* Its Tea Time!!!! Word has it that.....................................
* Seksi Foters and Rubbish about "How seksi wot I iz innit.................."
* Moosik! plus Odd Odes etc -
* Bankruptcy here we come AT LAST! Woo Hoo!! (Includes The Bailiffs!)
* Old Egg alias The One # 3697, Sink Boy Crawl
* Clan Grifter Gossip
* # Ouch!!
* Recruitment Campaign for Noo Eggs - Recruiting the next The One mk 3698
* "Isss Awll Abaaaaht MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Innit!" & "Pwojects Awwwlll Abahhhttt MEEEEE!"
* Its Behind You! Woo Hoo Its Panto Time Again!!
* Scrounging and Grifting plus Flogging Crap * More shite on Tiktok & Flogging JYY Crap
* Podcast Garbage
* F4J Dive In on the Skank -
* Awl dem Bewty Tweetments, the Syrups, Dodgy Gnashers, Surgeries, Crap Tattoos & FILTERS!
* The ex-Husband Squad & Escapees - fighting back against the Gorgon
* Getting at the Exes Plus The Escapees
* "I downt dwink..............................Ize sowber innit an' Ize not a dwuggy eeeeva"
* Animals Bought (or grifted) to Die at the Shitty Shack. Take Note RSPCA -
* Slamming & Swiping - its wot she duzz innit?
* Breaking The Law - Driving & God Knows What Else
* Using Harvey for Publicity and Sympathy - "Pimp My Child"
* Those Poor Kids and "Crooly Mum-Shamed" -
* "Ownli Nans" & Vile/Seksi Foters of It, (for blind, deaf Mugs generally)
* Court Cases & Law Breaking
* The Media Sticking It To Her or Grovelling After Her
2024 is shaping up well so far for the skank, this being Her Year of course
Here we are at the beginning of February and she's getting hit from all angles with the pet removal, car court cases & the family one we assume too, forensic investigations going full-steam ahead, BH, Bailiff’s, F4j, Cole off leash and now Alex's truth. This year is shaping up nicely. WOO HOO!!
If you listen carefully you can hear the sounds of Krusties rubbing their hands together in anticipation and getting the popcorn ready Its long overdue!!
Seksi Foters and Rubbish about "How seksi wot I iz innit.................." -
Here it is, looking epic in JYY out looking for bins again -https://tattle.life/attachments/2714463/
and how it really was
26.1.24 - heres the PROOF that in later life you get The Face (and the rest of it) That You Deserve
Looks like its wearing wellies!
And, the Ultimate Slob here feeding it's face with junk as some idiot preens it's tatty barnet whilst it lies en repose
29.1.24 - Zoom-in at your own risk!
Two of 'em posing up a storm - a comment under this was "I thought this type of dog was banned in England now?"
* Positively stomach-churningly awful - skank reckons this is Seksi!
2.2.24 - The Plastic Dummy giving it large about "How Grate Wot I Iz!" - its hilarious seeing the delusion in this thing as the weapons-grade filters slip and slide all over the place
* # Celebmess Excellent Summer Goals there, or rather a fucking great OWN GOAL eh skank??
Where do you even begin with this hideous, unfiltered image??
Moosic! plus Odd Odes for the Skank - * Oompa loompa do-ba-dee-doo, she's in the toilet sniffing some glue!
* Perfick choons for the skanky to annihilate wiv 'eer luvly voyse-
The Coke-o-Motion
Spinning Around (pissed as a fart)
Hand on Your Minge
(Can’t go to) Vegas High
Can’t Get You Out of My Sink
Wouldn’t Change My Tracksuit
(Neglecting my) Kids
Implant Leakage On My Pillow
Keep on Pumpin’ (My Norks)
Love At First New Egg
Step Back in Dog/Cat Shit
I Should Be So Mucky
(No title change required on these 3)
I Love It
All the Lovers
I’m so High
29.1.24 - Surprise????? It was fucking horrendous!
* at a recent "Nite Out" skanky entertained the fellow clubbers in her usual style by singing karaoke at the late-night venue, (which boasts cut price drinks deal and appearances by drag acts) . But she left some shocked with her foul language on the microphone, enthusiastically telling patrons “I f****** love you c****** f****** s******* b*******!.” Classy eh??
Bankruptcy here we come AT LAST! Woo Hoo!! (Includes The Bailiffs!)-
27.1.24 - Yes The Bankrupt is out splashing the cash Woo Hoo! (37) Katie Price #351 Dirty old has been, smells like a sardine, dresses like it's 18 and looks like a drag queen | Page 6 | Tattle Life
"Look at MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE spendin' munney Woo Hoo!!!" https://media2.tattle.life/data/video/2717/2717932-019ed7228d201ff1875ab29c3bf47e82.mp4
2.2.24 - https://www.thesun.co.uk/tvandshowbiz/25662360/katie-price-car-collection-taken-bailiffs-mucky-mansion/
It seems those pesky Bailiffs took some of her preshuss car collection of old shitters and bangers, but no doubt it'll say that she wanted rid of them anyway so "Fanx fer dat mayte. U dun me a fayver!!"
Currently AFP’s motor home, PFP's truck and probably one of her staff’s cars are there. Maybe when the first picture was taken it included some of SB's Lukshurry Moters or visitor's vehicles but the VW Beetle, her Barbie Suzuki, the white minivan and her RR are ALL GONE! Woo Hoo! At long last this eternal fiasco seems to be moving towards it's rightful conclusion
* What about the extensive fleet of Mobility Scooters it had during the Liyfe Fretninly Injurrd Feyt Phase? There were at least five different ones including some crystal-adorned montrosity that it boasted was worth "Fahssinds of pahnds...." plus a number of other models with stupid numberplates on them. Where are they???
* and the Mail join in now https://www.12ft.io/https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-13034891/Katie-Prices-luxury-fleet-cars-taken-bailiffs-debt-collectors-arrive-2million-Mucky-Mansion-recoup-250-000-owed-ex-husband-Alex-Reid.html
* So perhaps the Bailiffs (bless 'em!) took a lot more than just her cars?? Suddenly it did yesterday's Twat Tok rubbish from P's supposéd bedroom instead of downstairs like usual - possibly is this because downstairs has been stripped to the bare minimum? Also it mentioned the other day about creating A Room for doing this garbage from but WHY choose your daughter's bedroom to film it when you say she "Lives wiv MEEEEEEE" ? Either way skank is lying as per usual.
* On the other hand though skanky knew the bailiff's were coming so it pretty much seems like PFP moved items out before they came with some taken to Price's brother's house (assume jewellery/bags etc) & took larger items to the storage centre where Mr & Mrs Price have their furniture stored awaiting for the move to Isle of Wight. That would have been why they were on the grift for a removal van urgently that day - nothing to do with Edna FD moving home but more because PFP couldn't afford to be seen loading the mutant's belongings onto his flatbed truck - ti was too obvious that something was afoot.
* Comment on the DM article - is this why it's so confident "Me Owse" can't be taken???
2.2.24 - Yet again its been mouthing-off that 'Otel Krustifornia is "Safe...... nobody can tayke me owse from MEEEEEEEEEE", not withstanding the facts that YES they can take it and NO there is no Trust, ie, the only charge in the property is the mortgage(s) and the property isn’t held in trust. Then this appears - is this SB's lot (Daddy) sticking his oar in?
