* Its Tea Time!!!!
Word has it that.....................................
* Seksi Foters and Rubbish about "
How seksi wot I iz innit.................."
* Moosik! plus Odd Odes etc -
* Assorted Books of Lies & Accompanying Shite from AFP-
* Bankruptcy here we come Again AT LAST! Woo Hoo!!
* Court Cases -
* Old Egg #3697 Sink-Boy Crawl
* Legohead aka Kryten- The One # 3698 - Its JJ The Noo Plonker in Chief & The Media Showmance
* Surrogacy & Adoption (In yer dweems skanky!)
* # Ouch!!
* Recruitment Campaign for Noo Eggs - Recruiting the next The One mk 3699 - "
Ize a singul gal now!"-
"Isss Awll Abaaaaht MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Innit!" & "Pwojects Awwwlll Abahhhttt MEEEEE!" -
* "Iss Der Most Amaaazinist Fing Evvva! Ize avin der BIGGIST EVA PARTI ter sellerbrayt FIRTY YEERS in Shawbiz WOO HOO!"
* Plasterclasses!
*"Iss MEEEEEEE Mentawl 'Elf Innit!"
* Poo Gate #
* Scrounging and Grifting plus Flogging Crap
* More of Her Rubbish and Lies on Twat Tok Lives
* Podcast Garbage
* Scams and Bizznizz Opertewnitys, ie.
"Rebuilding the Empire"
* The Dodgy Social Wanker, Lynn Rickwood aka Skank's Mole
* Awl dem Bewty Tweetments, the Syrups, Dodgy Gnashers, Surgeries, Crap Tattoos & FILTERS!
* Find a Bandwagon & Jump Aboard Woo Hoo! -
* The ex-Husband Squad & Escapees - fighting back against the Gorgon
* Getting at the Exes Plus The Escapees
"I downt dwink..............................Ize sowber innit an' Ize not a dwuggy eeeeva. Nor dem vape fings!"
* Animals Bought (or grifted) to Die at the Shitty Shack. Take Note RSPCA
* Slamming & Swiping - its wot she duzz innit?
* Twolls, Burglars, Vandals, Stalkers, Kidnappers, Wapists & 'Orsham's Own Banksy etc
* Breaking The Law - Court Cases for Bankruptcy, Driving & God Knows What Else
* Using Harvey for Publicity and Sympathy - "Pimp My Child"
* Those Poor Kids and "Crooly Mum-Shamed"
* The Mucky Mansion aka The Shitty Shack -
* Only Grans and Suchlike
* Lies, Lies and More Lies
* Work aka 'Olidays!! Woo Hoo!!
* The Browkern Trotters
* The Media Sticking It To Her - just remember,
the media created her ... the media will destroy her ... tick tock
Resumé -
Just compare her situation now to a year ago.
She was just about still on tv yet now most of the media very negative (especially The Sun)
Court cases galore for bankruptcy, driving offences etc
HMRC are not accepting her shit any longer
The Custody of J&B (which it seems she LOST)
Bailiffs visiting whilst she hides at rented properties to avoid them
40% of earnings taken
Her only gigs are Plasterclasses and podcasts arranged by Edna
No freebies of quality
No big companies wanting her as influencer, just tinpot outfits of cowboys like herself
J&P hardly in contact ay longer
AFP distancing herself
SB finally had enough of her and abandoned ship - Legohead was the best replacement she could recruit
Rymi & Jeyda not so prominent - keeping their distance as SS Skanky ploughs into the ice-fields
Freebie Ellie the arse & lips mutilator is under close scrutiny
Fpc has vanished
Her face and body even more mutilated, her nose, norks, lips and ears have mutated
She's obviously menopausal, hence no Pregnancy despite all her protests to the contrary, IVF etc
She's heavily dependent on ❄
Its a slow pathway with ol' Karma, but its en route at last
But this is epic! Woo Hoo!!!
"Ann it werks! Look ow gawjus wot I iz eh? Woo Hoo!"
* The Babydarlings on a womantic day ahhhht woo hoo!
Seksi Foters and Rubbish about "How seksi wot I iz innit.................."
these bleedin' eyebrows combined with the lines around it's gob!
* It still envisions itself as Barbie though - even though Barbie did not invite her to the film premiere
img_0888-jpeg.2888165 (675×900) (
* Love's Young/Old Dweem
Gotta LUVVV those carthorse boots though
* Look what the tide brought in!
30.4.24 - This rubbish but no sign of a raft of hideous foters of the thing's mega-norks, just this one lifted from it's SMs
Moosik! plus Odd Odes etc -
29.4.24 - Skank made this one under an alias yet its unmistakeably HER
Assorted Books of Lies & Accompanying Shite from AFP-
30.4.24 - Do they mean it can actually read????????
"Proof reading", my arse, nevertheless there are not many pages in this epic tome are there? Wonder if it will contain all her court appearances cos then it will resemble war and peace, plus If she has the ability to proof read she should have been able to fill in all those financial forms and tax returns!
* We don't need to buy this crap anyway because we've been very kindly supplied with a synopsis of this great work before it heads-off to the Booker Prize Committee. How many times Pete's name will be mentioned, every other page? What's left say?
"Drove drunk & drugged up, flipped the car, got away with it.
Harrassed Kieran's misses again, got away with it.
Couldn't possibly turn up to court, so lied to say I'm poorly, with me mental health & fucked off to Cyprus instead, Got away with it."
Got some of me minions to throw shit at Kieran, as I knew I'd be losing the kids cause I'm a shit mother & a cunt. Lost the kids, but got away with harassment of Kieran."
Got me social Wanker Dim Lynne to help me tell dreadful lies & smear Kieran's name, so I could nick the kids. Got away with it."
Egg hunted before Christmas & snared myself a little boy off of MAFS, dumped me boy Cole. Didn't feed my kids properly on Christmas day. Got away with it."
Drove several cars with no licence or insurance time & again". Got away with it"
Won't pay me tax, or me creditors, they can all get in the queue, nothing to be ashamed of, everyone has a bankruptcy" " Fucked off to Cyprus with my little twat boy the day I should've been in court. I'm hoping I'll get away with it".
* Just give it a rest Skanky seeing as absolutely no-one believes you have read a single word of it! If this post is true then a new law of physics has been discovered - Schrodinger's Skank! Simultaneously both on holiday in Cyprus posing in a hotel gym and at the exact same time 'reading' in West Sussex! Amazing!
It's all unravelling raîdly when she's pre-filmed a gazillion SM posts AND put out photos from her current holiday out via Backgrid. Tick tick KFP, tick tock...
Bankruptcy here we come Again AT LAST! Woo Hoo!! -
19.4.24 - Here comes the Sun with their highlighter pens again, here pointing out that
Double Bankrupt has bought a pony to keep Bunty sweet
23.4.24 - they're cutting it fine but we are waiting
25.4.24 -
AT Last! Bankruptcy Number One hits Court tomorrow!! Now we wait
26.4.24 -
Quelle surprise!!! It has'nt shown up for the hearing!! Apparently it notified the Court less that 24 hours ago that it was not attending nor sending representation
* No doubt its at Heathrow or Gatwick debunking to avoid the shitstorm, so we shall await how this unravels seeing as the Court sat irrespective of her being there. Will they issue an arrest warrant on the thing??
Taking bets on what the Excuse for this No-Show will be this time round:-
A) Me mentawl elf
B) I didn't know I 'ad to attend........
C) 'Arv needed me so I 'ad to rush off to 'im
D) Me Muvva needed me - she relys on MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE so mutch........................
