles themselves within 10 working days of the court order being served on her."
Skank is laughing at everyone with this RR post, she really thinks she is untouchable but Judge Barton, who is the judge on Monday, will not be amused...................
18.8.24 - and yet even as of TODAY skank is posting photos of the Pink Monstrosity parked up at Sainsburys - so she
has still got the old bucket of bolts!
Skank has just reposted this calling Harvey
"Uncle" to Albert! No, he's Albert's COUSIN like your sister said you thick bitch!!! And BTW she's made sure to park in a Disabled Bay with H's parking Permit!
19.8.24 -
At last someone has noticed that skank still has the Pink Monstrosity that she was supposed to have handed over! https://www.12ft.io/https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/katie-price/article-13755189/Katie-Price-gives-pink-Range-Rover-update-despite-ordered-return-courts-amid-bankruptcy-battle.html?ico=topics_pagination_mobile
* The Sun here underlining that it "earned" itself another little 'oliday right before today's hearing
And of course, today heralds yet another date with Judge Burton at the RCJ -
* Its looking like the thing did not turn up again - its taking the piss regally now.
Hopefully Judge Burton will proceed regardless of its presence and enforce all those stipulations she placed last time around, ie getting that £25k off skank and removing ALL the vehicles, including the Pink Monstrosity.
Its just hit Twatter via The Sun that skank failed to turn up to even a remote hearing with the Judge!
"Ordered to pay back £40k of her Twat Tok salary............................" https://www.standard.co.uk/news/crime/katie-price-onlyfans-tiktok-burton-london-b1177230.html plus they have closed down her Twat Tok account until they can work out a payment system with the company itself. No more Twat Toks for skank then - why would she "work" when they're taking a chunk of her munney?
* The full article https://www.thesun.co.uk/tvandshowbiz/29952088/katie-price-court-date-judge-concerned-pay-tiktok-salary/?utm_campaign=native_share&utm_source=sharebar_native&utm_medium=sharebar_native
Well she won't be turning up tonight then for her Twat Tok gig will she??
* https://tattle.life/attachments/screenshot_20240819_112740_firefox-jpg.3120544/
* In point of fact then, how about suspending her income from Pride on 24th, these grim Pantomines she brags about, any Channel 4 income, all royalties from Harvey and Me (if there are any), any insta advertising, all Facebook advertising, all income from her crap books like "This is me", income from the many outstanding makeup events… in fact from EVERYTHING it does that it charges for - even her crappy autograph signings or flogging her old drawers?
* All sorts of media diving in on the thing now though
* https://www.standard.co.uk/news/crime/katie-price-onlyfans-tiktok-burton-london-b1177230.html Interesting to note that according to TwatTok her account with them has "two wallets" to handle payments to the thing. Quite an interesting read here
"More to come....." they state so we can look forward to that
* And skank has just made it onto Radio Two's news broadcast!
* It was mentioned in the Press Report that in July
eight other companies were added as sources of income! So they now come under the 40% payment charge too
* Even the BBC! https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/ckg15x0yeeyo
* Reported from today, she was expected but did not turn up, but yes, 27th will be the real fireworks so will she decline her invitation to that one too??!
Judge Burton went on to say it was "appropriate" to order the "suspension of further payments" to Price from the social media platform until a solution could be found. The judge also remarked that she was "concerned" after the former glamour model had missed the hearing."
What a pile of tosh! She got no money from sale of MM. The housekeepers etc and her massages she has pulled from her prime time spends so this crud is is about as realistic as her list to the Court will be (when baby Bong Boy finishes scrawling it with his best crayons!) Although, imagine spending £84k on boob jobs to end up with wonky, nipless barrage balloons!
21.8.24 - another pointed article directed towards the Forensic Investigators about the thing's haul of "engagement rings" - NINE maybe?
* According to it's massive MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE-a-thon crapcast today, saying you are
"Feeling suicidal" means you don't have to bother with stuff like paying your taxes or other bills.
22.8.24 - Liar liar pants on fire....
Re the Rancid Rental that she says she BOUGHT - not rented.....
"I paid for it! No-one pays for me, I don't care what anyone says out there, anyone who knows me, I'm a workaholic. A single mum of five kids, don't ever knock anyone, just cause I've had my ups and downs I'm still here, surviving." "Surviving by ripping-off anybody stupid enough to get involved with her and her scams
Katie Price admits she 'loves' new home which she bought amid bankruptcy
Former glamour model Katie Price is going through a £760,000 unpaid tax bill after being declared bankrupt for a second time in March
* and The Sun now -
‘I love my new home’ says bankrupt Kate Price as she insists she’s paid for new four-bedroom home herself | The Sun "I paid for it! No-one pays for me, I don't care what anyone says out there, anyone who knows me, I'm a workaholic.
I'm a single mum of five kids, don't ever knock anyone, just cause I've had my ups and downs I'm still here, surviving."
Katie is battling a £760,000 unpaid tax bill after being
declared bankrupt for a second time in March."