3.2.24 - https://www.autoevolution.com/news/katie-price-had-half-of-her-car-collection-repoed-amid-bankruptcy-case-228649.html - the motoring media is catching-on now where they make mention of skank boasting not-too-long-ago about the "fleet of pink Bentleys" and other lukshurry cars it intends to collect together. They also said this
" As this was happening, Price was banned from driving, so she not only had no money for any of this but literally no use, either."
Old Egg alias The One # 3697, Sink Boy Crawl -
4.2.24 - expect some action today because SB has posted photos of himself groping a plasticised skankalike.https://tattle.life/attachments/2734268/
5.2.24 - its taken them a week or so to twig these amendments to the hideous tattoos but here we are. Skank's ugly boatrace was made into a clown
Clan Grifter Gossip -
2.2.24 - In preparation for The Big Move to the IoW (and to minimise time spent with the Witch of Wight), PFP is setting his stall out to lure in potential clients thereby stomping all over the established businesses of this small island. The sneaky old bastard has been covertly advertising his services on FB and other mediums using HIS FATHER'S NAME for some months now!!! Well the IoW tradesmen know now don't they? https://tattle.life/attachments/screenshot_20240202_135450_facebook-jpg.2731041/
5.2.24 - just when you think this bunch of degenerates cannot possibly get any worse then something else materialises to make you think twice about it. It seems that both AFP and Edna FD used to get their kicks "flashing" at the traffic passing their home! Just be bloody grateful PFP did not join in their fun antics.......
# OUCH!-
2.2.24 - Whoever is running it's FB page is taking the piss because - lo and behold - here it is flogging JYY garbage using a photo of it alongside the now repossessed Beetle and dear little Tank who now lives (happily we hope) with an electrician. BOTH GONE from the thing's clutches
4.2.24 - Interesting................... Now skanky was discussing pervs with a foot fetish in front of the kids only the other day on one of it's Twat Toks, this being the self-same creature that still maintains it has "Such pwitty feet........................" despite they're been so badly Browkern...............
There is some conjecture that this might be her Bestie Coketona but you never know
5.2.24 - the Mail article about Alex is bringing out the comments by the ton
"Isss Awll Abaaaaht MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Innit!" & "Pwojects Awwwlll Abahhhttt MEEEEE!"
22.1.24 - Pass the sickbag https://www.dailystar.co.uk/showbiz/katie-price-enjoys-cosmic-orgasm-31931022
23.1.24 - "I am a nice person!" it says. https://media2.tattle.life/data/video/2706/2706848-d50f114e48b7f2cd19e3a6a648e5b782.mp4
On full Detract Mode now! Next will be pictures of H and the Ice Cream Van one!
* It seems skank has persuaded another MUG to front a dodgy company for her. Olive Management is due to open its doors in the coming week or so, being hosted by none other than Jess (skank's erstwhile "assistant") She will declare herself as self employed for tax purposes then create this company so skank can earn money filtered through Jess and Jess will effectively be her 'manager'. This scam has been confirmed by someone whom she also tried to persuade to run this con for her - take note Forensic Accountants! Skank likes getting other people to open companies in their name but with her behind the scenes taking the cash - ie JYY, KP Ekwestryan, KP Merch etc - they remain open long enough for skank to asset strip the lot and take out huge personal loans from the company, then off they go down the pan. Same old story again & again. Jess will live to regret this act of foolishness
Plasterclasses! -
1.2.24 - Yes they're bringing "A massive media personality to Neath" woo hoo!!!! Massive alright but not in personality, but £6 a ticket to see this behemoth??!! https://www.thearchnightclub.com/events/the-arch-presents-katie-price This looks like another Darth Jeyda enterprise.
Compare the picture on their advertising blurb to this one - perhaps they could sue her under the Trades Descriptions Act?
3.2.24 - Looks like the thing is starting the year as it intends to carry on - tomorrow's Plasterclasses in Sheffield & Bolton have been cancelled at the 11th hour devastating her "fans" who forked out to see the gargoyle (sort-of) LIVE. No doubt it is "Exhausted" having spent it's every waking hour pursuing the latest Potential The One across the country.
* Actually there's one of it's brain-dead, certifiable "fans" on Insta raging she's spent over £300 on VIP tickets & travelled all the way from Brighton. No answer from skanky nor the flunkies though - quelle surprise! Said moron should take a coach to Neath and pay £6 to get a look at the raddled old boiler instead.
* The Mirror have picked this up now
Its Behind You! Woo Hoo Its Panto Time Again!! -
22.1.24 - Desperately trying to flog tickets to this debaclé because there are LOADS still available - unsurprisingly!
* Its absolutely hilarious that skanky is actually wearing the same costume that its obviously grifted from the other panto, but just changing the headdress for a plastic crown
23.1.24 - Its singing/crucifying Whitney in this shambles - I do hope footage escapes so we can all enjoy it!
* Heres one part of the thing's "role" that it won't fuck- up
24.1.24 - Here it is! Its in front of you! Woo Hoo! Get the joke about it wanting to be a Paramedic aka Paryletic again (the jokes on YOU skanky!)
25.1.24 - Theres a ton of pretty bad comments on the Newcastle Chronicle FB page after they posted a gushing, arse-licking article on Skank. It seems the NE really don’t like her after all! The tide is turning methinks, she is bringing massive negativity to anything she touches now, it’s getting quite vicious out there for the Skank & the NE aren’t holding back with their disdain for her
Not very busy considering the Megastar was due onstage at 8pm
Skankytramp and someone impersonating Edna
26.1.24 - Dear God! It's "singing" https://media2.tattle.life/data/video/2714/2714589-7488be7b5e7df405e634288727d322ad.mp4
* £15 for an autographed photo of a drag queen yet no sign of any of skanky's crap "merch"
Maybe she was refused permission to hawk her rubbish there or they simply didn't want her awful junk strewn everywhere or her KP Ekwestryan garbage?
*Interviewed by another nobody because thats all it merits these days Gone are the days when mainstream channels wanted her - this is what it comes down to now skanky
* Comments are epic of course
and from the Dail Mail -
* Spot the drag artiste !
Note - the drag artiste looks better
*Some tin-pot local radio station interviewed it Here we go
* She’s slagging off the media
* She’s nice in real life apparently COUGH
* She’s on her own up there, got an apartment. The cast are her "family".
* Out of her comfort zone - she gets nervous.
*She works hard.! FFS
* She hasn’t been out. No kids, no animals.
* She’s very underestimated - no we actually all know what this thing really is
* She can’t understand the accents Up There!
So its on it's own - no flunkeys or Edna grovelling about after her for the first time EVVA! She doesn't do anything for herself except the drugs and booze which are of course FOR MEEEEEEE! Gotta pity the people who have to go in and clean up after her . She doesn't know the meaning of real hard work! So she is going to be like a nun and stay in is she?
Fingers crossed for some excitement tonight with slags united 'out on the toon'
Can't wait to see what the creature wears and how many creative ways she can make a fool of herself As for people underestimating her? Well thats possibly true - we did underestimate how truly evil, vile and cruel she really is.
