Katie “Car Crash in a drunken dash and bloated toad” Price (full name is Katrina Amy Alexandria Alexis Infield). Changed her surname to Price when her mother “Iron Lung” Amy aka Saint Amy the Apostle married Mr. Price. (She's better known nowadays as Amy The Enabler, and 'AMY FUCKING PRICE' aka AFP). Amy the Enabler has slipped off the radar recently (Nov 2021)after imploring The Media to lay off her precious offspring after Slapgate, the boozing & driving incidents and everything else sent it to another correspondence course at The Priory AGAIN. Her darling daughter then promptly ignored all her advice and debunked to supposedly marry the odious Cole in Las Vegas against Mummy's demands to the contrary. Mummy (with egg-on-her-face & looking entirely STUPID now) is conspicuous by her absence from the media begging for sympathy for skanky, particularly she will apparently be absent from the Wedding of the Century which no doubt she will have to watch on Pay-Per-View like the other two of her adoring "fans".
Skanky slithered into this world: 26th May 1978 (and the midwife slapped her mother's face)
FKA Jordan . Skanky. FrankenPrice. THE Sussex Bike. Dolly. Mouldy Spamelot. Cum Dumpster and Piss Boiler. klattieFlatus, LipusFatus, MankusFlapus arch enemy of the hawk people and ruler of the galaxy, and Tuna Canoe & Zelda of the Terrahawks.
Not forgetting Cararlgetoffme. New on the list bearing in mind the state of it is Dog the Bounty Hunter
The Alter Ego in operation - https://youtu.be/mQn9qiaw3_4
Her current 'Beau' (that she intends to marry asap - for whatever confusing reason) is Mr Carl Woods, a failed Love Island contestant. Also commonly known now as Crawl, Coal, Cum Boy Coal, Lego Man, BoySon Mk2, Bully Boy and Biffa. More recently named SINK BOY!
Collectively known as a pair of absolute weapons grade cunts!
Fancy a real laugh? Read this Lie-fest. The other wiki is just as inaccurate too - she could almost be described as "nice" to anyone reading them without knowing The Truth behind the lies and to describe it as a "singer" too, OMG!!
Heres how to offend your ears - this is it's singing voice, perhaps WORSE than it's speaking voice if one ever thought that possible https://youtu.be/IDZXnhK7TeI
Doesn't know how to live without a "man". Been married 3 times and engaged 8 times thus far, probably more often than the bogs at Euston Station: (Which are, incidently, much cleaner).
Dwight Yorke. He escaped marrying her but the result was one child, Harvey. She has punished him at every opportunity ever since. Re Harvey - https://tattle.life/attachments/screenshot_20211202-194301_samsung-internet-jpg.901792/
Peter Andre (2005 - 2009) Two children, Princess and Junior + at least one abortion.
Alex Reid (2010 - 2011) No kids (fertility issues??) IVF; A shrewd move there from Alex perhaps?
Kieran Hayler (2013 - 2021) Two children, Bunny and Jett.
Heres what she thinks of the men raising her children -
The Next Crap Wedding (or not) -
and the next mug steps up for execution skanky-stylie
https://www.thesun.co.uk/tvandshowbiz/16700085/katie-price-wedding-licence-carl-woods-vegas/ - the condemned man steps up to the guillotine
AFP will be delighted with this then /www.thesun.co.uk/tvandshowbiz/17238210/katie-price-reveals-wedding-date-at-mucky-mansion/ Errrrm the Fairground theme is not New or exclusive but does Mr Price know he's going to be The Clown IF he goes through with the farce?
https://www.thesun.co.uk/tvandshowbiz/14764409/katie-price-bans-celeb-friends-wedding-plans/ This is assuming any of her Z List Celeb "mates" would want to attend her 100th yooneek weddin annyways
7 Jan 2022 - now screeching that this wedding is all a lie made up by the media! So who gave them the story then luv? You perhaps?
* And hoping for a miracle to earn a few quid out of this debacle - https://www.thesun.co.uk/tv/16710060/katie-price-rake-in-thousands-filming-fourth-wedding/ Believed to be a pay-per-view jobbie so she'll earn about a tenner then and thats from bunnyboiler and MoRon. She probably charging her muvva to watch too
Will this non-event even happen? - rumours abounding currently. The Saturday wedding did not take place either - was Elvis too busy to officiate? Note that it is off-its-latest-face again though
The Naff-Fest continues unabated - matching Tattoos to commemorate The Great Day! LOL 3dc9291b-6c0f-4da0-90c6-f255ca53a21b-png.866761 (675×900) (tattle.life) This rubbish looks more of a publicity set-up as every day progresses and they don't get hitched considering you can be legally wed in days in Vegas, and yet somehow the 15 minute "service" seems to have eluded this pair of Users, instead its just a plethora of really crap stilted photos of them eating or shopping for more junk.
Pot's 'n kettles luv! /tattle.life/attachments/95e9c447-393b-4545-a58b-8d5e66e60614-png.866211/
Nevertheless the media is full of garbage over these two "gushing" over each other as they pretend to hide from fake paparazzi allegedly mobbing them in underground car parks (like they do); twww.thesun.co.uk/tvandshowbiz/16730029/katie-price-carl-woods-wedding-las-vegas/ Of course he's "Hot........................." Las Vegas is in a effing desert FGS!!!
this "loved-up" "couple" staging some more pix to show how blissfully 'appy they are LOL
And continuing the theme of LIES now posing at a wedding chapel following the bridal shop visits etc www.thesun.co.uk/tvandshowbiz/16744206/katie-price-hints-married-carl-woods-inside-chapel/
And heres the Truth of their stupid little games over in Veegass - www.thesun.co.uk/tvandshowbiz/16747274/katie-price's-carl-woods-insists-aren't-getting-married/ In view of this pathetic exercise no doubt this entire charade is going to be cited as "A work trip" when questioned about it in the bankruptcy hearing when pulled about the amount of 'olidays it's had since being hauled to court over it's massive debts.
And here lovely Journos and media bods is exactly what wanky thinks of you for continually printing all their rubbish and BS without question. Don't you think its high time YOU all told the truth about these two deadbeats instead of prolonging the death throes of their so-called "Careers" in the media eye? Time you shot them both down in flames He has also wasted no time in slating Peter and Kieran who leapt to defend their children from the shit-storm that erupted when they let it be known they were getting hitched out in LV and were "Going to take the children to live with them there". (As if!)
This is one lovely guy eh?
and onwards grinds the bullshit machine https://tattle.life/attachments/4a237502-c732-403f-b227-59eb392f5df3-jpeg.869014/
Now we have the last escapee enjoying watching the hubris of these scumbags tear itself apart as they plummet even further with every single day. Boyson had a very lucky escape from a life in purgatory with it until he'd inevitably join the Marital Escapees Committee He was fortunate to get out intact before he'd been forced to marry it
Harvey is getting an airing now as anticipated 06abc3fe-de61-48a6-83e1-7bf7601282d7-jpeg.869076 (479×900) (tattle.life)
So the lad who gets upset and loud noises and stuff "will love Veegass" when he's gone to play Happy Families there with her and wanky? Pull the other one! It will scare the hell out of him you cretinous imbecile but trust YOU to try to bring the lad onto your crummy scheme She's also plugging that Book of Lies again on her Insta.
Being called-out again for her behaviour - www.thesun.co.uk/tvandshowbiz/16753725/katie-price-joke-come-home-las-vegas/
Not that it will be back anytime soon - gossip indicates its planning to flit off elsewhere from Veeegass instead of returning to the UK; They're on the move again so let us see where they blight with their presence next shall we?
And heres the start of justifying the bullshit Veeegass weddin dat nevva woz - "we woz werkin". By saying that they can try to justify this latest Holiday as "work" to the Court - do you think they'll fall for that one again?? And also note that its The Media ruining her mentawl 'elf too (not the coke & booze of course)
https://www.mirror.co.uk/3am/celebrity-news/carl-woods-planned-whole-vegas-25436308 - so it wasn't a "work trip" then? Make your minds up They are now making it known they were in Veeegass doing a youtube infodoc on Getting Wed in Vegas - hahahaha! Why did Skanky need to do this because she's already been married there before, to Alex Reid! What a pair of idiots clutching at straws
But look at this quickly deleted post from Cole - trouble in paradise perhaps? Cue Slapgate The Return
The Priory - the Go-To Place when you want people to think you are getting therapy for yer Mental 'Elf.
Katie Price RETURNS to The Priory just one day after returning from Las Vegas | Daily Mail Online
WHY do they allow her to use them in her schemes to keep her out of prison by making out she is nuts?? Whenever she gets caught out doing something illegal & nicked its straight over there, fill in the forms for the correspondence course and off she goes with her colouring book to carry on with complete disdain for everything she's done. The use of The Priory's "therapy" is a bit like three Hail Marys and she's been forgiven everything yet again
Back there again to continue the Lies in readiness for Court - even the schoolboy is looking at it as if to say "WTF is that????"
