* Resumé -
* Seksi Foters
* AFP's Book of Lies -
* Bankruptcy here we come! Woo Hoo!!
* Old Egg alias The One # 3497, Sink Boy Crawl
* "Isss Awll Abaaaaht MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Innit!"
* Scrounging and Grifting plus Flogging Crap
* More shite on Twat Tok Flogging JYY Crap -
* Scams and Bizznizz Opertewnitys, ie. "Rebuilding the Empire"
* Awl dem Bewty Tweetments, the Syrups, Surgeries, Crap Tattoos & FILTERS!
* The ex-Husband Squad - fighting back against the Gorgon
* Slamming and Swiping. Its What She Does innit? -
* "Iss Me Mentawl 'Elf Innit!"
* Getting at the Exes Plus The Escapees
* Breaking The Law - Driving & God Knows What Else
* Those Poor Kids & "Cruelly Mum-Shamed" & #Bunty Gate
* Using Harvey for Publicity and Sympathy - "Pimp My Child"
* "Ownli Nans" - for blind, deaf Mugs
* Recruitment Campaign for Noo Eggs
* The Broken Trotters
* Animal Victims - take note RSPCA!! Yet Again!!!
*Trampy Towers - aka the Mucky Manshun or The Shitty Shack
* The Media Sticking It To Her or Grovelling After Her
Resumé -
The short delay to her BH should be her Amber Heard moment. Narcs like skanky get away with grifts and lies that do not get any scrutiny, however, the facts that get examined under the microscope in court will be her biggest nightmare where she will try and talk over people with her deluded stories by shouting The LOUDEST. The Courts have seen all this rubbish before though thus she will get marched back on track which hopefully will he beginning of the end for her. The house should be repossessed and auctioned off, if it leaves her owing more money so be it. She has lived with Boyson, rented that bungalow and lived with wank boy, she is only living at THE MM because of that stupid, pathetic TV show and trying to eke out her past "glories" yet she is so lazy and entitled she couldn't look after the grifted make overs. Why should she get to keep the house due to lies about having a roof over her children's heads? Those children ought not to be at that dump anyway
Now onto Keiran, he has money now in his GFM from people who believe he has been royally shafted by the skank, this should enable him to drag her ass to court for a more in-depth look at her lies regarding her kids. She lost them before due to the squalid living conditions amongst other things to do with Her Lifestyle and I believe when a judge looks at the evidence that she herself allows out in public they will throw the book at her. However BH and family courts are different to the criminal justice system. There are lots of ways criminals use the system to play the poor me act MH issues etc. although Family court will look at both home situations and examine things from the children's best interests - not whether it suits the skank or not. She will not win that case based on everything that is already out for public viewing like the videos of Bunny with evidence of child neglect, plus there is evidence of parental alienation and bribery of Jett to tell lies to the police, there are all her blatently obvious drug riddled monologues, the upturned car drive (the result "Going to see "a fwend"/dealer at 6am while off of her trolley already on the stuff), and then theres all the front page news of abuse from Sinky that she now says she "Lied about for cash" with a painted-on bruise. It will all come back to bite her weird shaped ass. These issues alone will make the judge concerned. Now compare this to the image put out from K & M, (the pudding issue to one side and perhaps a bit of tough parenting that could have been used by a child to score points) - none of that will wash in court. Keiran looks like he provides an idyllic country life, country walks and days out as a family. No big mansion falling apart & filthy, just a neat tidy country home and he is still allowed to be around Apollo and V, so the only reason he is not having contact with B and J is her fucking lies and a lack of a custody hearing.
Skank has played the long game and it has given her a false sense of security backed up by Clan Grifter. She is nothing but a has-been tart who thinks because people click in her stories that she is popular. It truly believes that it has this long 30 year "career", yet fails to understand that she is just a laughing stock, a has-been who should have sorted herself out and grown up years ago.
Seksi Foters -
5.7.23 - Fascinating stuff on the SM's these days
No need for us to see it luv because there will be no Five a Day (unless its blokes), it'll all be just burgers, chips, takeaways from Just Eat, vodka & ❄. Just don't try to tell us you eat 'elfy stuff because thats BS! Incidentally this photo is THREE YEARS OLD and she looks like a snake thats swallowed a pig in this outfit
The implication of this is its trying to make-out that it lives on 900 calories per day by surviving on this diet muck its promoting again - jeez theres more than that in one sodding Kebab - she says she maintains her figure for summer on this filth and yet still goes off to have the blubber vaccuumed out in Turkey
Poet's Corner -
Katie Price
Ain't so nice
Her kids are all neglected.
Please don't buy her skanky pants;
Your minge might get infected.
o 0 o
Skanky had a little man his teeth were white as snow,
And everywhere that skanky drove the man was sure to go,
He followed her to Sheesh one day, that was a place for fools,
It made the others laugh and say ‘look at that pair of tools’
And then the bouncers turned him out,
But still he lingered near,
And waited patiently about
For Slimy to appear,
He ran to him and threw himself
Into his skinny arms,
Whispering ‘I’m not afraid, you’ll keep me from her harms ‘
What makes the man love Slimy so?
Skankys huge lungs did cry,
‘Cos Slimy loves thin c**k you know’ the bouncer did reply.
The End.
AFP's Book of Lies -
Now thats what I call Marketing! - https://media2.tattle.life/data/video/2295/2295950-6dcd3af4d0d733dcf80207b8b3a73705.mp4
4.7.23 - let's see how today's "interview" goes. Will skank gatecrash the event? How many different versions of her grubby anecdotes will we get?
This Morning tripe - here we go then
Analyse it more closely though and you'll see other factors at work here. Look at their faces, not just in this picture but all the way through the interview because AFP looks pissed off and keeps giving daggers to Holly. Holly wears her Grin and Bear It professional face -its blatently obvious they dont like each other. AFP is pissed off that Kipper wasnt allowed to appear with her because the book is basically all about trying to relaunch skank's crumbling 'career', therefore if skankys live on Twat Tok and AFP is live on the telly,it means they didnt want skanky on the program. I bet shes mad as hell about that, she thought she could tag along and take over like it always does shouting over everybody else - therefore it means shes either banned by them or they just dont want her company. Plus I would imagine Holly gets on well with Pete who is a colleague for a start and Holly probably thinks the same of the skank as we do - that its a blatent liar, animal killer and God awful parent. Holly will have been privy to a few incidents involving her over the years both professional and personal
* Amy doesn't look like she is about to drop dead unfortunately, she looks old though but thats not surprising with that daughter of hers.
* The other dopey bint Holly just said skank is a "Good mum"
Yeah. And you're a good friend eh Hollow? . . .Ask Philth!
*In the studio with no worries whatsoever about infection….strange.
