Kate Price 52

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  • * Its Tea Time!!!! ☕ Word has it that.....................................
    * Seksi Foters and Rubbish about "How seksi wot I iz innit.................."
    * Moosik! plus Odd Odes etc -
    * Assorted Books of Lies & Accompanying Shite -
    * Bankruptcy here we come Again - Woo Hoo!
    * The Shitty Shack Is No More - Welcome to the Shitty Shack II aka The Rancid Rental -
    * Court Cases, Driving Offences & Other Alleged "Crimes Against MEEEEEEEE"- #Criminaljunkie
    * Old Egg alias The One # 3697, Sink Boy Crawl
    * Legohead aka The Security Team- The One # 3698. Its JJ The Noo Plonker-in-Chief & The Media Showmance -
    * Clan Grifter Gossip
    * Surrogacy & Adoption plus More Baybee Nonsense & Weddings (In yer dweems skanky!)
    * # Ouch!!
    * Recruitment Campaign for Noo Eggs - Recruiting the next The One mk 3699 - "Ize a singul gal now!"-
    * "Isss Awll Abaaaaht MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Innit!",
    *"Pwojects Awwwlll Abahhhttt MEEEEE!" & Some "Poor MEEEEEEEs" as well -

    * Plasterclasses & Assorted Live Tour Garbage!
    *"Iss MEEEEEEE Mentawl 'Elf Innit!"
    * The Braindeads are Amongst us!
    * Scrounging & Grifting, Flogging Crap, More shite on Tiktok, Flogging JYY Crap and Lives
    * Podcast Garbage
    * Lies, Lies and More Lies
    * Scams and Bizznizz Opertewnitys, ie. "Rebuilding the Empire" :LOL:
    * The Dodgy Social Wanker, Lynn Rickwood aka Skank's Mole
    * F4J Dive In on the Skank -
    * Awl dem Bewty Tweetments, the Syrups, Dodgy Gnashers, Surgeries, Crap Tattoos & FILTERS!
    * Find a Bandwagon & Jump Aboard Woo Hoo! -
    * The ex-Husband Squad & Escapees - fighting back against the Gorgon
    * Getting at the Exes Plus The Escapees
    * "I downt dwink..............................Ize sowber innit an' Ize not a dwuggy eeeeva. Nor dem vape fings!"
    * Animals Bought (or grifted) to Die at the Shitty Shack. Take Note RSPCA :mad: -
    * Slamming & Swiping - its wot she duzz innit?
    * Twolls, Burglars, Vandals, Stalkers, Kidnappers, Wapists, 'Orsham's Own Banksy & Acid Chuckers etc -
    * Breaking The Law - Court Cases for Bankruptcy, Driving & God Knows What Else -
    * Using Harvey for Publicity and Sympathy - "Pimp My Child" -
    * Those Poor Kids and "Crooly Mum-Shamed"
    * Fwends Woo Hoo!
    * Only Grans and Suchlike
    * Work aka 'Olidays!! Woo Hoo!!
    * The Browkern Trotters
    * The Media Sticking It To Her - just remember, The Media created her, thus The Media will destroy her ... tick tock
    Can't get any rougher than that eh? :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

    Its Tea Time!!!! ☕ Word has it that.....................................
    3.7.24 - a sip of weak tea - It appears that Lego isn't as popular with the family as has been made out because it seems collectively they think he's a weedy drip & really can't understand what the mutant is doing stringing the idiot along with all this utter rubbish about Weddinz, Lurrvve and all the rest of her crud! Its pretty apparent theres zero chemistry between them & he's obviously just being used by skanky, so theres no big love affair whatsoever & as suspected it's all one big SHAM with this berk simply yet another stand in for skank until she can latch onto a Better Prospect. Bong Boy is effectively a sacrifical lamb to the slaughter plus chauffeur/dogs body on-call whenever skank needs it, for the time being. But He does have his uses though because this Any-Port-in-a-Storm gets Clan Grifter off the hook as skank has got someone else to deal with all her garbage rather than bother Them constantly, therefore Lego is there to take the pressure off the Clan Grifter,, its plain and simple. Now IF it manages to entrap some other MUG we shall see how long Lego lasts before she starts tearing him to shreds like she does to ALL his predecessors. Silly boy for ever getting involved with it!
    * Plus, word has it that the reason its gone under the radar is because it's already abroad - she is out of the country for a wedding. And its already wallowing in the pool, less than a week after surgery which is nice for those who have to share the pool with the festering, foetid, pus-filled old boiler. It cannot be another of Her Weddinz though because she'd have been flogging the Rights to it from the off.

    Seksi Foters and Rubbish about "How seksi wot I iz innit.................." -
    8.7.24 - Looking amaaaaaazin' as usual. She won't be happy about this unfiltered foter being used though :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
    and those wonky things with the stick-on raspberries are still HILARIOUS!!
    9.7.24 - Seksi foter doing Pointy-Toe-Pouty-Face whilst having a dump in the kitchen sink at Sumwun Elses Owse :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
    The plastics look so realistic don't they? :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
    * and this goes on her OF which makes it appear that she's just posting worse-than-usual shite on there to make it look like she's making a supreme effort to get money in so's the Trustees get their 40% cut. In reality not even the sickest weirdo is gonna pay for this pathetic rubbish is he?! Even the most warped pervo is not going to pay to look at that, especially with her distorted leg :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

    OMG - the 1990s want their poses back!!!

    Moosik! plus Odd Odes etc -
    5.7.24 - Jedward are really scraping the bottom of the barrell these days. Skank really thinks shes Whitney Houston reincarnated as we know from hearing it screeching, but WHY this weird staring into 50% of Jedward's beady eyes (no clue which one he is ), and why is she dry humping his leg? Poor little sod will be twarmertiyzd forever! #Predator vibes
    (25) Katie Price #402 Just have zips put in those tits. And one for the gob will do the job! | Page 26 | Tattle Life

    Assorted Books of Lies & Accompanying Shite -
    3.7.24 - so the next Book of Lies Awwwwllll Abbahhhhtttt MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! is released on the Braindeads at last! Woo Hoo! Gone are the days of lukshurry 'Otels and restaurants to release her shite - now its the back room of some pub, and not just any pub because this place is a gay venue!! (Do they know the hell she put AR through because of his penchant for cross-dressing, how she published and exhibited his private videos and photographs ?)