* Check this comment about her putting the Pink Monstrosity into H's name!
Its not that simple though when The Registered Owner is not necessarily The Keeper of said vehicle -however, this one is dim enough to be a Braindead
The Shitty Shack Is No More - Welcome to the Shitty Shack II aka The Rancid Rental -
* £800k to clear up all the rubbish it left behind on the premises at the old Shitty Shack, all rubbish it denies leaving there.
Whats this lot then eh? PFP's building rubble & old fencing, plus crap from inside the dump?
16.8.24 -
Katie Price's Mucky Mansion sells for jaw-dropping sum - but she won't be celebrating (yahoo.com)
No she won't be celebrating because despite her best efforts to put potential buyers off, someone has paid £1.5 million for it!
* As of today's Twat Tok its now blaming Andrew Chatters for
"fly-tipping stuff 8 feet deep........." at the Shitty Shack making it all His Fault rather than PFP's. This is the bloke she had doing serious building works at the Shitty Shack that she did not bother getting planning permission for, hence why they stopped and were never finished,, plus, the moment these building works were stopped by the Council skanky buggered-off on 'oliday with this bloke. The absolute fiend that he is!!!
23.8.23 - Urban explorers have been mooching around the old Shitty Shack but quite why this would be a "fresh blow" to the skank is bizarre considering ITS NOT HERS and has'nt been since June!
Old Egg alias The One # 3697, Sink Boy Crawl -
19.8.24 - He's gunning for her now! He wants his money back for secretly buying the Pink Monstrosity back for her on-the-quiet!
''In messages seen by The Sun, Carl accused Katie of "spending like there's no tomorrow" and "mugging him off".
Dan insisted he had discussed the situation with Katie and money could be forthcoming, before going quiet.
He said: "I've had no money in Carl, we are due probably next week at some point. I'll let her know you need money."
*and.....this means she spent 12k on a car last year and wasn't paying a penny off the debt.
'The twice bankrupt 46-year-old bought back the flashy car in 2023 for £16,000 - seven years after initially buying it for £75,000.''
* Interesting to see confirmation that Dan is handling the thing's cash these days so perhaps the BH can drag him into Court to answer for her??? Very interesting he says '
I've had no money' 'we should get some...' It indicates money going into accounts he had access to but she's got no company any more. -Black Sheep management is his company but doesn't seem to have that much money as of August last year.
* And theres your answer as to why she’s insisting on driving around in the Pink Monstrosity again and flaunting it at everybody. She doesn’t care about the BH at all - it’s to get a dig in at Carl, knowing she owes him the money for it!
Legohead Bong Boy aka The Security Team- The One # 3698. The Latest Plonker-in-Chief & Their Media Showmance
16.8.24 - Here we go with the next Deflection Campaign - the old
"Ize Hingayged!" one yet again, the 9th edition! Suffice it to say this thing has been engaged more often than the bogs at Euston Station but off we go on that same-old carousel that we get with every single The One that it snares! More set-up foters from BackEnd of course with Bong-Boy looking like a scared animal trapped in the headlights
Has Katie Price, 46 got engaged for a ninth time? Star debuts diamond ring as she steps out with boyfriend JJ Slater, 31, following six month romance - while recovering from £10,000 facelift in Turkey | Daily Mail Online
* The Engagement rumours.
So much for taking things slow or are they just on a wind-up and she’s just Wearing A Ring & that’s all? The fake
‘Let’s show the ring on my finger! ’ staged pictures! Who even sits like that and Mr Catalogue man himself is just so cringeworthy anyway, but then skank's septic existence is one huge cringe and all set-up so really they do deserve each other, but rest assured that skank will treat him exactly how he deserves anytime soon although his Real Mummy will be beside herself with worry over it
There honestly aren't enough eye rolls in the world for this story because frankly you couldn't find anything more set-up nor staged. This truly is
x one million
* TBH we should have known this BS was imminent when he went and got a full set of grifted Turkey Teefs installed recently.
All skank's fiancés get Teefed as soon as she buys herself The Ring!
Heres a splendid advert for Dentica innit!!
20.8.24 - as of the past weekend in Norfolk, it does look very much like Bong Boy is going to be released from his Contract with the skank imminently whereby he can toddle-off on his little red tricycle back to his Real Mummy in the USA. Skank seems to be desperately trying to Recruit another dipstick from reality telly, some plonker called Tommy Mallet. The signs are all there - her dressing in virginal white as she does when she’s on the pull - remember it dressed in white and made a big deal about it on that truly cringeworthy video message when she was after recruiting Polo Egg?
You may as well pack your bags now Bongo, your time is nearly up Run away......................... flee for your life!!!