E) Me ADHD didn't let me attend, it's the worstest ever ADHD evva seen in medical history
F) I couldn't get out of bed cos of me poorly trotters, worstest ever browkern feyt the doctors have evva seen
* And even when up shit-creek without a pâddle its posting this crap, flogging the collerjean shite to the braindeads!
* The Daily Mail article is being constantly updated the latest info about her Not Turning Up states that Jess the flunkey submitted the excuse as being skanky is too mentally incapable to attend proffering some note from one of her tame ferapists. Judge was entirely unimpressed, he called her excuse "scanty" so surely they must put out an arrest warrant for the thing after yet another blatent swerve from it? Apparently not according to some sources
* Its asked for another 6 month adjournment too.
* Alex was there too as one of her numerous creditors. He's as pissed off as the rest off us are.
* It is an absolute shit show of a joke how she is allowed to do as the fuck she pleases, actually how many other members of this society get to say "
Nah I’m not turning up..........." and get away with it time & again?, I’m sure everyone who has to attend court would be nervous yet this brazen cow asks for a six month extension and will probably get it regardless of her pisstaking! She’s laughing AT the judicial system, indeed if she wants 6 months extension then she should be made to do it at His Majesties pleasure behind BARS, in all seriousness how can she get away with it again??? Look at it this way, on the one hand the thing is planning this crapcast tour and all these "festivals" where she's going to inflict her excrutiating voice on a captive audience, places where she is willing to meet strangers - yet she’s too anxious to go to Court? Where is her deterrent when she’s allowed to get away with a slap on the wrist and her victims (be that ex partners or creditors) are left disappointed and yet again see her sticking her fingers up at them - what sort of a precedent does this fiasco set?.
* The judge also said there was a pattern which seems deliberate and he's noted that on record. At least that means she is heading towards contempt charges.
'There is a consistent pattern of last-minute adjournments being sought on the basis of scant medical evidence.''
*She makes makes out she's all hard though, remember when she boasted
' I told them to send me to jail.............'I'll make loads of money from a book about it... bla bla bla" but in the end she's just a little chicken shit with a big (& very ugly disfigured) gob
* Maybe it was all that traveling on Tuesday to Dublin to that gig and staying in some Travelodge before driving back Wednesday to the appointment with the psychologist to get her Certificate of Insanity to email to Der Judge - that must have really taken a toll on skanks mental health.
* Sky news now -
* Update from the Daily Mail - a more extended version from the Trustee's representative:
arragh Connell, representing the trustees, told the court: 'It is important that she is on notice of the fact that this is a possibility.'
In written submissions, he said: 'The respondent should be in no doubt that any future non-attendance without a reasonable excuse will constitute contempt of court and necessitate an application for a warrant for her arrest.
"As with any other litigant, the respondent must comply with the orders of the Insolvency and Companies Court or face severe consequences.'
Mr Connell said Price had been aware of the hearing 'for a considerable period of time' and her evidence 'simply is not good enough'.
He said: 'It is clear that the evidence filed very late is of a variety that is deeply, deeply unsatisfactory and we are in a very serious situation as a consequence.
'In these circumstances, there is deep concern from the trustees that what is happening here is an attempt at the 11th hour to kick things off into the long grass and that should not be allowed to happen.'
Insolvency and Companies Court Judge Mark Mullen said 'similarly brief' letters had been sent before previous court hearings which Ms Price also did not attend.
While he described the court as 'sympathetic' to people with health conditions, he said: 'There is a consistent pattern of last-minute adjournments being sought on the basis of scanty medical evidence.
'This can't be allowed to drag on on such an unsatisfactory basis.' Skanky's card is marked
27.4.24 - So it's run away to hide in Cyprus
Why have they not confiscated it's passport already???????
* Possibly gone for sum morrr serjurry because it seeems to aspire to looking like this - this one is less plastic though
Made absolute MUGS out of the Court yet again by fucking-off for more elective surgery rather than faace up to what she's done - how stupid do they look now & its not as if she doesn't have a history for doing precisely this is it?
* An interesting comment about skanky on Mumsnet, a place thats usually so far up her plastic arse they see stars!
‘Speaking as an Insolvency Practitioner and a Trustee in Bankruptcy, I have been amazed that the Court hasn't taken severe action against her yet. She attracts massive publicity and it is an excellent opportunity for the Courts to clearly demonstrate to the public and her that as a bankrupt she cannot avoid her responsibilities and sanction her accordingly. If as a poster earlier says that she has flown away to Cyprus then I would expect that the Court will want a very clear explanation from her and her advisors as to why that trip was necessary and why no proper notice appeared to be given to the Court. Sometimes it is just necessary for a severe sanction such as imprisonment to be applied in order to give a wake up call to the bankrupt and make them understand that they have to co-operate and that they are not above the law. It may also help other practitioners in persuading their bankrupts to co-operate as well.’
* Tattle detectives have placed the arsehole in the Adams Beach Resort, Ayia Napa in Cyprus, 5 Star no less.
And doesn't she just deserve it after all her Twarmer eh?? Maybe she even sent that email to His Judgieness from the 'otel, just to rub it in?? A rough estimate of the cost would be £2700 at least for a week although that room might be more
. She’s gonna say he paid of course like she always does, then when he’s history she will say she paid for everything and "
28.4.24 - Heres the Mail sticking the knife in now.
* and The Sun
* The Mail dive in again, this time remarking about the vast collection of vehicles parked outside the Shitty Shack,, not bad considering skank doesn't have a Licence nor had one for a long time! They cannot all be staff cars or belong to PFP can they?
* Love the comment under this picture the Sun printed in their article
* Heres the cost of a Bankrupt's 'oliday
* And yes - here you go!
Skank had already checked-in to her lukshurry 'otel in Ayia Napa when she sent that email of brazen excuses for non-attendance. Picture proof Word has it she's been there since Wednesday.
So its only adjourned until Friday 3rd and not the 6 months skanky wanted, plus if skank can't give a better excuse or doesn't turn up its an arrest warrant.
The last chance saloon is nearly upon the skank and the squeaky bum brigade that have been trying to keep skank out the court room to avoid her answering questions under oath had better pull a rabbit out the hat or their all going to be in the shit.
* Some though still get it entirely wrong, like this lot who presumed Alex was there at the Court to "
Support his ex"! Like fuck he was! He has more to be aggrieved about with the skank than many of the others do in combo - this was lazy journalism because they obviously don't know the full story of what skank has done to AR in the past and continues to do to him even now aside from owing him a lot of money, but they made a wrong assumption and now look bloody stupid.
* The comments on this are all bad for the skank and it's latest antics. Let's see Edna defend this then
* Now this appears in the comments section of the Daily Mirror - wonder who they can possibly be referring to considering this is
her favourite Get-Out-of-Jail-Free option??
The "High Risk" rubbish is clearly meaning a suicide risk à la Caroline Flack, a tried-and-tested technique from the skank again.
* Oh yeah! She looks really upset..................deffo "suicidal"..................