25 nov 2021 - www.12ft.io/https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-10246107/PICTURE-EXCLUSIVE-Katie-Price-wraps-lingerie-shopping-heading-Priory.html
Humiliate The Husband - her favourite "game"
Kieran - /tattle.life/attachments/screenshot_20211104-080117_firefox-jpg.845991/
tattle.life/attachments/screenshot_20211104-080142_firefox-jpg.845992/tattle.life/threads/katie-price-76-skankys-got-new-book-but-is-slapgate-off-the-hook.24192/page-17#lg=post-6940025&slide=2 Little wonder he looked elsewhere with a harridan like this waiting to pounce on him at every opportunity
Peter Andre - https://youtu.be/eb-Xn_6JYoI
https://youtu.be/noCOJeNKpOM - dumping Alex on youtube; Classy gal eh??
https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=R5Sbft0e&id=B34D1F91F08B76DE3BDFEAC2AEAB4A1318C4477A&thid=OIP.R5Sbft0eQvNwKJ2cO14oUAHaFS&mediaurl=https%3a%2f%2fth.bing.com%2fth%2fid%2fR.47949b7edd1e42f370289d9c3b5e2850%3frik%3dekfEGBNKq67C6g%26riu%3dhttp%253a%252f%252fcdn.evoke.ie%252f2016%252f04%252f28071841%252f220-640x457.jpg%26ehk%3dePsaWVz5Z8If5g0ygm9642B7QPWxKajaN7psqTgWgL0%253d%26risl%3d%26pid%3dImgRaw%26r%3d0&exph=457&expw=640&q=kieran+hayler+dress+as+a+unicorn&simid=608000788988632225&FORM=IRPRST&ck=F8D7EC081803F07400EF79B33B4FEF68&selectedIndex=3&qpvt=kieran+hayler+dress+as+a+unicorn - make him look a complete tit again as revenge for his cheating
Nov 2021 - Duh! We'd never have guessed!https://www.mirror.co.uk/3am/celebrity-news/katie-price-declares-hates-kids-25577687
//www.thesun.co.uk/tvandshowbiz/16975270/katie-price-swipe-exes-peter-andre/ -dragging the exes into the equation again making out they're responsible for her vile behaviour
KATIE HAS "DATED" — Dwight Yorke: Father of Harvey. Harvey has many complex needs including septo-optic dysplasia. Many of these problems were probably caused by her continuing to 'wild party' during Pregnancy(note * The Coke Habit section below), using copious amounts of alcohol and Class #A drugs. No records of him ever being diagnosed with Prada Willi Syndrome.
Chris Harvey Boyfriend at school until 1994
Jeff Bloch from the stables when she was 15 said she lost her virginity to him at 16, said he was abusive and she had a miscarriage (although her Stepdad got money out of him for an op after the miscarriage??)
Kieran (Surfer)
Gary Bolingbroke, left him for TS, accused him of being abusive
Teddy Sheringham
John Scales
Warren Furman (engaged)
Ralf Schumacher
MC Harvey (rumour)
Dane Bowers (had an abortion) tried to commit suicide by taking pills
Anthony Lowther
Dwight Yorke
Gareth Gates took his virginity when he was 17 while she was 6 months pregnant with H
Dane Guiden
Edward Tollemache
Matt Peacock cheated on him 4 times
Scott Sullivan * gives Andre a BJ in the hotel after their stint on Celeb on the promise of more and goes home to ditch Scott.
Peter Andre (M 2005-2009). Miscarriage in 2006. Post natal depression after Junior, took drugs, said she wanted to kill herself driving into a wall. Said she had a miscarriage, but it was another abortion. Cheated on him with Andrew Gould and 2 others PRIORY 2006
Andrew Gould riding instructor (rumoured)
Andre Pinto (he said they had 3 sessions in the sack) before she ditched him for AR
Alex Reid (M 2010-2012) he won a revenge p0rn case against her.
Amir Khan (rumour, he denied in the press)
Leandro Penna cheated on him with John Arne Riise and his mate
John Arne Riise (Mr X)
Those 2 German blokes in Majorca who she spent the night with. I love coke rap
Simon Cowell (said they had fun in his bed)
Frank Lampard said she had intermate moments (ie a BJ)
Danny Cipriani
Joe Hart (rumour)
Gavin Henson
Kieran Hayler (M 2013-2021) cheated on him with Shane Duffy, KH also found Dele Alli facetiming her. (Miscarriage) and called KH mentally abusive, said she took drugs and was on Valium. Cheated on KH at least 7 times.
Shane Duffy (rumour)
Kris Boyson (Miscarriage) cheated on him with AA & CD Said she turned to drugs during the marriage PRIORY OCT 2018
Alex Adderson
Charles Drury (He claimed Katie was sexting other men, some married, while she was with him) CD said she was a drug user
Scott Timlin/Scotty T (rumour)
James Tindale (rumour)
Louis Casper Dunweber - Valentine's 2020 PRIORY March 2020 (Inpatient she said. But not for 5 weeks as stated, as she was seen on the 4/3 and was back on social media 22/3)
Leon Esfahani (while with Kris Boyson)
Stuart Tomlinson
Carl Woods (2020-Dec 2023). Still together even though it's rumoured he's responsible for 'slapgate' cheating on him with a new/old egg and many more Jamie Morrison, Jack Grealish, Tom Pearce PRIORY OCT 2021 Ordered to attend a treatment programme after her drink drive/coke/uninsured crash
JJ Slater 2024- already messaging another guy at start.
www.thesun.co.uk/tvandshowbiz/16863364/katie-price-kris-boyson-big-hint-messaged/ - so as soon as Cole binned her she's back on Boyson's case. He'd have to be bloody mad to go back there surely?
Charles Drury escaped her clutches - he very kindly made up this "rap" about her https://www.thesun.co.uk/tvandshowbiz/12643830/katie-pirce-ex-charles-drury-sings-drug-use-debut-single/?utm_source=native_share&utm_medium=sharebar_native&utm_campaign=sharebaramp LOL
Also from Charles Drury, the gruesome details of how their "romance" began - whilst she was still with Boyson. It also appears she took her daughter to some rendezvous with Chaz, doing coke and shagging whilst her daughter waited for her https://tattle.life/attachments/1640021348740-png.934927/
Unbelievably The Queen has not sought to give skanky an 'Onner in the 2022 New Year Listings but this journo at the Sun has- at bloody last!/www.thesun.co.uk/tvandshowbiz/17190811/2021-bizarre-dishonours-list-katie-price-matt-hancock/
In the midst of one of her insta-rants slagging off the Media she compared them as being "worse than porn", that in itself being a snipe at Kieran's extra-curricular activities on OF.
Has she forgotten this then from a couple of years ago?
Most of her animals and birds end up DEAD through an assortment of supposed "mishaps", ie they escape from the unfenced, unsecured property to end up as roadkill for which she blames everybody else for having the sheer gall to use the main road in the first place, this list of death includes dogs and horses. Birds end up killed by her dogs, dogs end their days flattened (allegedly) by the pizza man however everything dies in her hands, the most recent victim being a tiny puppy that died in excruciating agony having been folded up in a reclining chair after being drugged up to the eyeballs by her to shut it up.
List probably incomplete but here we are:
One horse was killed, 2 injured on the road https://www.12ft.io/https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-5105239/Katie-Price-reveals-horse-killed-car-accident.html
Sparkle & Queenie https://www.thesun.co.uk/tvandshowbiz/10945811/katie-price-dog-sparkle-dies-escaped/
Bear https://www.thesun.co.uk/tvandshowbiz/8930178/katie-price-avoids-death-escaping/ She said she had to give Bear away because he escaped from the house a number of times then ran onto the main road BULLSHIT" He probably conveniently died too yet if that really was the case then why hasn't she got rid of Blade? He has attacked her neighbours chickens and apparently ripped one of the cats tails off! https://pictures-of-cats.org/katie-prices-new-guard-dog-rips-tail-off-one-of-her-hairless-cats-and-the-other-scrams.html
Then poor Rolo the puppy killed in a reclining chair after giving it CBD oil (allegedly); https://www.youtube.com/watch? An interesting article some months later that leads the question how did poor Rolo die then Katie when you openly announce this? https://www.thesun.co.uk/tvandshowbiz/16524009/katie-price-fear-harvey-throw-dogs-hates-pets/
-v=_1Y74GmaD6Q https://www.thesun.co.uk/tvandshowbiz/12690471/furious-katie-price-duped-puppy-cbd-oil-before-death/
Numerous other animals have disappeared (probably buried in the mm grounds) from reptiles to hedgehogs and innumerable cats & kittens.
Precious (got in late 2020) seemed to have been rehomed at Harvey's as Carl didnt want her at his house, she was subsequently given away to a TV person working on her MM renovation show. A lucky escape from Cruella de Skank for Precious.
Buddy, teacup chihuahua is supposed to Princess’s birthday present.
04.09.21 KP pulls out of the Mighty hoopla festival as she says her horse Wallis is unwell. As of Nov 16 2021 Wallis is absolutely fine because all he had was Colic - he's just been dragged out to promote the KP Equestrian rubbish.
More dogs coming to die with Cruella de Skank -
Also note this - https://www.companionlife.co.uk/overdue-electric-shock-collar-ban-welcomed-by-the-kennel-club/ Blade is obliged to wear one by skanky 24/7. What does that tell you???