21.8.24 - this dork really is something very "special". Heard in the background of skank's JYY Twat Tok nonsense, he asked Dim Lynne ( the bent social wanker) if he can put Stork margarine on katie's toast for her, if it was the same as butter or if you can only put it in cakes? Honestly he sounded like some divvy off Little Britain
* www.12ft.io/https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-13764763/Katie-Price-exes-airport-arrest-surgery-bankruptcy.html LOLZ
Note this rubbish though - Denying she was evicted from the Shitty Shack when
YES SHE WAS EVICTED.!!! We all saw the eviction notices pinned to the door and gates, plus she left the grounds covered in shit.
"Katie added: 'I left Mucky Mansion because I'm not paying the £800,000 fly-tipping bill. A fly-tipper is the reason I'm not living in my house right now because of the fly-tipping not because of the bankruptcy .................................... " All absolute LIES!!!
Clan Grifter Gossip -
18.8.24 - Edna is off to the IoW for a pow-wow with Clan Grifter! Maybe needs to collect a bit of dosh from the Mattress Fund, ie the £25k skank is supposed to have paid into Court? NAAAH!
20.8.24 - sucking-up to Danny now. Probably wise seeing as he holds the purse-strings and will undoubtedly be hauled into Court with her at some stage
Surrogacy & Adoption plus More Baybee Nonsense & Weddings (In yer dweems skanky!)-
16.8.24 - and here we go with all this nonsense again since Bong Boy has allegedly "Proposed" to it!
Another ring out of a Jamboree Bag then....................
* Next week - staged photos with a
Pregnancy test or outside an IVF clinic??? Rinse and repeat stories and yet the red tops still buy this shit despite knowing its all one gigantic catalogue of The Same Old LIES - so yes, its yet another Mr. Right although nobody gives a flying fuck about her nor her sordid relationship history
However the desperate deflection isn't working....she is still twice bankrupt, still due for a PE and all whilst a pic of her naked butchered body proudly displaying a stinking turd is doing the rounds on all media platforms! Woo Hoo! But yes, let's flog a fairytale relationship
Look at the state of its face though- its one of Dr. Frankstein's earlier failed experiments!
18.8.24 - more of this rubbish - https://www.12ft.io/https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/katie-price/article-13754935/Katie-Price-fuels-engagement-rumours-goes-wedding-dress-shopping-boyfriend-JJ-Slater-son-Harvey-recovering-10-000-facelift-sparking-speculation-flashing-diamond-ring-lunch-date.html
The thing is wearing an ice-hockey goalie mask though!
* NOBODY with more than one brain-cell believes any of this crap though - we don't buy into this rubbish she's spouting AND this pathetic montage was done out in Turkey so its NOT even recent anyway, nevertheless it is beyond sad and pathetic that the thing continually posts the same old crap with every single The One. How
lame does your life have to be to arrange staged pap photos of you and yet another The One browsing bridal gowns? Nobody cares a flying frig and furthermore Bong-Boy is never gonna marry her anyway!!!
* https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.12ft.io/https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/katie-price/article-13754935/amp/Katie-Price-fuels-engagement-rumours-goes-wedding-dress-shopping-boyfriend-JJ-Slater-son-Harvey-recovering-10-000-facelift-sparking-speculation-flashing-diamond-ring-lunch-date.html
Ready for all opportunities
Recruitment Campaign for Noo Eggs - Recruiting the next The One mk 3699 - "Ize a singul gal now!"-
Heres a potential The One - he's even got The Teef already!
* Gotcha! Snared him already!!
20.8.24 - It looks like the thing IS recruiting even though it had Bong Boy in tow. What a hideous mess but what a title to give this ghastly image bearing in mind the unveiling of her
"sideline activities" It ought to really be entitled as "
* Definately Recruiting.................. https://www.mirror.co.uk/3am/celebrity-news/katie-price-spotted-out-x-33497173
Katie was seen posing with the former ITV personality as she rocked a white crop top which struggled to contain her cosmetically enhanced chest." Fact is the thing always wears virginal white when Recruiting..................... just ask Polo Egg!!
"Isss Awll Abaaaaht MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Innit, The Product!" -
17.8.24 - There’s a new account for KP luring people in, in the comments section of her main FB account & this new account wants people to add her on Telegram. Is she trying to have a presence on as many private platforms as possible now to exploit herself for coin, which only goes to prove that it’s all going downhill very fast isn’t it?
She only has the porn outlet left by the looks of things but notice how she describes herself as living in Brighton but separated as well. Strange… so much for this "engagement" then!
Maybe its a scam account but its hilarious anyway !
18.8.24 - out with yet another social media idea then. It apparently thinks it looks like this avatar image it created
* This little number goes back to when it snared AR then frogmarched him off to get married. Still the same old shite going on now though https://www.12ft.io/https://www.theguardian.com/media/2010/aug/16/katie-price-jordan
Read it boasting
"I'm an extremist in bed" -
Well we can't say she didn't warn us beforehand in light of recent discoveries
21.8.24 - https://www.mirror.co.uk/3am/celebrity-news/katie-price-says-theres-only-33508442
and another one "showcasing" her Noo Fayce https://www.mirror.co.uk/3am/celebrity-news/katie-price-says-theres-only-33508442
Well well well, if it isn’t the Daily Mirror, part of Reach plc, printing another two articles about the Skanky one
# Ouch!! -
18.8.24 - Comments on Instagram are #Not Kind at all!