* She is clearly over her depression and anxiety, Krusties. Let the Judge know the 3rd can go ahead
* It does appear that The Sun have despatched a journo over to follow the skank during this 'oliday thats going to cure her Mentawl 'Elf Ishoos. Doing that is probably cheaper than paying ol' Back End for the highly filtered and staged nonsense skank usually gives them to flog to the media. Plus she doesnt get paid for anything either
* Heres a crafty message to The Judge
*Oh don't they just fucking love themselves? He's trying and failing to look like a gangsta boy (trying to copy Junior no doubt to be Cool) & Skank looks like a bag of shit with string tied round the middle, both of them without a care in the world. She does not have genuine MH problems, she's a piss taking, dirty, grim, hard-faced, ugly, lying twat. He's a twat by association
* A quote from Alex who was able to attend the Court despite his own Mentawl 'Elf Ishoos that were caused by his delightful ex-wife. "After her Friday no-show, ex-husband
Alex Reid, who she owes £250,000, said: “
People will be asking, ‘How does she get away with it?" We would ALL like to know that.
30.4.24 - it seems the 3rd May is when the Judge wants to see her list of excuses as to WHY she did not turn up last week. The 14th May is the next scheduled day in front of The Beak for which she'll be scrabbling about looking for a Psychiatrist to pay to declare her bonkers so she can get out of that one too, and IF skank & Legohead do come back on Thursday 2nd that leaves her just 7 days to get an approved report from a proper shrink - not a snidey one of her usual ferapists. Several people have said this isn’t enough time so what will she do?
1 Go but collapse dramatically like the Dying Swan?
2 Not go and risk being arrested?
3 Turn up and not answer questions (blaming her poor Mentawl Elf with not being able cope with it all)
4 Turn up ready to answer questions ( just joking)
2.5.24 - It has grandly announced on this week's Crapcast that t
he Bankruptcy is going to be SUSPENDED/DISCHARGED. Ot says the trustees have given her a list of things she needs to do to do this, and is getting a legal letter from her consultants and signed by a lawyer outlining her MH issues!!
* Its interesting how she says the trustees accepted her BS, but that doesn’t mean the judge will - or is this a foregone conclusion? Fucking hell!!
Court Cases - #Criminaljunkie -
Katie Price 'has been sent warning about not co-operating in paying back her £3.2million debt' after being declared bankrupt
By SEAN O'GRADY FOR MAILONLINE PUBLISHED: 16:47, 9 April 2024 | UPDATED: 17:00, 9 April 2024''
19.4.24 - The Criminal Junkie was on the train London bound yesterday smirking & shreiking as usual. Then a bit of detective work revealed that "
The person who is so stressed they cannot go anywhere without An Assistant" had said Assistant up in London, presumably waiting for her & loitering not very far from the Royal Courts of Justice.
Kieron was seen later that day in a very smart suit having been somewhere on the train, (possibly in London too) - We await news, good news for K&M! Or failing that the thing was hauled in for a hearing for her bankruptcies regardless of her Mentawl 'Elf
* Court Cases - sortid innit?
Old Egg #3697 Sink-Boy Crawl -
29.4.24 - This from SB's Insta page following the publishing of the fleet of vehicles at the Shitty Shack some days ago. Note the acknowledgement of the name "Kipper"
Legohead aka Kryten- The One # 3698 - Its JJ The Noo Plonker in Chief & The Media Showmance -
18.4.24 - methinks me laddie doth protest too much - just who is he trying to convince? Us or himselff???
* The skank is clearly turning up the heat under the little lad
* Iss Luv innit!
* Katona sticks her two penneth in now
Kerry Katona wades in on Katie Price and JJ Slater’s budding romance - OK! Magazine
28.4.24 - here they are in Cyprus, love's young/old dweem again trying to keep up the pretence. Bear in mind she's supposed to be in the brink of mental breakdown hence why she cleared off on 'oliday rather than face Court on Friday - "carefree" alright!
“She clearly had no worries as she dawdled along the sunny pavement, enjoying the last of the rays.
“Katie’s cavalier attitude was remarkable when you consider she was expected at the hearing. I just couldn’t believe my eyes.
“Presumably celebrities get treated differently to the rest of us. She looked like the cat that got the cream.”
* Who is he trying to convince eh?? Us or himself???
30.4.24 - so yes right on script this twerp has gone and agreed to have a matching tattoos with the thing! This is exactly how it all ran with SB of course
Baby darling" though
Skank must WEEEEELY luv him though given her absolute terror of needles but it doesn't end there - they've been seen loitering about outside an IVF clinic AND the thing is planning a Christmas weddin'!! Mummy had better get on a plane ASAP to rescue her little soldier
She is certainly keeping right on script far better than she actually managed at her shitty pantos last Christmas
1.5.24 - Yet another media outlet thats sick to death of the thing and Legohead's pathetic nonsense
* and now this for it seems that milyunaiyre Legohead's thriving business is anything BUT successful as it appears his hooking up with the skank has seen his Bizniss head straight off round the U bend just like all her own have done
whoosh! That was an astute move from Legohead - will his Mummy be baling him out now?
Surrogacy & Adoption (In yer dweems skanky!)-
25.4.24 -
"Last Chance"?? She means
"NO Chance!" surely?
Katie Price tells pals ‘I’ll have a baby with JJ - it’s my last chance’ as she prepares to turn 46 | The Sun
28.4.24 - heres the Lovebirds on their soujourn in Sypruss (avoiding HMRC). They're trying to fuel speculation that skank is up the duff by dipstick-boy.................................
Skank looks like a geezer in a skirt & growing more like Lesley from Benidorm every day
She looks really "traumatised"
considering she was too ill to attend her Court hearing on Friday
1.5.24 - Edna has just announced she is preggers again - skank won't be happy nor pleased for her!
# Ouch!! -
25.4.24 - The comments are getting even better of late
screenshot_20240424-193125_kindlephoto-25645903-png.2895040 (778×900) ( &
"If she wants a family night in, she will have to book none of her kids live with her...." It speaks volumes, mummy dearest!
"Isss Awll Abaaaaht MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Innit!" & "Pwojects Awwwlll Abahhhttt MEEEEE!" -
21.4.24 - heres one bit of "Isss Awwwlll Abbaaahhhtt MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" she won't like at all - a salon in Cheshire is using Her Picture as an example of what a shite Lip Job looks like!
22.4.24 - another Plasterclass & another dodgy interview on some rubbish local radio station with a cretin blosing smoke up skank's collossal plastic arse. Drivel!!
Heres skanky really blowing her own trumpet again.
*Apparently, the Mucky Mansion series was really popular, everyone loved it and C4 want to do another lot!
* And she's number one in the comedy section for podcasts.
* She and Soph are so funny! (Jesus, only if you're brain-dead).
* And she was banging on again about her "personality,"
* Her "SEVERE ADHD diagnosis". No one needs to worry about their ADHD because she knows what they're going through. What a relief to everyone that must be.
28.4.24 - heres another MUG undoubtedly grifted in for a freebie - no wonder she was "Nice"
(5) Katie Price #383 May the Third, may the Turd, be doing Bird! | Page 5 | Tattle Life
30.4.24 - Bigging itself up about the "
Forty or more Pride events that it will be "singing" at" over the course of summer. Look at the photo it used - from about TEN FACES AGO - the audience will wonder who the eff has turned up if they're expecting this version!
* Really you gotta wonder just how stupid these people really are??
"Speaking to kmfm today, Canterbury Pride 2024 organiser Jonathan Fitter-Harding said: “We've also got Katie Price coming to us. I'm really looking forward to seeing her performance.
“We asked who people wanted to see. Katie was up there with a lot of others.
“We haven't quite got the budget for Lady Gaga, who was also second favourite, but Katie's coming. I'm hoping she's singing. I'm not sure.” You can bet yer boots it'll be "singing" - you try and stop it!!! - although they're going to want their money back when the hideous troglodyte turns up shrieking and farting.