    * The only teeny tiny thing to laugh about regarding this gig is that the tickets are £23 and that includes a copy of the Book of Lies. The book is currently £11 ( heavily reduced on Amazon and the price is tumbling), so basically £11 to see the mutilated old sIag and hear it "sing" 🤣
    6.7.24 - https://www.standard.co.uk/showbiz/celebrity-news/katie-price-people-high-court-glamour-jordan-b1169111.html
    Really skanky? :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: AFP's Book of Lies was supposed to change everybody's perceptions of the skank and yet what? NUFFINK! Nobody believed that bollockfest either so this next batch is going to be NO DIFFERENT at all is it?
    * ‘I think people just need to give me a break and get to know me, and I don’t deserve a lot of things that people say, what they do, and, to be honest, I don’t… it’s not that I don’t care what people say, but once they read the book, then they’ll judge me different.’ :LOL:
    Fk off Kipper ... you just churn out the same old lies and shit ... people are finally seeing you for the nasty lying talentless tosser that you are now and however many volumes of LIES & Old Crap you persuade some idiot to publish - that will not change!
    * Does she REALLY think people give one tiny shit about all her struggles "behind the scenes" in this next crap book?? The only truth worth casting an eye over is what actually happened with Slap-gate and why she lied about that and faked bruises, also, some explanations about all the too-many-to-mention discrepancies in the millions of stories she's leaked about herself (e.g. the Saaarrrrffff Affrikka lie-fest for a start). What about true account of her cocaine and alcohol habit? Where her horses went & exactly how all those animals really died and why she thought it was OK to just abandon pets in houses she left.? Then theres why she never sees Junior and Princess not to mention the obvious restrictions placed on her for J&B now, or how she managed to get the bent Social Wanker Lynne Rickwood on-side and why she thinks she can still drive, even without a licence or insurance? How come she truly believes she is right and everyone else is wrong about her singing? :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: That's just a few bits to be going on with but NO we won't "judge her differently" regardless of this tome of crap, in fact we will judge it even more harshly because she's a low-life piece of shit, through and through.
    7.7.24 -
    9.7.24 - On countdown to the release of the next bollockfest onto the public. Not that long ago the enabling AFP-Iron-Lung 'wrote' THE LAST WORD, but apparently that wasn't enough for Kipper, so she's having the last word instead by fictionalising 'The REAL TRUTH' all over again in "THIS IS MEEEEE!". We all know this tome will be sympathy seeking, ex-blaming fest the same as all her other books only more vicious,, but the only truth anyone really wants is the thing to own up to HER DIAGNOSIS at the Priory or wherever - none of this ADHD and PTSD shite she throws into everything as if its Der Troof. Hopefully she gets hammered by everyone legally and finally winds up in prison for theft for false accounting.
    * Of course skank reckoned AFPs book would "Change how people see MEEEEEE" yet it didn't, it failed miserably to portray her as anything other than What She Truly Is and neither with this load of twaddle simply because the veil hiding the Real Her slipped long ago and there is no way to re-attach it or rediscover the MEEEEEE created by Clare. Skank has been complaining about it since PA dumped her, fact is that no one liked Skanky before PA, Claire changed that with lot of hard work and cover-ups, then when PA finally gave up & left so did Claire which is precisely when skanky spiralled downhill rapidly. It was back to grim reality and she still can't accept it all these years later :ROFLMAO:
    12.7.24 - You mag need a gigantic kick up the jacksie for this bullshit! FGS "I'm a person, not a product" or some such utter crap - well then skanky, who exactly is it that sells itself like a fucking "product" then??

    * Well done for enduring interviewing the thing to produce this arse-licking litany of utter bilge Bryony (y)

    * Heres the amended You cover btw
    * Incidentally, this fotershewt is the one where it moaned about the clothes they put it in to moddle for the cover - it didn't like any of them! Maybe they were just to classy for her seeing as she's normally dressed like trailer-trash showing off all those horrid blue scribbles and her entirely wonky body? Indeed they even made it wear long gloves or pull it's sleeves over it's gnarled hands to cover-up all those ghastly tattoos :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
    * Pretty much sounds like it turned up trollied though :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

    * More IVF LIES - it states that its been having rounds of treatment since October 2023, however due to the time span of each of these cycles that is absolutely impossible! Yep she's lying again (y)
    * Its all there though, from the various wapes, all her ordeals at the hands of MEN, her poor mentawl 'elf (because of men), its everybody else's fault because nobody understands, the bankruptcy is all sorted (lol x 1 million) and it says its getting another Guard Dog as well. :mad:
    * "I've been sexually assaulted three times" https://www.12ft.io/https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/...tml?ito=native_share_article-nativemenubutton

    * Heres the rubbish from You mag https://www.12ft.io/https://www.dailymail.co.uk/home/you/article-13611791/KATIE-PRICE-children-brush-suicide-dream-bryony-gordon.html Its an absolute treasure chest of LIES from the gob of skank!!
    * The Bryony Gordon article is just the same-old-same-old garbage regurgitated for the umpteenth time with a few more embellishments added. Its still making out she's got the children, that she's had three rounds of IVF in the past year (presumably with both Carl and JJ?) and how she's just a simple girl at heart. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
    * ‘My self-care is going horse riding with Bunny. We’ve both got our ponies. I go on bike rides with the kids. Have a facial, have a massage, just normal stuff, seeing my family.’ Strange then how those poor kids spent most of their time with her hanging around various salons waiting for Mummy to get stuff done to cover up her sheer ugliness :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
    * Drugs? Why, she hardly touches them! :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
    * Bankrupt? Well, ‘Everyone goes through bankruptcies. Everyone goes through liquidations. It’s normal and it just makes you stronger.' :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
    * ‘I’d be a great carer. I’m very patient and understanding and I just want to help. I love helping people, just love it, but people never see that.’
    * She even threw in the paramedic again 🤬 On she goes with her fantasies, never challenged by anyone who interviews her
    * And THREE attempts at IVF (presumably with SB and Bong Boy) - its states this year it has had 3 rounds of IVF (especially odd as t insists she was not rushing into anything with Bongo)
    * The feeble "suicide attempt", when she "Woke up & she thought of her children.........". She “woke up” from hanging? Stupid attention seeking bint:mad::mad::mad:
    * Interestingly the Sarf Africa incident doesn't mention any sexual assault or wape by a dozen armed bandits. Kept her trap shut on that one then :unsure:
    * But once again she states that it's the men that have done MEEEEEEEE wrong as usual.Yawn. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ :sleep::poop: The same old LIES over & over again then.

    13.7.24 - Now heres the Blurb aka Bullshit for this Other Book of Lies by ANon.

    * Dunno what they mean by "Untold" since all these tedious anecdotes & Utter LIES have ALL been heard before, many times. Its odd but this seems different from her latest Book of Lies, very strange,, especially when this rubbish states it’s only 75 pages and at last count Legals had slashed the other version to around 270. :unsure: Maybe this is the actual truth as opposed to her "Troof" or have said Legals taken out another swathe of Libel & Outright LIES??🤷‍♀️ And £14.99 for 75 pages of shite????!
    * Worryingly it states this noo edition of crap is "independently published", ie "self-published" so now that raises the concern that this latest pamphlet contains all of its LIES that have been cut out of “This Is Me!” by victims slapping injunctions onto the publisher. It all just seems very strange given that only the other day it was staing that it "Hoped somehow......." the undited Version of her bullcrap "suddenly" came into the public domain. This is highly convenient timing and just what you'd expect from skank thinking she is clever.
    * It appears that this second Book of Lies may well be some cheapo 'biography' rubbish cobbled together to earn this bloke a few quid. Or so he might think 🤔 In fact if he's used this wiki as a basis, then skank is completely fucked 🤣🤣🤣 This fool has even used a photo of it wearing it's bestist JYY frock :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: to which dontcha think £14.99 is bloody expensive for emergency bog-roll too? 🧻 😁
    The real McCoy Book of Lies is currently cheaper on Amazon!
    13.7.24 - Now it is using C4's crappy Olympics event to Big Itself Up yet again and boost sales of the next Book(s) of Lies. It seems it has a "Government 'elf worning" stuck on this trash, ie you can get PTSD from just reading it as its so twarmatik!
    Can you even get PTSD from reading a book???? What about her other favourite - ADHD??:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