19.8.24 - Love this comment on a bollocks article about her latest butchery job....
d like to know if these are results of the special mud packs she's been using on her stomach"
20.8.24 - It went-a-grifting at the weekend to end up in a pub where it unbdoubtedly grifted lunch for her entourage. The comments on this "celebrity" visit though.............
Not #Kind then??
21.8.24 -
22.8.24 - and some more re The Noo Fayce :-
"I love that when she looks in the mirror, the only thing she sees an issue with is her eyebrows"
"How does that song go? Turning Japanese, I think I'm turning Japanese, I really think so................."
* To say that the majority of the country are thoroughly pissed-off with skank would be an understatement (save for the Braindeads of course), an example being a rioter involved in the recent problems skipped Court to go on 'oliday in Dubai and got arrested on return then sent to prison. Why not the skank eh? Check the comments:-
"Pwojects Awwwlll Abahhhttt MEEEEE!" & Some "Poor MEEEEEEEs" as well -
* Another of it's Grand Announcements that amounted to absolutely NOTHING! Just imagine the full horror of a programme where it talks about Itself
loudly over any guest stupid enough to accept the invitation. Maybe she pitched this marvellous idea at ITV?
https://uk.movies.yahoo.com/movies/katie-price-wants-her-own-113000588.html She can carry on "wanting" but she ain't "Getting"!
* In any case, isn't she doing just this on her boring crapcast with Edna? Why would this marvellous TV Show she is proposing be any different to that tedious crapcast, other than it being on TV where millions can also choose to NOT watch her?
* But all this shite is
"Harming her brand..................." appparently!
Wot "brand" does she have these days apart from a skidmark? https://www.mirror.co.uk/3am/celebrity-news/katie-price-legal-woes-harming-33479227
The Braindeads are Amongst us & Fwends! -
17.8.24 - heres another ancient Tit-Moddle lauding the skank and trying to explain HOW skank can afford all her surgeries and tweetmints whilst still being a Double-Bankrupt - Its like reading a really bad Mills & Boon novel....
Oh dear, she's being
"Treated like a criminal". What does this idiot bloody expect?,
Skank IS a criminal.
21.8.24 - It appears its already reeling in the Aywerds Heef idiots to come mow her grass - no doubt as a freebie - so expect the chronically bad plug/advert shortly.
Scrounging & Grifting, Flogging Crap, More shite on Tiktok, Flogging JYY Crap and Lives -
16.8.24 -
"Feeling cute.................." it says, here moddlin JYY's latest old rags. The quality of this stuff is appalling
To which some wag replies...........
* Back again flogging one of those dodgy Apps that apparently pay you money to play an inane "game" online, one that
somehow you never receive what you have apparently
'earned'. Typical of skanky to be involved in something like that..................
19.8.24 - back onto flogging the JYY crap again
At least the BH have sequestered 40% of this though - that'll be about a tenner!
19.8.24 - It says it'll be back on Twat Tok tonight but bet theres no mention of it's Court visit today
19.8.24 - more JYY crap! How come its Moddlin' everything wearing just it's blue drawers now or is it because nothing else fits it's Ozempik'd body maybe???
Denim jacket anyone? I'm not sure I want to 'swipe up', more like 'throw up'
"Remember theres only 1 Pricey!" Thank fuck for that!!
20.8.24 - Twat Tok - as anticipated - yet again -she disappointed her kipperatti. I thought she hated disappointing them?
Oh unless it’s to save her own skin........ or to NOT earn a bean to spite the BH lot!!
21.8.24 - more cheap and nasty rubbish from JYY as moddled by this style icon!
* Oh and its supposed to be doing Twat Tok tonight though - we shall see - its here now flogging JYY crap though
*Says it will answer questions but trying to flog flogging something in pink box.
*Has had Harvey for a month, went back on Monday. Says he smashed 1 telly and put lots of holes in walls (in rental???)
"Im back on tiktok and doing what I love!" Woo hoo!!
* "Podcast will be back, just on a summer break"
* Doing Manchester Pride saturday (lucky them)
* Being mardy with people about reading her book. Cat meowing in background.
* It has just got up. (We can see that luv!)
* Someone commented their partner was part of border force which took her off plane.
* Its just announced that she
"Owns her shit!!!!!" (and thats about all dear!) More like, she models someone else’s shit!
* It keeps repeating same sentences.
* Why are half the comments “how’s Harvey’ and the other half saying she looks fab. Are these people deaf AND blind?
* It keeps describing itself as the
"New Katie Price"
* The crap its flogging is The New Katie Price Pamper Box @ £15. More junk no doubt
"Body dismorphia is real" it states.