After the fall-out from Slapgate & the pathetic Lass Veeegass shennannigans that have caused the children's fathers to put a stop to her Child Utilisations, just look at this! Its time to drag Wallis the erstwhile "critically ill, dying horse" out to be Used instead
/www.thesun.co.uk/tvandshowbiz/16752933/katie-price-happy-place-horses/ Surprising that Wallis recognises her when she looks entirely different every time she goes there "Who's that old bat, the one the same colour as carrots and teef like me mate Red Rum?"
https://www.mirror.co.uk/3am/celebrity-news/katie-price-back-saddle-kp-25608847#comments-wrapper Painting stars onto the poor little mite to advertise her crap - I do hope the animal welfare lot are watching Katie Price sparks furious debate as she's accused of 'starving' her pony - Mirror Online
Hagrid the cat has now been given away. Good! He stands a chance at a life now https://tattle.life/attachments/1638880617838-png.910310/
The petition to stop more creatures dying at her hands https://www.thesun.co.uk/tvandshowbiz/17115591/katie-price-petition-doubled-signatures-princesss-puppy/
Dec 2021 - it is now alleged that skanky has one of her horses in full livery but has yet to pay a penny towards their keep many months later
Talk about delusions of grandeur https://tattle.life/attachments/fb85ca8f-94d0-478a-8a64-fe5cb3b71bab-jpeg.958492/
She has as much chance at this as a one-legged man in an arse-kicking contest
THE SURGERIES: so far (that we know of as there may have been more)
Looking good eh - this is AFTER the latest surgeries! BARF!!
https://tattle.life/attachments/screenshot_20211109-001047_chrome-jpg.855024/ the true horror of it
tattle.life/attachments/2557aa80-3527-431f-98d8-d7667f9dacf6-png.869863/ - these fools need to get themselves to Specsavers immediately of they think old crater-face's skin is natural and smooth! Its is merely a testament to all the Filters on her phone that are applied to every single shot she takes Katie Price compares broken feet to I'm A Celeb's David Ginola's near-fatal heart attack - Mirror Online - broken feet are more serious than a heart attack, thus says The Expert skanky. LOL Not bad really when she chose to leap off a wall in Turkey (no doubt drunk again) whereas actually you don't get the option of choice with a heart attack do you?
Just look at the state of it with the ropey extensions, the paint-rollered eyebrows, those cat's eyes (haha), the collapsing coke-snout & that monkfish mouth all set on a complexion that still looks like the surface of the moon despite three trowel-depths of make-up plastered on
Add this on seeing as IVF is pretty invasive - these grifters want a beybeh of dere ownee . https://youtu.be/2N9VWHjKy9I
Back to Turkey again for some more liposuction on her flab in readiness for Court on 15th Dec https://www.thesun.co.uk/tvandshowbiz/16978902/katie-price-flying-turkey-surgery-sentencing/ Whats the betting it becomes 'Really ill' and therefore unable to attend her sentencing hearing then?
* Destination now is Brussels to put right the botch-jobbie on her arse & out with the implants! But in with another set of norks https://www.thesun.co.uk/tvandshowbiz/17000120/katie-price-undergoes-lipo-boob-job-before-prison-sentencing/
"Fresh & excited" so it says. More wrinkles than a Shar-Pei! https://www.12ft.io/https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-10374779/Katie-Price-shares-heavily-edited-selfies-looks-forward-earning-money.html#comments
"Movin' to Veeegas, innit!" Yes after one low budget visit to LV this lowbrow pair have announced they intend to move there permanently "taking the kids with them" - like the Dads are going to permit that little daydream! Its OK though because she is "Going 2 buy a Manshun for dem awl 2 liv in wiv munney shey's gonna mayke fromm Only Fans........................" , that smutty little website for seedy voyeurs, however the cash she'll make from that won't even buy her a trailer on the worst trailer park in the desert LOL
Check it out www.thesun.co.uk/tvandshowbiz/16744497/katie-price-fresh-start-vegas-onlyfans/
Driving Offences Timeline:
In her first book said she was driving illegally aged 16
October 3, 2003
Escaped a speeding charge on a technicality after cops failed to arrest her within 12 weeks. Her Range Rover was allegedly clocked at 70mph in a 40mph zone.
June 5, 2008
Given three penalty points, fined £200 and ordered to pay £80 costs at Feltham magistrates' court for talking on her mobile phone while driving on April 18 that year.
January 7, 2009
Let off on a legal technicality by Brighton magistrates after allegedly breaking a 30mph limit and not providing the identity of the driver to police.
July 7, 2010
Convicted in her absence by Crawley magistrates after cameras caught her speeding at 99 mph on September 16, 2009.
Her lawyer argued she was only speeding because she was being hounded by the paparazzi, but police said there were no other speeding vehicles around.
She was fined £250, ordered to pay £500 prosecution costs and given four points on her licence.
20th Sept. 2010
https://www.digitalspy.com/tv/a277747/katie-price-caught-on-traffic-cops/ Nicked again with no tax/insurance etc. & tried to cover this one up too
September 28, 2010
Convicted at Mid-Sussex Magistrates' Court for failing to be in proper control of her 7.5-ton lurid pink horsebox after veering into another lane in Sussex on February 19.
She was fined £1,000, ordered to pay £650 court costs and a £15 victim surcharge and given three points on her licence, taking her tally to ten.
December 1, 2010
Banned from driving ban for six months after she was caught on speed camera travelling at 83mph in a 70mph zone on the A23 in Pyecombe, West Sussex on 10 December 2009.
Katie, who did not attend the hearing, pleaded guilty to the charge.
In her absence, she was fined £1,000 and given three penalty points on her license (taking her total at that time to 13 points).
This took her over the 12-point limit and brought an automatic six-month driving ban and so she was disqualified from driving for six months.
August 31, 2012
Barred from driving on the roads for 12 months, after failing to respond to two speeding tickets.
She had been caught speeding in London on September 5 and September 6 2011.
The ex-glamour model argued that all of her post was dealt with by her mother and she had never seen the prosecution warnings.
Katie, who already had six points on her licence at the time, was given six more and banned for 12 months. She was also fined £400.
July 2015
Convicted of failing to stop at a red light at Buck Barn in West Sussex, was given 3 points and in fined £700, costs of £450 and a victim surcharge of £70.
February 16, 2018
Banned from driving for six months after doing 60mph on the 50mph A24. She already had points on her license.
Following the incident in Dial Post, West Sussex in 2017, Katie failed to tell police when the speeding ticket arrived and was charged with failing to provide details about the person driving.
She failed to show up at magistrates' court and was given a six-month ban and a £750 fine.
June 2018
Son Jett seen in a moving car wearing no seatbelt.
July 28, 2018
In July she was questioned by police after photographs emerged of her getting behind the wheel of her car while still banned from the road.
Pictures revealed Katie driving her grey Ford Fiesta home from Gatwick with her youngest kids Jett, aged four, and Bunny, aged three.
She handed herself into police and took to Instagram to insist that she thought the ban was over - but as soon as she realised it wasn't, confessed her wrongdoing to authorities to avoid a 'guilty conscience.'
The former glamour model said at the time: 'After driving to Harvey's Hospital appointment I have NOW found out that I don't get my licence back until 8th August.'
September 26, 2018
Crashed her £63,000 Ranger Rover on September 26, while allegedly on her mobile phone. The crash was reported to the police.
Marketing executive Katie Pugh, 23, told MailOnline that the troubled star rear-ended her Mercedes as they were stuck in traffic on the A3 in Roehampton, Surrey.
Pugh said she looked up into her rear-view mirror and noticed Katie appearing to be looking at her phone moments before the collision at around 5.30PM on September 26.
October 10, 2018
Arrested on suspicion of drink-driving in the earlier hours of the morning on October 10, after being found by police in her garish pink Range Rover in Woolwich, East London.
Katie had allegedly been partying with ex-boyfriend Kris Boyson after gate-crashing his 30th birthday party when her car ended up hitting a parked car & demolishing several front gardens in the process
The result of which is this - complete contempt for The Laws that apply to everyone EXCEPT her. She finds it hilarious of course celebrating with her signature "Woo Hoo!" & punching the air in triumph
She took a roadside breath test and was taken to Plumstead Police station where she was released after a night in the cells.
Katie was then photographed driving her car without wearing her seatbelt, just 36 hours after her drink driving arrest - an infraction that carries a £100 fine.
December 2018
Charged by postal requisition over her drink-driving charge and was due to appear at Bromley Magistrates' Court on Monday, 7 January.
January 2019
Caught driving while disqualified, without third party insurance - ordered to pay £1,000 and banned for a further three months.
February 2019
Convicted of being drunk (more than twice legal limit) in charge of her vehicle and banned from driving for three months.
Claimed a mystery man had been driving.
October 2019
Price is banned from the roads after withholding the name of the driver.
Given a £440 fine, a £44 surcharge and ordered to pay £100 in costs.
Later in 2019 Price received a 4th driving ban within 2 years, she appealed and the ban was reduced to 18 months in December 2019.
Jan 2021
Son Jett seen wearing no seat belt in car.