She is little more than the sludge at the bottom of the pond now, let alone pond-life
* How apt! Real back-end of a bus material https://media2.tattle.life/data/video/2717/2717612-e362d2313e7295c5c6cbc1b6c9ad8533.mp4
* A Tattler bit-the-bullet and attended this Show - brave, very brave! - but the overall opinion is that she was wooden, couldn’t sing and fluffed loads of her lines (ie her witty ad-libs ie about Rats), yet even though they were written in a panto kind of way she still didn’t manage to deliver even one of them with any punch. Even her supposed interactions with the audience seemed awkward and she just wasn’t any good at any of it, largely because it just looked like she was going through the motions with no oomph in her at all. It was very much a ‘naughty’ pantomime probably aimed at a gay crowd but the rest of the cast did it well, however skanky really did just look awful in it, her singing was so badly off key and her manner was so awkward, in fact she has no natural feminine ways whatsoever! She looked less female than the drag artists!! Also noted the others in the panto played their parts well but this theatre has a max of 200 capacity so it can’t have been lucrative for her - it was definitely a ‘How the mighty have fallen’ moment to watch & savour! Bring it on woo hoo!
*Another Tattler put themself through this grim ordeal - "I went to this panto on Sunday night...she was absolutely off her tits ❄ coming onstage wiping her nose, forgetting her lines....and the singing...ohhh the singing................."
* Ear defenders at the ready for this! https://tattle.life/attachments/2718086/
29.1.24 - Rat-arsed at the last night panto party.
4.2.24 - before we consign the thing's Panto debacles into the dustbin of distant horrible memories just check this out! One of the idiots who grovelled after it in Geordieland has sent out this arse-clenchingly dreadful homage to the thing, getting all lovey-dovey over it's illegible "autograph" FFS what a dickhead!!
Scrounging & Grifting plus Flogging Crap -
31.1.24 - Heres the "Teetotaller" flogging alcohol now - what a damned find brand ambassador this lot have chosen eh?
Check out the state of it on the zoomed-in version - Jeez!
1.2.24 - still hawking the revolting calendars in FEBRUARY https://media2.tattle.life/data/video/2727/2727712-cca4c33aad8f137d7428837cc05feaa6.mp4 There are no dates on this Calendar either
More shite on Tiktok & Flogging JYY Crap -
23.1.24 - Its back on Twat Tok from Newcastle, completely arseholed as usual.
* Chloe said her singing was giving her a migraine
* "Let’s not talk about Harvey" it announces
* Shouting at Chloe’s dogs, Chloe is obviously not happy about any of this - Chloe wants her out of there! ASAP!! She looks so uncomfortable!
*Chloe said they both have the same business partner -an interesting description for Darth Jeyda? So the JYY Shite is a mutual business interest? Note to the Forensic Accountants here
* She’s completely off her face. Chloe, watch your fella, he may get invited to go fishing..............! Her fella has just said he’s getting on the wine - he'll need it!!.
* People still have no idea who Jordan is apparently . Really? When it reminds us every ten seconds??
* Skank is so much more drunk than the rest of them, just blabbering on over the top of Chloe & making a fool of herself. They're almost pathetic but she's even more tragic, like a drunk old auntie that's wasted at a party
* Chloe looks like she’s cringing her head off at the skank Looks like another "friendship" doomed then. The thing is, she invited her in. She's like a Vampire who won't leave until she's sucked all the bottles (and other things!) Dry.
*She "Gets battered by the press and her exes..... Chloe said get the violin out
* Chloe also shouted "Your life! "When KP said she was gonna tell a joke - She obviously hates her
* Skank says she going out on the razz after the last "performance"
* It says she fancies Anton off Love Island. Poor little bastard! But she said there's someone else she's after...
* She's 'Single and someone has got her twinkle' apparently
* Fuck me - she's trying to sing again !!! The Embarrassing Drunk is here!!
* She’s single but someone’s got her twinkle but she doesn’t know if she has theirs though - she’s coming across as really desperate. The age difference between her and Chloe is really apparent now even though Chloe seems the more mature.
* Going shopping on Thursday (she needs some more crap and awful clothes eh?)
* Still begging for the Noo Egg to present himself to her,.. Tragic innit?
* ‘Got 25 mins until my driver comes’ it states grandly. Chloe's bloke- ‘Has she got a driver coming?’ Chloe replies- ‘NO! (laughing) "She's lying! " This Chloe really has skank's cards marked does she not??
* Nevertheless - "MEEEEEEEEE an' Chloe are besties........" (Katona was Bestie last week of course although her Bestie will always be the one who has a bag of coke And its over. Well that was different. Chloe was clearly taking the piss at the skank trying to hard to appear down with the kids. Chloe saying "How did you get your lips like that?" with skank oblivious to it NOT being a compliment! This looks like this was an invite that she didn’t really mean and skank turned up regardless (or Darth Jeyda aka "Mutual Business Partner" inflicted skank on her), so Chloe was forced to be civil to the old wreckage. There were definitely backhanded compliments and sly digs from Chloe. You could tell they all wanted her out of there, telling her to shut up and saying she thinks she can sing but she can't, basically laughing at the stupid old slapper
* https://media2.tattle.life/data/video/2 710/2710622-b3738f76eec7f0c49031410002134f0d.mp4
Listen to it screeching at Chloe's belovéd little dog - no wonder Chloe had the right hump with the skank
31.1.24 - Back on Live again
* she got back last night.
* shes filtered to fuck, looks like she’s got no nose.
* someone just told her she’s got a cleft lip and she started rambling on about Jordan?
*Flogging some leggings she’s been sent.
* licking her rat lips like a moron.
* Dont know who’s speaking in the background. Maybe Jess?
* It says its still getting ALL the kids tattooed on her
* Its filming this rubbish upstairs in P's bedroom - now getting changed, can almost see her reflection in the window
* Loved that someone wrote "Your camera needs a wipe" - the fuzzy filter it's using has made their eyes go wobbly
*She’s so broody - pretty good when it treats the five it has like shite already
*Lady has just walked in so she's not gone yet then?
* Harvey is at college. (Bet he's pleased!)
* Bunny slept next to her last night, (Where is Jett? Still in his tent??)
* The same old nonsense being churned out - She is single… A lot of people don’t know who Jordan is (does anybody care??) Seeing Princess at the weekend.
* Oh and thrilling stuff like this too - Lamb chops for dinner, PFP is cooking.
* It's saying she’s taking B to Thailand on her next holidays Really? We'll see about that then!!
* Bunty asked when, it said "I’m not saying when ........................." So when B is 18 then eh skanky?
* She's "Exhausted" with relationships apparently. This is another of her by-words, like "Disgusting"
* She’s got another of her exciting announcements to make about her "music" in the next couple of weeks Is that cos Pete recently announced stuff? .
*Someone asking if she’s watched Juniors lives in the comments - "No I don’t cos I know my kids and don’t need to watch their lives and they don’t watch mine either"
* She can’t wait to get off the live and stop selling.
* Edna missed this comment
And later on up pops Noo Bestie and mutual Bizzniss partner Chloe -
* Getting her fish-lips re-pumped on Friday
* Both are hyper but they can be calm apparently…
* They are both good cooks - taking the piss here surely???
* Jett has finally appeared - so apparently she hasn't yet given Jett to the electrician, the same as the dog?
* She’s going to Dubai, Spain with CF (Portapotty time maybe?)
* Talking about foot fetish in front of the kids
* She ended the earlier live to go and do the podcast - said Edna was waiting for her Back again -
* Chloe’s just asked what she’s got planned for rest of the week - she said she's done her OF shoot today and was meant to do the podcast so maybe she didn’t do it?