* The pressure to crib-in the money must be HUGE for this con-trick has staged a reappearance Note how they mention "
desperate for money"
Plasterclasses! -
19.4.24 - Will it or won't it turn up, that is the question?
20.4.24 - turned up LATE to the first one though - as usual.
* And the Gang all made it to Bolton as well - eventually. The camera filter is on overdrive though & she's wearing those awful boots too, but remember how she said she doesn’t like Her Men tagging along when she’s working? Here she is contradicting herself, yet again.
Note all the Pointy-Toe-Pouty-Face going on too
* The "fans" are out in force too.
Also doing Pointy-Toe-Pouty-Face
"Iss MEEEEEEE Mentawl 'Elf Innit!" -
18.4.24 - The Sun reporting on yesterday's crapcast in which the cretin seems to think her being fat is down to 'Er Mentawl 'Elf Ishoos
"Speaking to sister Sophie, 34, Katie said: "I saw the therapist yesterday. Every time I pull up to The Priory, I always love it, it’s this big white building - something out of Dallas or Dynasty. (She loves going to see a Shrink??
"I said [to the therapist] ‘My belly is really bloated, I can’t get my bloated-ness down’. I didn’t know that is a sign of anxiety and stress - it can affect your digestive system.
"I don’t know if I’m getting Alzheimer's or Dementia. I asked him, "Can I get it at my age?"
The thing is this Ferapist will be a Psychiatrist - not a neurologist. It's funny though how her tame Ferapist didn't mention the menopause or stopping the booze/drugs when she was asking about all the possibilities, or maybe he didn't want to upset her or something?
19.4.24 - The Sun again sticking the knife in and twisting it, this time its her perceived Mentawl 'Elf Ishoos
27.4.24 - This BS was from Sept 2023 when it proudly announced
"Can I just say something? So many successful people go through bankruptcy. Mine is to do with exes. I went through a breakdown, this is how mine started - lawyers and exes, that is my bankruptcy thing. And obviously a bit of HMRC. It starts with depression and you just want to sleep all day and not talk to anyone, the phone would ring and you wouldn't answer it.
"Then bills would come through and you couldn't face opening it and you didn't have the energy to pay bills and everything just comes crashing down and you're in this situation where it's got bad."
* Well her latest bout of depression has kept her out of Court yet again (but still able to go on 'oliday of course) This "depression" nonsense only affects Court dates because here it is just carrying on like she normally does.
* Heres the Mirror noting how it's Mentawl 'Elf stopped it attending Court again.
Scrounging and Grifting plus Flogging Crap -
20.4.24 - back hawking the JYY garbage again. Look at the paint rollered eyebrows though!
21.4.24 - Its good stuff innit?! Flogging the collagen crap thats made her so 'Elfy recently
Apparently she says it tastes
"Great!" but the face says otherwise and the fact she's literally gagging over one swig
* On her latest stories she’s been taking the collarjean
“Every day for a month.....”, yet earlier she’d been taking it for 15 days. Such a saleswoman!
29.4.24 - Edna is still posting this garbage even though everybody KNOWS skanky is toasting her blubber in Cyprus and NOT working tirelessly to keep her children nor make a dent in her debts. Edna is working tirelessly though, frantically deleting all the comments slagging-off the skank
Incidentally she looks like Worzel Gummidge
1.5.24 - She's really LOVING this collerjean stuff she's hawking to the braindeads. These are taken from one of a series of pre-recorded ads being put out whilst it bastes itself in Cyprus & succinctly show exactly how good this muck tastes; Skank cannot disguise her disgust
Previously in these ads you can see all the different shakers in the kitchen sink shere she's chucked them after taking one swig for the camera (and then spitting it out in the sink no doubt), all the different "colours" for the different ads can be seen in there. What a salesperson eh?
1.5.24 - And you cannot get a any more CRAP than this latest idea from the thing!
"Relationship advice" from a seriel cheat and a consumate LIAR!!
More Rubbish and Lies on Twat Tok Lives -
1.5.24 - for the first time in a while it's popped up to do a Twat Tok Live flogging done ropey cosmetics. The comments are Not Kind at all
* Funny how it can converse quite happily with random strangers and answer their inane questions on here though, just not in Court nor at police stations
She can’t have it all ways, despitre what she thinks to the contrary - she is either mentally vulnerable and not able to consent to taking part in anything or she is able to attend and likewise get on with her daily activities. It’s worth bearing in mind she isn’t the victim in this case so why a court would let her off with all of the circus consodering she’s the perpetrator and instigator of the circumstances that led to bankruptcy (however much she wants to blame the men), therefore she should be there to answer to it face-to-face.
* Clearly she is suffering from delusions of grandeur as well as being totally bonkers!
Podcast Garbage -
18.4.24 - this week's dose of Crapcast is basically Same Shit, Different Day as usual. Alll Abaaaahhhttt MEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!
* Kicks off with Skanky talking quietly as everyone says she shouts and it affects the microphone….she then begins to SHOUT like she normally does, but quickly tones it down..,oh the larks with these two. Pathetic really
*Edna states she went to see AFP on the IOW, Skank wanted to go tomorrow, but says “anyway”….ooh was she in court???
*Skank then says she’s going next week (nope, she's in Cyprus of course). Edna is going the first week of Cowes, they start screaming “
Oi OI Sailor”…(The Cowes Set are going to be really impressed with these scumbags hanging around their events)
*They then start talking about the Live tour. Skank”s lost Adrian’s number (why does she lose so many numbers or did he change it to stop her trying to grift on him?) He makes all her press call outfits so she sez. She then shouts
“I’ve got bigger boobs and assssssss now”, it chuckles manically, and says Adrian needs her new measurements. Edna tells her Adrian has got back to her, it popped up on her phone,
*Skank’s not getting 16 outfits now, she’s getting 2, and a special outfit - they mention a showgirl. Please do not do a Kylie showgirl outfit Skank although it'll be hilarious of course
* She’s been called butch on IG and she admits she looks big, so the boobs are going, she’s going smaller, she’s messaged the surgeon…..Turkey or Thailand trip it is, no date is given
*She’s pleased about her gym work, walks on the treadmill as she can’t run, which sounds like she basically does f*ck all down the gym, as expected. She tried to run, but can’t cos of her feet, Edna is proud of her though
* All about the fitness now, eating healthily, getting in shape, no bad food, not even drinking - she is totally focussed on her health….vaping not mentioned . All Lies basically!
* She's so stressed so saw her therapist at the Priory yesterday, Edna says it’s just like Shutter Island there, Skank replies, “Oh yes,once you’re in, you can’t get out “….they chuckle, they are pleased with that, probably think it makes them look intelligent.
* Therapist told her she’s bloated cos of her anxiety and stress (
not because she stuffs her fat self with crap and booze then?).
* Skank says she doesn’t know if she’s getting Alzheimer’s or Di-mencha (she can’t say the word) but this tin-pot ferapist says it’s stress - she’s very stressed. She’s very forgetful too so Jess is doing everything for her as she's stressed - the stress makes her forgetful. She’s not pregnant, she’s stressed, thats causing her bloating…..did I mention she’s very stressed.
* She's doing her bedroom up, bathrooms finished (she’s not losing the house of course so its OK)
* Been shopping like crazy at Homebase, Dunelm, John Lewis (double bankrupt still spending like a millionaire , honestly, should we just give up on anyone stopping her excessive spending?)