    Bankruptcy here we come Again - Woo Hoo! -
    6.7.24 - so onwards it all trundles towards the Next Edition at Court at the end of the month when she will again fail to show her ugly mush, and yet we still see the ridiculous continued spending, ie her new boobs (allegedly), or a full on paint job on a car she shouldn’t even have anyway. All rubbed into everybody's faces yet again.
    * Nevertheless she'll probably will only have to pay back her creditors a very small percentage of what she owes, because SHE has to live in her accustomed "style" despite her insisting she's "minted" and earning a fortune; Theres that gym membership which she is not using - is that a valid monthly expense for a start?? 99.9% of bankrupts, let alone double bankrupts aren’t allowed such luxuries or can afford takeaways regularlly, let alone be allowed to rent a 4 bed house when officially there is just her. How is she allowed to spend money on festival tickets and all the expenses for that and then not even bother going for one of the days?? She still just wastes money. No wonder she wants to stay in a bankruptcy forever.
    Surely with all the evidence the trustees have, they have to do something about it although theres no convincing evidence on current showings?? The Backgrid pictures have really dropped off now so thats one income stream reduced, but its pretty apparent she is only doing these current seedy OFs as she wants MUGS to pay towards her hideous Noo Boobs because Doc Plovier won't do them as a freebie for her. She wants £8000, current tally is about 350$ :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
    * Everybody has made mistakes in their lives, mistakes with relationships, money, friendships etc, but most of us learn from the errors. She pisses people off even more because somehow it’s never her fault regardless of evidence to the contrary & yes we get the odd apology from her but it’s never meant as genuine, just empty words, she puts the blame on others along with all her blatent contradictions & the many different stories to suit today’s narrative. (How many versions of the Saaaarrrrffff Affrikka Tale have there been so far?) The lies are endless.
    * And now another book going over the same old ground with no doubt another spin, yet she is the only one constantly talking about her exes. The drama is ALL her doing and in her head. It’s dangerous. Theres a whole new world chapter on JJ in this next edition of crap which is ok if he is The One #3698, so why not just concentrate on HIM and shut the door on The Past finally? Sort your shit out skank, be seen to be doing the right thing for once & try to repair the damage with the exes & past victims & most of all - the innocent children caught up in the fucking mess??. Stop lying. Stop cheating. Stop creating so much drama and hurt. Stop breaking the law. But she can’t because its actually all she knows & she still thinks the world owes her a massive series of favours whereas she owes NOTHING to the world in return, specifically she gives nothing to her children in any way shape nor form
    7.7.24 - some more whining from it. Still boasting about the Pink Monstrosity, another supreme GRIFT over some fool who obviously believed her LIES about the "Acieeeed Attak" when its pretty much certain she dunnit herself or got Lego to do it for her. Here it actually thinks people are being snarky at her because its NOT A NOO CAR (as befits a megastar like her) when actually skank luv its because its a fucking jalopy worth £3000 on which probably £4000 has been wasted on respraying stupidly for you - all of which is money that should have gone to YOUR CREDITORS instead! In fact why do you need ANY of those vehicles you have hoarded when you don't have a licence and very little chance of EVER GETTING ONE???? :mad::mad::mad: C'mon let's hear your lame excuses for all this then - dare ya!

    10.7.24 - Its looking increasingly like skank is going to use The Next Excuse of "Taykin me 'Arv on a well-disserfed 'oliday" as the excuse to duck-out of the Bankruptcy hearing scheduled in a couple of week's time. If the bankruptcy hearing gets kicked along for another 3 months that would be FIVE YEARS of being non-compliant & FIVE YEARS of her breaking bankruptcy rules.
    The creditors not seeing a penny & Lying about her MH.
    Continue to spend like a lottery winner & her dictating the way this is handled.
    Buying many assets after being made bankrupt, hiding assets such as cars, horses, designer items.
    Stopping the income-attached streams, such as Backgrid.
    Multiple holidays being passed off as work when she literally does one photoshoot or a 5 minute video.
    Avoiding meetings, having court meetings from abroad while on a 5⭐holiday.
    Telling the judge how to run things and despite warnings of cancelling last minute and not paying what is requested, still takes the piss - plus not providing paperwork or information when requested or at all even!.
    It’s an absolute fucking joke her whole bankruptcy and what she is being allowed to get away with.
    And you just know that if she mentions her bankruptcies in her book, it will be the complete opposite of what is really going on, or just NOT HER fault. 🤬🤬🤬
    10.7.23 - The Book Of Lies II is stated as now having 272 pages of bullshit now so clearly some more has been edited OUT :ROFLMAO:
    Yep, 272 pages of Libel & LIES woo hoo!!!!
    12.7.24 - New activity on the BH site; Not sure what it means but things are still bubbling away under the surface :)
    Hopefully BAD THINGS for the skank :devilish:
    13.7.24 - and as anticipated, the thing is "taykin me 'Arv on 'oliday..................." on 30th July so won't be going to Court again :mad:

    Court Cases, Driving Offences & Other Alleged "Crimes Against MEEEEEEEE"- #Criminaljunkie -
    13.7.24 - looks like she's found herself an ally against the DVLA!


    Legohead Bong Boy aka The Security Team- The One # 3698. Its JJ The Noo Plonker-in-Chief & The Media Showmance -
    8.7.24 - Bongboy was supposed to be a guest "star" at a charity footie match in Cambridgeshire yesterday. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: There was not evidence of superstar Bong Boy apart from one solitary team photo so he didn't exactly electrify the crowd - but where was the skank?? Normally if she was there there would certainly have been millions of photos taken by her to make it Awwwwllll Abaaahhhhttt MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE - or has she allowed him out alone eh? Ah here we go! https://www.12ft.io/https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-13610131/Katie-Price-kiss-boyfriend-JJ-Slater-football-match.html?ito=native_share_article-top

    This explains it - Lego spent his pocket money on a little Vanity Exercise - he was'nt asked to be a guest player at all - he paid for the privilege!! :LOL::LOL::LOL: Maybe he's a teensy bit jellus of Kieron playing for some celebrity footie team so bought himself a place? :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
    11.7.24 - posting old photos of him and his mates to prove he does have some (when he's allowed out). Looks like he's borrowed the clothes from a dwarf :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

    13.7.24 - perhaps the funniest thing ever from the dope who interviewed the thing for You mag, she who describes Bong Boy as
    "A menswear entrepreneur......................" :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: but then they added this stinging barb:-
    "He is a former contestant on Married at First Sight, but he genuinely appears to be more interested in her than the limelight that she brings. ‘He’s chilled,’ she smiles sweetly. He is here today, a presence so nondescript that at first I mistake him for some sort of assistant........................" So now he's Security, Chauffeur, Dogsbody and "some sort of an Assistant" :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

    # Ouch!! -
    6.7.24 - yeah hahahahaha! Turkey Teef luv, get it right!! :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

    Deluded and bonkers! Maybe skank should try her hand at Polytiks again??? :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
    11.7.24 - heres the skank tagging onto an article about Chloe Ferry & bigging herself up - the comments are brilliant though :ROFLMAO:
    12.7.24 - these comments, attached to pictures of it "moddlin" more dishcloths from JYY :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

    13.7.24 - heres a belter from the Dail Mail's article on the thing

    "Isss Awll Abaaaaht MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Innit!", -
    4.7.24 - its says it went to purchase "Noo knifes fer me kitching" and got asked for ID at the till!!!! :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: Seriously? Would you think this thing was under 18 even with the industrial filters on it ? 😂😂😂 She says the shop employee probably thought dopey-brain Lego was her teenage son but then claims they thought she was under 25! How does that work then? She gave birth when she was less than 12 years old 🤔 If it is true that she got asked for ID, my guess would be that they have to ask everyone who buys knives because of some insurance clause thing, even if its perfectly apparent they are 75 years of age! Viewing her as objectively as possible there is no way she looks even under 40, let alone under 25! but we have seen the beginning of the end as to Lego because she did have a right dig at him in front of her captive audience.