* She’s off her face high/drunk
* Looks very much like Chloe can’t wait to end this live - who can blame her?
* And now it’s off to have a bath shortly before Love Island! Does she even know what soap is??
* Its got the kids asking her followers to send her gifts on TT so she beats chloe!!!
* She just said to CF "You show me your dog I'll show you my pussy!" (meaning the poor little cat Frog) - in front of the kids
* Its chanting "B I T C H" now to CF in front of the kids
* It won't say how much it paid for this kitten but they ARE a lot of money , approx £1k
* She was screaming down that poor kittens ear! She said she called it Frog so Harvey would be nicer to it, (she didnt say those words specifically, but implied it with hand gestures of what he normally does with the animals). OMG!
* Note - it has only just mentioned that actually she was Ooot on the Toon for just over one and a half hours in that hilarious outfit - the reason has just surfaced. It appears that she was ejected from the establishment for vaping & swearing . Basically out of order & off its face to the degree they chucked her out!! Lucky old Legohead
Podcast Garbage -
25.1.24 - this week's pod run down. AFP is in the background, so is Albert - how lovely to be discussing all this filth & stuff in front of them...
* Its off shouting stright away, shreiks that they are wearing their trackies (so nothing has really changed on she can wear what she likes eh?) Mentions her bald pussy thinking how witty & hilarious she is, but means Frog the cat
* The live tour gets flogged to death the whole way through, but by the time they do that so much would of happened in their lives (none of it good either). Skank describes SFP as Alan Carr's missus and SFP says well her name is Dame Edna on TATTLE KFP immediately wants to know what her name is (LOL)
* She needs a sunbed as usual.................yawn............... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
*Always has nails done
*Wants to lighten her hair, shall she go back blonde?
* Pod tour will be on her birthday one of the days (so rat-arsed on that then), now starts begging for people to bring her presents because it would be like Christmas, because she got FUCK ALL for Christmas. (Shame)
* Said to people coming to the meet and greet make sure you get your nails done as she is obsessed with that and hair colour & makeup. "Obsessed" being the current "In" word with the skank, along with "Exhausted".
* Wants to go on This Morning to promote the tour (like fuck they'll have her eh??) ,
*SFP says they should do a media tour. (Why?? Nobody is interested are they?) It'll have to be Over 18's only due to the content of course. AFP shouts over then KFP screeches back telling her to "Shut up!" (Charming)
*Thrilling info from AFP now - AFP is getting her IoW house rendered,anew kitchen, new windows & it sounds like AFP is in a wheelchair a lot now so she is alsogetting a stairlift in IOW house. Skank scoffs at her buying a house with stairs when she struggles to get from the motorhome into 'Otel Krustifornia. IOW is a 'fresh start' for her and PFP (so its not just about running away from the incoming shitstorm then eh AFP?)
* Back to that £1 book SFP bought KFP - the Secret...."New year, new start, keeping positive". SFP is teaching KFP to read the book (??) She can't meditate, as her brain is too active or concentrate on one thing, she reads out a passage about The Law of Attraction, it is about a mountain of debt (oh the irony) KFP says nothing afterwards. LOL.
* Then says about the double numbers on her phone again
* Sounds like KFP hasn't even been to SFP's new house yet.
* "New beginnings, things are changing, Myself, ALL ABOUT ME, self care, loving, family & work".
* So much shit has happened, so much still to deal with, staying positive, still having weekly therapy (yeah yeah)
* Her Therapist - she has seen him for ages (must mean Alan) - she likes that they write everything down (You don't say )
* AFP is doing exercises in background making a noise, KFP shouts over "Sad woman" and "Go and bounce on dad, ride him like a pony!" Manifests getting her leg over. Gross, crass disgusting old slapper this thing is - saying that to Her Mother - even if it is only AFP!!!
* She's had a lot of stress lately, she's being strong, she's alive, healthy, got good support, family and now good friends. LOL
* Been to see her horse Wallis (must be first time in ages)
* Starts on about Love Island now , she likes Jake Cornish (watch out Jake) & mentions a fanny flutter. She's checking them all out, quite likes Anton too (wonder if that's because Anton said he fancied her) Poor bastard is a marked man & blind! *"Ize not married, or engaged- Ize single, beeyn dere dunn it, wored der t-shirt 3 tiymes". Hates being single which is perfectly obvious.
* Then talks about "24 hours in Police Custody", Albert walks in. Made Princess & Ed watch an episode, must of been a long time ago that happened.
* AND - the all-time classic from this thing! - woo hoo!! "If you can't handle your drink, don't drink and if you can't control yourself, don't go out...."
Maybe she should take her OWN advice??
* AFP takes Albert out to see guinea pigs and hamster which are surprisingly still alive
* Back to LI and talks about Hannah's boobs, KFP doesn't comprehend how big (or funny) Phil and Grant actually are.
* Skank tries to get Edna to get Turkey teeth & fillers, says she is just joking but most likely isn't
* Then the end questions. (One about a woman with a 10 year old with autism etc)
* Talks about Harvey - She had him for a whole week dontcha knawww!! (well how noble of her FFS!). She's "Exhausted," he wakes at 4am but if she gets in the bed with him he falls asleep holding her hand, but he snores so she's knackered, then it has to take him to work and stuff. Mighty inconvenient for her
*He has 1 year left at college, but could stay until he is 25, it's all about statementing, she has looked at a place up the road but it's independent living and Harvey is "Too baby to live there" so wants advice. Harvey had transport and a nurse or carer for the journey when he went to school, the Government helps (shame you don't pay your taxes or contribute!)
* One of the viewer questions is about a woman says her husband wants to lick her bum hole. AFP walks in, skank says Amy doesn't look shocked so must of done it then reels off a load of names she calls the bum hole, says he needs to get in the nappy position, legs in air, wash his bum as it will smell a bit poo-ey, but says why does he suddenly want this? Mentions something about her getting married after 5 weeks (always has to have a dig) What a foul, disgusting creature this thing really is
* Then it starts slagging off her ex mother in laws. It says one smelt her perfume and tried on her rings, one bought her some sexy underwear for her hen night - she hates interfering MILs. (Not as much as they HATE her though LOL)
One can but imagine in horror what sort of an MiL this thing will be though.............. Thank God it ended
31.1.24 - Sign up quick for the VIP pass to view her shitty podcast! Fascinating input such as "My boob job is bigger than your head innit! Woo Hoo!" Katie Price #352 After 9 is tattle time skanks Out Dressed in Black, a Safety Pin Hold Phil & Grant Back | Page 17 | Tattle Life 1.2.24 - this weeks edition of bilge -
Podcast run down, they only managed 27 minutes. Technical fuck up is the term, ie her computer got um broken at Christmas Now come on KP tell everyone how it really got broke and why..! Then she ‘lost’ her phone. (Bailiffs?)
* Got back from Newcastle on Tuesday after 11 hours in the car, but seemed to have made it to LAStudio to get hair done.
*Panto was amazing…. the drag queens are such funny bastards. She was complete opposite to what they expected, blah blah blah.. "Dey Luvvvvvd MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!"
* She worked hard & learned the script - she doesn’t know why people have that bad conception of her because it’s just not true. She couldn’t go out for drinks and that as she had to be professional.