*Tells Edna she’s old fashioned, Skank is contemporary, pink has gone, all neutral colours now
*Edna’s repainting her house, red door, baby blue walls, Skank tells her it will look rank…..
*Boring talk about cheap stuff in TKMax and candles follows
*Skank is nesting, the cinema room being done, getting the kids rooms done, (spend, spend, spend) Jett still not sleeping on a bed. Buying stuff for Bunty
* Hair talk. Edna is going blonde, Skank’s getting extensions. Skank is putting all her sexy magazine awards up in her bedroom, FHM etc,
"The young girls today have no idea.......................", and she’s "Still got it!" , bigging herself up & sounds very smug
*Skank wants to get the Bratz doll look…..oh please do
*Bunty not at school this week, has a virus infection….probably caught something off all the shit lying around the house.
*Boring watching TV talk next.
*Starts vaping (so ditching that is NOT part of the 'Elf Kick den??) but she is intending to give it up allegedly. Bein' Elfy means she’s not farting so much but reckons she’s got IBS now.
* "
Up yours everyone", when she gets her hair in she’s going riding with no hat and her hair flowing like Pocahontas, we’re getting a video of this on IG
*Live show talk, 4 weeks to go. Skank’s not drinking on tour, Edna says she’s a nightmare when drunk.
* They talk about singing for Simon Cowell when she was 18 - he made her sing a Louise Nurding song,
* Next some nonsense about Teddy Sheringham who she fancied, the Simon Cowell story is forgotten about.
*They shit themselves walking on stage with nerves, they gleefully tell us
* Loose Wimmin talk, Skank wants a late night chat show now (best get manifesting cos that really works eh?).
* "Get to know the real Katie on the tour" Woo hoo!!!
* Brings up Jordan again…..she really wants that life back but it ain’t happening luv.
* Harry comes in and does a loud fart, more farting talk.
(They are so clarsy innit, the whole bloody Clan are scumbags)
"The crowd love MEEEEEEEEEE!", and she loves they want to be there to get inspired by her
* Skank very pleased her book is Number One in the book charts.
(Its not even out yet!)
* Life advice next….a listener’s 11yo wears makeup, and does selfies - any advice? Skank says Bunny is 9 and does this, loves makeup, Bunny banned from going on her phone still, but goes on Temu to buy things
Skank says it’s hard to stop as their friends all do it, Skank says she pouts just like her. The listener doesn’t get any advice, they just start talking about bunions.
*The crapcast ends with Skank talking about the gym again, because of course she’s
"Awl abaahhtt the jim and'getting 'elfy........"
Painful doesn’t begin to describe their podcast, The main takeaway from that was she is spending a fortune on the house, it ain’t all grifted and the next set of boobs are coming soon. Unsurprisingly yet again nothing was said about Legohead other than one quick mention that he was the gym with her one day. Not a relationship
Basically it’s all BS and bluster, but on she goes endlessly with the same old bullshit, still cocky and very smug, still spending on the house and still nothing happening with B & J.
''Oh my, she’s been called butch on IG and she admits she looks big, so the boobs are going, she’s going smaller, she’s messaged the surgeon'' Now didnt it insist on some other shite crapcast that she only did surgery for "
MEEEEE - nobody else"?? Now it seems she's doing it because of twolls online
*''Therapist told her she’s bloated cos of her anxiety and stress.'' What sort of psychiatric therapist now diagnoses physical symptoms as well? Let us hope all this "Stress" is the result of her being in court again (possibly about the kids which is why we wouldn't hear about it? Maybe thats the cause of all this "stress" that she's banging-on about in that she obviously can't say what's causing the stress or she most certainly would when ordinarily she rants about everything and anything else! Perhaps also its trying to stay off the booze as she hasn't sounded as high in some of her recent ad videos? In any case it all seems like a last ditch attempt and sheer desperation, possibly to do with the kids or bankruptcy!
* And as for this rubbish -
"Forgetful" and doesn't know if she's getting alzheimers or dementia....................., and this "Therapist" says it's stress? Lol. Thats a top notch Priory therapist there eh? Does this ferapist read tea leaves as a sideline???.
You've only got to look at her thickening waistline and now the forgetfulness to see the daft bint is full on peri menopausal, but she's never going to accept that in a million years!
* And perhaps the worst thing of all it casually mentions that Jett is still not sleeping in a bed but it does say the tent had gone although she didn’t say what he was sleeping on, a mattress on the floor possibly? He surrounds the bed with all his teddies she added. He seems scared of the dark/night, I’d say this a form of protection in his mind. She has destroyed that little boy, it’s very sad and sickening that she has been allowed to do this under the eye of her Tame Social Wanker, more so that she is still being allowed to do this. The poor lad, he must be really struggling.
25.4.24 - yes its Crapcast Day woo hoo!! Strange to note no interruptions by any kids, in fact no mention of 4 of her kids except to say they query when she has her nails done short, but it was a very generic comment, likewise no mention that she is "stressed because of things happening behind the scenes" like she has done on every podcast so far. Dim Lynne is still hanging around there. Harvey and JJ getting mentioned the most plus a whinge about STILL not being given her driving licence back
* Starts off talking in a stupid voice
* Said she had been up since 6 as she feels ill.
* She's been watching MAFS and Red Eye. She should be worried about people tracking
her messages etc!!!
*She starts off by mentioning the gym, that she had been to SFP for a roast on Sunday with JJ. On about wanting to run the marathon again, "
So watch this space....." it announces grandly., (It will be like her paramedic training though!)
* Edna talking about wanting to have a poo & skank then adds that PFP stinks when he goes to the toilet, then Edna says skank stinks when she goes. (They're so clarsy are'nt they)
"Izzz eee wot yew fort eyd be den?" skank asks Edna about Legohead. Edna replied that he was very gentle, he was fine, they watched football. JJ played with Albert and KP thought that was cute.
(Same mental age group thats why they got along)
* All off to the IOW for a country and folk festival. Skank asks her if they all have to wear winklepickers? AFP didn't sound too keen when she told her she was coming to IOW with JJ.
* PFP hasn't really met Legohead yet despite staying in the motorhome plonked down at the MM a few times a week.
* Skank announces she walks around the house naked (she opened the door to PFP starkers apparently)
* Must be luv eh?? They were watching MAFs and JJ said he wanted a cup of tea, he said to her to come down with him to make it, so she just put her moon boots on (
wonder/wander if that was to ensure she didn't step in any dog poo). PFP is outside with a torch doing something to the motorhome and KP says she doesn't care as he's seen all her boob jobs, she covers her boobs with a t-towel and goes to front door to tell him he can have a shower inside.
* PFP prefers to stay in the motorhome than the MM. (Can't think why LOL)
* AFP says PFP comes home now a lot happier, but then interferes in her space. Says she is still not driving. She likes having the motorhome there. (The poor old bastard is unwelcome everywhere then!!)
* SFP talks about the poll about her front door, 24% of you fuckers hated it...
* Skank reckons Edna doesn't share the podcast Instagram posts on her page....errr yes she does
* Skank now says Edna's gaff is like Victorian times, JJ says his nan has similar tastes in pictures etc. She likes her kitchen, but the floor is too fussy for her and says she hates it but she's done a good job. Country living vibe. SFP getting her sofas cleaned.
* Talks about her featurewall - she loves that it's modern but fire has taken ages to get to delivered. Big plug for them. She lets them make their own cups of tea - how noble of her!