* AFP is coated in heavy makeup, bloated face, voice and breathing isn’t great, but better than before the op when on that Trauma and Me bullshit.
* Transplant has improved her life but not gone that well she says, "a lot of issues still… "So why the f*ck are you in the studio then . Oh and not a word of thanks nor gratitude to the donor's family for their sacrifice.
* Telling the truth in the book, she doesn’t lie ….haha
* Family are "entrepreneurs"….No. They're grifters more like
* Not initially happy about Skank modelling… lying hypocrite! She thrust her into it & binned the fees from all those disgusting perverts
* Apparently people can learn about softer side of Skank in The Book of Lies and Libel. Poor skank has been manipulated all her life, suffered terrible child abuse, (not from her family, but other people) & her mental health is dreadful because of this (sigh)
* Skank's boob size garbage, AFP didn’t want her have boob enlargement but she did it behind her back. Boobs are now ridiculous she said and doesn’t like the tattoos-she admits it’s body dysmorphia
* Looked into sectioning her, but decided against it after she crashed her car…yeah right
* Holly sez Amy was a constant source of support and it’s a very important book
*Her illness was diagnosed in 2017 – gradually got worse and knew it was her last year(2022) as symptoms were quite bad and on oxygen for more or less 24 hours.
*She was offered a transplant but it hasn’t been simple nor easy and a lot has gone wrong. Rejection drugs and monitored every week – grateful for it but not out of the woods yet. Really grateful to the Drs at Harefield hospital. Staff were like a family and she see the same people all the time. Its like a community. Some will be watching today. The transplant was done in November.
* Amy says she became reflective and thought
‘My grandchildren look at me and think Nan is an old woman sitting doing her knitting and they don’t know I had a life before illness. Write a legacy about family and a legacy about telling the truth" (ie. cricifying their Fathers for money)
"I wanted them to know roots as a family is entrepreneurial and in entertainment’ So getting yer tits out is "entertainment" is it?
* All of the proceeds go to charity. We've already been through this shite
* On starting Page 3, Amy and the rest of the family weren’t happy and thought what she is doing? Kate was headstrong but looking back now, Amy says Esther (Amy’s mum) was like Kate (Fucking hell - two of them???) but it was Esther (normally really strict) said “Wonderful - do it”
* Holly asks what do we learn about Katie in the book? Amy says the softer side and the injustices - how she has been manipulated and used – its child abuse , "But not from us" (of course!) - that happened at a very young age and her mental health suffered. "
No one considered things about MH when she started 20 years ago but that’s really affected her. "
* Kate doesn’t tell Amy about the surgery anymore – Amy thinks it was driven by unhappiness. She did her first shoot and she was on the beach and someone said ‘how can you be page 3 and no boobs?’ She was adamant that she wanted to change and have bigger boobs and all as a result of someone’s comment.
Amy cancelled a couple of skank's operations but “
Kate had learned not to tell me until she was going to op theatre or afterwards”
* "The book explains the cycles and I can tell you when she is having something done. Body dysmorphia – her boobs are ridiculous and the tattoos are done for the same reasons"
*Amy says she thought about getting her sectioned at one stage – "
after the car accident and we were told she needs to get proper help not just seeing a psychiatrist. Discussed it and thought, lets section her but looked into it, but I can't do that to her.” No need when theres 'Otel Pwoiwy dishing out the Mentawl 'Elf certificates for her! She also talks about Skank's 'gotta get proper help' which pretty much acknowledges that the Priory is doing no good.
* Holly – "Katie is a brilliant Mum".
and thats it basically - what a waste of time! It was dead boring in the event so AFP got all her botox and fillers done just for that LOL!! One result for The Grifters though is that for the first time in approaching a decade this will not be AFP's last Christmas - likewise this is deffo not the Last Fricking Word from the grifting matriarch
Heres the old bag's OK article on The Book of Lies and her lung transplant - more lies basically and knocking all the legions of Exes!
https://tattle.life/attachments/img_4757-jpeg.2281408/ She's on steroids after a lung transplant but this stupid vain woman supposedly had Botox & fillers for the photo shoot when she has a suppressed auto-immune system due to the drugs she will take for the rest of her miserable days. YES the silly old bag purposely goes out to get BOTULISM injected into her face!!!! The vanity of it rivals that of the skank itself. You know, someone lost their life to give this over-70-years old nasty piece of work a new lung thereby giving it another chance, yet she deems it OK to use this Extra Time to crucify all KFP's exes in a fairy tale Book of Lies. The timing of this crappy book release was rushed to get a lump sum from The Scum who serialised it then hand that over to KFP so she can stave off losing the MM & pay towards legal representation at BH. Its a play on words really with all the "In my opinion............. allegedly........etc", then theres the spurious claim that all the profits from book sales ARE going to charity! That of course is just BOOK SALES, not the money from this OK article, other magazine stories or the crap serialised by The Sun - just Book Sales. Who will actively BUY a copy of this bog paper when its already been printed elsewhere in numerous places?? The whole family are just CON artists.
And then theres this - Skank says in the video uploaded by OK! she "Doesn't know what's in AFP's book" , yet in a TT live the other day she said the most explosive stuff wasn't published in The Sun so you'll have to buy the BS Book to read it!
5.7.23 - the next instalment of shite - AFP guests on Steph's Crapped Lunch to talk about raising her belovéd Katie. (Dragging it up more like); Will she be able to stop herself launching into one at The Exes on whom she blames everything?
* First words out of it's wizened gob? Said she was grateful to the donor
Proof that they read here eh??
* now affirming that skank has been diagnosed with ADHD
by herself probably.
* Don't fret about all the stuff skank is doing because skank is "good at hiding things" - the kids won't remember so afp sez.
* the kids are looking forward to reading The Book of Lies so she says. Even though she's slagged their Fathers off?
* skank is happy so afp says
* Writing the book was her therapy!
* Grandchildren can’t wait to read it and she didn’t have any input from her children but they gave her their thoughts afterwards and they felt the same way about some things.
* Remark about KP’s small boobs is what made her start with surgery.
* ADHD diagnosis, KP needs to look at things in a different light and she’s getting to know herself.
* KP likes making people laugh and she’s happy at the moment. Does she mean that skanky is a JOKE?
* "KP is on the right path" but what worries her the most is when the phone goes early in the morning or late at night she thinks what’s happened. But she’s happy at the moment being a mum with the kids around her. (Happy to be using them more likely)
* Steph - you must worry about impact on the children, Amy - "if she gets upset it’s in private so the children don’t know and Amy said she doesn’t worry about the children." No surprise there then eh?
* Amy - All money goes to charity and for everyone to check themselves out health wise and to ask for an x-Ray if breathless.