* Edna FD wants to talk about that blue catsuit thing but she was only out with CF an hour and a half as she was knackered, The rehearsals were long.
* She liked having the apartment to herself, there were no kids, no dogs can’t remember the last time she was on her own. She prefers singing to the acting, she belted them out, now on the beg for a west end show. (That'll be as the one they put on at the end to empty the auditorium rapidly)
* Discussing Love Island. She’s not a fan of Georgia S, not much personality. Then talking about another Georgia saying who hasn’t she shagged in there…. Errr pot and kettle skanky love, you’re a fine one to bleeding talk!
* Katie is now farting. She upset Amy and made her cry being horrible to her. Bitch. Poor old raddled AFP eh??
* Says she thought she had Court today.
* Edna has been sick but still been getting shitty random emails from journalists re skanky - "Just fuck off everyone!".
* Fascinating info here - she’s due on her period, Who needs to know that eh?
* KP says SFPs attention span is nothing, but she meant stress levels.
* Mentions her meds. Amy chatting in the background.
*Edna FD says Amy is passive aggressive and flips her lid . (She's bonkers like the skank really)
* Edna FD is droning-on about her boring wallpaper again
* Skank has a day off as she thought she had Court so she’s going to the gym and going to get her nails done.
* Trying to get the Clan to come to the live pod tour.
* More tedious house stuff from boring Edna FD….
* More boring Albert stuff too… KP has gone very quiet - it must of fallen asleep with boredom like the rest of us
* Stuff KP has been watching on tv…
* It states tht people can be evil, (you don’t say! Think you are pretty evil tbh)
* and yet more Albert stuff
* Skank announces she hates Health Visitors -( but she loves social workers obviously, especially when they're in her pocket)
* Now they're doing a Shopify ad - its been very badly narrated by them. Then another ad so that used a couple of minutes up.
* Mentions again she’s got a day off, nails, has to wash ‘This bit of hair’ she might ride horse. Filming tomorrow. Must be for C4 as usual - what the eff are they doing with all this BS they are allegedly "filming" anyway??
* Yet more Albert
* Skanks not with anyone now, however she is getting all these offers to go up to London, but she can’t be arsed, prefers her bed. Likes comfort.
* Life advice questions. Pretty boring. Feed keeps breaking up.
*Then someone said saw her in panto and someone has booked the pod tour, but prob just a fixed question. All boring.
* It’s hard work being a mum (like she'd know), but respect to single dads… (you mean like Kieron??)
* "When you have a baby it’s a team effort… makes it a better environment". FFS NOTE - She was out with CF for an hour and half...? Photographed leaving the venue at 2am.... So they went out at 12:30am...?!! We later discovered in fact skanky was thrown out of the establishment for continually vaping and swearing!"
2.2.24 - More frantic plugs for the Crapcast "Tour" popping up now. Oh, purrleeease.... Really? 'Never heard before stories'. Well, that's just about the only one we have not heard before...!!
"Katie Price and her little sister Sophie bring their hit podcast The Katie Price Show – to the stage once again! But this time – expect more chaos, more singing and even juicer stories! "Katie will be going back throughout the decades to talk about those never heard before stories, from modelling days to being one of the first people in the UK to have a reality TV show, writing six biographies – what hasn’t she done?" Surely they mean WHO hasn't she done?? What a load of shite
2.2.24 - Go on my Sun! Sticking it to the scumbag as usual showing that in fact 81% don't give a shiny one about skanky's boring old world-beating Crapcast ! Woo Hoo!
Recruitment Campaign for Noo Eggs - Recruiting the next The One mk 3698 -
27.1.24 -Will she settle for 30yr old MAFS JJ's Dad bod and dodgy Legohead haircut? ... Is he brave enough to do the deed? ... Will he publically claim Kipper and jump into the Egg Box? ... More importantly does he have no life of his own and a car to ferry her majesty around in ??? He also looks like Mr PFP ... creepy in itself.
* Now its creep-arsing around another potential Noo Egg's Mummy - as IF any mother would want their boy involved with this thing and it's foetid shitshow anyway when its probably in the same generation as she is? https://www.dailystar.co.uk/showbiz/katie-price-publicly-responds-love-31978601https://tattle.life/attachments/screenshot_20240127_081129_instagram-jpg.2717212/
27.1.24 - and here it is - dresssed to impress going out on The Toon recruiting with girls young enough to be her daughters!
Filtered to hell-and-back with all her plastic goods on full display for the brain-deads it will be seeking to trawl-in
29.1.24 - Is this Noo Egg #3698? We must await the announcements of "The BIGGEST ever...... weeez getin' maried... loadsa baybees etc" TBH you gotta wonder what ANYBODY would see in this poisonous old hag though?
* Something went down at that seedy Clubbin' nite though, as per this reply that appeared on Chloe's Insta
She's right about looking in a mirror though
* Another mug joins the Potential Noo Egg (Victims) List https://www.thesun.co.uk/tv/25583078/katie-price-married-at-first-sight-split-fiance-carl/ I wonder if he actually is stupid enough to be trawled-in by the skank to be The One #3698, married within a week, lots of baybees etc etc???? We shall see
* "A source told The Sun: “They’ve met a few times and are texting each other constantly. She’s really into him - this is the first man she’s actually been interested in since Carl.”'' That'll be about a month then eh Edna? - she must be desperate by now
The Skank Translation of that reads as follows:- She's obsessed and she won't leave him alone. She's already doing the 100s of messages, next it will be climbing through his window, threats to kill and accusations he's stolen gym equipment and has abandoned Harvey.
30.1.24 - Here we are with it trying to impress Anton from Love Island's Mum by saying she fancies him! Mum ain't impressed - look at her reply!! https://tattle.life/attachments/screenshot_20240130_115349_instagram-jpg.2724147/
and this! https://www.thesun.co.uk/tv/25619165/katie-price-sets-her-sights-love-island-anton-danyluk/
* Comments from the Mail - "Baggage? She's got a whole luggage shop"
"The understatement of the century. More baggage than Heathrow."
"I bet down below looks and smells like a battered old suitcase that’s been around the carousel at Mumbai International for a decade?"
"Too much baggage?. She would need to take out a mortgage for the excess baggage charges. The woman is a complete car crash."
There's also quite a few mentions of the F4J article too.
* and this one stating the idiot JJ was in the audience watching it make a first-class TWAT of itself onstage in that crappy panto
31.1.24 - Potential Noo Egg - this idiot JJ aka FHL the Fame-Hungry-Legohead - is on live on TT at the moment . Everyone is asking him about skank. He’s says ‘ Everyone is asking me about the girl I’m seeing’ . (GIRL???? ) Luke replies ‘Yeah keep that quiet’. JJ looked embarrassed and as if he was blushing although that could be the filter. He’s not biting to any comments. He'd best get used to the embarrassmentof association with her - its a way of life chez skanky
2.2.24 Its been spotted with that JJ idiot having a cosy romantic dinner this evening in Essex. His Mummy will be delighted plus his mates will certainly rip him to shreds at being seen with the thing, although to be fair he looks more interested in that floppy lasagne than that melted old welly-boot next to him !