* The dirty cow is wearing the same Girls hoodie she has been wearing for days
* Now its flogging "New" barf bums & stuff -
* It does appear she's got Jeyda acting as "prompt" talking to her somehow trying to get her back On Topic selling the CRAP.
* Now its laughing at her own eyebrows and wants someone to sort them - grift grift!!!
* Oh and it has referenced the recent Court events -
She does pay the bankruptcy and does pay her tax.
She is not embarrassed, she owns her shit
Says she does turn up
The Press have it wrong, she's always honest.
KATIE, THE JUDGE STATED ALL THAT - its not a LIE like your statements clearly are.
Basically she's calling the judge a liar again when Judge Burton said she was "concerned" about skank's no shows
* Rambling on about the crapcast on 'oliday for a month -
"My kids are on 'oliday too"
* She is now blaming Andrew Chatters for her losing the Shitty Shack - wasn't he the "builder" who allegedly dumped all that rubbish everywhere??
Said Andrew chatters has dumped waste & rubbish 8ft deep and will be a cost of 800k to remove! Said she wouldn’t pay it as would add no value to the house so told them to take it back. Yeah he stopped her paying her mortgages too no doubt!!
* It reckons it was quoted £800k to install a new septic system at the Shitty Shack, hence why she never bothered I guess. A better story is that figure included clearing up all the foetid contamination spewed across the garden.
She doesn't do anything wrong, people judge her on the stuff in the papers.
* She's on a pity party, bigging herself up with loads of "
* It has stated she's going to be doing TT lives everyday for at least a week I think. She must be getting something out of it or she wouldn't be be bothering.
* "She said that no-one can put her down, she's too strong! That means she can turn up for her court hearing then!
* Here we go - Blame the Exes Again!
* It still has at least TWO dogs - its shouting at them!
* Just called someone a bellend for taking the piss out of her sharpie eyebrows Shes moody today lol
* She's reading the comments wrong. They said HAVE you stopped vaping? She said "
I'm not vaping on here, you are causing rumours! They said I'm vaping on here!!"
* Keeps mentioning suicide - She was talking about not paying her tax because she was suicidal and depressed...
* She's a Single mum of 5 kids, she's on her own you know.................. a survivor. She paid for the new house! Deluded is'nt even touching it
* She chose everything in HER new house. She paid for it all Single mum of 5 kids dontcha knaaaaw!!
* "MM is called that because of the fly tipping...".errr it was already called that. That Andrew Chatters is getting it in the neck.
* It states the Shitty Shack has nothing to do with the bankruptcy!.
* Everyone has a bedroom in this Noo Place...there are 6 bedrooms in this house.
* It wants a new sofa, on the beg - Grift grift grift
* Oh and she's definately NOT a Criminal either!
Needless to add this comment was NOT answered!
* Bragging about having got some fools in to cut the lawns for her. Hope they don't expect to be paid
* She's not on the run. She's in HER new house, NO SHE'S NOT A CRIMINAL
Strange how she has'nt shreiked "LIARS!" at people asking about her last No-Show at Court? Skank didn't react at all
* She's bringing back her Empire of course, all that old tat she tried to flog and failed t last time. She's doing another calendar, (
Ah like the last one she was still trying to flog in July?) It'll be really speshul because she wants to recreate all her old Jordan poses............................. OMFG
* Hehe, someone just said "
Can you sign my toilet paper!"
* She's off to the JYY headquarters on Friday. (Jeyda's garden shed??
* Gloating about having her hair done, lashes and a cheeky sunbed.
*Jeyda trying to bring it back to JYY but it can't stop shouting.
* On the beg to get her eyebrows done - grift grift grift
* Dim Lynne makes an appearance! She'll be pleased with herself then, but more likely is that she's just there to stroke the ego of the mad old sIag & reassure her that she's still got it, she's bewtufil & everyone's jealous especially the 20 something's coz she's wiping the shit with them all
*She mentioned going on a Domestic Abuse course recently and it opened her eyes to
"All abuse I have suffered......" She also said that apart from Bongo, every single one of her relationships has been toxic in one way or another - whether that was domestic violence, narcissistic behaviour, controlling behaviour, coercive control. This is all supposedly
by men and not her towards these men!
She earns really good money.... (especially when not paying tax on it!)
* "They" removed so much from her book about MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! That pissed her off obviously
* Back to talking about her fish lips. Fat was taken out of her body and put into her face.
* She's barely done any selling, she just wants to talk about herself. Jeyda must have the right hump!
* Says that AFP & the kids approve of her latest new face. It says she is actually happy with her face.
* And thats it - its gone off-air until tonight's next instalment WOO HOO!! (which it did not turn up for AGAIN incidentally)
Oh Katrina, liar liar, your JYY pants are on fire!