Theres not much else to collate because it's the same script used on the other shit interview but this time with Steph grovelling about after the skank.
* She also said “I had to push very hard for it”………… - Pressurising the donor service?
5.7.23 - some grovelling sychophant pops up chirping that this pile of
is "Number FOUR best seller!"
It must be number 4 in the category for Fucking Lies & Utter Bollocks. There are many different categories of books, there is not a general one for overall book sales yet one might believe it true (????) were it not for the fact this Becci Mansell is PR for the publishers and appears to be another liar. This rubbish Book of Lies isn't even in the top 20.
Fancy being 45 though and still having your Mum make excuses for you! Saying that there are provisions in place for her to be looked after by her brother and (little) sister once Amy dies. And Kipper loves it for some reason!
Also, skank's statement '
The reason I'm like this is men, and abuse. Abuse, abuse, abuse!' Fucking hell, give it a rest because ain't nobody buying it, love but theres theres one true thing that AFP has said - Skank is like a child. Yep she is, acts like one constantly and no amount of therapy will change that all the time the behaviour is enabled by AFP, Edna and all the rest of Clan Grifter and the Gravy Train. AFP is so worried about the skank but not a single thought for the children whose lives it is destroying.
* It’s absolutely unforgivable that she mentions Junior not wanting to visit The Priory when skanky was actually in residence (not all her imaginary visits) insinuating that he maybe has been ‘influenced’ by other people. Unforgivable. And to say KFP still struggles with the fact he and Princess didn’t visit her!! - gaslighting to the extreme. Despicable.
* She also infers in her crappy tome in the chapter about the attack in SA that it was junior's fault because he asked to stop for a wee and the fiends pounced on the convoy, and then at the end of it she says again.
‘I hope junior doesn’t feel guilty because it was him who asked to stop’ Why even say that? It’s just awful. If they thought for one second that he might be carrying any guilt then writing it in a book is not how a caring grandmother would deal with it and I would be livid if that was my son she was speculating about.
* In her slagging-off of Kieron in this Tome of Shite you will quickly notice that AFP can’t even keep her own lies straight. She says Kieran is weak and has no back bone but also claims that he "insisted" on taking over Kipper’s financial management, edging Danny out. (Yes the same brother skanky still accuses of "
Ripping MEEEEEEE off!" After that sez AFP he decided to be Keiron the farmer then made KP buy loads of animals, then next this bloke she alleges to be a weak, spineless specimen appointed himself Project Manager and systematically destroyed a beautiful house! Well he's not been there for YEARS and the place is now a filthy dirty, decrepit kharzi so who has done that eh? But absolutely none of it is anything to do with poor skanky of course - it was all KH and she just did his bidding. What a crock of shit
* There is also the little factlet that AFP has left herself and the rest of Clan Grifter open to investigations as to where The Munney disappears to nor did she happen to say how much she'd made of the back of her daughter. Or perhaps she did do all this out for the great love for her delightful daughter, appearing in all the shows for free and acting as gobby mouthpîece for all skanky's lies and BS?. Nobody knew who she was until she stuck herself in front of the camera and gave these various TV interviews but hopefully after today's BH news there is going to be more than Skanky held accountable. The whole devious, scumbag lot of them have played a part in this Bankruptcy scam from day one so let each and everyone of them be investigated along with her "business" cronies, including Sink Boy. (Daddy Woods is not going to be amused)
https://www.thesun.co.uk/tvandshowbiz/22966925/bailiffs-come-to-my-house-jail-book-katie-price/amp/. This appears to be a rehash of an old "boast" from skank back when this whole shebang kicked-off, nevertheless it remains true to this day - perhaps more so.
* One of her worst allegations against Peter is that he was mocking Harvey by comparing him to Matt Lucas in Little Britain because of his disability - quite a slur on Peter. That's if its true but then the old witch says "I don't LIE"
However just look how Cole winds Harvey up, tormenting him with Carrot Cakes and things, all of which which has been posted on Insta, etc. Why didn't she condemn SB for that when she's already stated that she doesn't like nor trust him with her belovéd skank?
Excerpts from the Book of Lies herein -
(1) Katie Price #292 Child and animal neglector, looks like a parody of Bo'Selecta! | Page 15 | Tattle Life
(6) Katie Price #292 Child and animal neglector, looks like a parody of Bo'Selecta! | Page 15 | Tattle Life
Katie Price #292 Child and animal neglector, looks like a parody of Bo'Selecta! | Page 15 | Tattle Life
Katie Price #292 Child and animal neglector, looks like a parody of Bo'Selecta! | Page 16 | Tattle Life
* Referencing skanky's "Love of animals" when it stole a cheque from the old bag in order to buy a rabbit and all the kit! Is this something to boast about? It just shows the criminal intent of the thing even back then, plus this "animal lover"rubbish is also a pile of crap considering this vile girl used to climb trees to smash bird's eggs in their nests! So AFP thinks stealing cheques and forging them was a sign of an 'entrepreneurial spirit' does she? No wonder she thinks it's fine to owe money to all and sundry and not give two fucks.
Much better are the reviews left on the Amazon site for this garbage - they are epic!
AND - its been listed in the
FICTION section ie; they acknowledge its total bollocks!
and look at the results of Amazon's feedback review
and this
Words from the Wicked Witch of Patcham -
(4) Katie Price #292 Child and animal neglector, looks like a parody of Bo'Selecta! | Page 35 | Tattle Life
Only 10 copies sold on ebay starting at £9.59. Even that crap "Harvey and Meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee" did better than that.
* and it appears The Apple Did Not Fall Far From That Tree either - this is AFP's muvva being inappropriate
Brutal but true!