And….can we mention the ‘hun’ decal on the wall of this caff? "Live, laugh, Love Babes xxxxxxx"
* So let the fun and games commence with Legohead aka Kryten because His Life as he knew it ends - he’s skank’s property now to do with as she pleases until trade-in time. What a MUG! Yet what a catch she's scored though when he looks like PFP and uses that silly Gangsta-Talk like Junior!
You have trawled-in a real winner there skanky but not sure who we feel more pity on!!!
* STOP PRESS................................. Legohead has already been introduced to the children - thats just over a month since SB ceased being their current "Daddy"! Plus the "lovebugs" are apparently "Gowin on 'oliday togevva..............." which means J&B will be deposited on DL yet again then it will be back all luvved-up to announce they're getting married ASAP, they are having lots of baybees and H calls him "Daddy" already. Same old song innit, thus its another week, another step-father plus all of Clan Grifter adore him don't you know because he's The Best Ever and most definitely 'The One' (well for this month anyway!!) His mother will be going ape-shit tho.
* Its The Look of Love innit!
Look at it smouldering at him, just like a fire at the tyre dump
* The silly little shit is doomed! Its stuck it's talons into Legohead so his Life is over, his existence will now consist of driving it everywhere it demands and being dragged onto IVF clinics worldwide to be accused with firing blanks because it can't get pregnant
5.2.24 - https://www.mirror.co.uk/3am/celebrity-news/married-first-sight-uks-ella-32047982 Don't waste your tears Ella - he'll be back soon enough when his Mummy finds out.
F4J Dive In on the Skank -
22.1.24 - Going back some years F4J reported the thing to SS to which NOTHING WAS DONE on that occasion either. No wonder F4J have finally reverted to shock tactics to see if that would boot these inept morons up the backside to get them to DO SOMETHING / ANYTHING before a tragedy occurs
* And this, reminding everyone about Dim Lynne who sacrificed her Career in the SS to become skanky's latest bitch-for-wiping-her-feet-on.
Wonder if she feels a tinge of regret about the career she chucked down the toilet? Too late for regrets eh DL??
23.1.24 - dear God it just gets worse! Details on their FB pge https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=783597023811588&set=a.629211209250171&__cft__[0]=AZXd6myezHoZOUEBiGEh9VVwdTlwmdonItjtQTVbUnbXteSeuGgSt_rPo20yQhfXlSqax_wJMp2w6Pfg6VFTi8NVmEQLLXsUQY3GEiMzT1TVPMoLDe-3t2uCbEREWHwE3PxdPE55AzZExzlBoIYX1wI4WREskO1UPm-zeJgteWrG_Tf_eM2bxfLl0yVV91qEV00&__tn__=EH-R
* They also say that not only did skank have a tame social worker, DL, but C4 are actively involved in protecting the thing!
This is undoubtedly the person who suddenly popped-up as skanky's Noo Assistant / Flunkey ie The MM researcher being Jessica H, the very same Jessica H who has set up Olive Management, the Talent Agency launching in 10 days and who (Jess) has done all sorts of other 'errands' for KFP. Perhaps this Olive Management is necessary to funnel her payments through indirectly to avoid the Forensic Accountants now SB has taken his little umbrella company with him?
* ‘Social services then tried to cover up by blackmailing the father, cruelly telling him that if it became public, he might never see his kids’ Undoubtedly DL's handiwork in operation here. WSSS should have a full independent inquiry and be thoroughly investigated themselves.
* then this little number. It seems SB caught her out yet again with another Egg and went ballistic then smashed up her phone. (This fool is either another idiot from TOWIE trawled in from one of it's Missions to Sheesh or some berk footballer of the same name (Tom Pearce) who plays for Wigan. Note that a "noo egg" was discussed previously on here but no one knew who the muppet was! Looks like we do now. Either way he will NEVER live this down!! This scenario is one good reason for the sudden influx of New Phones and it was'nt H's fault this time either
* "The following information has been reported to West Sussex Children’s Services, Sussex Police, and the Family Court in Shoreham, Sussex. Much of the information is from concerned parties and the authorities. To date, nothing has been done to address any of the child protection issues listed below" So the SS have chosen to ignore other Authorities as well? Come on Media, where are you??
It seems that publishing this lot is the Last Resort to save those children - make it happen finally !!
* They have pinned it now so its the FIRST THING one will see on Googling F4J.
A couple of replies to her plugging her Crapcasts - nabbed before Edna could delete them
* Is it any wonder allegations fly about when skank says things like this to sell A Story??
27.1.24 - this snippet comes from the Daily Mail comments section today where they mention ot failing THREE drugs tests!!! Yet those kids are still with it FFS!
27.1.24 - the latest edition from F4J. It seems certain journalists have tried pressuring them to withdraw from this Battle Vs The Skank but they ain't having it!
Said journos are Guardianistas, the F4J stuff hit the fan at the very same time as that rag published their latest puff piece arse-licking the skank and obviously they didn't want any negative backlash over their crappy article on her. Oh dear Grauniad - you should have learned from your previous experience repeating bullshit & utter lies from skanky
3.2.24 - Back again noting that the Daily Fail have stopped comments on skanky's story due to commenters directing others to the F4J website. No doubt Clan Grifter complained about it all.
3.2.24 - And some more - they appear to be upping-the-ante again, presumably because the PTB are still doing NOTHING about J&B and the skank carries on doing as it pleases.
5.2.24 - you cannot but wonder F4J draw their own conclusions about the goings-on in skanky's household when it's own FB page posts this!
In a pool, TOPLESS, cavorting with it's own son!!
Awl dem Bewty Tweetments, the Syrups, Dodgy Gnashers, Surgeries, Crap Tattoos & FILTERS! -
24.1.24- Its managed to grift more tweetmints whilst in Newcastle - ain't they cracking anawl? But skanky is "Obsessed" so thats OK then
It grows uglier and more haggard with every single one
* https://www.thesun.co.uk/fabulous/25422217/katie-price-geordie-shore-face-clone/ LOL
27.1.24 - some poor bugger spotted it in North Shields and this is what they said
* Someone commented that skanky in real life is built like a "Wardrobe!"
28.1.24 - "Exhausted..............." after the crappy panto and a night-on-the-lash, here it is pretending to be asleep whilst some MUG does it's talons for it
How rude is that?
29.1.24 - Another crappy article on the subject of those hideous norks on the skank it's saying she is having Boob Job #17 and can’t decide if they will be bigger or smaller this time! Go BIGGER - be even more pathetic & ridiculous skanky!! Clearly it just wants surgery for the sake of it then
2.2.24 - Fish Lips re-done - arse re-inflated next week woo hoo! Ellie obvs too embarrassed or scared to do her work on a live TT now & she's dodging the flak from that ITV programme she featured in about dodgy practitioners
I see it got the plastic talons done again, twice in the space of 5 days
https://www.thesun.co.uk/tvandshowbiz/25696929/katie-price-surgery-huge-lips-bbl-bum-lift/ More pointless surgeries then
3.2.24 - Lift (being the cowboys skank grifts her freebie tweetmints from) are currently under investigation after several horrendous cases of people being seriously ill and disfigured having undergone their "services". So not only did the skank spring a leak from her grotesque BBL like the fountain in Lake Geneva but then theres this in the Mail - yet this lot are still out there doing this stuff! In fact Lift Aesthetic are now offering to plump your boobs with the same type of filler...it's got to be dangerous injecting there surely?. Opinion here believes that they use Saline solution for majority of the time, hence why the need for constant 3 weekly top ups
The ex-Husband Squad & Escapees - fighting back against the Gorgon -
30.1.24 - This is an "allegedly", BUT............... On the Kris Boyson thread, a poster says a it’s a friend-of-a-friend situation on how she knows but apparently Kris was very open with friends about his motives for dating KP. He had several failed attempts at becoming an ‘influencer’ and openly said he was only dating KP for exposure and to promote his fitness brand. Made himself look a right dick in the process though
5.2.24 - From Alex -Escapee #2 -
Has it started resharing it's video collection again in retailiation or just pissed that Alex sent the Bailiffs in? Its high time Alex told Der Troof about the thing!!