So to recap this bullshit - the 4 bedroomed rental has in fact got 6 bedrooms with ensuite bathrooms & she's bought it allllll herself. She's got her 5 kids with her. Harvey has already smashed the house up. The media & the judge are all liars because she owns her shit & does turn up. It's now Andrew Chatters who dumped everything at the MM. It wasn't repossessed because she chose to give it up! P is at the door but seems to now be a gardener cutting the lawn. Yup, all sounds perfectly legit
She's paid her tax and VAT all her life until she met someone. (???)
She is paying her bankruptcy off.
She does pay her taxes
Don't mock anyone for going through a bad time.
She doesn't knock anyone.
She OWNS her situation.
She's not embarrassed.
She has sorted her shit out
She earns good money.
Moved to HER new house
Blah blah blah AGAIN - She's all over the place and well gobby today
22.8.24 - It appears The Sales are not going as well as anticipated
Are the Braindeads finally learning??
23.8.24 - Moddlin' another delightful JYY number in "Turd Brown"
Doesnt it accentuate her wonky norks beautifully?
23.8.24 - its back on Twat Tok with P in tow this time.
* Having a right old moan about being "
Slated by the media...;, she gets battered, battered, battered." "Poor MEEEEEEE!"
* Its being laid on thickly like her make-up now.............. "
The press are awful about MEEEE, they want MEEEE dead, they want MEEEE to kill myself
* "Face was done 10 days ago"
she has no concept of time
* It seems subdued today - cue mentawl bwakedown and emergency visit to 'Otel Pwiowy to avoid Court on Tuesday
* Still a few Poo Comments but nothing yet about Blade
Its looking rough though
* It has just had to point out thats she's NOT transgender though
* Its flogging Wax Melts - or as she calls 'em Max Welts. This particular one she describes as “Pear and Freesheher”. Does it mean Freesia perchance??
* Here we go with the excuses for not attending again - "The press have got worse with her", mentions Caroline Flack
Yes here we go folks, lining that one up for Tuesday's non-attendance
* OOOH we've not heard this one for a while -
she's bringing the Empire back! Pyjamas, perfume, calenders etc.
* Reeling off about Her Empire
* Back to making out she has 5 kids 24/7 and does nothing but clear up after them and food shopping
* Harvey’s law still happening you know!
* Little JJ has come to work with her even though she says she doesn't like that!
* Still insisting she pays her tax , vat & bankruptcy… She can tell the truth on here. (but not in Court obvs)
* A statement about Blade - carefully ignored of course
* As part of The Empire Strikes Back she is starting her youtube again for the hundredth time, Snapchat oh and she really has filmed 3 shows for tv
* She has just mentioned Jett !!!! So she's remembered him eh?? Says he is starting secondary school in a few weeks time
* Stating that people are trying to financially gain from being with her - that old chestnut again
* Going back to Dublin to do the Late Late show apparently...............
* People are always knocking her back too - adverse comments are vanishing thick & fast now. Some melt just commented saying "
just tell the judge your paying everything you are hun xx"
* This live rubbish constantly ranges from suicide-baiting to fraud and scams!
* It has mentioned going to court tuesday ! Didnt have a link last time she said
"Hopefully the last time". It can’t see why it’s headline news either!!
* Saying she was discussing what shes going to wear to court with darth jayda, so looks like we're in for a treat with another lovely jyy outfit pending
"This sponge smells like baby lotion!!", Could that be why it’s called baby lotion
She’s still training to be a life coach!!!!
* Wiping her greasy chicken fingers all over the clothes she is wearing.
"JJ get me a drink!!"
* Dragging P onscreen now
"Come and say hello Princess !"
* Junior has been at hers for the last month, but they are going on holiday now !! LIES!! Strange then that Junior was live on TT the other night and he was at Pete's
Podcast Garbage-
21.8.24 - Oh dear, it seems the idiots who paid a premium for "extra content" from this bollockfest,, (i
e more screaming, swearing and screeching off the skank) have got the hump due to the dearth of this garbage and the month's 'oliday they've allocated themselves!
Summarily ripped off by the skank and Edna then huh?
Lies, Lies and More Lies -
Is she still training to be a paramedic? Is she still volunteering weekly at St Catherine’s? Is she still filming how to get married in Vegas, or what it’s like to be on death row, or the pitfalls of having a facelift?
is she still a life coach? Do her 5 kids still eat chicken nuggets for dinner every evening?
Is she still investigating Blade’s death? Is she still adopting an orphan from Nigeria?
is she still having weekly therapy? What about her Pricey baby range, or Priceywoods range?
Is her perfume out yet, or her swimwear/underwear range? Has she brought her empire back?
Is she still minted? Where is her MM that could never be taken away? Has she rescheduled all the cancelled plaster classes?
Has she filmed her travel show with Princess? Did I miss her OK interview with JJ, you know, the one?
is she pregnant with her 6th child yet from the American sperm donor via IVF?
Has she got the money back yet for her victims of Josh Chandler?
Has she completed her aesthetics course yet?
Has she paid her taxes and debts yet?
Has she surrendered all the cars and the £25k?
Has she closed her Depop/memorabillia accounts?