Scams & Bizniss Oppertewnities aka "Rebuilding the Empire"
6.7.23 - the latest podcast crap and yes it is "Awl Abaaaaht MEEEEEEEEEEEEE"
(3) Katie Price #292 Child and animal neglector, looks like a parody of Bo'Selecta! | Page 16 | Tattle Life
Reviewed for us here "
Put the latest podcast on while I was working, fast-forwarded through much of it, it’s unlistenable garbage, mind numbingly boring, just her wittering on about getting married over the years…I know we all bring our bias to everything she does, but honestly it is dire, worst podcast I’ve ever heard, and we’re only on episode 2
Anyway my thoughts on episode 2….She said, Pete Ya Cunt was her fav wedding, the others were a bit crap, she didn’t even really know Kieran when she married him….clearly she has never let go of losing Pete, she hates him cos he left her and it’s been downhill ever since, you can deny it all you like Skank but I can tell you know those were good days for you, and you threw it all away. You can never be content with what you’ve got, you destroy everything with your toxic personality and vile behaviour. Secondly Sad-Boy as we know is a nothing to her in any romantic capacity, he wasn’t mentioned, she talked about a future marriage listing attributes she wanted in a man, (Surprisingly having no job and sink-wanking didn’t get a mention) no nod towards the sad errand-boy, It’s quite clear he’s not with her in any romantic capacity, but she did say she’s sick of cling ons, she just wants to meet someone who "wants me for me" and there’s nothing worse than when her parents hate her partners ….I spat my coffee out at that Why he’s around who knows, but she really has publicly dissed him again on that podcast….oh yes I imagined the sad Twat doing his best Jeremy Vine Show reaction again. The shame Sad-Boy…..the shame.….but you have no shame or self respect do you….she done you again"
7.7.23 - This though On it's SMs theres some crap about how her podcast is no 1 in ‘Society and Culture’ category and flogging some rubbish signed books from her memorabilia page. I’m sorry but culture and Skank do not even deserve to be in the same sentence
AND this BS about the Andre wedding dress which here she says she discovered a few weeks ago crumpled up in one of containers-full-of-shit covered in rat-doo. One-and-the-same dress that she was trying to persuade Princess to wear for her prom and flouncing about in it for the camera because she wanted to sell it! P sensibly eclined the offer of course
Bankruptcy here we come! Woo Hoo!! -
3.7.23 - you can tell the BH is imminent because we are getting a deluge of Selling stints on TwatTok/FB/etc - and then theres this!
The Ace card gets slapped onto the table, the self-diagnosed ADHD! Another visit to 'Otel Pwiowy scheduled perhaps?
It has lifted the quote about her brain directly from Leandro the Escapee. He was adamant her brain wasn't 'wired' properly & he was right, but she got the right hump when he described her as such
. This is nothing to do with ADHD, she's clearly high as a kite, a very dangerous, crafty but calculating & arrogant individual - & all this 'hard work' selling stuff is her usual MO coming up to another BH.
4.7.23 - It looks like the thing won't be at the BH as expected. Off on another grifted 'Oliday or more surgery woo hoo!
Take a look at this, her Insolvency Record. Dontcha just LUV it?
BTW I think they meant
"Rough Trade" there rather than anything else www.insolvencydirect.bis.gov.uk/eiir/IIRCaseIndivDetail.asp?CaseId=702987311&IndivNo=706212971&Court=HIGH&OfficeID=700000073&CaseType=B
And this - she must have forgotten this rant on a train back in 2019 announcing her bankruptcy. I think when newspapers use quote marks it has to be genuine factual quotes hence she just keeps tangling herself up in her web of lies - it also proves that her rant this morning on Twat Tok about it being her Company being bankrupt and NOT her to be absolute
LIES as usual
Tomorrow I’m being declared bankrupt. Even though I’m not bothered," she said, according to The Sun.
"I’ve known it’s coming, going bankrupt, because I took him (Andre) to court. He’s the worst person ever."
She added:
"I f--king can’t wait. I’m better off. I know I shouldn’t say it. It’s good for me. It’s better than paying two-and-a-half grand a month to f--king HMRC. I’m not worried." Listing the various reality shows she’s worked on, she continued, "
I’ve done the jungle twice,why would I do it again? I’ve done Big Brother, won that, Strictly I would never do, they don’t offer enough money. All the time you take off to do these shows, it’s not worth my while. I earn more money not doing it."
I spend but I have people around me who save for me. My brother and another guy look after my money. I don’t know what I’ve got. At least I don’t know to the penny what I’ve got,” she said at the time.
She also admitted her hair extensions were her biggest extravagance at the time, which cost £6,000 a pop. “
I have them done every three months and it costs six grand each time. I’ve been doing that for 12 years, so you work it out,” she said. They did – it was £288,000.
Now heres a Company of hers that went down the kharzi -https://find-and-update.company-information.service.gov.uk/company/04746234
5.7.23 - on the countdown now to it's BH on Friday. There is a familiar pattern that has evolved between all these BHs where she is a smug bitch & off on holiday every few weeks, walking around in designer gear, whooo hoooing online and basically sticking up 2 fingers to her creditors and the public. Yet a few days before the next BH suddenly she's suffering with her MH, she's vulnerable due to her 'meds', she has been suffering ADHD in silence for years but it all explains her 'behaviour' - she can't help it you see! Right now on the cusp of the next BH we are getting every excuse under the sun to glean sympathy for the thing and to get the process either put back again or, hoping she will be discharged altogether. We shall see
6.7.23 - here it is bragging about it's "2.5 milyun Pahnd 'owse' and denying its bankrupt into the bargain!
https://media2.tattle.life/data/video/2288/2288866-1c1fd824893ada91768a34c076a8a44c.mp4 oh and its buggerred off for sum morr serjurry too thus avoiding Court. Its still going ahead thus far though, whether she denies it or not
and it really doesn't give a shit does it? https://media2.tattle.life/data/video/2288/2288612-602300b481fb0973d037cda1c454ec5c.mp4
Taken from Government site below
"Bankruptcy is a formal legal process, but the first thing to note is that in the United Kingdom, there is only one type of bankruptcy. UK law stipulates that only individuals – not companies – can declare themselves bankrupt. "
7.7.23 - BH Day for the skank!
https://tattle.life/attachments/2290641/ According to the Mirror skank is supposed to be appearing via Teams online but whats the betting she'll either be "Too ill.................." or her and SB will be standing there making Tsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss noises to pretend their signal has vanished! The Mirror also stated that skank was supposed to pay £12 pcm and has failed to keep the agreement - and they've failed to check their FACTS before posting because actually skank was supposed to pay £12,000 pcm. To be fair though it probably wouldn't have paid £12 either
Oh dear....................things are not going skank's way for a change. It seems they are re-scheduling for her to appear in Court before the end of July because they don't believe her Mental 'Elf Lies
The judge wants questioning in court - she can't stop this process now! She is no longer in the drivers seat nor calling-the-shots!
It had no legal representation in court so she's run out road with the legal profession who rightly want their fees and correctly assume she's never going to pay them.
"I'm not paying!" - remember that one! She's really fucked then hahahahahahaha. So, no legal representation & no solicitor but the judge was also aware she went for surgery rather than attend hence why he's insisting on another date poste haste that skanky MUST attend to answer the questions he will supply it with beforehand - and yes its a bit disappointing but
The End is Nigh Woo Hoo!
Just imagine her testimony on this date with destiny. It'll be like one of her Lorrrraaaaine interviews.
Ize 'ad ten kidnap frets, shit coming through my ceiling, all the turds went over the court letters an' my Proof dat its all Pete Yew Cunt's fawlt. Sow dere innit!" Also it can take it's Noo Face to show the Judge.