Self-explanatory, the admission of it's "habit"
March 2021
Son Jett pictured on her lap in front seat, no seat belt while being driven by Carl Woods
April 2021 spotted driving near her home in Essex, she stated the ban was always until Dec 21, but the above says otherwise, her rep stated it was an admin error and she would have her licence back in a couple of weeks.
13 September 21 charged with speeding and failing to provide info when asked by the Police.https://www.thesun.co.uk/tvandshowbiz/18655609/katie-price-court-fresh-driving-charge-bmw/
28 Sep 21
Arrested for suspected driving whilst under the influence of either alcohol/drugs or both.
29 Sep 21
Charged with multiple driving offences.
April 22 Jett pictured without a seatbelt in a moving car
04 Jul 22
NFA on speeding charge at Crawley Magistrate's court
Price admits drink driving, driving whilst disqualified, driving without insurance.
Sentencing deferred until the 15 Dec 21. Price left court, as a passenger thank fuck, under a blanket and without wearing a seat belt.
https://www.mirror.co.uk/3am/celebrity-news/breaking-katie-price-says-could-25415572#ICID=Android_TMNewsApp_AppShare Still not a single apology or a simple "Sorry" for the potential grief she could easily have inflicted on another family for her drunken/drug addled escapade because she felt "lonely".
She's absolutely certain she won't be going to prison for it either - here we are, check this out
November 16 2021 - now being chased for unpaid fees by former solicitors who stupidly represented it in the November 2019 driving incidents. www.thesun.co.uk/tvandshowbiz/16751725/katie-price-legal-battle-unpaid-bills-driving-ban/
She also accumulated lots of parking fines and knows how to use Harvey’s blue badge to try and get out of fines, despite him not being with her at the time. This YouTube shows illegal parking.
https://tattle.life/attachments/51c904b1-2591-40ae-807e-bbef02e58ada-png.653469/ Very classy eh?
28 Sept 2021 - off it's face on drink & drugs, going "shopping" at 6.30am /www.thesun.co.uk/tvandshowbiz/16268399/katie-price-car-crash-picture-bmw-drink-drug/
Looking good after her driving expedition - minus her precious filters
4 oct 2021 -/www.mirror.co.uk/3am/celebrity-news/inside-darkest-night-katie-prices-25121604; Mostly lies released by 'her representatives' in an attempt to garner some sympathy, now blaming her 'driving outing' on "Being Lonely............." LOL
Well she won't be 'lonely' in prison, haha!
https://youtu.be/TEz9MxX147U - she's being called out everywhere now!
https://www.thesun.co.uk/tvandshowbiz/16740962/katie-price-househunting-las-vegas/ - she's positive she's not going to prison for all her driving offences. We'd love to see her disappointed Heres her positive thinking that she'll walk away shouting "Woo Hoo!" and fist pumping from the next court case https://www.thesun.co.uk/tvandshowbiz/16775552/katie-price-shares-cryptic-post-ahead-drink-drive-sentencing/
Is she getting a little worried that her campaign using Harvey is not working? https://closeronline.co.uk/celebrity/news/katie-price-fears-christmas-prison/
https://www.msn.com/en-gb/lifestyle/other/katie-price-flying-back-to-turkey-for-more-plastic-surgery-days-before-sentencing/ar-AARC9A3?ocid=msedgntp - probably going to feign 'an illness' to avoid facing Court or purposely overstay in Turkey so she'll be obliged to isolate on return; That should go down well with the Courts
Flip-flapping one way to the other like a dying fish, one minute it's certain it's going to clink and the next confident its getting away with it again https://www.thesun.co.uk/tvandshowbiz/17011740/katie-price-adamant-avoid-prison/
Now accusing The Media AGAIN! yawn zzzzzz
https://www.thesun.co.uk/tvandshowbiz/17025628/katie-price-question-belgium-surgery/ "Fans"??????? What fans? She does not have any, just people pissed off how she gets away with so much normal folk get done for
On the eve of it's destruction we have this rubbish https://www.12ft.io/https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-10308527/Katie-Price-terrified-spend-Christmas-bars-ahead-drink-driving-sentencing.html
and this - getting more of the cracks Polyfilla'd before Court on the morrow https://www.thesun.co.uk/tvandshowbiz/17035391/katie-price-botox-lip-fillers-before-may-face-jail/
and even more of it https://www.thesun.co.uk/tvandshowbiz/17043873/katie-price-jail-car-crash-drink-drive/
All designed to keep her out of the nick - the barrage of "Wonderful, kind caring Me" exercises & outright BS 2a3aa871-65b9-4d37-a833-20181767d7c2-png.878055 (675×900) (tattle.life) the dutiful daughter and mother one
https://www.thesun.co.uk/tvandshowbiz/16813278/katie-price-hospital-plaster-room-eminem/ "oh poor Me! I's in 'orspitawl agen" Must be all those broken feet, bashed eyes, fractured jaw blah blah blah - or has the Invisible Man biffed it again??
Now posting rubbish about "er mental 'elf", how she's being "tormented" and all sorts of other shite; The old Mental Health Card is going to be bandied about like a sodding windmill on 15th December
Nov 27 2021 - more get out of jail excuses. Back on crutches again now /www.thesun.co.uk/tvandshowbiz/16865528/katie-price-back-on-crutches-mucky-mansion/
But this one appears to go against the Mentawl 'elf mantra thats she's been bleating about for the past month or more
Now Mr Price is getting in on the Act or is he making pointed comments about his Belovéd? He removed this rapidly, perhaps in case she saw it LOL https://www.thesun.co.uk/tvandshowbiz/16839314/katie-price-carl-woods-toxic-instagram/
Harvey gets an airing like his washing & she is taking all the credit of course - https://www.thesun.co.uk/tvandshowbiz/16842652/katie-price-harvey-college-instagram/
Ramp up the Harvey useage as Dec 15th grows closer https://www.thesun.co.uk/tvandshowbiz/16869586/katie-price-harvey-snow-instagram/
Paranoia on overdrive now - https://tattle.life/attachments/f22e6586-495a-4511-b0b3-2649cd6dfbc5-png.894878/
Said "story" was posted by her belovéd who then contradicted himself by saying it was a £39 room! Note this MYMENTALHEALTHMATTERS rubbish
https://www.mirror.co.uk/3am/celebrity-news/katie-price-hints-dark-reason-25579410 - more bullcrap
https://www.thesun.co.uk/tvandshowbiz/16897530/katie-price-christmas-mucky-mansion-prison-carl-woods/ - she's hopeful LOL
https://archive.ph/SjbjG - more gibberish about their "wicked" Christmas plans
https://www.ok.co.uk/celebrity-news/katie-price-harvey-drivers-license-25606886 - "Luuk mister judge, o'w wiwl 'Arv evva manidge wivvaht me vistin im evri weykend??" Perfectly well dearie - just like he always did before YOU needed HIM
https://www.mirror.co.uk/3am/celebrity-news/katie-price-hopes-spend-christmas-25626570 - quite confident she'll walk away from this one too or maybe not? Not quite so confident here but the idiot journos cannot even get the car right - she was not using her Range Rover, it was a BMW acquired from Wanky's father's forecourt Katie Price’s dilemma as she fears Christmas in prison | Closer (closeronline.co.uk)
And now this bunch of lies quoting "Me Mentawl 'elf" like innit Look at it's command of the English language too LOL
On the eve of Court out comes this one - https://www.thesun.co.uk/tvandshowbiz/17029878/katie-price-second-operation-broken-feet-hospital/
A bit more Poor Me and a whinge about her privacy being invaded; Note the mention of Harvey yet she is The Worst offender for constantly invading the lad's privacy. She ought to be more scared of having Biffa watching her 24/7
No problems totterring about on those "broken feet" in heels in this example eh skanky?? https://go.skimresources.com/?id=143714X1608376&isjs=1&jv=15.2.1-stackpath&sref=https%3A%2F%2Ftattle.life%2Fthreads%2Fkatie-price-92-on-the-12th-day-of-xmas-the-judge-said-to-kp-no-more-get-out-of-jail-cards.25401%2F&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.thesun.co.uk%2Ftvandshowbiz%2F17040339%2Fkatie-price-liposuction-boob-job-results-tv-deal%2F&xs=1&xtz=-60&xuuid=2b401354f7397ab8b0890fab100feb06&xjsf=other_click__auxclick%20%5B2%5D
The Gang is all there too LOL - hopefully to wave bye bye to her https://go.skimresources.com/?id=143714X1608376&isjs=1&jv=15.2.1-stackpath&sref=https%3A%2F%2Ftattle.life%2Fthreads%2Fkatie-price-92-on-the-12th-day-of-xmas-the-judge-said-to-kp-no-more-get-out-of-jail-cards.25401%2Fpage-18&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.mirror.co.uk%2F3am%2Fcelebrity-news%2Fbreaking-katie-price-ditches-engagement-25701672&xs=1&xtz=-60&xuuid=b6ef562987ade82c29debe2666722e15&xjsf=other_click__auxclick%20%5B2%5D And despite all that, it still gets off with it! -
However, despite that fact it seems she has finally pissed-off The Sun who have gone for the jugular at last! Maybe this will set the ball a-rolling towards the demise of this vile specimen at long last
https://www.thesun.co.uk/tvandshowbiz/17063284/katie-price-should-have-gone-to-jail-kieran-hayler/ Public outrage includes the father's of her own kids
After the slagging skanky gave Ulrika a while ago, heres what Ulrika comes back with. And all TRUE
https://youtu.be/YUtdJPEernk - we ALL think this but Alex says it
www.thesun.co.uk/tvandshowbiz/17099304/katie-price-turns-off-comments-trolled-swerving-jail/ -It has turned off comments because she's "Being Trolled again" Or is it that people have finally had enough of her shit?