    4.7.24 - oh dear! It's managed to rip one of the acrylic nails off it's trotter so it's posting twarmatic foters of it's hideous injuries, screeching about the PAIN involved! No doubt waiting for the media to pick-up then pay her for The Story of "Me Liyf-Chaynjin Foot-Hurties agen on me browkern Trotterz!"
    6.7.24 -And thus here we go with "Pooor MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" - not much sympathy going on in here though , particularly when they mention it's whingeing about a hurty trotter when it undergoes invasive surgeries every other week!
    https://www.mirror.co.uk/3am/celebrity-news/katie-price-begs-fans-help-33180553#comments-wrapper :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
    Evidence of said critical injury ➡
    :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: Did she get the injury by re-enacting the Dane Bowers video with Legohead 🤢
    8.7.24 - on a twat tok live its blaming Jett for the horrendous foot injury! Poor old skank, the noble victim again - she said she was giving J a cuddle and his trainer caught under her nail and flipped it off. Another guilt trip for the little boy. Of course she could have taken responsibility and said she trod on J's foot and her nail caught on his trainer but then the self-centred bitch won't even see the difference between those two explanations, she'll always hang her children out to dry so that she can be the injured party. Decrepit, lying, raddled, over-filtered old hag. :mad:
    12.7.24 - Somehow skank & Bongo wangled an invitation to this event (via her tame cronies at C4 of course) - the comments absolutely crucify the thing though :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
    Look at those bloke's faces tho!
    14.7.24 - yes it is Awwwwlllll Abaaaahhhhtttt MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!

    "Pwojects Awwwlll Abahhhttt MEEEEE!" & Some "Poor MEEEEEEEs" as well -
    6.7.24 - the morons who keep her crappy sm's running sure know how to post some scintillating stuff to keep the Braindeads on the edge of their seats with excitement!
    "Curry & Love Island" - what else do they want? And all served up with a dose of Pointy-Toe-Pouty-Face whilst wearing another hideous creation from JYY. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
    12.7.24 - Fishing for compliments here & chucking a bit of "Poor MEEEEEEEEEE!" in for good measure. Fact is that skanky was and always has been UGLY inside and now the outside is fast catching up revealing the true depth of hideousness thats always been there beneath the surface - its bursting through unabated :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
    "But, what people have got to understand is, you might think I look pretty or whatever, and I'm looking here thinking, 'I look really ugly.'" Actually for once we completely agree with you, you DO look really ugly.
    * and some more LIES its been manifesting for itself https://www.thesun.co.uk/tv/29182548/katie-price-lands-brand-new-channel-4-show/ :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: Heres what the Sun Poll thinks - basically 80% don't give a shiny shite

    So ... reading this diplomatic response from.Ch4 ... in reality there is nothing ... its all just skank's monkey tennis yet again,, like the new Mucky Mansion show it had landed 🤣🤣🤣
    "It's so funny because I'm doing so many shows for Channel 4 at the moment.....................I can't keep up with it myself, but it's all good." 😂
    A TV insider further added to The Sun: "Katie has a great relationship with Channel 4 and so there is always scope for different projects with her in the pipeline" - no mention of it actually being true though

    Plasterclasses & Assorted Live Tour Garbage! -
    3.7.24 - The cancelled Plasterclass in Belfast has been rescheduled for September!! No refunds then :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

    The Braindeads are Amongst us! -
    I was hoping that the 'heartbreaking plea' was "Shut the fuck up you annoying cunt" but unfortunately it wasn't....!


    "Katie Price fans issue heartbreaking plea to idol after seeing her in the flesh
    After putting on an incredible performance at Dublin Pride last weekend, Katie Price's Irish fans have begged the former glamour model to make an immediate change after finally seeing her in the flesh"
    * "Incredible??" Clearly they are taking the piss but yeah the thing is a right bloody state filters or not!! :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
    9.7.24 - Heres the Braindead-in-Chief proclaiming on behalf of the skank her sheer Wonderfullness; This dozy bint seems to have forgotten how many times skank has publically slagged her off having used this 'friendship' in a very one-sided arrangement - even now it seems skank sofa-surfs at her place and films her Collerjean rubbish in her kitchen too! Some people never learn do they??
    It won't be long until she is surplus to requirements again though :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
    9.7.24 - heres another one! :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

    13.7.24 - so then Braindeads, what do you think about this wonderful paragon of Motherhood taking the piss out of her disabled son eh? Do you still find her captivating and endearing seeing her rip the crap out of her own son?? It would apper that its perfectly ok if she takes the piss, but anyone else posting this would have had them called out to her 2.6m bot followers then tagged with #harveyslaw and #twackatroll #oneruleforpricey

    Scrounging & Grifting, Flogging Crap, More shite on Tiktok, Flogging JYY Crap and Lives -
    6.7.24 - another successful grift completed

    and the ultimate in NAFF too
    :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: Its all a bit wasted on this old jalopy though (and yes that statement "jalopy" includes the skank as well)
    9.7.24 - Moddlin' some more cheap & nasty garments for Twat Tok Shop - and all done with Pointy-Toe-Pouty-Face AND the wig lift for good measure! Woo Hoo!

    * Heres "Ow Ter Be A Pwoppa Moddle" compliments of the Omnishambles itself :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
    (12) Katie price #403 you are rank, no money in the bank, logging topless pics, for nips that dont exist | Page 14 | Tattle Life
    * "She loves the camera and the camera loves her!" :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: Her "modelling" is TERRIBLE, a grim leftover from the 1990s.
    It's also old stuff because this was filmed in the Shitty Shack kitchen, plus her ropey barnet is longer and it was filmed when her arse implants were shifting sideways. Not even current then eh skank? :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
    * Only 20 responses for this rubbish
    - probably why it has been cancelled by her then!
    * Just love how it smacks it's lips constantly as it runs through this pathetic seksi routine, and all done with the finesse of a cart-horse doing ballet
    11.7.24 - it just makes one want to eagerly click on "BUY!" does it not??? This garbage is for Twat Tok Shop - wonder what Darth Jeyda thinks of skank using her Moddlin' Skilz for sumwun else eh? :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

    All the stuff in this segment is absolutely dreadful without using this appalling Moddle for it - nice one Twat Tok Shop!