That withstanding the Skank should have attended the meeting or sent a legal rep because the courts HATE a no show & it really pisses the judges off when they've made so many allowances for it already. So a public examination of her finances asap after 21st July !!
. Undoubtedly she probably hasn't paid her legal team who won't represent her or hand her file over to a new legal team until they get paid. - AFP might have to severely raid the Mattress Fund now because nobody can see how she'll wriggle out of this one.
* No doubt there will be a lot of twitching arses out there at the moment. She will throw anyone under the bus,(seen it before often enough) blame everybody else for the financial mess she has created; The money she’s grifting from sale of tacky clothes, OF’s, daily articles on RedTops, magazine interviews, pictures, all the products she’s endorsing etc etc, is being paid somewhere which means Andrew, her accountant & her brother may be moving money around. The Fairmli as well. She may well be using Harvey’s accounts but it will all be investigated & questions asked and skank is going to have to justify why she’s living like a lottery winner but not paying her debts. The Court will want to see her income versus outgoings and how she’s supporting this lifestyle. Jeyda JYY & anyone else financially associated/implicated with her should be very worried, more so if there’s ‘dodgy’ dealings going on because skank won’t give a
about implicating them to save her own leathery hide so Crawl, his dad, Slimey - all of them must be bricking-it. The
is going to hit the fan. BRING IT ON.
Heres a little token of Hope compliments of one of our Tattlers-in-the Know.
" I read that it’s going to be a full days hearing. My god I’ve literally never heard of that - a whole day of questioning. She definitely won’t be able to use her usual bullshit/flannel/lie technique. As someone said it’s not Lorraine, its a court of law and it won’t wash there. "
So for anyone who thinks she is getting away with the bankruptcy - she isnt - it is getting serious now & she's brought the whole lot onto Herself! Woo Hoo!
Old Egg alias The One # 3497, Sink Boy Crawl -
6.7.23 - Heres what it has to say about SB on it's crappy podcast. He has been whipped by her, he's completely irrelevant and she's still daydreaming about finding a decent bloke to marry her HA HA - like thats EVER gonna happen! Even SB doesn't want her!!
"Sink-Boy as we know is a nothing to her in any romantic capacity, he wasn’t mentioned, she talked about a future marriage listing attributes she wanted in a man, (Surprisingly having no job and sink-wanking didn’t get a mention) no nod towards the sad errand-boy, It’s quite clear he’s not with her in any romantic capacity, but she did say she’s sick of cling ons, she just wants to meet someone who wants me for me and there’s nothing worse than when her parents hate her partners ….I spat my coffee out at that Why he’s around who knows, but she really has publicly dissed him again on that podcast….oh yes I imagined the sad Twat doing his best Jeremy Vine Show reaction again.
https://www.mirror.co.uk/3am/celebrity-news/katie-price-makes-x-rated-30406127 - Dissing SB again!
Yet the MUG is still there taking orders and running about after it like the flunkey he really is all the while it advertises itself in the vain hope some other mug will step out of the primordial swamp to become the next The One .
Poor Sad-Boy not even discussed on the podcast as future husband material, dissed yet again to the public by madam, she’s not even trying to hide the fake relationship much anymore, just throw out the odd staged pap kiss even then the contempt with each other cannot be concealed
Now a Red Top just taking the piss, printing the list of attributes Skank requires in a man from the podcast, mentioning him as just an on/off thing in her life, oh Sad-Boy no one believes you are her boyfriend anymore, including Skank yet what a sad pathetic figure you cut. It seems it is your desire to be her lackey errand-boy which presumably because it’s a job, which is something I guess for a loser. Man up and admit it, but no you won’t do that will you….
6.7.23 - heres what it had to say in it's crappy podcast the other day regarding Weddings, bearing in mind that SB was supposed to be The One and they were going to live happily-ever-after. What are the chances on it finding some fool to
"want me for being me"? LOL
and this; No mention of the Teef being real ones or Turkey Teef though
Katie emphasized her appreciation for men with nice teeth, finding bad breath and white bits at the corners of the mouth repulsive."
Imagine all the "stuff" caught up around her Turkey Teef.................
More Shite on Tiktok Flogging JYY Crap -
3.7.23 - Oh so she doesn’t lie?
So is that her saying SB did actually wallop her like she claimed, and if KH hasn’t seen J for 9 months who the hell had him from oct to Nov when she said she took over custody of them? Who was that with Kieron,Apollo & Bunty in the driveway at the Shitty Shack ? It forgets what it says and trips over it's own lies.
Going back to 2019, heres the uproar over the JYY shite that never turns up.
4.7.23 - Anuvva day anuvva grift Woo Hoo! Back on Twat Tok flogging the crinkly nylon trousers!!
* Said she wasn't on last night because of really bad traffic.
* Showed her leaking ceiling. "
Grift me anuvva plummer innit!"
* She is off her tits on the live. It sounds really grouchy this morning like she‘s on a comedown like on a Monday morning after a heavy weekend Got told off by Jeyda for calling the leggings by the wrong name then was moaning at Jeyda for moving things around on the clothes rail. She said “
You’ve moved things and I can’t find the black leggings”. Jeyda said “you are wearing the black leggings”.
Skanky then said she was leaving to start again….
* She has just shouted at someone on the comments. He said you must be skint. She screeched
“I’m the one living in a 2.5m house so far from it it! Goodbye Ross” Ouch Der Troof 'urts dunnit?
* Still getting the sizes wrong on this garbage and is all over the place
* Just said
"Yeah I’ve got a bump, but I’m not pregnant, been pregnant 5 times don’t you know…."oh my god she so wants to be pregnant and yet she's barren as a housebrick
* ”
I've hit rock bottom" it says but she’s right back up there now apparently
* she is off her face and it’s 9.12am banging on about New York heels
* Someone just said to her "
How low have you got? Your'e tapped!" to which it replied
"Don’t be snobby- know where you came from and be kind Fact is skanky you can’t be kind because you have slated multiple people and harassed them. You don’t know a single thing about being kind do you?
* 9.37 am and she just said " I can hear a child coming downstairs, which one is it?"
So are they both off school now???? It seems its Bunty asking where her packed lunch is that Mummy has not bothered with
* She just started singing about her ADHD because she got distracted by something Now it's trying to flog the white version of the trousers and admits they’re see- through but even though she has no knickers on it insists ‘You can’t see anything’
Like you'd want to?????
* Stretching the waistband again of those horrid crinkly nylon trousers to show One-Size-Fits-All from a 6 to a 22 and banging on about "
It’s not about the label....." Is this why the thing is usually seen dressed distorted-top-to-mangled-bottom in designer stuff (even if it is fake Thai snides)?? Does she think this is the shopping channel???