Has she stayed covered up on OFs? What about the Poo Picture??
Has she remained faithful to Bongo and not texted another egg YET?
Just a few to contemplate.........................
Awl dem Bewty Tweetments, the Syrups, Dodgy Gnashers, Surgeries, Crap Tattoos & FILTERS! -
15.8.24 - The Irish Sun taking the piss now, showcasing skanky's
"Natrul Look"
Note they are underlining that it spent £10,000 to look this bad!
16.8.24 - Get yerself to Specsavers luv!
The illiterate cretin is 'bigging-up" the face butcher again
The true unfiltered horror of it
18.8.24 - Plainly it's gone for the
"Smacked-in-the-mush-with-a-cast-iron-frying-pan" Look
and this over-filtered one
19.8.24 - oh yes - the "miraculous weight loss" she's achieved by sheer hard work at the gym and her 'elfy diet. Heres the Troof behind that statement -Ozempic/Wegovy - a stack of it at the Rancid Rental
Pants on fire again skanky!
Just how is she affording this as a double-bankrupt?
* Giving the clinic a boost again - probably to counteract the horrendous press the Turkish Butchery Market are copping in the media after the death of yet another idiot who fell for the spiel
21.8.24 - Oh dear.....................how sad........................never mind!!! I thought this latest botchery was the Bestist Evva eh Skank?? Apparently not then
Her squinty little wonky eyes have finally had enough of it......................
However in the article they reference J&P being embarrassed by her surgery, saying to stop it etc, but it makes perfect sense now why she kept saying on the TT live that junior said it looks good then "Princess was shocked how good i looked......" etc
Oh dear
* Yep; Here we go on-the-grift again
* https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.12ft.io/https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-13765341/amp/Katie-Price-Spock-Star-Trek-eyebrows-face-lift.html
Newsflash for you skank - we've been calling these things Spock Brows for years!
22.8.24 - Methinks you would be hard-pressed to find ANYBODY who gives a flying frig about it!
It has nobody to blame but itself if it does fall ill with sepsis.
Find a Bandwagon & Jump Aboard Woo Hoo! -
The ex-Husband Squad & Escapees - fighting back against the Gorgon
Getting at the Exes Plus The Escapees -
"I downt dwink..............................Ize sowber innit an' Ize not a dwuggy eeeeva. Nor dem vape fings!"
* No it absolutely does NOT drink nor take anything else! Why would you even think that eh?
Animals Bought (or grifted) to Die at the Shitty Shack. Take Note AGAIN RSPCA -
PD are working on on exposé - more to come!
Twolls, Burglars, Vandals, Stalkers, Kidnappers, Wapists, 'Orsham's Own Banksy & Acid Chuckers etc -
18.8.24 - so this pops up on Twat Tok.................... it appears to have
someone's claw marks all over it does it not?? They are trying desperately to detract from her own disgusting photo by blaming it on Someone Else, that victim being held responsible being her Favourite Target (
"Dat wun oo stowel MY kids")- AS USUAL. Maybe its a fake site but its sounds feasible from the skank.
Using Harvey for Publicity and Sympathy - "Pimp My Child" -
Posting as a reminder for
Using Harvey with inappropriate images such as this - her naked in bed with her grown-up son FGS
https://tattle.life/attachments/3117126/ Perhaps this is the image F4J were talking about?
* Incidentally, this is NOT a
"sweet image" by any means - its wrong on too many levels
19.8.24 - exhibiting H again
Hope thats an alcohol-free cocktail she's plied him with - can you imagine the havoc if he were to get squiffy?
18.8.24 - Oh yes and as to all H's problems, check this out! An admission from the thing as to it's "Parrrty Lifyestyle" when pregnant with him https://www.express.co.uk/celebrity-news/686579/Katie-Price-slams-partied-pregnant-Harvey-Loose-Women
Those Poor Kids and "Crooly Mum-Shamed" -
20.8.24 - https://www.mirror.co.uk/3am/celebrity-news/katie-prices-children-angry-mum-33498957
It merely goes to prove that she doesn't give a fuck about her kids and their feelings nor how mortified they will be over the Poo-Gate piccie....!
"Princess is angry and Junior is embarrassed – he's said Katie is cringe and needs serious help." The source added: "Their mum has become a laughing stock and the brunt of jokes. It was bad before, but now it's awful – it affects all the kids so negatively."
Mummy does not care either way, for all the shite Edna posts on her behalf
Fwends Woo Hoo! -
*Funny but "Fwends" seem few and far between these days - even that Lou!!
Only Grans and Suchlike -
2022 - the launch of it's OF "caweer"
16.8.24 - she certainly knows how to attract customers with that spiel.