    Podcast Garbage -
    4.7.24 - this week's edition of inane bullshit - Less than 30mins recorded it down the gym. Still got no Wifi it says, had talk talk but getting another provider. She's waiting for scrambled egg & avocado and a cup of tea, as she is being "healthy". :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
    *Mentions healthy about 3 times to underline it. (Maybe the SS are still monitoring her for child access?)
    * Those boobs are smaller, it's weird, but she loves it, but they are sore. Then went to Dublin 3 days later (Funny cos she kept saying on Saturday she had then done the day before!) The in-earpiece at the event, she's not used to so couldn't hear the music because of the crowd being so loud. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
    * She left her phone in Ireland, so waiting for DHL to redeliver. Can't use email on her Mac as on her phone, she had zooms to do too. (Thats one way of avoiding speaking to the Insovency lot. Incidentally "Lost my fone!" is nothing new because over the years its "lost" dozens and its usually so she can stash away useful videos and recordings for later use, like those sleazy ones she had of AR that "The Thief" maliciously released therefore "It wasn't MEEEEE wot dunnit eeeevvva!".
    And this too
    Katie Price denies Peter Andre texts (digitalspy.com)
    * As soon as they landed went to Edna's to watch England play, possibly going there again on Saturday, Edna says they can have pizza, KP says, maybe a takeaway, Skank says she is being healthy again. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
    * Gender reveal 🥴 both so excited, KP going to start buying stuff for the new baybay. Edna has got Bunny's Red silver cross pram to use. Skank says she's still got Junior & Princess's prams too. Maybe they are in the garage!!
    * SFP has already got the new baybay down on the nursery waiting list for next year. But never fear, as skank is going to help SFP with the new babybay, but she won't try to take over.:eek: Wonder what 'Arry has to say about this idea????
    * Love Island talk...😴 only bit I remember is her saying Joey is minted and can have whatever girl he likes.
    *Apparently the building at the gym is massive and the hoover has to come near her while she is recording!
    * Edna messaged the MUA Steph to say she might have some botox after the baby is born. Skabk replies why didn't you ask me. SFP says, wait for it... "I'M NOT GOING WHERE YOU GO!!!!!" 😆😆😆😆😆😆😆 Cant think why not .......
    *Says she needs to get a date in the diary with Junior & Princess, SFP asks when but skank can't answer as they are so busy with stuff, but wants to take them to lunch, shopping and the theatre; Edna suggests a concert instead.
    * She's back up in Liverpool next week, didn't say why (Maybe another Give Me cosmetics live)
    * KP is doing up the bedrooms (said that last time) she fancies turquoise in the kitchen, wants some colour.
    She also toyed with the idea of having fresh flowers delivered each week, but doesn't know how to look after them (You mean JJ doesn't buy his beloved flowers every week?) :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
    * Talks about Home Bargains, Skank says it gets talked about if she goes in shops like that apparently :rolleyes: It pisses her off, she has every right to shop in places like Primark. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
    * Onto the Questions, all VERY Skank-related, bet they wrote them themselves.
    * Buying wedding gifts for Mother of the Bride/Bridesmaids....It should be all about the bride, so no need to, when all 5 of her kids getting married she would have to buy 5 presents 🤦‍♀️
    * Didn't know the saying about something old, something new, borrowed and blue.
    * How does JJ feel about her doing OFs? His ex used to do it and he did the content for her, so no problem, it's like a photoshoot. * Oh and they have a HUGE photoshoot coming up on Friday "Oi Oi OI, so excited! Woo Hoo!". (Lego and his camera again then?)
    * She is doing book signings, thinks she has one next week (Weds) and a launch, (If it's the Vauxhall one, it's the week after!)
    * Some boring shiteabout qualities in each other. :oops:
    * Life Advice with the Prices: Trauma bonding. Kp doesn't know what this is and hasn't covered it at all in her 8 week Domestic Abuse course, it never came up, she did Toxic, narcissistic and gas lighting. (She knows all about those :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: So she's actually admitting she went on a DV course? We all guessed this from stuff written on her calendar and what we've seen her expose the kids to. She is so deluded she thinks she was ordered to attend because she's purely a victim....she can't ever admit she exposed her kids to DV and her arguing, coercive control, verbal abuse and harassment of partners would also qualify.
    This is what I've thought though, she will slip up and let details of the court case out....as she did years ago after flipping her car. You don't get sent on a DV course for no reason, you get sent because kids are involved and there's a custody case going on).