And the best thing is, there’s a restraining order til end of this year. She can’t say shit and in any case how can she possibly object when she's slandered every ex and done multiple books and articles slagging them off? Welcome to freedom of speech skanky!
*In an interview some 3 years ago Alex says he has a stack of evidence on her threats to destroy him. He says she's a sociopath and a liar and he can prove it - he says those videos of him were taken without his knowledge and certainly without his permission and as recently as 2020 he was still getting threats that the videos would be shown by KP's staff/flunkies! So if she took the videos without him knowing what does that make her? Men go to prison for filming women with secret cameras!
She is utterly warped! Go on Alex, show us the stack! https://youtu.be/WgmBs4Y6NWw
* It's interesting how he says the world got told he was a cross dresser. He had some photos KP saw, she then encouraged him to take more photos with her then she waited till Simon Cowell's birthday party and showed loads of people because she knew press would be there and people like Piers Morgan. Skank happily outed Alex and put him in the position where he was made to feel really uncomfortable and had no control over the situation - proof right from the off she was looking for opportunities to control him and get blackmail material that it's used ever since! Of course, what Alex did/does like to do sexually is his own, private business but let’s be clear here - the only thing wrong is the fact that the wider public know of some of his kinks because of that rancid, lawless old slag. Don’t forget also that it got her claws into that dimwit Chantelle and conspired with her to keep Alex away from his child, so any allegations that airhead made should be taken with a huge pinch of salt too seeing as she was being guided by the puppetmster skanky. He lost contact with his child due to skank showing that video in Court nd her interference
* Reading what Stephen Bear was charged with surely it's the exact same as what KP did to Alex, ie 'Disclosing private photographs with intent to distress and voyuerism.......'? It's unbelievable she received NO charges for this, indeed its yet another thing it got away with because this legislation was passed into Law in 2015 & yet skank shared this stuff again in 2018. So exactly WHY wasn't it charged?? Was this the police dismissing abuse on men as nothing worth bothering with? Maybe Alex will clarify exactly what happened and why she wasn't charged.
*And he says 'so many horrible things have gone on................'. One can but imagine the relentless hell and abuse it has put him through over the years, however people are going to see what she's truly like when this missile hits the target. What's said in the press re. restraining order messages and Alex's damages case will only be the tip of the iceberg, plus his saying "Doing it for 'protection'......" implies she's threatened him with more besides , although his happy family unit probably pissed her off almost as much as Kieran's does.
Getting at the Exes Plus The Escapees -
29.1.24 - Ok so Lawrence Fox gets this for labelling someone a "Paedophile" - so where does that leave skanky then when it has frequently called K one AND likened him to Jimmy Saville?? Surely the thing is on dangerous grounds?
If not - WHY NOT?
Animals Bought (or grifted) Ready to Die at the Shitty Shack. Take Note RSPCA -
28.1.24 - Interesting. It is believed that all the animal prisoners have gone now, bar Wallis & Bobby plus the new black lab Lady (but I’m sure once that is no longer a pup it will be gone too) Likewise Frog the new kitten. We can but hope they've gone to kind loving people after the hellhole they've left behind but it now looks like those adverts placed by Fenella Dogsbody that skank shreiked were "Fake' and "Lies" were TRUE after all. Hopefully they are all now safe and being cared for yet so much for never getting rid of her pets and a dog is for life.
29.1.24 - Here we go again then - the old boot is up to her old tricks Another dog dumped because its no longer a puppy or cute enough for the thing's Insta! I hope the pup has a wonderful Home now away from the Shitty Shack - the Sun are not holding back on the thing though, listing all the dogs it has "disposed of" like this
Fab news as far as we are concerned because
1 tank has left that hell hole
2 the Sun re-run all the pet horror stories to keep it fresh in the public's mind
Just hoping a few more will be removed soonest
https://www.thesun.co.uk/tvandshowbiz/25577010/katie-price-gives-away-new-puppy-cute-instagram-peta/ What a shame the same criteria is not applied to the skank, ie she's so fucking hideous inside and out that she ought to be banned from ALL SMs in case looking at her turns one to stone.
* It seems all five of the little Chi dogs have escaped from it, hopefully to happy lives finally. Tank we understand has gone to "An Electrician", probably somebody she owed money to so it paid him in Canine Quids - wonder what the Exchange rate is?
* Heres the Daily Mail chipping in - the comments would crucify any normal person but this thing won't give a shiny shit.
www.12ft.io/https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-13020071/Katie-Price-gives-finds-new-home-pet-dog-Tank-losing-adorable-puppy-no-longer-looks-cute-Instagram.html#comments Its rather like the puppy it grifted for Princess - that dog was re-homed to one of the C4 camera crew where I am sure its very happy and much loved
31.1.24 - it is getting a well-deserved roasting from commentators over this Dog Dumping Habit - over 200 on this particular lot which will keep Edna's (the Beige Frumpy Dumpling) Delete Finger really busy for some time. https://tattle.life/attachments/screenshot_20240131_064318_instagram-jpg.2725928/
* and another media source joins in! Only a few weeks ago it stated "A dog is for life.... I would never sell my dogs!".
Et voilà! LYING F'ING BITCH Katie Price and her history with pets as she 'gives away new dog Tank' (entertainmentdaily.com)
* More comments - https://tattle.life/attachments/screenshot_20240131_105815-jpg.2726237/
* It seems locals are only-too-aware of the thing's reputation with animals
* It's Insta is on meltdown too - Edna FD cannot keep up with her Delete Finger! It really is brutal, over a thousand comments & most are attacking her, now finally there has been a viral attack on her which has gathered momentum through the day. Wow, the hate on there, it’s bad - very bad. My fav comment might be ‘Brazil despises you‘ Any brain dead fan popping their head over the parapet defending her is getting jumped on and asked if they think it’s ok to treat pets badly.
* It seems that skanky disposing of Tank was reported in Portugal and Brazil, (quite why nobody knows), however this does explain those comments on her IG. Shame they only quoted one dog being given away and not all the others but either way it proves skanky is rapidly becoming GLOBALLY DESPISED.
Slamming & Swiping - its wot she duzz innit? -
26.1.24 - Here we go then, back to Business As Usual for the skank. Heres hoping this will prove to be The Last Straw for the Ex-Husband Squad & they'll hit it with barrells blazing. What was the crack it made the other night? Oh yeah, "My exs won't leave Meeeeeeeeeee alone" yet its skanky that is so self-obsessed that she can't see clearly because it's HER that is constantly slagging off ALL the ex-husband squad! When was the last time Pete or Kieran even mentioned her without severe provocation when in fact they just want to try to forget her?