* The fans ain't buying the bullcrap though
Someone put 'You have the perfect face to model balaclavas' lol
* she keeps making weird faces and acting erratically
*https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/katie-price-takes-aim-peter-30378590 Noted her snipe at PA
* This one is The Best of All! She just said nobody can ever knock her for being a hard worker. She's always worked hard, she's a mother of 5 and provides, she is the bread winner and she 'loves it!' Woo Hoo! She hopes she - get this - 'inspires' people out there.
* JYY have such a great reputation though - no wonder they have this cretin doing their promotions!
5.7.23 - Its back tonight at 7pm; Car-crash viewing at it's finest
6.7.23 - Scintillating!!
6.7.23 - Back on it again flogging the nylon trousers and vest tops, wig all wonky, looking a bloody state. Hangover possibly?
Not back till Tuesday as its going into hiding due to the BH tomorrow
Heres why https://www.thesun.co.uk/tvandshowbiz/22935812/katie-price-jetting-off-more-surgery-nose-job-lips/
* Said she’s not poor and totally the opposite actually - Owns her house and no one can ever take it away she says
* "No I'm not single " underlining that she's got SB back on leash
* Was supposed to see Junior today, but he hasn't replied to her. Princess "practically lives with her."
* Now claiming she broke her feet in the jungle doing IACGMOH when its common knowledge she did that in Turkey on holiday jumping off a wall to escape SB on the warpath;
Details on previous wikis but they do change all the time like everything else does
* I'm not poor, totally the opposite actually" - I own my £2.5 million pound house that no-one can ever take away"
* "I'm single, oh no I'm not single"
* on breaking her feet "It happened in the jungle, 14 screws in my foot," and showed off the scar
*"Princess is with me all the time, she practically lives with me"
*"Why does everyone keep saying it's a wig, its extensions, look" and proceeded to try and show her extensions Then she started picking at her eyebrows and explained "its wig glue"
8.7.23 - Either Edna or Jeyda are still posting this shite whilst it "recovers" from it's latest surgeries
10.7.23 -
"Loving these!" Especially with all the gravy stains on the legs where it has spilt it's cook-in-a-bag roast dinner on them
Scrounging and Grifting plus Flogging Crap -
4.7.23 - Now flogging her riding gear but what's happened to the door??? It looks like it's been kicked off its hinges and lent up in the frame. Not been locking yourself in rooms have you skank to get away from "The One", Mister-he-never-laid-a-hand-on-me?
"Quick, paint-on a bruise!"
5.7.23 - Heres the latest scam exercise that she's followed Slymi into doing - its a pyramid-selling exercise & one Big Con. No wonder she dived in so fast
6.7.23 - Back again to flogging the nasty "skinny" crap she was hawking a couple of years ago. "Wanna see wot Ize Eatin??" - its just another advert for crap. This is the same stuff she was flogging a few years ago by force-feeding it to the kids, the occasion she slopped out a dodgy-looking "pancake" thing to H and he grimaced mutterring "YUK!" https://tattle.life/attachments/2287272/
9.7.23 - trying to grift stuff for Jett's birthday now
Maybe she could actually use Her Munney and BUY something? Hows that for a new idea??
9.7.23 -
"Oooo wonts ter buy sum o' me owld drawers innit! Fwee skidmarks inklewdid..........................." Still wearing that awful sweatshirt too
Awl dem Bewty Tweetments, the Syrups, Surgeries, Crap Tattoos & FILTERS! -
5.7.23 - AFP griping about skanky's fake knockers
It was all soooooooooooooooo worth it though
6.7.23 - its off for more surgery,, lips and nose jobbies; Shouldn't it be attending it's BH not spending more money to look even more hideous? https://go.skimresources.com/?id=143714X1608376&isjs=1&jv=15.4.2-stackpath&sref=https%3A%2F%2Ftattle.life%2Fthreads%2Fkatie-price-292-child-and-animal-neglector-looks-like-a-parody-of-boselecta.40180%2Fpage-18&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.birminghammail.co.uk%2Fnews%2Fshowbiz-tv%2Fkatie-price-defies-mum-amys-27266888&xs=1&xtz=-120&xuuid=83c10604be9b0a0fc939c4418a46d8d9&xjsf=other_click__auxclick%20%5B2%5D
⬅ Thats what skanky thinks about your opinion AFP
8.7.23 - It was a snout job this time with more jumbo lips! https://www.thesun.co.uk/tvandshowbiz/22977448/katie-price-bandaged-face-nose-lip-surgery-belgium/
Why though has it made a point of showing its bandaged gut off? Was it this or just more Liposuction? https://www.mirror.co.uk/3am/celebrity-news/katie-price-plans-ribs-removed-26531803
8.7.23 - the comments on articles detailing it's latest butchery are retaining a level of sheer brutality unseen before
"Where's all the money coming from for God's sake bankruptcy case's still pending in court and she's spending like its gone out of fashion."
"Why does no-one ask her this? TV programmes happy to give her airtime but never ask any probing questions ie: where are you getting the money for all these holidays/surgery's/tattoo's.. why have you made false accusations against your exe's and been abusive and bullying to their partners, why don't you look after your pets properly, why have so many died in your so called care. Why are you refusing to give Kieron access to his children and why are you keeping Jett out of school, who exactly is home schooling him and the list goes on but they just allow her to spout her poor me, victim, mental health bs. If you can't do your jobs and actually interview her ie: ask questions don't pay the vile woman to spout her lies on TV, it's pretty much guaranteed to get 99.999999% of the UK public switching over anyway so seems rather pointless.'"
The ex-Husband Squad - fighting back against the Gorgon -
7.7.23 - Peter is furious about the Wicked Witch of Patcham slagging him off yet again. Time to Get Legal with them Pete (especially as we know the thing is too skint to afford legal representation now!) https://closeronline.co.uk/celebrity/news/peter-andre-amy-price/
The insider says, "Part of him wants to speak out and have his say because there are a lot of things he's never said. If he were to really reveal some of the things that went on in his marriage to Katie, he thinks people would be really shocked. He could write two books on it! But that's not his style. He's not interested in throwing stones and hurting people and he's certainly not interested in digging through his past relationship with Katie." NOTE - incidentally the bag it's carrying is for a well-known clinic specialising in hair transplants which when you look at the state of it's dreadful barnet this will surely be another serjerry for it to enjoy in the near future?