    *Having a donor for a baby when you are over 40...they are easy to find, you just have to look into it
    * Apparently she has done a programme, which should be out soon (Yeah, yeah - like all the others eh?) Edna says she has watched it, but skank hasn't because it brought her back to her past twarmers 💤💤
    * Skank says she is so happy now (We've heard her say that early in every relationship of course) :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
    * Then finally a question about looking after her own MH (as some guy lost his brother to suicide, Edna starts crying) The Wise One says just keep communicating and talking, got to look after yourself, life goes on blah blah blah.
    * No mention of the house repo. She does tend to just skirt over stuff these days because not mentioning anything means that
    11.7.24 - this week's dose of sheer crap then -
    Sounds like it was recorded last Friday before Football (as SFP saying 'Arry is making beef ragu). No mention of the pink car like she promised.
    *She's back in the gym recording the pod.Edna begins by going through skank's full name, but skank corrects her as she missed out Infield. Has to mention Princess's full name, but she misses out Esther.
    * Soooo, she's had an eventful, testing time, but proud of herself (when is she not?) Shes's been tested and antagonised.
    * No hair extensions in, as she's had a keratin treatment (thought it was the rejuven8)
    * Been to Brussels to get them made smaller, loves it, has a bra on, her back isn't hurting now (thought she always said her big boobs never gave her back ache?)
    * Lego was with her when she had stitches out, sounds like he was a bit shocked.
    *Her poorly toe nail now :sick: Jett did, but not his fault. Lego said it looked rank and he apparently loves looking at her feet (saddo) but it made him feel sick (so she kept waving it in front of him, sounds about right, wind someone up)
    * Someone in gym says something to her, so she says she is recording a podcast and they don't need to listen and tries to flog her VIP pod.
    * Edna says she has been doing the photoshoot & skank sounds a bit jealous, she wanted to know if the celebs Edna was working with knew that "MEEEEE!" was her sister? :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: Edna says she was in work mode and being professional but skank said she would have had 'bants' (yeah, 'cos she can't do professional) & now it seems Skank's new by-word is to "Earn loads of "bunce" (Delboy slang for money) as she is manifesting being minted still. (Sorry skank but you used to tell everyone on your TT lives you were already minted and no one was taking your house off you) :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
    *Mentions the facelift, uses surgery as makeup. Some boring Love Island talk.
    * Goes on about Harvey and the statementing, he will be at residential until December, then has to leave. She is appealing the decision (re funding) plus his ear problem has affected his time at college. She's had a zoom call with Dr Santosh at the Maudesly, as she wanted to take H private. Want to put grommets in his ears. They have done DNA on his mouth and sent it to America, to see about his meds, if they are ok, or if he needs different ones. It has been said he has no healthcare issues and just needs social care for his behaviour, which she is appealing as he has complex health issues - its all about money. (Not that she will spend any of HERS on him of course) "So he will be coming home, but not "home," but a place near me, up the road" where she can see him more (exploit more I think she meant to say)
    * Therefore she says taking him away to go private because NHS is good for healthcare, but tight for statementing, but he's got her to deal with it & her "mummy bear is coming out". :mad: (She'll be on the grift for someone to pay for all that too undoubtedly and get Dim Lynne to sort the paperwork)
    * Lego was getting fuel for her car and he got asked if he was her son, (he turns up at this point and says "hi bitches"). Lady in garage asked if he was KP's son and he said "No that would be weird" (bit of tumbleweed at this point, so monotone when he talks) Skank says, "Basically she thought he was Junior, obvs not Jett, as he's too young. That's not bad they think your Junior she said to him..... " errr really!! :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
    *Now we get her rubbish about being ID'd in Waitrose (but in the car on video, she said it was Sainsbury's) - so which was it??? She knew people in the queue recognised her 🥴 she was flattered and the young girl who came over knew it was ok to buy the knives, it made her day.
    * A bit about choosing names for Edna's sprog aka Moneymaker - now on the beg for Pampers to sponsor the podcast. One of the names on the Pampers list was Helga, JJ piped up that he associated that name with snow, an eskimo. Edna & skank were like WTF? He has ZERO personality. Dull.
    * The name Sharon was also mentioned...no she HAD a dog called Sharon. (Yeah - HAD; Another victim) :mad:
    * Now she is hungry, skank demands Lego fetch her a menu then Edna mentions the complaints about her eating while doing the pod & she is like "Really?? Maybe I should go back to vaping on there??". Lego is going to have gammon, egg and chunky chips, she is having mixed beans, spinach & avocado with a soup, says they will pay for it afterwards and she wants a water.
    * Now its on about doing a family episode pod, which would be an hour/hour and a half, Lego said he wouldn't get a word in. (He comes back and she says something like 'Do you want mine'? wonder if she was referring to her card to pay) & now on the beg for a collab with Bershka clothing.
    * Listener Q's...best place to buy basic T'shirts...No plug for Fully Blessed :ROFLMAO: Now asked best smelling candles, wow this is gripping stuff. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
    * A question about someone fancying the bloke across the road, not sure why this was even in there. Skank of course makes some sleazy comments.
    * It's all gone quiet on Harvey Law/Track a Twoll it announces and they need to get an update, Edna goes very quiet and just ummmm'ing
    * Price of fame: She says she has had an analism about this (????) Says she doesn't earn money from the clickbait stories, unless she does an interview.
    * Life advice: Long term friendships, her and her tame Bong Boy do everything together. (Mainly cos he's not allowed out alone!)
    * Now someone talking about going into labour, (losing the will to live at this point, as nothing remotely interesting thats worth mentioning).
    That's it for another scintillating crapcast 😴
    *Heres a clip of these two horrible, crass individuals droning-on with their same-old really boring BS, and yet check out Jeeves The Butler who interjects asking the skank what it wants to order for dinner (like a good servant should of course) and how snippy it is in reply to keep him in his place.
    * This utter rubbish is just the pinnacle of AMATEURISM - its hard to believe they actually have a Producer for this crap as well! - which in itself begs the question : why would a professional outfit leave this stuff in anyway, apart from the fact if you remove it theres fuck-all else left to edit?
    * The media is no better off because all they managed to scrape out of this shit-in-a-tin is this BS - a discussion about skanky's collection of terrible, naff names https://www.mirror.co.uk/3am/celebrity-news/katie-prices-real-name-long-33216890 :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
    * Oh and it has a right 'ol moan about people objecting to her troughing down food and spitting it everywhere in these dreadful crapcasts. https://media2.tattle.life/data/video/3046/3046809fe22e2b8fe904190864ee6df3d65e535.mp4
    * Plus following on from recording its crappy ads at the railway station, it filmed this dross at the gym. Did it have permission to do this considering its invading Other Member's personal space who are there to exercise and not be a bit part on skank's shitty crapcast? Why is it not "filming" at The Rancid Rental eh? :unsure:
    * and pronouncing its "opinions" on names for Edna's sprog - poor bloody kid! Just as well this barren old husk cannot reproduce any longer as one dreads to imagine what it would come up with to saddle a child with. Something like Doorstep Floribunda Effel perhaps? :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: Katie Price dishes on baby names but rules out one that sounds like 'greasy food' - Mirror Online

    Lies, Lies & More Lies -
    14.7.24 - heres some crap in the Mirror listing A Twarmer from the crappy noo buk. Pity is that in two other editions of her BS-ographies its given TWO different versions of this grim tale already. Skank said he "kicked her in the stomach", but the first autobiography she says he "punched her". Quite a bit different isn’t it. That’s if it happened at all. And as for PFP storming round there to "get money for an operation" after the event - surely the good ol' NHS would have paid for this?

    F4J Dive In on the Skank -
    Lest we forget,, heres a reminder of why F4J are after her manky hide
    Exposed: The Katie Price Child Abuse Scandal - We Are Fathers4Justice – The Official Campaign Organisation (fathers-4-justice.org)

    The Dodgy Social Wanker, Lynn Rickwood aka Skank's Mole -
    4.7.24 - So she's stuck her head over the parapet again! Lynne Rickwood has started updating her Facebook now so she's probably thinking we've all forgotten how she was complicit in keeping those poor neglected children from their dad and family for so long😡. Its not forgotten at all Lynne - has skanky elbowed you now you are no longer of any use to her??

    Awl dem Bewty Tweetments, the Syrups, Dodgy Gnashers, Surgeries, Crap Tattoos & FILTERS! -
    4.7.24 - Some more old blarney from that bint at LA Stoodyos grandly acclaiming Herself as responsible for skanky's incredible barnet whilst arse-licking the thing's moddlin' of hideous garments from JYBovva.
    This is so dishonest! You can clearly see that skank is using FaceApp (an AI editing tool) used the Hair Thickening setting. You can see the dark haze over her finger in her hair and this is a telltale sign.
    She has the FaceApp face in all her photos and of course she enhances her hair too. The absolute audacity of that salon claiming that AI enhanced hair is credit to them when its all down to computer technology rather than some witch-doctor's potions! :mad: FaceApp is a nightmare for people’s confidence with so many disillusioned people turning up to surgical consultations asking for surgery to make them look like the edited versions of themselves. Skank is definitely chasing that (impossible) dream. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:Yeah the barnet looks grate hahaha!!