(No Bunty to serve the tea now of course)
* On about her stomach being bloated and the pregnancy rumours again, she's been taking apple cider vinegar and sea moss and the rejuvinate drink. Then diverts to her Plasterclasses, she had to think where they were, but apparently everyone says she looks so different to the pictures in the press & thats cos the media put up the worst pictures of her whereas , apparently she looks prettier and better in Real Life! (She repeats that). Mentions having the skin boosters she got done at LAStudio. No sunbeds, later getting nails done, having short, french nails. She used to drag Edna about when she was young to the nail salons.
* Harvey has a new keyboard, so she will be bombarded with songs, gets Kalelah's name wrong, then going on about some song Harvey is scared of.. (
We all are. Its called a "Howelll Noo Worrrlllld.........................." by Mummy)
*She's going to see H next week as she has to fill out his ECHP form (statementing) then adds that the story about her not being able to afford his college is bullshit, then she calls it ACHP forms and said the Government pay for his schooling.
"We've appealed it, so, we yeah...just sorting all that out, so after that I'll go and see him"
* Chatted about the marathon, skank says to Edna she can't believe how short her hair was back then, "
You're still pretty" she adds reasuringly (Lying again LOL) then Edna replies
"Fanx!" (
Skank will get the hump because Edna did not tell her how gawjus she is in return)
* Both thought they were fat back then & now skank says she looks massive now, she looks like a sausage and has bingo wings.
* Now on to her Life Changing Injuries when she broke her feet, she's got 14 screws in her feet you know!. So when she was at the gym, she managed to run 4/5 steps. Never underestimate the Pricey, she might train for the marathon...
* Back to her bloatedness...someone messaged in to say KP could have peri-menopause.
Now mentions Lynne, in the house with her has ordered all this menopause stuff, like drinks and" bloatiness stuff", thinks it's called Menamouse or something... so she going to try and do it with her, but informs everyone she still is having her periods so A beybeh is not out of the question.
*Listener questions...favourite horror film, too many to mention.
(A look in a mirror maybe?)
* Would they have gone on MAFs if they weren't famous?....KP said she auditioned to go on blind date, didn't get it as she was on P3. And she would of tried for
Love Island.
* Asked which podcast she has enjoyed going on...said Joe Broggs...means Baggs. Blaming her memory, Jamie Laing, Elizabeth Day and James English. Couldn't remember Saving Grace name. But her favourite is the KP show. (
as it would be naturally)
*Life Advice with the Price, all a bit too boring now, Edna says she can't be arsed to get dolled up these days. KP bangs on about self care, nails & hair, it seems that's her answer to everything.
* Now wants to do a pod on sex, how many times a week is best, the menopause and must get a sex expert on and AFP.
* Dim Lynne walks in now, so KP asks her what the stuff is called for the Menapause? She replies Happy Mammouth.
* SFP announces she needs to go and pee, while KP says she needs to go and take paracetamol as she doesn't feel well. Asks Lynne if we have eggs. SFP says she loves talking to Lynne about Brighton, as that's where she lives
* Lastly goes on about men having hair transplants.
What a load of coarse, crass and disgusting bullshit.
* Oh and Edna, are you actually aware that anything that is said in your crapcasts with belovéd sista skank can be used as evidence? On the flip side, just because you both dish-out a statement of what you call "facts" on the podcast, that does not make that statement true.
Maybe you should also consider your own liability in your dear sister's shameful existence as you are co host of said podcast because otherwise Little Lord Fauntleroy will be visiting YOU in the nick as well. Likewise any producer involved in this shitshow
2.5.24 -
This week's bollockfest from the Old Boilers -
* Its come out on-the-attack, angrily assailing the media for daring to report on her 'oliday & for posting that photo of her then daring to allege she swerved the bankruptcy hearing! It then added that she can’t be at home as "
Something has happened..... that she had to go away...." and although she doesn’t say it the implication is that the kids have been taken from her! That is clear by certain comments it makes and she is not happy about it.
* And just as we feared here it is everyone - she has been signed off court again - "Discharged/Suspended"! ts says the trustees have told her what she must do to set the wheels in motion to walk away from her fucking criminal mess scot-free!!
* It insists it was agreed she didn’t have to attend and she is NOT going to attend court next week either, she insists the trustees have said she does not have to go ( WTF is going on with them
) then says she has been legally signed off appearing!!!! (
What does that even mean ?) Its apparently because her mental health is so bad she cant deal with it any of it & says "
The media are trying to kill her" , therefore she is unable to appear in a public examination due to this & has been ‘signed off’, It ain’t happening Krusties
So she’s done it everyone- she has dodged court and they’ve let her Just unbelievable & just for once it seems she’s not lying because she’s thrown the kitchen sink at them with the mental health excuse and won by sounds of it. I don’t know what this means going forward but she ain’t going to court next week, she‘s adamant, and I believe it
Perhaps we ought to give up on the courts now because this is beyond ridiculous when it’s looking like Madame Teflon Tits walks away unscathed again, but it will certainly be her own gnarled hand that will take her down because it’s the only way she’s going to be felled.
(Just ignore the courts because this this bankruptcy rubbish is going round in circles, it’s going nowhere, nothing touches her)
*Now on to her recording music for her tour. She's in the studio next week in the evenings to record her tracks for the show. Blah blah blah
(Getting rat-arsed in Portsmouth again then eh Skanky?)
* God she's singing now.
*She's seeing Adrian next week (The costume guy) She was supposed to see him last week, but he got a last minute thing (MAYBE A PAYING CUSTOMER?) Edna is laughing how she is like Dame Edna.
* Edna talking about potty training Albert. Albert had done a shit on the floor under the TV as she left him alone. SFP does nothing but moan about Albert, why is she bothering to have another one?
* She’s signed up for panto with katona both playing ugly sisters
(How apt!)
* Going on another holiday with Harvey, he really wants to go away (sso she sez) , they might go back to Cyprus
* She hasn't really sunbathed in Cyprus this time but (wowzers!) Edna has changed her hair. Skank has kept off the sunbeds though, & insists she took that Rejuvenate muck with her on holiday - says her skin is glowing. (like radiation exposure)
* She is going to the gym everyday & her body hurts, she's just training, training. She did a 5 min run the other day.
* She can't remember the year she broke her feet, was convinced it was 2021 or 2022 (NO LOVE IT WAS 5 MINUTES AFTER YOU GOT WITH CARL IN 2020)
* Trying to be healthy, it does help with her head.
* She's not looking forward to getting home to face the communications and deal with stuff. If there's anyone out there in the same boat as her - (
YES KP WE ARE ALL IN A BANKRUPTCY) - "Don't ever avoid, just communicate, it is such a good feeling dealing with it" it preaches. (
* Wants any listeners who have dealt with their bankruptcy to message in to say how they dealt with theirs. She has no one to talk to about it, hers just gets written in the media how the media want to write it, hers stemmed from when she had a breakdown and she ignored everything. (Basically its ALL the fault of the media and not her profligate over-spending on CRAP obviously)
* The last 4/5 years has been really difficult with stuff happening in private. These bankruptcies "
Are all different how they are....... whatever......." (WTAF ARE YOU DRONING ON ABOUT WOMAN) but she's trying to deal with her with dignity and in private, but that doesn't seem to happen (
* She can promise everyone she is stressed with it all, she is communicating and trying to deal with it. (Fucking bullshit!!!)
and more - not in any particular order though!
*Says she has had 4 days free in her diary & thats why she went away to Cyprus
* No one knew she was going away apart from '
professionals around me' - she just had to get a break from everything she is dealing with behind the scenes at home.