* As we near the end of 2021 heres a parting shot from the Daily Mail - https://go.skimresources.com/?id=143714X1608376&isjs=1&jv=15.2.1-stackpath&sref=https%3A%2F%2Ftattle.life%2Fthreads%2Fkatie-price-96-free-lee-purkiss-and-lock-katie-price-up.25591%2Fpage-26&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.mirror.co.uk%2F3am%2Fcelebrity-news%2Fkatie-prices-rollercoaster-year-wedding-25769939&xs=1&xtz=-60&xuuid=cbe448dc9d0bd143128411dac61d43e6&xjsf=other_click__auxclick%20%5B2%5D
Community Service Assigned! - she's gonna hate this so be prepared for a barrage of Feet-Related Stories as to why she cannot possibly do this harrowing assignment /www.thesun.co.uk/tvandshowbiz/17252969/katie-price-community-service-drink-drive-car-crash/
Preparing the way for the Insolvency Court Case in February 2022 - Off the starting blocks with the life-threateningly injured feet rubbish https://www.mirror.co.uk/3am/celebrity-news/katie-price-says-hobbling-christmas-25781709
and the Using Harvey tool as well
AFP gets an airing now via Princess - https://www.thesun.co.uk/tv/17143251/katie-price-terminally-ill-grandmother-amy-christmas/
https://tattle.life/attachments/966350/ "Turnin' me life arahnd innit" Don't hold your breath anybody
"Seee wot a gudd persun wot I iz!" https://metro.co.uk/2021/03/17/katie-price-vows-to-run-marathon-for-third-time-despite-breaking-feet-14262701/ Yeah righty- ho skanky!!
Somehow its managed to get a tv interview - again dragging Harvey along 04.01.22; https://tattle.life/attachments/bd474aa4-490e-4283-8967-8fbcd71c3a1e-jpeg.963041/ Its all the usual bullshit though and yet still NOBODY tackles her on any of her assorted multitude of offences either. Good Morning have released The Kraken with this gigantic faux pas, thats for sure - Insta etc have gone nuts! https://tattle.life/attachments/399d0435-63a3-45c0-944c-b7cc1b0e4526-png.963393/
A small sample of the grief ITV have brought themselves with their shite https://www.thesun.co.uk/tv/17218463/good-morning-britain-complaint-katie-price/
But you gotta understand - "It ain't my fawt!" Read this bullshit from it in the wake of ITV's ill-conceived interview https://www.thesun.co.uk/tv/17214096/katie-price-shouldnt-judge-drink-drive-crash-therapy/
Judge by the FACT it's had all this therapy and Its still doing what it has always done
Other Run-Ins with the Police -
Slapgate - this one is still ongoing, just waiting to see if the police charge the mysterious 32 year old Invisible Man who lamped it one in Wanky's house causing her to flee for her life on her "broken feet" to hide at Harvey's house. Bail has been extended three times already so we have to patiently await the outcome
https://tattle.life/attachments/47034655-9920531-image-a-16_1629798163001-jpg.871267/ The narrative has changed several times in the interim and of course she is firmly back in Biffa's grip
So he was banned from The Family Christmas then? Despite her protestations to the contrary LOL https://metro.co.uk/2021/12/26/katie-price-reunites-with-fiance-carl-woods-after-family-christmas-15826014/
More lies from that crap Loose Wimmin rubbish https://go.skimresources.com/?id=143714X1608376&isjs=1&jv=15.2.1-stackpath&sref=https%3A%2F%2Ftattle.life%2Fthreads%2Fkatie-price-97-her-love-for-harvey-is-based-on-cash-the-more-he-earns-her-the-more-she-can-splash.25673%2F&url=https%3A%2F%2Fcloseronline.co.uk%2Fcelebrity%2Fnews%2Fkatie-price-opens-drama-child-neglect-allegations-probed-police%2F&xs=1&xtz=-60&xuuid=ac0bcf8cffac975068a5fbcd57797ad9&xjsf=other_click__auxclick%20%5B2%5D
Interesting.................... https://www.thesun.co.uk/tvandshowbiz/17186514/katie-price-police-alleged-attacker-released/
https://tattle.life/attachments/fb529bfb-e872-4a99-a500-3206c225196b-jpeg.965912/ Everyone (including the police) are lying about this "assault" apparently - she wants it to all disappear. She's now accusing her ex-manager of all sorts to divert attention from her own LIES
Its beginning to unravel skanky luv https://www.mirror.co.uk/3am/celebrity-news/katie-prices-nannys-witness-statement-25887804
9 Jan 2022 - Look! The Big Man is issuing veiled "threats" now on behalf of his belovéd Sad little twat.
The reason she's banned from J&B's school and from contacting Kieron's partner -
https://www.thesun.co.uk/tvandshowbiz/7243808/katie-price-banned-school-gates-haylers-girlfriend/ - found guilty, fined £415 and banned from contacting Ms Pentecost for five years. Heres a brief remit of the event
"The court heard that Price approached her former husband Kieran Hayler's partner, who was chatting to another parent.
Mr Edwards told magistrates Ms Pentecost and her friend were talking in the playground when they were approached by Price, who was also on the school run.
Price confronted Ms Penticost about pictures appearing in the press days before of her with one of the defendant's children but when she was told she had interrupted a conversation, she replied: "I can interrupt who the hell I like" and called Ms Penticost a "f****** c***".
Ms Penticost walked away before Price turned on her friend , saying:"I wasn't talking to you, you stupid c***", the court heard.
When she was asked to stop being rude, she replied: "I can be as f****** rude as I want to. Who are you, you stupid c***?"
Mr Edwards said Price was heard shouting "f******" numerous times and when the friend refused to tell her who she was, she claimed she would be able to find out who she was, adding: "I live publicly. Then you will see."
In a victim impact statement read on her behalf, Ms Pentecost - who did not attend the hearing - said she tried to avoid Price at school because she felt intimidated. She said: "I'm anxious I may still see her and I just want to get outside the school as soon as possible."
In the statement she claimed Price was "poisoning" the children's view of her, adding: "Saying I'm fat, I have a big arse, that I hate mummy (Price). I have told them I like mummy." Thats the shit you get from it by taking on a Price Ex-Husband because she might have done with them but she sure as hell does not want anybody else having them, in any case, the only person skanky is poisoning the kid's view of is her illustrious Herself
Hmmmmm; Seems apparent to me that actually Karma is doing a pretty good hatchet-job on skanky instead LOL
"Teached" Harvey to make rude gestures to the police
Katie Price vs Alex Reid court case
The Media and Communications Court has assessed the damages payable by Katie Price to her ex-husband, Alex Reid, for revenge porn. The court criticised Ms Price’s “arrogant” and “very distressing” behaviour, for which Mr Reid was entitled to compensation.
The judge was highly critical of Ms Price’s behaviour, describing it as “persistent, flagrant, arrogant, high-handed, and inexcusable, and for those reasons very distressing and hurtful to the claimant”.
I do recall at the time of the case a meeting with Price and Alex and his legal team.
She said, IN FRONT OF HIS LAWYERS 'That's what you get if you mess with me'. She also took great delight in "befriending" his next partner by whom he had a daughter - when they split skanky was delighted he lost custody & visitation rights so Job Done.
This is from the Mirror - Updated14:29, 13 APR 2021 - so 3 months on I doubt very much that the situation has changed. In fact I have no doubt it has got worse!
https://youtu.be/butSxCper-M - It fired the Nanny from her job then used the footage on one of its crap TV shows. Nanny won £4000 in compo for unfair dismissal. I wonder if she ever saw a penny of it???
https://youtu.be/NzY2QhrFAyM - Nov 2021 - sticking it's oar in again
Then theres this Oldie - bandwagon jumping again. Fact is The Happy Bus does not want her either https://metro.co.uk/2012/11/14/katie-price-announces-shes-bisexual-as-she-lifts-lid-on-alex-reid-sex-life-619735/
She can actually "manage" to get to a Court if she feels it'll be worth her while. This time she failed to win her "justice" LOL
Details of her biggest debts, kindly provided by someone-in-the-know. These 'accepted' figures are on a list of 41 creditors dated April last year...
Peter Andre - https://tattle.life/attachments/screenshot_20211202-194544_samsung-internet-jpg.901791/
Alex Reid £151,117.58
Archerfield LLP £802,449.44 - would that be Andre's legal team?