    13.7.24 - Get to the important stuff! https://tattle.life/attachments/3051358/

    The ex-Husband Squad & Escapees - fighting back against the Gorgon -
    9.7.24 - Oh dear, she ain't gonna like this at all! Cue mentions of all her proposed TV shows (ie proposed by HER), Films Abaaahhht MEEEE, all her hit Moosik, the world-class Crapcasts and how all the Exes only got there because of MEEEEEEE! :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: Katie Price's ex Kieran Hayler 'lands new role alongside Doctor Who's Matt Smith' in upcoming black comedy about a sex-addict | Daily Mail Online Kieron scores a film rôle!
    * On the very same day this little number has emerged. This one will really grind it's gears so cue meltdown-central with Bong Boy on the receiving end!! Pete Tells All at long last!(y)https://www.mirror.co.uk/3am/celebrity-news/peter-andre-plans-tell-kids-33194023 You gotta love how the article states " A version of this story was published in February 2023."
    Pete has also been on C5 talking about his new children's book!
    * and now this! The hat-trick soaring in from SB, for which one might think they all have something in common eh ?? :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
    No wonder it cancelled its appearance in Liverpool at Doll Bewty, well just in case someone asked her about all this on the phone-ins! :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: This bit where it says 'if'....!! I hope she does spill the beans and then he'll have to respond ...!
    "KATIE Price's ex-fiancé Carl Woods is ready to fight back if negative claims are made about him in her bombshell new memoir."
    ...and then.....
    "Katie shouldn't underestimate him. Carl insists he has all the evidence he needs to rubbish any negative claims. He's remained quiet since their split and is happy to leave Katie alone, but he is determined not to become the latest ex to be pulled apart in a book.
    "After all, people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones."
    Bring it on SB!!!!!!
    https://www.mirror.co.uk/3am/celebrity-news/katie-prices-ex-determined-rubbish-33205113 :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: This is going to be a feeding-frenzy!!

    Getting at the Exes Plus The Escapees -
    14.7.24 - Taken from the You Mag shite - heres how to Libel & Slander ALL the exes in one swipe; Hopefully this has been noted by the various legal squads.

    Animals Bought (or grifted) to Die at the Shitty Shack. Take Note RSPCA :mad: -
    9.7.24 - Ok so we have been questioning the whereabouts of skanky's poor pets since it got EVICTED, plus it has only been seen with Frog the cat since then. Well heres the answer - sources say that "some of Katie Price's pets have turned up in a Rescue in Findon near Worthing..............................." which explains everything - she's had the flunkeys dump them FFS :mad::mad::mad: More info as it comes in.
    10.7.24 - Frog the baldy cat has been seen wandering about outside The Rancid Rental with someone presumed to be Dim Lynne there too. £5k a month to house a cat eh? :unsure:
    14.7.24 it states in that YOU mag garbage that its getting another Guard Dog (like poor Blade she killed). :mad::mad::mad::mad:

    Twolls, Burglars, Vandals, Stalkers, Kidnappers, Wapists, 'Orsham's Own Banksy & Acid Chuckers etc -
    12.7.24 - So on the day Holly W's monstrous stalker has been convicted and awaits sentence, lets compare H's ordeal to all these events skanky has "endured"
    Holly gets a viable kidnap threat = investigation, arrest and conviction.
    Skank gets numerous kidnap threats, assaults, burglaries, trespassers, her dogs are murdered, the graffiti attacks, the acid attack on the Pink Monstrosity = Local plod and the Met plod all investigate, no suspects, no convictions (even though it insists the Met plod foiled and had evidence of a kidnap threat and knew the organised crime gang that were going to carry out the kidnap! )
    Now call me cynical but seems old skank is a bit of a lying drama queen. 😉😎 Quelle surprise!!
    14.7.24 - Some more LIES repeated from the next tome of BS - https://archive.ph/R4QsZ

    Using Harvey for Publicity and Sympathy - "Pimp My Child" -
    9.7.24 - out comes Harvey for an airing because of course HE is the only one she has ready access to for current photographs to use
    oh and she's announced she's "Taykin 'Arv on 'oliday....................." right slap-bang when she's supposed to be in Court AGAIN :mad::mad::mad: Out with the old 'Arvey Ace then
    10.7.24 - so here we go with the next Using Harvey scam. Says its taking H to Colorado now for an 'oliday, however has it not realised yet that the USA are not dishing out Visas to Criminal Junkies # nor Omni Shambles so theres NO CHANCE of her getting one - thats even if she manages to persuade Bong Boy's muvva to back her application! (and that ain't happening!) No you won't be getting to the USA anytime soon skank even if you fling the "Ize got a disaybled boy innit" at the embassy Visa unit, and more so when they realise said "boy" is 21 years old!!

    * Heres the Mirror with some rubbish lifted directly from today's Crapcast. This will have been mentioned for A Reason - leverage on the DSS and NHS for preferential treatment undoubtedly.
    It was nice of the Mirror to translate her garbled, shreiking nonsense into English for the readership though :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
    "Katie’s battle for healthcare funding comes as doctors look to change son Harvey’s medication. The star revealed she was surprised by a recent DNA test doctors performed on her son. “They’re changing his meds, but how fascinating is this. They’ve done a DNA on his mouth, they’re sending it to America to test it, to know that the medication, if he can have different ones they do now for his behaviour and his health, how fascinating, I didn’t know you could do that.” :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
    * One thing is perfectly apparent in all this crap - skank does NOT want Harvey back and is desperate to keep him at that secure "college" place long distant from MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. Having him "just up the road" is not what she wants at all, hence the panic to get more funding for whatever she can grift to keep him further than arms length.
    * The comments on this crap are phenonominal for it seems finally Joe Public has woken up to her LIES & scams. There is not ONE positive comment in her favour indeed they're all telling her to pay for her own son stop spending 5k a month on rent with no kids living there, all her assorted surgeries and tweetmints, the 12 'olidays a year and all the while stating that she said she was "minted" yet doesnt pay her taxes - but skank still expects free care for H paid by taxpayers!! Why cant she have him back living with her then, apart from the FACT after J&B's two year ordeal she'd never get H under her roof even if she wanted him? ? Its perfectly feasible H got an extension at Star College until December as she said ages ago she only had 3 months to find him a new place, but like everything else shes leaving it to the last minute and expects everybody else to sort her shit out for her as usual. Why is she so against H having just social care?? He cannot stay at Star College forever especially with the massive price tag and as usual she acting like her entitled-self wanting everything sorted for her and paid for by Sumwun Ewse.
    * The bottom line is that H is her son so her responsibility, but that wont suit her or her lifestyle one bit to be lumbered with him
    * Just a thought.....if H is sooooo ill & needs all this funded healthcare she's bleating on about....how come he's well enough to go on these holidays abroad? 🤔 What if he falls seriously unwell abroad? How does that work? Who would pay for the life saving treatment & 24hr care in ICU that he would no doubt need? Of course not - she'd be straight onto a Gofundme! 🤔🙄 She really does talk constant shit & trips herself up every time she speaks.
    11.7.24 - Highlighted here in this lifted from the Crapcast - Its all the Council's fault that H has to leave Star College because they've stopped their funding after reassessment!!. Well had she not blown her fortune on utter crap she might have been able to contribute towards his keep, but as it is she pays no tax nor any contributions to ANYTHING so expects all this au gratis!! :mad: Remember years ago when it was "minted" it still eagerly took the free transfers to and from school for H so nothing has changed, its just got to be an even bigger CON on every level from the thing

    14.7.24 - note that it insists its been "Forced" to remove H from his residential unit-
    Double bankrupt Katie Price reveals she's been forced to take Harvey out of £350,000 a year college | The Sun
    The truth is that his residency has come to the end of its course now he is aged 21 and re-evaluations of him have indicated he has not really benefitted from it anyway, hence why his Care Group are looking at alternatives. Skanky of course HAS to make it Awwwllll Abbahhht MEEEEEEEEEE as always - not that she actually wants him living with MEEEEEEEE, perish the very idea of it.