17.8.24 - https://www.thesun.co.uk/tvandshowbiz/29926200/katie-price-desperate-attempt-cash-filthy-message/
* and more of her sleaze
Honestly, what braindead perv would pay for this utter bollocks when they can google ` FREE PORN ` with stunning women, worldwide, that is women who would do and show much more than this old haggard ho? To be making any coin she must be doing it in PM`s because there's no way, anyone would pay for these meek, yet trite, poundland catalogue ` poses, simply because it's all there right now & its FREE on millions of sites all over the internet! Come on pwwwicccee you can do better than this because for someone who boasts that ` ITS ` been a moddle for 958698 years, is this really the best she can do????
*Article from the 14th of August in the Mirror - but I bet she really wishes she hasn't said this...
She told Olivia: "I'm not the most confident person but put me in a photo shoot with a young 20-year-old and I'd wipe the shit with them," Yeah righty-ho skanky!
Work aka 'Olidays!! Woo Hoo!!
The Browkern Trotters -
The Media Sticking It To Her - just remember, The Media created her, thus The Media will destroy her ... tick tock
17.8.24 - https://www.12ft.io/https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/article/2024/aug/16/hollywood-fine-line-doctor-drug-dealer-matthew-perry The Grauniad are not doing their usual grovelling here but instead making a few salient points about Drug Use amongst those such as the skank.
"Addiction takes many forms, and there will always be those for whom the term “enabler” seems absurdly benign. But we expect infinitely more from doctors than we do from drug dealers. Consider the spectacle of Katie Price returning from Turkey, where some greedy surgeon or surgeons recently performed her 17th boob job and sixth facelift. On arrival at Heathrow last week, a bandaged and seeping Price was photographed being loaded into a custody van, arrested for skipping a bankruptcy hearing to travel for the surgery.’
* Theres the Sun sticking it to her again about the Pink Monstrosity that she's always boasting about. Having been told that she was to hand it over to the Bailiffs along with £25k plus the rest of her vehicles it seems the thing still has it!
Her nine lives are up. She knows she needs to start cooperating with and respecting the bankruptcy process and start living within her means. She needs to behave like someone going through bankruptcy - and do everything that's required of her."
18.8.24 - and again indicating skank sticking up two-fingers at the whole idea of her BH on 19th, ie she doesn't give a frig about it
Katie Price shows off new boobs and facelift results as she strips down to bikini in her garden | The Sun They also make mention of this new diamond ring it's wearing - perhaps a little pointer to the Bailiffs?
19.8.24 - The Sun are clearly just waiting for news to emerge from it's latest appearance in front of Judge Burton, so they put this plop out to amuse us all. https://www.thesun.co.uk/tvandshowbiz/29940705/katie-price-facelift-tattoos-knickers/
* Well looky here! Even this lot who used to grovel all over skanky are getting in on The Act at last, here aghast at the income from Twat Tok she neglected to mention to the Taxman!
20.8.24 - and to think we wondered why skanky seems to get blanket coverage in the Daily Mirror....
Its been mentioned that the Mirror paid her at least £50K recently for regular articles. Where is that money being paid to? There must be another secret bank account somewhere.
* The Mail now -
* chipping away at it nicely
21.8.24 - and heres a grovelling sycophant celebrating the wonderfullness of the skanky - "A
national treasure" apparently!! FFS!
This idiot Polly Hudson needs to remove her head from her arse then she might see the true picture of this thing, oh but hold on................its a Retch publication isn't it?
Polly Hudson can stick this article up her fucking arse
* "National treasure" though? "
We'd all be upset if something terrible happened to her" would we?
"Deserves our sympathy" does she? "
Vulnerable"? YEAH RIGHTY-HO!! Fuck off, fuck off & fuck off some more and when you get there carry on a bit further- OK? Only The Braindeads will support this bilge
22.8.24 - Yes its the Sun of course with some more barbs directed at the skank's campaign of LIES.
https://www.thesun.co.uk/tvandshowbiz/30018031/katie-price-insists-paid-for-new-house/ This one is all about Her Noo House thats she's bought and paid for all by herself apparently!!
"However, Katie clapped back at a fan who quizzed her on who actually purchased the property.She replied:
"I paid for it! No-one pays for me, I don't care what anyone says out there, anyone who knows me, I'm a workaholic................A single mum of five kids, don't ever knock anyone, just 'cause I've had my ups and downs I'm still here, surviving........."
* and also her whingeing about her pain and her dodgy eyes
* and this https://archive.ph/hzgbL Heres their reference to That Photo hastily brushed over -
'In the same week that a compromising and explicit image of her leaked online' "
So this actually is just another muppet trying to get sympathy for poor old skanky. Its a duffer luv - you might as well try to defend Hitler as you'll have a better chance at success with that one!
24.8.24 - Ostensibly another crappy article glorifying the thing and it's facial bodgery,, but then they dive in with comments like
She's using the pink RR that the Court said she should give up......................".
This is a real 'up yours!' message to the courts from the skank because the thing has no intention whatsoever of giving that junkheap up without a fight. She has probably already transferred into someone else's name to avoid losing the old crate because its the last vestige of her "Fame & fortune" - she's not going to give it up easily