Grosvenor DCR £69k - a consultancy which assists in legal and financial matters
HMRC £961,748.40k - this sum will have increased
Jordan Trading Ltd - £154,423.00 https://find-and-update.company-information.service.gov.uk/company/04746234
Land Rover £70,247.00
MBNA - £20,642.58k
Newells School Trust - £9,054.50 -Likely to be H's special school
There is also a sum of £550k but they have not presented sufficient evidence for this amount to be accepted - they are the mortgage/lender - Kensington. They still have time or may have provided since the date on the list.
Various vets and utilities are mentioned, TfL, etc.
900k being mentioned as being owed to solicitors
* Katie Price still owes her creditors more than £3million, despite being made bankrupt over two years ago.
She now faces serious questions about her ability to manage businesses in the future after accountants sifting through her messy finances submitted a report to the government raising concerns about her conduct.
The 42-year-old mum of five owes a total of £3.265million to her creditors from her Jordan Trading Ltd company after failing to pay off her debts, despite agreeing to an individual voluntary arrangement (IVA) in 2019 to pay back £12,000 a month to get herself back in the black.
But the liquidators themselves say "protracted legal issues" and dealing with "the Director [Katie]'s non-compliance" means they're unable to discharge her just yet - and claim a loan of £154,423 taken out of the company, allegedly by Katie, is unlikely to be paid back
Katie Price still remains bankrupt two years on from the court order and sidesteps facing the music with every trick in the book.
Liquidating company Moorfields wrote in a report:
"I have been in correspondence with the Director's Trustee in Bankruptcy to establish whether there maybe any future dividends pad to the Director's creditors.
"The Director has failed on multiple occasions to attend on the Trustee and the Director has subsequently had their discharge suspended due to non-cooperation.
"We have been advised that creditors in the bankruptcy estate now total approximately £3.265 million."
Katie is still listed as the director on Companies House, the business directory that keeps tabs on company finances.
She is the only officer still on the books after her brother Daniel Infield resigned as secretary in 2015.
Katie has been accused of non-compliance by the accountants trying to sift through her Jordan Trading company. Jordan Trading Ltd was set up in April 2003 to oversee Katie's perfume and makeup lines, and was solvent for many years.
But in 2017 an application was put in to wind up the company, followed by the appointment of a voluntary liquidator as Katie tried to untangle herself from her snarled finances.
But by the time she was taken to court and told to accept the terms of her IVA or else go bankrupt, Katie's enormous £45million empire was in ruins.
She was in £100,000 of mortgage arrears on her Mucky Mansion (currently around 500K in arrears), owed £2million in legal fees and damages to first ex-husband Peter Andre, and £800,000 to other creditors.
Katie's 'mucky mansion' has been left derelict after she was forced to move out. Still using it to store crap though and does stay there from time to time whilst filming more home makeover garbage that the fools at Channel 4 forked-out for. MUGS!!
Katie was also spending nearly £70,000 a year on plastic surgery, hair extensions and massages (probably more than that by now), £1million on her animals - including 80 chickens - and thousands more pounds on cars, driving offences and legal fees from her two divorces.
In November last year, Katie's bankruptcy was extended after she failed to fulfil the promises she'd made her many creditors.
We also revealed how Katie's boyfriend Carl Woods had used her name to launch a new company without her being involved.
Katie is banned from owning a business until the bankruptcy order is lifted.
Carl has started a new company using their couple name - but Katie can't sit on its board.
A business named Priceywoods Ltd, a nod to the nickname she has given them both, was registered with Companies House in November 2020.
Katie is not listed as an officer - something she's banned from doing under the terms of her bankruptcy. A person who is bankrupt cannot be a limited company director until the court lifts their financial restrictions and discharges them from their debts. It means that as long as her bankruptcy is extended, she won't be able to get financially involved in any of the businesses she puts her name to.
In October last year, Katie remotely attended her bankruptcy hearing at London's The Rolls Building over Skype from her five-star holiday in the Maldives. She denied having a lavish lifestyle and said that "90%" of her trips are for business and that the luxury Maldives trip she was on at that moment was a "work assignment".
Nov 2021 - /www.thesun.co.uk/tvandshowbiz/16658373/katie-price-repossession-order-mansion/ Its about bloody time - a mere mortal will have lost their home long before it got to the owing 500k in arrears stage, nevertheless it's representative says this is not true. Or is this the Sun journo thinking they are being witty and clever seeing as skanky insists the place is haunted, ie repossessed and possessed? Either way, it appears even the spirit world despise skanky doesn't it?
Bankruptcy Update as of 12Nov 2021 -https://youtu.be/Qek5-VrYNLc
Nov 2021 -Oh and its looking like it and Biffa have gone off on another 'oliday togevva despite being skint- STOP PRESS........... current gossip suggests they were thrown off a flight for disruptive behaviour, next question is will the US Customs allow her to enter the country with her history?? Now denying it of course https://www.thesun.co.uk/tvandshowbiz/16691278/katie-price-las-vegas-mask-denies-booted-from-plane/ Seen by another passenger https://www.independent.co.uk/travel/news-and-advice/katie-price-flight-mask-las-vegas-b1955718.html Oh and they're apparently getting married out in Vegas Two people who truly deserve each other TBH
The fall-out from this may ruin her big plans to relocate all her trash to the USA as she has proclaimed she will, ie how did it EVER get the visa with all her criminal charges and impending charges? Likewise her beloved with an assault charge hanging over him? Questions are being asked over the other side of The Pond now so perhaps they'll get hauled in as they deserve
American immigration lawyers are 'mystified' after Katie Price flew to the US | Daily Mail Online
If in doubt about the way it's carrying on with complete disreagrd to the bankruptcy, check this out
https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/debt-and-money/debt-solutions/bankruptcy-2/bankruptcy-offences/ * NOTE As of July 2020 Katie’s declared monthly earnings were AT LEAST £45k pcm.
Still unable to repay anything though
Check this out- https://tattle.life/attachments/screenshot_20211219-130338_drive-jpg.932635/
And September 21 launching a new business with her sister Little Pricey LTD Hideous childrenswear, perfect for a chavvy sprog if dats wot yer wont mayte
Nov 2021 - https://www.mirror.co.uk/3am/celebrity-news/katie-price-announces-two-new-25431648 Heres some more crap to hit the market stall
Jan 2021 Chloesworldfx scam in the press
https://www.mirror.co.uk/3am/celebrity-news/katie-price-promotes-forex-trading-23302430 she didn’t learn, as in
July 2021 - reported that KP was linked to a scammer who conned people out of thousands of pounds: Katie Price fans conned out of thousands of pounds after she promoted rogue trader
Katie's response to this, despite claiming to be 'devastated' was to jet off on holiday to escape with Princess, Harvey and Carl to a 'secret' destination. (Which turned out to be the all inclusive 5* Royalton, St Lucia) where they enjoyed all the benefits of the upgraded Diamond Club, massages, spas, even unpacking of your luggage.
Plugging a fellow scammer for financial gain - 2021
She’s also made approx £45k so far on her Depop was run by Paige, but now being done by her sister Sophie.
She's "in control" now apparently so any of you people want the answers as to the whereabouts of what it owes you you can ask it yourself - posted 7th Sept 2021
Also note that it has roped in it's sister Sophie to front another shady foray into conning people. What a silly girl, she ought to realise that she will be the one left carrying the can for it all because skanky will skip off blaming her for it all, but you gotta love the bit where it says "when it comes to money its surprising how greedy people can get...." Speaking for itself clearly
November 23 2021 - the "exclusive" babywear company has mysteriously vanished. Has Sophie finally twigged that she'd be the one to carry the can for it all when it inevitably dive-bombs after skanky helps herself to all the money?
Flogging a dead horse really becuse nobody is interested in her hideous pink tat. Should she even be promoting this anyway?
2 Dec 2021 - Interesting message on the website flogging Harvey's alleged range of clothing etc - look at this comment! Be especially aware of the allegation re H's bank cards Who does hold his Power of Attorney? https://tattle.life/attachments/1dfe35c8-0e0b-4c82-aa2b-31d3f2bf1159-jpeg.901161/
https://www.thesun.co.uk/tvandshowbiz/16929331/katie-price-pony-horse-riding/ The launch of her revolting range of nylon nastiness for humans and equines. "Sultry poses" with a petrified little pony FGS UGH Article also mentions the animals that have died for various reasons in the "care" of skank so what moron let her loose on that poor little pony to traumatise him anyway?
Heres Vicky Pollard modelling KP Equestrian
https://tattle.life/attachments/screenshot_20211203_150724-jpg.903126/ https://tattle.life/attachments/crotch-png.902863/
At the previous launch of KP Equestrian she dressed up like this and forced Kieran to do the same so he looked a twat. Should she even be endorsing another company with the identical name when the last one collapsed with a mountain of debts?
Cole has been reeled-in for promoting a dodgy scamster - she does the same thing https://www.thesun.co.uk/tvandshowbiz/16966608/katie-prices-fiance-carl-woods-rogue-trader-instagram/
Instagram Sites It Does It's "Begging" From - her and Cole are grifters
Just a list of all her Instagram handles / ‘businesses’
He's just as bad though - check this out https://www.thesun.co.uk/tv/16850950/katie-prices-fiance-carl-woods-cars-money/
They're a pair of grifters
MANAGEMENT: As of October 21 her management is now listed as her brother’s company, Black Sheep (well how appropriate!)