*Someone took a picture round the pool. Here we go... (that'll be the press intrusion of course)
* The court knew she wasn't going to her bankruptcy due to her dreadful MH Ishoos designed by her consultant at the Priory, therefore she has been signed off any kind of activity for court (
So how come she could show up to the Residency hearings then?) * * She's mentally not strong enough at the moment to stand in court, tobe cross examined in front of the media, in front of the public, for then the media to ridicule her even more than they already do. T
he media is so cruel to MEEEEEEE at the minute.
* She is taking her bankruptcy so seriously ,
"Like I do everything else...." it 's a very serious situation she's in.
*Her head needs a break.
* Edna then butts in to enable her by saying its how the media has portrayed it, that she's not turned up but fucked off on holiday so thats how it looks to the general public.
* Then skank responds that the media write what they want to write the the public are influenced by it, but she's not mentally able and stable to go into court as she has a lot of things behind the scenes she is dealing with, hence she hasn't been on TT for months since December. (BUT CAME BACK ON THERE YESTERDAY) She can only do what her body and brain let her do.
* She puts it Out There that "
The media are trying to kill her off!!!"
* She's taking the BH seriously, but it's not like she jetted off on a 5 star holiday is it? (BUT she DID GO ON HOLIDAY though ARRRRRGGGGHHHHH)
*Insists she wasn't in a £760 a night room either. Her friend (Lou) came to the hotel a week before she did and told them she was coming and to look after her, so when she went, the 'otel "
upgraded her for nothing....". (
Now did they really eh skank???) So it was actually a very cheap holiday, so it says......
*There are reasons she doesn't want to be in her surroundings at the minute- she's having a difficult time, butut she still has to work of course and do the things she can.
* She's looking after herself. Confirms she won't be going to the next court hearing either, as she's had a letter from the Trustees (she wants everyone to know that). Before she went on holiday she had an hours conversation on zoom with her trustees who deal with both her bankruptcies and explained fully her whole situation and what's going on, so "
they knew what's going on it states,
* So she says she is back today and has appointments with her consultant, her therapist and everyone around her who WILL be signing her off legally (THOUGHT SHE SAID SHE WAS ALREADY SIGNED OFF?) as mentally she can't cope.
* Moaning about not getting any peace on holiday. Her little head is quite fragile at the moment, but she can only do what she can do (YEP, THAT SEEMS TO CONSIST OF PERFORMING IN FRONT OF CROWDS AND AN AUDIENCE IN THE LINED UP PODCAST TOUR, SUMMER SINGING EVENTS - but can't answer questions about her own dodgy activities in a Courtroom)
* More moaning about the media writing about her being unstable if she was to turn up to court (SHE IS REALLY SHITTING HERSELF ABOUT BEING WRITTEN ABOUT) she just can't cope with it.
* It wanted to clear that up and she's not trying to fool anyone.
She insists she is engaging with everyone and with her past history she says always make sure you communicate. Mentally she can't do something she can't cope with, she is looking after herself, her head, because she doesn't want to go back down and have a breakdown. So she's only doing stuff SHE wants to do and looking after herself, in the gym, being healthy, being focused, being positive.
(All fucking LIES again!)
* Edna asks if she feels better.
* But she does have 2 vapes.
* Chatting rubbish about what they are watching on TV.
* Give me hair products, first Live TT
* It says she doesn't eat McD's now, going to watch TV in the car to/from Liverpool on her laptop.
* The TT live is easy, it breaks her in gently as she does have to start doing some work.
* Signed up for another Panto, Cinderella, she is an ugly sister with Kerry K (who got her the gig) KP does a shit accent trying to mimic KK. Both going to sing, KP reckons she will sing better than KK.
* The Podcast Live show, plugging that.
* It says Harvey wants to go on holiday, so she's going to see if she has 3 or 4 free days, as she has lots of courses for her DBT course, she doesn't know what DBT stands for. A 21 week course. Doing all these courses to help her mentally. Going to take him swimming. Says the other kids are at school and she has other kids (REALLY???) and H hasn't had a holiday for ages, it would be a holiday for H, but not what she would call a holiday.
(What a bloody martyr eh?)
But thats only if she can find space (in her diary) oh &get him a haircut. She can't wait to see him. (JUST NEEDS HIM FOR DEFLECTION)
* Viewers questions - just boring and banal rubbish
* Talks about going to Ibiza after she split with Pete (
Yep had to get Pete in there)
She got hounded on that holiday (not that she was rat-arsed 24/7 & making an exhibit of herself then?.
* he's learnt with her maturity how to handle a breakup now (S
o after SB she wasn't pissed/drugged-up every night then?) SFP laughs at that.
* Talks about horse riding.
* Earliest childhood memory, remembering her Real Dad.
* Now autism... Harvey didn't start speaking until he was about 11/12 just noises before that.
* H is being dragged out - Said she will get H on the pod next week.
* Life advice. Boring question, she doesn't know what a semester is.
*She's had a tattoo cover up, good riddance she says. (
That'll be all SB's tributes then since he's been replaced with BabyDarling)
*Talking about son's girlfriends, said once in the past she commented on Junior's girlfriend. She's seen J's new girlfriend, she so pretty, Princess told her (SO JUNIOR DIDN'T TELL HER!!) she can't wait to meet her (DON'T HOLD YOUR BREATH) she's already met
'The dad' Edna says she didn't know he had a gf, KP doesn't know how they met either
*Goes on about the age gap and that it doesn't matter. Says there are 13 years between her and JJ and it works.
* Dating sites, she has never been on one, wouldn't know what to do, says she wouldn't get a tick. She knows straightaway if she is going to like someone or not.
* Allotment talk from boring Edna
*People who go to her pod tour are going to be fans and want to be there. Lot's of their friends want to come to the London pod show.
*Now she is shouting again. Wants the video messages too, wants Albert to do one and Harvey
(No mention of the other kids which is quite telling)
*She appreciates all the support.
*She has started cameo, she has had one request so far.
Shouting loads.
*Mind, body and soul...... "Kindness costs nothing"
Only in your direction obviously skank eh?)
The Dodgy Social Wanker, Lynn Rickwood aka Skank's Mole-
25.4.24 - She's still on the scene, running about after the skank (as seen on this week's scintillating edition of Crapcast)
Awl dem Bewty Tweetments, the Syrups, Dodgy Gnashers, Surgeries, Crap Tattoos & FILTERS! -
18.4.24 - here we go then, heres the Sun lifting rubbish straight off it's Crapcast and hawking it as A Story. The only good thing about this is the FACT skank won't get a brass razzoo for it since its only garbage the thing itself has "
put out there" for the universe to savour. Not a bean for the skank! Woo Hoo!
19.4.24 - - another snippy article from the Sun!
20.4.24 - and now this referring to the thing's intended reduction of Phil & Grant from Beach Balls to Footballs. Bring it on skanky!!!
Lego has been commanded to top-up the eyebrows!
25.4.24 - The shit has hit the fan for skanky's favourite aesthetician. Wow 19 complaints in 7 months and banned from practicing/injecting by the Epping forest council in Essex. Wonder if this is why skanks been deflecting for the last week or so, because she knew this story was about to hit the public domain?.
The ex-Husband Squad & Escapees - fighting back against the Gorgon -
19.4.24 - lifted off the crapcast,, heres the Mail reiterating the old piffle from the thing over yet another Escapee.