Not new gossip but it adds another facade to how Peter has chosen to simply blank the skank out of his life as a way of dealing with it. It comes third-hand but is nevertheless interesting. The person in question was at one of skank's booze-fuelled girly-events before her marriage to AR where it held court over the gathered crew, an event where somebody asked why she let Pete go when he was clearly The Love of Her Life and here skank spilt the beans. It seems that skank "got fruity" at the stables with Gould the riding instructor whereupon his wife caught them at it and rang Peter. He turned up as skank was promising anything and everything to the bloke's wife in order to buy her silence, he never said a word throughout then walked away, skank was anticipating a massive argument later but NOTHING; He completely blanked her and she cannot stand it, in fact he is still doing it today which must really grind her gears and it probably explains why the thing is continually goading a response from him. It makes sense because Peter was already done with her, in his head. He didn't need to kick off about it because he was past caring by then and it also ties up with her pathetic insistence that she didn't know why he'd left her because he'd never said. Well, not in so many words but it was pretty obvious, wasn't it? What was there to say?
* Heres how to get rid of it in one fell-swoop! She made a play for this bloke and refused to stop pestering him continually - then he delivered this little number. It seems the thing finally got the hint
Slamming and Swiping. Its What She Does innit? -
7.6.23 - yes its back slamming Peter AGAIN! www.thesun.co.uk/tvandshowbiz/22920866/katie-price-swipe-peter-andre-tiktok-mum-slammed-book/
8.7.23 - and yet it was "Me fayritt weddin' innit!" https://www.ok.co.uk/celebrity-news/katie-price-reveals-favourite-three-30419284
The Browkern Trotterz -
6.7.23 - On it's Twat Tok today, yes skanky repeated the accusation that her trotterz were browkern in the jungle on IACGMOOH! She has 14 screws in her feet and "Was in wheelchair for 10 months" because of this other traumatically hideous event that ITV have covered up presumably, you know like they did that horrendous incident in Saaaarrrrf Affrikka when she was waped by dozens of armed hijackers in a Vauxhall Astra. Strange though because up until now this all happened at Land of Legends in Turkey jumping off a wall and then she changed it to her hotel where she "fell". Another crock of LIES then!
"Iss Me Mentawl 'Elf Innit!" -
Yep get that story Out There in readiness!
How does ADHD explain her assaulting people, throwing phones at partners or being so obsessed with exes she up in court for Restraining orders and Revenge porn? How does it explain flipping a car and having to do drugs tests to see your kids?
Some in the media are questioning this "diagnosis" anyway but skanks ADHD was only mentioned by her only a few months ago so in that short time skanks seen a doctor, got a referral from him to go to a ADHD specialist, got diagnosed, prescribed medication and is now seeing a therapist when people have said it could take years to even be diagnosed. Amaaaaazin' innit?
More of this bullshit incoming. www.thesun.co.uk/tvandshowbiz/22905245/katie-price-reveals-shocking-health-diagnosis-why-refuses-listen/ However, now she's going to go on and on about this bullshit ADHD. It will be used as the ultimate excuse to get out of everything she's ever done. '
My ADHD made me do it! Me brain's wired differently'! Yeah, you don't fucking say! This is why she is so disliked now, she makes shit choices and never ever owns them & those choices hurt other people (like her own kids) Her whole career has hurt women more that she ever knows or will ever care and none of it has anything to do with ADHD! Its called Being An Arsehole. Heres one she has'nt thought of yet, another Syndrome/Disorder. https://tattle.life/attachments/screenshot_20230703_180919_facebook-jpg.2282278/
It has proudly shown its medications for this supposéd ADHD - It was Citalopram, an anti depressant that doctors dish-out like Smarties but she said they were her ADHD meds. She’s a flat out liar, proven yet again! Irrespective of that skanky must be thrilled with her own ingenuity in finding a (fake) diagnosis with symptoms that so typically replicate some of those of a cocaine binge.
5.7.23 - "See! Louk! Der Pwiowy sez iss awl der fawlt of MEN! It ain't Meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee"
(84) Katie Price #292 Child and animal neglector, looks like a parody of Bo'Selecta! | Page 4 | Tattle Life
Hideous photo of The Norks taking up 90% of the camera lens
Yet poor Kipper has had so much trauma, so much drama it's given her PTSD. But every single thing she claims is the cause has also happened to the kids -
Dead horses, dead dogs, failed marriages, burglaries, fires, Death-row Granny, House moves, bankruptcy, SA robbery & 'sexual assault' & their Mum being in a car crash - but apparently according to Super Gran AFP the children don't need worrying over & are perfectly fine (apart from needing therapy because of their Dad
) Its poor old, hard done by skank that needs all the sympathy & help. What cunting, evil, lying manipulators those two are (amy & kp)
Breaking the Law - driving and everything else -
Here we go again then - onwards with the driving offences
https://www.thesun.co.uk/tvandshowbiz/22909412/katie-price-driving-illegally-risks-fine-licence-back/ Back to driving with no tax/insurance etc again but I don't suppose the police with bother with this either as per usual. Note again that this photo was sold by Goff who has a habit of selling hideous unfiltered pictures of it committing "crimes", in fact one might think he's got it in for skanky
Perhaps she owes him money too?
Using Harvey for Publicity & Sympathy -
It maintained for years it would NEVER allow H to leave her side (or AFP's) yet as soon as his maintenance from his father finished and she couln't extort any more, off goes H into residential. His current residential costs the taxpayer over £350k pa because of course, skanky's money is to be spent on SKANKY alone.
Those poor kids, "Cruelly Mum-Shamed" & #Bunty Gate -
3.7.23 - banging on about her keeping Jett out of school for 9 months https://www.thesun.co.uk/tvandshowbiz/22907734/katie-price-son-jett-hasnt-been-school-nine-months/
7.7.23 - Bankruptcy Day and it has cleared off abroad again to avoid it to have "Sum Morr Serjerry" on its ugly face this time. Funny how she "
Couldn't leave the kids" to go on This Morning the other day with her lovely mum, but can leave them for days on end to trot off for more surgery. Yep, makes perfect sense. Its not the first time "I can't leave MY kids." has popped up as an excuse though because she also pulled out of some cooking show (aka she was kicked off but spun her own version of why she wasn’t going to be on it) saying
‘I can’t leave my kids right now’ and then immediately went to a beauty salon for hours of treatments straight from the airport then onto Wales for a plasterclass.
"Ownli Nans" - for blind, deaf Mugs -
8.7.23 - Heres an interesting snippet from a Tattler regarding this lucrative enterprise skank reckons is earning it a fortune
"It's OF account is actually managed by GloProject. They arrange shoots and gather a bank of content (hence why it spent a week with them in Spain last summer when the infamous Batnan outfit appeared), then they drip feed it to OF. It will be their admins making the posts and replying to messages etc. This will be why she references her “team” in her OF bio. For this service GloProject takes around 10% of the net income an account makes. They are very vague about what they do because subscribers will most likely not be happy to know they are not actually interacting with the “model” but instead its a faceless drone at GlowP HQ that the account appears to be run by. Another thing to mention is that GloP only works with
non-nude models, any fans hoping for more will be disappointed. (Hard luck to all the sicko perverts) In a nutshell all KFP has to do is turn up for shoots or send over her own self shot stuff and let them deal with it, however it seems working with skank was not nearly as lucrative as they had hoped but the "likes" her posts get are no indication of earnings, especially as GloProject use all the accounts they manage to like each others posts and therefore give an allusion of greater popularity."