Katie & Carl also use Lucky 7 PR run by crook James (Jay) Austin for all their Insta shite #ads and Forex scams despite her claiming to have cut ties with them, but they are both, together with Harvey listed on their website.
She also has Ben at Star Entertainment arranging PAs.
* Katie has previously tried to set up #Harveyslaw (which is actually a law about dogs) but it lost momentum, so she renamed it Track a troll. Which is quite ironic, seeming she is is one of the biggest trolls out there, regularly calling people names and fighting. But it was actually instigated by TV exec Alison Martin, not Katie. The real Harvey's Law is about a dog
An older one but still relevant, and this from someone who decries thuggery when whingeing about her alleged "assault"? Yeah righty-ho!
ejected from a Glasgow hotel
Threatening to stab a clubber in Ibiza
www.12ft.io/https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-1193373/Worse-wear-Katie-Price-parties-2-30am-slipping-right-single-life-Ibiza.html - five weeks after Peter left her finally, here it is in Ibiza; Look at the state if it. Peter had taken Harvey, Princess and Junior to Cyprus to visit his family
And this episode - threatening to stab someone!
2019 - Kris gets to deal with this drunken wreckage, ie someone who does not have a drink problem (apparently!) Allegedly after this exhibition on the journey home It demanded the car stop straight away whereupon it had a shit in a public layby
Carl bullies Harvey. Just google search: Harvey Carl Woods Carrot Cake
Harvey Carl Woods Hand
Harvey Carl Woods Beer
https://youtu.be/y-SM35gCeAY - getting Harvey to sympathise over cole's "broken hand" which was mysteriously fixed within a week! Note also the implication that that in fact it was Harvey's fault when she accidentally almost names him as the guilty party.
Katie Price 'faces a £20k FINE after failing to get planning permission to renovate her mansion' | Daily Mail Online
She had also claimed previously that she had personally bull-dozed the tennis court. Horsham CC ordered her to re-instate various buildings she had knocked down and to re-level the land and clear the grounds of builders' rubbish. She was given a time to do the works within and if not the above fine would be levied.
In August 2021 Channel 4 are reportedly paying £500,000 with £50k advance for renovating the MM. She met with companies at the MM (turned up late as she had been on GMB) and wanted them to do the work for free, but most refused. Good luck if you are working there in getting your money out of her. A builder is reportedly living in the Annexe. Not sure this is still going ahead with the statement the house is being repossessed so C4 have lost £50k as a gift to skanky
Katie has previously sworn that she would never go back to the MM as it affects her MH, but has already slept in there with Carl and the kids and is excited about the renovation that is taking place. She also insists its haunted - yes even the Spirit World hate her.
And don't forget the broken septic system that has spilled filth and effluent across the gardens for years because it remains unfixed and still spewing a health hazard across the land and into the water table. Estimates to fix the numerous problems are horrendous at around 750k, largely because much of the topsoil in the area affected will need to be removed then replaced after the pipework has been fixed/upgraded in line with govt rules for these systems. Needless to add that NOTHING has been done; Check out the swathe of contaminated earth that sweeps across the garden where the kids once played in it. Nice
And this - an example of the filth & squalour the kids romp around in when at Trampy Towers https://go.skimresources.com/?id=143714X1608376&isjs=1&jv=15.2.1-stackpath&sref=https%3A%2F%2Ftattle.life%2Fthreads%2Fkatie-price-86-the-horn-keeps-growing-biffas-seed-aint-sowing-off-to-jail-i-am-going-woo-hoo.24863%2Fpage-9&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.mirror.co.uk%2Ftv%2Ftv-news%2Fkatie-prices-mucky-mansion-hits-14447984&xs=1&xtz=-60&xuuid=e2c5143ad452882091c777691f0376c8&xjsf=other_click__auxclick%20%5B2%5D
https://archive.ph/IkiJv Now it's pretending to be "Homeless" What a crock'o shite
https://www.thesun.co.uk/tvandshowbiz/16997787/katie-price-mucky-mansion-pool-2/ - she lets the kids play in this disgusting putrid slime pit. Such a caring "mother" she is. https://www.thesun.co.uk/tvandshowbiz/16997787/katie-price-mucky-mansion-pool-2/
Proof that wanky is using the place as his Corporate HQ - a house scheduled to be repossessed by the mortgage company. I wonder if they know about this?
www.thesun.co.uk/tvandshowbiz/17080942/katie-price-mansion-cars-carl-woods/ Here we are - proof that Mr Price is storing his motors at the Trampy Towers car lot
and finally The Sun have realised what wanky is doing www.thesun.co.uk/tvandshowbiz/17176413/katie-price-fiance-carl-woods-fans-mucky-mansion-cars/ Horsham Council are investigating now. Also he allegedly tried to pull a fast one by changing the registered company address to that of another business across the road, that is until the owner of that venture found out
Unconfimed allegations have surfaced regarding wanky forcing H to use the garden as a toilet when he's at Home with them. With the amount of filth already swilling about this is probably not too much if an issue really
/www.thesun.co.uk/tvandshowbiz/17259678/katie-prices-neighbours-complain-quad-bikes-disturbance/ She can't blame the kids when they are not allowed anywhere near Mr Price
BREAK-INS/ROBBERIES/ASSAULTS: (it all happens to Katie)
September 3rd 2021 - pictured wearing the alleged 250k ring that was apparently "Stolen" during the ordeal of her "assault" the previous week. Has she notified the Police that in fact she has this "valuable" sparkler in her possession? LOL 14th Sept 2021 - photographed wearing the "stolen" ring again
https://www.netmums.com/podcast - the amount of times she's been 'threatened with kidnap" has changed again but the best joke is that she insists she "Never lies.........................." Compare with this episode of bullcrap from it
https://youtu.be/yyBsq2YQE0M Also the allegéd "rapes" get another airing for some sympathy
Its a different matter when its not her being "raped" of course
Dec 2019 New York with Kris Boyson
Jan 2021 Thailand (with Harvey), Las Vegas, The Alps, Spain (with J&P),
July 2020 Turkey with J&P, MUA Zoe, Chris Harris
August 2020 Goodwood (with AFP & Sophie)
Sept 2020 Hires campervan and meets her mum
Oct 2020 Henllehall and the Maldives (with Ryan)
Dec 2020 Henllehall (with the kids) and Turkey (to get teeth fixed)
Feb 2021 Henllehall (a.k.a Carl’s Cabin in his back garden organised by Lucky 7 James Austin)
May 2021 Portugal twice with Ross & Marcello
June 2021 Turkey, then Spain to avoid quarantine (with Chris Harris)
Rules for the plebs don't apply to skanky. Another 'oliday to a Red List country because it doesn't give a frig.
July 2021 Camping holiday (with her mum, J&B)
July 2021 St Lucia (with Harvey & Princess)
Sep 2021 Reportedly back to Turkey for 3/4 days
Nov 2021 Las Vegas
Nov 2021 Staying at the Hilton Doubletree, Cheltenham to visit Harvey for the weekend (Making a YT with Chris H & gf)
Dec 2021 Staying at Cotswold Farm Park lodge, Near Cheltenham to visit Harvey for the weekend
Dec 2021 9th-11th Belgium
Jan 2022 29th-31st Amsterdam/Belgium
Feb 2022 19th-21st Lime Wood Hotel 2 nights
Feb 2022 26th 3 weeks Thailand Bangkok via Zurich (flights first class/upgraded)
March 29th Secret Cabins
April 23rd New Forest cabin Harvey AFP PFP
April 15th Spain
May 12th Portugal
25.06.22 THAILAND (comes off social media until 22/08/22)
24.08.22 Spain
12.09.22 Spain (Work OF's shoot)
29.10.22 Sandbanks for a long weekend
03.11.22 Thailand (said she cut holiday short to get the kids/but Amy also had a lung transplant while they were away)
8/9.12.22 Austria (Skiing with Jett & Bunny) then days later drove to Belgium for Cosmetic surgery at the BeClinic
12.02.23 Thailand 4 weeks (flew Business Class) with Carl, Bunny & Jett
04.04.23-10.04.23 Turkey
30.04.23-01.05.23 Ireland (Club PA)
03.05.23 Murcia, Spain
28.09.23 Ibiza
02.10.23 Mykonos
09.10.23 Spain 1 week with Carl
15.02.24 Bankso, Bulgaria skiing
* In July 2020, on her first holiday with Carl, along with Princess, Junior and Princess’s friend, Katie ‘broke’ both feet in a “silly little accident” taking a short cut jumping over a wall, with a 25ft drop the other side. (Allegedly)
Katie indicated it happened at the Legends theme park in Turkey but then changed her mind saying it was at the hotel, pictured several months later at “the wall” it looked more like a 10ft drop and there was a fence and some very established trees/plants growing there. For someone who films every moment of their life, no pictures have ever appeared in the ambulance or at the accident site. In fact there has never been a detailed account of the accident, just dribs and drabs of info.