No doubt it'll try to blame somebody else, the crappy script or "Lil 'ol MEEEEE didunt unndertaynd........" but it also says in those articles that she 'ad libs' so Gotcha, ya cunt..!
"Never once taking herself too seriously, Katie embraced every element of being in adult pantomime and fully understood the assignment. Every bit of dialogue (even when it went slightly wrong!) "
DM comments -
* You would have thought The Panto Swipe would have been at the latest ex - lamoid loser SB - but if he has already sold the social worker story before he'd finally had enough of her shit and he's obviously got even more tea he could spill, she perhaps has had the sense to finally bind her beak for the first time ever.
2.2.24 - Now its taking swipes at the bimbos on Love Island only it seems to have forgotten that she has done ALL of the things she's slamming these girls for! https://www.thesun.co.uk/tv/25676402/katie-price-savage-attack-love-island/
https://www.thesun.co.uk/tv/25677705/katie-price-sister-love-island-georgia-steel-harrison-funny/ "Having little sympathy for Georgia, Katie declared: "When I watched her on that, I did think 'Oh, she went for him probably for what he could offer her'. Like, is she one of these ones who want a footballer?"
Remember you went after Dwight Y to name but one of your footballer victims eh skank? Pots 'n kettles dearie!
Breaking the Law Consistently - driving etc -
2.2.24- it appears skank has indeed collected a further two year driving ban, but not for her driving unlicensed/ uninsured last summer when the police impounded SB's car. Strangely enough it mentioned an extra day off in yesterday's Twat Tok due to a court date so maybe this was it?
https://www.thesun.co.uk/tvandshowbiz/25681053/katie-price-facing-court-driving-offence/ The Sun have grassed her up again! It has however pleaded not guilty - what a fool - but presumably she s going to try and claim ignorance or blame it on the DVLA or the Post Boc Bandits again, or literally anyone else for not informing her. Reading that this particular offence of speeding plus having No Licence nor Insurance was committed in Kettering Northamptonshire PROVES beyond doubt that skank drives anywhere she goddam wants to, its not just her nipping down to Sainsburys in 'Orsham for 'Arvey's carrot cake supply - she drives everywhere regardless of being banned!!!
* This new driving charge is another one; She also got stopped 21 July last year driving H about in Worthing where her car got seized... so on July 23rd she got pulled over car seized, then commits another driving offence of same nature in Kettering on the 2nd August in same vehicle- unbelievable!! No wonder SB was so fucked-off with her!!!
* The article says there’s been 3 offences - 13 July the speeding one in Gloucester , 02 August this new one in Northamptonshire and then the one where she was stopped with H in the RR on 21 July when they seized it in Worthing! WTF!
* Bear in mind in made a huge hoo-ha last summer when she supposedly did that course to reduce her sentence by 25% - yet the very second she’s back in the car its full steam ahead breaking the law again, speeding for a start.
Using Harvey for Publicity and Sympathy - "Pimp My Child" -
29.1.24 - Something must be up because out come the photos of 'Arv!
Those Poor Kids and "Crooly Mum-Shamed" -
24.1.24 - Bunty's latest SM account has been banned - how long before she sets up another one? Mummy is away in Newky so its even easier now
28.1.24 - Bunty is back with another account collecting even more weirdos following her, doing stuff onscreen that NO CHILD should be doing - Its bad apparently It makes you wonder what sort of thing she has seen that makes her come up with these ideas because this isn't just a child recording herself having fun, these latest ones are highly sexualised and something no 9 year old should be doing or even know how to or want to! And yet its all still there She is emulating her "mother". This is the sort of thing that predators follow & she has 39 followers already, Right at the very end you can hear the skank shouting in the background so she is obviously in the house and aware her kid is on YouTube. Bunty is wearing a wig & trying to look much older. FFS where are social services (not that moron DL either)? It's so sad because the one she posted the other day was saying she will do anything for subs saying she didn't care what it was & all so she could go 'live' - one cannot even comprehend what some people may have suggested to her!! People are scared to death for her and Jett and yet nobody can fathom WHY their mother is off getting pissed, high and slagging around the North of England while those kids are just being left to it with that idiot Dim Lynne the dodgy SW or another random teenager she will mug-off without paying them.
"Ownli Nans" & Vile/Seksi Foters of It, (for blind, deaf Mugs generally) -
31.1.24 - Oh dear God, its "Getting ready for an OF shoot................"
Personally I wish it's Only Fan WOULD shoot it................................ However its en route somewhere with a flunkey driving, the back seat loaded with plastic boxes containing the supposedly "sexy" stuff to tantalise the weirdos stupid enough to pay good money to look at her scars and dreadful surgeries. The sheer tawdriness of it just sums up the nippleless, scar-faced, smelly old granny, pulling on some fluorescent bri-nylon scanties to try and earn a few quid. I LOOOOOVE IT! D’YOU LOOOVE IT? One thing is perfectly apparent though - she doesn't NEED the Mucky Mansion to specifically do the OF shoots then!
The Media Sticking It To Her or Grovelling After Her -
23.1.24 - In view of the "storm" unfolding around the skank via F4J, is this an inkling of what is to come, a little hint in one small word? "STORM"
25.1.24 - Lots of horrendous photos on offer here but also mentioning F4J https://www.12ft.io/https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-13000599/Chloe-Ferry-sparks-engagement-rumours-gold-ring-wedding-finger-treats-Katie-Price-pamper-session-salon.html
26.1.24 - I wonder how much this grovelling diatribe cost the producers? https://www.chroniclelive.co.uk/whats-on/theatre-news/katie-price-north-shields-pantomime-28514624 Not that this tin-pot review means a lot though but in reading that, in a nutshell, she totally fucked up all her parts as usual but the chronicle loved it nevertheless (must have been a right ol' freebie night out to earn such rave reviews for a shitshow)
28.1.24 - and all said with tongues firmly wedged in cheeks "Busty display" indeed - its a hilarious laugh really seeing this sad old boiler wearing another ridiculous outfit more befitting a ten year old's fancydress box! The barcode clearly reads "Past it's sell-by date"
29.1.24 - the Mirror can't even get the names right in this stupid nonsense - they need to fact check here before they publish rubbish! https://www.mirror.co.uk/3am/celebrity-news/katie-price-sets-pulses-racing-31987957
3.2.24 - Heres The Sun pointing out skanky "Taking swipes" at the girls on that rubbish Love Island show, ie saying one of them is only after footballers and what she can get out of them or shagging anything with a pulse..................... Hmmmm who does that sound like with her own reputation with that particular species eh?? Three that we can think of offhand skank! Katie Price in savage attack on Love Islander - asking ‘who hasn’t she s**gged in there?’ | The Sun
3.2.24 - comments from the Mail's article about it's "Huge New Lips" & they ain't kind! Worth a read for the comments alone. Brutal. The general public are wising up to the real KFP: "...has she killed any animals this week?"
"...cocked more than John Wayne's rifle"
"Rogered more times than a standard issue police radio."
5.2.24 - from the Daily Mail concerning skank & Legohead. Note they call it a "verycosy display" meaning they don't believe any of it is true either, however the rest of it certainly IS with the thing launching into a foul-mouthed tirade and getting chucked out of the venue
What was that it pronounced in this week's Crapcast? Oh yes "If you can't handle your drink, don't drink and if you can't control yourself, don't go out...." Pots 'n kettles again dearie