Recruitment Campaign for Noo Eggs -
Word has it that in the short period she was apart from SB skanky attended a funeral where she (allegedly) went table-to-table at the wake trying to recruit a Noo Egg! Obviously it was unsuccessfull since they're back togevva agen LOL
Yeah; Here she is waiting for The One #3479 to come along to save his damsel in distress, you know, The One Who Wants Her for just Being Her
Trampy Towers - aka the Mucky Manshun or The Shitty Shack -
5.7.23 - here we go then, its on-the-grift for Some MUG to nip over to fix her roof now undoubtedly because
IF C4 make more of her shite Mucky Manshun garbage they sure as hell WON'T be fixing that for her! All they do is tarting-up the dump by sellotaping Barbies about and other naff projects, they will not be doing major building works so you can forget that idea skank seeing as a new roof on the hovel will be £50k upwards
If it does find Some Mug then as we have seen with the hot tub debaclé, it ain't gonna pay for it!
6.7.23 - "Make-up stains?" Thats the result of keeping the dogs shut indoors, not spilt make-up
Katie Price jetting off for MORE surgery as star plans nose job and work on her lips | The Sun
The Media Sticking It To Her or Grovelling After Her -
3.7.23 - They are clearly taking the right royal piss out of it!! Listen to the sounds of barrell-scraping! So here we go - out with the "Paramedic" rubbish again just to start with then, but exactly HOW can someone with anxiety, ADHD, PTSD, personality disorders, life changing feet injuries, serial criminal records for drink/drugs/harrassment be employable in a professional such as emergency medicine??
They certainly wouldn’t let her loose driving an ambulance for starters in case it turns the vehicle over
A volunteer Paramedic no less! Woo Hoo!
Just roll up, jump in and help.
No training required.
Only essentials, big tits and fat lips.
There really ought to be more people of Skanky's ilk to cure the health care problems in hours. Anyone fancy a bit of open heart surgery this afternoon whilst filming live on your mobile wearing your JYY pants and tops?
This was last time the Paramedic thing got an airing & were it TRUE the thing would be qualified by now of course - but it ain't!!!!
It's all been said before. It's a just a druggy with 'severe' menkil elf problems and a load of drink driving convictions, therefore she's not getting in an ambulance in any sort of uniform....unless she takes too much ❄ and overdoses in her seksi Batnan costume.
But a 'Volunteer paramedic'?? Do such things even exist? How could it as paramedics have to have extensive medical training which is something she clearly would be incapable of doing!
Notice too how every one of these alleged TV shows that its supposed to be doing HAS to have KATIE PRICE in the title, even the ones about poor Harv?
Even for the Scum, this is piss poor reporting. Have the 12 year olds handed over the reins to the 10 year olds?
6.7.23 - but they've redeemed themselves a bit with this snippet. It has proclaimed TWICE now on Twat Tok that the Browkern Trotterz incident occurred when she woz in der Jungul on IACGMOOH. Yes its another snipe at ITV who of course
"Crooly abandunned MEEEEE in Saarrrfff Affrikka to dem wapists wiv machine guns and fings - in frunt ov me kidz anawl innit!" We all know and its documented on here from back at the time that skank injured itself out in Turkey when on 'oliday with SB. Its open to debate whether it fell whilst rat-arsed or whether fleeing from SB but anyway, first of all it blamed the holiday park Land of Legends and then shifted the blame to her hotel (which is where this photo was taken.)
The Troof is Skank did this years after she was in the jungle.
Me hideoysly injurrd feyt woz dun in der Jungle and dat buncha wankas ITV nevva dun anyfink to elp me. AGGEN!"
https://www.12ft.io/https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-12270673/Katie-Price-sparks-fan-concern-low-calorie-diet-revealing-eats-day.html - yeah righty-ho! The Sun knows damned-well this is bollocks because the thing lives knee-deep in takeaway wrappers and boxes!
7.7.23 - They're rubbing their hands gleefully today with this one - brought out on skanky's Bankruptcy Day Woo Hoo!!!
Nice one The Sun!
The tabloids are LUVVVING it! Woo Hoo!
8.7.23 - Heres the Sun again regarding the Shitty Shack. They are on-a-roll these days skank - its what happens when you betray then turn on the hand that feeds you
https://www.thesun.co.uk/tvandshowbiz/22977674/katie-price-mucky-mansion-sale-bankruptcy/ The papers are out to get her now since BH yesterday the gloves are coming off
10.7.23 - Heres another newspaper calling-out the skank for grifting, this time for a birthday party for J&B. Maybe she'll have more success with this than she did with the Grease themed one she was supposedly going to do for P's 16th birthday a few weeks ago, you know the amaaaazin' occayshun that amounted to NUFFINK? LOL
11.7.23 - and here come The Sun as regards her attempting to grift a Birthday Party with all the trimmings for J&B.
Even her tame sycophants at OKrap magazine don't appear to be liking skank and the Grifters very much since The Book of Lies emerged. Heres a story from Peter's perspective, how the Grifters and their seedy antics have pushed the man too far this time and he is going to seek recompense for the misery the scumbags have caused. Now theres a thought - Pete can stick her for compo then hand the entire lot over to Kieron to get the kids back from it! Woo Hoo. The thing will self-combust in rage!!!
24.3.23 - Lifted directly from it's shitty podcast today so it won't get a penny for it!
Pity they did not ask skank WHY the parents at the school despise her? Could it have been anything to do with her rude, abusive and disgusting behaviour towards them that led to it getting a Restraining Order and banned from the school premises? Nah she thinks its because they're ALL jellus of her!!
Skank doesn't like other mums "judging her" so she retaliates by isolating her kids. The fact they 'judge' you, Skanky is because you're a totally unpleasant person who doesn't know what the truth is even if it jumped up and bit you on your surgically deformed arse....
"She continued: “I don’t want school mums I don’t know, especially with their school, with what’s going on, I don’t want them in my house and them judging me, when they have judged me all along and got it wrong."
“And it’s just having people in your house. The thing with the tepees is the kids can stay overnight, but luckily they didn’t want to stay overnight, they had things and I thought yes.” Complete bollocks - all of it. This was not even "A Party" - it was a grift for a photo-op