    Fwends Woo Hoo! -
    12.7.24 - Slymi Rymi has made a reappearance on skank's SMs with her grovelling about after him. Obviously she wants something from him, like a major 'oliday grift or "other work".

    Only Grans and Suchlike -
    4.7.24 - Here The Sun (of course) pointing out that the Double-Bankrupt is "Giving away FREE access" to her sleazy OF, this coincidentally being one of it's income streams the Insolvency Lot have attached a 40% re-payment plan onto - its merely another two-fingered salute at them from the thing!
    "KATIE Price has been giving away OnlyFans content for free, despite being bankrupt."
    Katie Price flogging sexy OnlyFans snaps for FREE amid double bankruptcy battle | The Sun
    * Just in case you are in any doubt whatsoever that skank filters all her official foters to the extreme, check this out! Its the same image but with basic level photoshop applied rather than the turbo-charged ones she usually uses - et voilà!
    to this

    5.7.24 - Boob fund update: Still stuck at $340 - if that’s not a sign NO-ONE gives a rats arse about her then I don’t know what is… 😂😂😂
    7.7.24 - still no more idiots with donations towards her Noo Norks,, so she takes it up a gear by posting pictures of her raspberries which is something it insists it "NEVER!" does,, AND it's "Peachy arse" too ! Desperate eh skank?? :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: Bear in mind that previously she explicitly told the tv channels she "Doesn’t do topless/nude so it won’t affect her work with Them.........." - that must confirm she has been binned off by them. (y)

    12.7.24 - why pay for it's OF nasties when they're all floating around the internet like turds in the garden at the old Shitty Shack? In any case the question here is WHY has it put stockings on OVER it's shoes??

    Work aka 'Olidays!! Woo Hoo!! -
    It seems skank is planning to take H on 'oliday exactly when she's supposed to appear in the Bankruptcy Court - like she did last time around.

    The Media Sticking It To Her - just remember, The Media created her thus The Media will destroy her ... tick tock
    4.7.24 - some more crap lifted from it's SMs, this time about the Pink Monstrosity tracking its way back to the thing after another hideous "makeover". https://www.mirror.co.uk/3am/celebrity-news/katie-price-finally-reveals-iconic-33165140
    * and this one! She's trying to make light of it but I'll bet it really pissed her off, indeed she had a right go at Lego for expressing his own (worthless) opinion so suffice it to say he'll be seeing The Real Skanky these days, contract or not! https://www.thesun.co.uk/tvandshowbiz/28951013/katie-price-jj-slater-mistaken-teenage-son/
    6.7.24 - heres The Sun of course, now they're commenting about the thing's disgusting manners, specifically it troughing-down food whilst making the scintillating Crapcast with Edna, her slurping and smacking her lips as Edna waffles-on with her usual inane garbage. Katie Price fans slam star as they spot ‘disgusting’ detail in new video | The Sun
    "Katie had been silent for the majority of the chat yet - instead of listening intently - she had been multi tasking by eating a bowl of food. Her chomping could be picked up by the podcast microphone leaving one Instagram fan to rage: "To eat while your sister is excitedly speaking about her baby is just bad manners."
    A second put: "Can you please do one episode without Katie eating? It’s really not nice to listen to," as a third suggested: "The point of a podcast is to listen the fact she chooses to trough throughout is ignorant, much like your comment."
    Another mused of her "disgusting" antics and put: "Would prefer to listen without having to hear her eat all the time. It’s unprofessional - do you eat during work meetings and appointments?!"

    The answer to that is pretty much YES, in fact if they ever get it to Court it'll probably chow-down on a family bucket of KFC in front of His Lordship, spitting bits over the Prosecution and chucking gnawed bones at the Usher :ROFLMAO:
    9.7.24 - So Kieron has landed himself a film rôle which the Sun have gladly reported on, if only really to have a dig at the skank who of course has NO FILM RÔLES or anything else really aside from Court Cases! The Sun really do hate her :)
    ‘Celebrity omnishambles Katie Price’ :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: What a great way to describe her - Skanky the Omnishambles
    We love it, TKU the Sun! 😂😂😂
    * You can imagine the Judge at her next court hearing 'Christ, not that Omnishambles again'
    PA finally gives an interview addressing his split from skank 'Why I dumped that Omnishambles' 🤣🤣🤣
    Her next wedding ; Vicar 'Do you, Bongboy, take this Omnishambles to be your wife?'

    10.7.24 - The Mirror have dug this one out of the archives for another airing to have a little dig of their own at the skank. It'll be spitting feathers by now :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
    Katie Price 'attempted to seduce Declan Donnelly' at I'm A Celeb party, Ant McPartlin claimed - Mirror Online
    14.7.24 - The Mirror pick-up this little number from her latest dross output - I wonder what they're implying?
    * Now the Mail remarking on their You clickbait crapfest https://www.12ft.io/https://www.dailymail.co.uk/home/you/article-13611791/KATIE-PRICE-children-brush-suicide-dream-bryony-gordon.html#comments-13611791
    The comments though.... one says "She should look after the children she already has" & the reply to that?- "She can’t they been taken away from her!" 🤣😂😜
    * and back again with some more snipes at it - The Sun naturally! Katie Price shows off her heavily tattooed stomach in cut-out top on date night with boyfriend JJ Slater | The Sun Here they mention her missing millions - plus they add in all her excuses about how bankruptcy is NOT her fault at all but she generously says she will repay it "When she has the money"! Oh and its the fault of being a single parent of course "I will pay it but it just has to be when I've got it......... I pay the mum and dad role, I've got bills to pay, I've got outgoings, I've got to live." Its highly doubtful its ever paid a brass razzoo towards the upkeep of ANY of her five children and here it is moaning about having to pay its own living expenses!!! Got her nailed in one!
    "Katie Price's missing millions
    At the peak of her career Katie had an estimated fortune of £45m, thanks to her lucrative modelling career, book deals, and TV appearances.
    The cash-strapped mum-of-five was first declared bankrupt in 2019 over unpaid debts of £3.2 million. In a podcast interview earlier this year she blamed her exes who include Peter Andre, Alex Reid and Kieran Hayler and lawyers for her money woes.She insisted that funding her exes' lavish lifestyles with cars, watches, luxury holidays and homes left her finances in tatters. She added: "I went through a breakdown, this is how mine started - lawyers and exes, that is my bankruptcy thing and obviously a bit of HMRC.
    "When I had my breakdown, if anyone has been depressed …. I don't know if you've ever had depression...It starts with depression and you just want to sleep all day and not talk to anyone, the phone would ring and you wouldn't answer it.'
    Katie was declared bankrupt for a second time in March over an unpaid tax bill of £761,994.05. The demand for payment was made by HMRC last October.
    Katie was due to give evidence about her finances at the High Court but failed to turn up - holidaying in Cyprus with her new man JJ Slater instead.
    Her Mucky Mansion was a bomb site for years after it was burgled, flooded and swamped by an overflowing septic tank.
    She finally moved out at the end of May and is currently renting a four-bed mansion in Sussex."


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