Katie Price admits she was 'so gutted' after romance with Teddy Sheringham ended when a former agent 'told the papers' as she laments her lost love | Daily Mail Online
Animals Bought (or grifted) to Die at the Shitty Shack. Take Note RSPCA -
25.4.24 - It seems that these two are the only animals left at the Shitty Shack, yet the thing shares this worrying video of the dog chasing the cat around the house - she thinks its funny presumably. The Sun are scoring a few points off her though
27.4.24 - Posting this bit of deflection to make out she's
1. Not pissed off abroad rather than face Court
2. That she's actually out of her Pit at 7am before any of the flunkies turn up (or PFP sees her norks again) and
3. Frog is not dead yet.
Nah we see through you skank so getting Edna to post this shite is pointless
30.4.24 - making out she's at home still by posting Wallis now - even though the entire universe knows she's in Cyprus!
Same photo first saw light of day last month BTW
Twolls, Burglars, Vandals, Stalkers, Kidnappers, Wapists & 'Orsham's Own Banksy etc -
23.4.24 - and out comes another load of piffle from the Flying Monkeys having yet another dig at K&M over Pie Gate# and trying to split them up by publishing texts and emails plus details of this "affair". This sounds like more input from the two last week again with the same heap of slanderous libel being dragged out on the orders of the Skank, following what we can only assume to be a gigantic loss to her as regards the children last week. Again, it bears her clawmarks all over the sordid mess but of course she is desperate and lashing out left right and centre because she must win whatever the costs, even if that means subjecting her children to utter carnage.
* This slanderous drivel is a well versed long Essay. It's taken this bitter, vindictive creature her two flaming years to write it. (Ghost-written perhaps?) Would I be right in saying this is a woman scorned who cannot move on?.
* In truth skank certainly hasn't won anything - to the contrary she has lost everything, including The Plot. The kids are just the start, the bankruptcy (regardless of what she says) will be looming over her head like a mahoosive bloody black cloud particularly as she hasn't responded to any requests for information, and deep-down she must know she is fucked even if she refuses to admit any such thing. There will be a huge meltdown any day now but of course it won't be her fault because NOTHING ever is.
* This nutcase spreading the muck admits that she sent the video in question to multiple people because she
'Didn't know what to do.......' - No doubt skank was one of the lucky recipients but luckily she knew exactly what to do with it eh?
24.4.24 - Heres a comment posted in reply to all the muck being fired at K&M by this nutcase (aka skank's puppet).
Its highly probable that there is no 'other woman' at all - its all skanky's doings Two years festering and brewing this situation is nothing to her because after all this time she still attacks Pete years after their divorce using old tv show footage to show he was 'controlling' and 'abusive' then posts it to her 'fan sites', and it appears AR still gets threatening messages from her. Skanky is a lunatic with an ego the size if a planet, she is permanently focused on playing victim and smearing the ones that got away and after it appears she has "lost" the children to their father again she has upped the anté on K&M.
Using Harvey for Publicity and Sympathy - "Pimp My Child" -
23.4.24 - Comments on it's FB regarding her self-congratulatory post about it being "
MEEEEEE & 'Arvey's birfdays nekst munf.........."
26.4.24 - out comes the H Card for a spot of deflection after her ducking-out of Court AGAIN today
29.4.24 - Not fighting that hard considering she's fucked-off on 'Oliday again to avoid facing Court on Friday over her huge tax debts. (Everyone else's taxes being the ones PAYING for H's residentials, not her!)
* and it has the nerve to post this bullshit!!! What the eff would she know about ANY OF THIS??
What a load of shit
Those Poor Kids and "Crooly Mum-Shamed" -
19.4.24 - pushing this nonsense AGAIN.
'I’m having pregnancy symptoms and it’s driving me nuts’ reveals Katie Price but insists she’s NOT having sixth baby yet | The Sun
25.4.24 - Heres the first of her children that she has driven away
26.4.24 - This was a couple of years ago but gives a pretty fine indicator as to the sort of a "mother" this thing is.
30.4.24 - Junior has a girlfriend - I expect he's keeping Mummy well-distanced after what the skank did to his last one. They used a nice pic of Pete and J and then used the one of KP in her black stocking outfit with a pot belly
They then placed underneath a pic of the new girlfriend in a red pvc outfit
Skank looks revolting in general but its been emphasised even more sandwiched between those 2 pics
Can't wait for the headline "
Fans all say the same thing,,as Katie meets Juniors lookalikey girlfriend for the first time"
The Mucky Mansion aka The Shitty Shack -
21.4.24 - This has to be another grift lined-up by Edna because she so deserves this monstrosity. It gets this done all the while the fucking roof leaks like a sieve!!
24.4.24 - the long-awaited grifted item at the Shitty Shack has been unveiled to the audience, a hideous wooden thing to house her telly in her so-named "Cinema Room". The Sun have picked up on it though and very thoughfully give an extensive list of all the stuff this "Double Bankrupt" has awarded itself of late
The Broken Trotters -
20.4.24 - "Fifteen years" ago? Really?
21.4.24 -
Fank fuk fer dat! " it sez. These injuries are so bad she can NEVER run a marathon again which is exactly what she told this "expert" to say on her Get Out Clauses notes.
And pushing another different narrative about the entire Browkern Trotterz thing - this time she was "Pretending to be a horse showjumping, for the kid's amusement........." as you do (usiually when pissed)! "
She'd hurdled a fence during a holiday to Turkey with her children and ex boyfriend Carl Woods, not realising the other side was a six metre plummet down. Katie was left with two completely broken feet." (Yeah righty-ho skanky!)
* And as for said marathon "run" it actually completed 6 very slow miles then slung the costume in the road when it stopped for a fag - it then reappeared later in a cafe with AFP.
27.4.25 - posting pictures of itself using a running machine - on those Liyfe Fretninly Injurrd Trotterz no less!
The Media Sticking It To Her - just remember, the media created her ... the media will destroy her ... tick tock
21.4.24 -heres a little reminder on London Marathon Day of the farce skanky made of her hilarious attempt at it♥
25.4.24 - Heres the Sun & The Star demonstrating the sheer vileness of the thing prancing around naked in front of PFP except for it's hideous Moonboots & a filthy tea-towel.
* and here we go with The Sun setting the ball rolling on it's Bankruptcy hearing tomorrow! At bloody last!!
29.4.24 - Just a nonsense posting really to enable a few digs at the thing
skipped court this week, where she was due to give an update on her finances after she was
declared bankrupt for a second time back in March.
The Sun was first to report how the former glamour model
chose to go on holiday instead - yet her decision may see her end up in
jail for her no-show.
Our exclusive images showed how she was soaking up the sun in Cyprus on Friday with her MAFS star man.
The duo visited the gym and spa at the five-star Adams Beach Hotel in Ayia Napa where deluxe suites can cost £760-a-night.
A source who spotted the lovebirds at their lavish resort was first to tell us:
“I saw them checking in on Friday evening. We saw them later in the bar as they were sitting near us. They were having food and drinks and seemed incredibly relaxed. They seemed incredibly relaxed. There was a lady singing at the piano bar. When I realised Katie should have been at a bankruptcy hearing, I was shocked.”
This week, the judge ruled she must turn up at the next hearing on May 3, or send more detailed proof of why she could not attend. Otherwise a warrant will be issued for her arrest."
1.5.24 - The Sun are getting a huge kick from printing the most horrendous photos of the thing that they can lay their hands on. She'll be furious about this one where it looks like she's been smacked in the chops with a cast-iron frying pan, but just look at the furrows around its piggy eyes and everything else! What a bloody state for someone of almost-46, and all at her own hands too!