She told us, it was "life changing" and wouldn’t walk for 18-24 months, she was seen walking just 4 months later, several times, on her next holiday in the Maldives, even managing a dance. We have on good authority she was actually walking in September. Her casts were on/off, bandages, glittery, wearing special boots. She begged for a wheelchair, which was pimped pink, a mobility scooter which was pink (done by the guy she had previous conned out of advertising on her show) another which was wrapped the same gawdy green colour as Carl’s car. She also had a zimmerframe and glittery crutches, however, these only appeared for W8/backgrid pap shots. She has also been pictured riding her horse, wearing wedge shoes and almost breaking out into a run alongside Harvey while he rode his mobility scooter. She said she needs a blue badge and can’t carry anything, yet has been pictured many times carrying large items especially in and out of the MM. She has also said that she wants to compete in the next Olympics in 2024 and do the London Marathon, although she couldn’t even complete that with non broken feet as couldn’t be bothered to train and is far too lazy to complete anything. Katie said she had given up drinking after the accident (although she has said she is giving up alcohol on a regular basis in the past). Of course she has haha
It has previously stated that partner Carl Woods does not touch alcohol yet in a recent family photograph, daughter Bunny was sat close to a mostly empty bottle of vodka, a few short days before the infamous alleged assault.
Katie Price is a very unlikeable victim, She has at least 3 five year current court orders against her. One for revenge porn from her second hubby Alex Reid and 2 from the ladies she abused in the school playground of Jett and Bunny, including the woman being "Mother" to skanky's two younger children. She received a fine and an injunction to keep away from both the school and the ladies in question - no doubt the fine is still unpaid too
On the 23.08.21 at 1.30 am Katie called the cops and said "someone" had split her eye and punched her in Carl's Essex home, she apparently legged it to Harvey's House, 2 streets away and hurt her feet. Her story has already been reported differently several times.
25.08.21 Carl is seen out with Buddy, in shorts 'designed' by Harvey and Jordan socks making weird signals with his hands.
26.08.21 reported she is off Social Media after 'trolls' said she had faked the whole thing and the bruise was makeup.
02.09.21 Skank and Crawl were papped together in 'his' car approaching the Mucky Mansion. A police car appeared to be in attendance.
20.09.21 https://www.thesun.co.uk/tvandshowbiz/16183193/katie-price-attack-man-arrest-bail/
The man accused of the assault has had bail extended for a few more days, mean while Katie gets her hair and make up done again
22.09.21 Katie says Carl wasn't the one in the police investigation https://www.thesun.co.uk/tvandshowbiz/16210465/katie-price-insists-never-called-police-carl-woods/
Now apparently out in Turkey for a Hairdo - 24/09/2021. Lover boy has also shown up sporting another crap tattoo of It and just to ram it home how funny they think their Mutual Lies are, here he is pretending to hit her which she finds hysterically funny.
19th October bankruptcy hearing adjourned as a doctor’s note said she was unfit to attend, then she was straight out shopping and tanning 10 minutes from the Priory, holding a vape. 22nd October called backgrid to show pictures of her and lover boy out to dinner in Alec’s in Brentwood Essex, again holding a vape. This is no doubt to cover up the assault case 32 year old has been re-bailed to November, hopefully the police/CPS won’t let this one go. https://www.thescottishsun.co.uk/tvandshowbiz/celebrity/7916388/katie-price-attacker-bailed-assault/
24th October in the Sunday Mirror a statement from her family on how sorry she supposedly is, more like it’s time to ramp up the PR to sell her latest book aka Tome of Lies - Harvey and Me Questions at last! https://www.12ft.io/https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10322963/How-did-Katie-Price-fund-six-holidays-year-shes-bankrupt-owes-3-2million.html
One thing is for sure - she won't be going to any Sandals Resort ever again. They don't want the likes of her and her kin there anyway https://www.12ft.io/https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-2268030/Katie-Price-offered-FULL-refund-Sandals-resort-wedding-complaint.html
21 Dec 2021 -the Mystery Assailant in Slapgate has been identified ! https://hampshire999.co.uk/breaking/news-13925/the-partner-of-katie-price-has-been-arrested-after-she-was-attacked-in-the-early-hours-on-monday/
The Coke Habit - Katie Price raps ‘I love the coke’ on night out in Majorca after meeting strangers in the Ritzi Lounge nightclub – The Irish Sun (thesun.ie)
Along with two young German men she 'picked up' while in Majorca on a hen do, she left her friends who were worried about her the whole night (misplaced loyalty), she happily went to their flat where she started 'rapping'BADLY Her companions videoed it and sold it to the papers exposing her chronic, but somehow hidden coke habit for all to see. However in true KP style she was The Victim again, she had PTSD etc and blamed her behaviour on others then pretended to undergo "treatment" at the Priory. If that can be believed?? The Priory is skanky's get-out-bandage for everything it seems
* Kate was a regular on the club scene in London whilst pregnant with Harvey. Seen many MANY times being assisted/carried to the car waiting to take her home because she was off her noggin. Notably China White.
https://youtu.be/9sQ9I_7BxD8 Check this out! Heres someone who was forced to endure skanky's presence sharing her room when she pitched-up at the Playboy Mansion (leaving her newborn son with her mother). It mentions her having to be rescussitated moreorless by the security team having taken who-knows-what, not to mention Other Stuff she has not yet divulged but clearly KNOWS all about
Check out the infamous "I Love The Coke Rap" as preached by skanky itself What is the Katie Price coke rap video? What are the lyrics and who was with her in Majorca apartment? (thesun.co.uk)
Re South Africa Hijack, no weapons reported
Fast forward 2 years, her story is totally different
"Watch the aftermath of Katie Price’s horrific South African carjacking that almost left her family dead – Metro" https://metro.co.uk/2018/08/03/watch-aftermath-katie-prices-horrific-south-african-carjacking-almost-left-family-dead-7794739/amp/
Read this then
In 2020 she appeared on Celeb SAS where she stated she had received 5 kidnap threats, months later on Steph’s packed lunch she quoted she had received 4 kidnap attempts! She quit celeb SAS after 5 minutes.
More lies, saying she didn't know about Alex dressing up. Loose Women said she knew nothing about it, on Graham Norton it stated she knew straight away.
9th Sept 2021 - the NTA ceremony in London. "I don't drink any more...only soft drinks for me now..." Er so what's this then ? Scotch mist or just Brahms & Liszt again then?? She also got the Big E from a young man she tried to seduce with her winning ways - he told her she was "Too old" LOL
And the result of "Not drinking any more"? www.thesun.co.uk/tv/16113591/katie-price-dumped-carl-woods-bender-ntas/
Possibly the biggest lie of all alluded to here - Harvey's problem is thyroid related and NOT the more interesting & lucrative Prader-Willi Syndrome https://www.celebitchy.com/9146/jordans_ex-nanny_says_shes_no_mom_of_the_year/
She appeared on Celeb Masterchef 2021 in August, she lasted a week. No surprise really seeing as her speciality is heating up sugary grey mash, microwave Plop kitchen meals, Sheesh takeaways, Gogetters, McDonalds and any other crap. Carl’s cooking abilities seem to be burning the hell out of some burgers on a bbq when they are on holiday. Her first effort on the show was passable, only to revert to type at the end of the week and seemed not to care that she dished up a relatively easy everyday platter of steak and chips which was mostly raw - but hey -she'd got her pay cheque so who cares...
09.09.21 Appeared at the NTAs for Harvey & Me
25.01.21 BBC1 Harvey and ME
Steph's Packed lunch 2021 19/01 10/03 17/03 24/03 14/04 12/05 26/05 09/06 where she mainly talked about ME, ME, ME, her hair loss, living with chronic pain, trolling, filters, cosmetic surgery, IVF, even had hardman Carl in the audience for her first episode. Apparently many viewers contacted the show to complain that she lacked genuine credibility, empathy, talked over other guests and scratched/twitched constantly, not to mention her scruffy, mostly unkempt appearance as she donned nothing more spectacular than a dossy track-suit in an attempt to 'plug' her range of tat.
Loose Women 2021 05/02
GMB 2021 10/02 04/05 Showing off her ring 09/07 showing off her new face
Following the "win", the prizes and a number or promises made by Katie Price and her management failed to materialise for the winner - Amy Willerton. She was asked to pay £10,000 to insure her "free" Range Rover for a year, a holiday in The Maldives turned into Marbella and a cover shoot with OK! magazine disappeared. She eventually refused to sign the modelling contract offered to her by Blacksheep Management (the company run by skanky's dodgy brother), as she'd lost confidence in their ability to deliver on promises made.
I'm A Celeb - past and present; Still sticking it's oar in, wanted or not
Loathed by many on there including Johnny Rotten who made it perfectly plain he despised her
“He clashed with Katie throughout their time within the jungle
Ranting about her within the Bush Telegraph at one level, he mentioned: “The woman’s f*****g talentless. P**s off, it doesn’t do anything. And when it does it nags all the way through it. Come on!"
“Kick her a**e out of right here. It ain’t humorous anymore. It do not contribute. It’s a parasite. You will not push far more that on me. I will not take that. I will not. You make a change with that angle or I’ll do one thing severe.”
And in a rant that ended with him kicking the camera, he fumed: “I’m getting actually fed up with it. I’m form of the spokesperson I suppose, as a result of I’m outspoken. It occupies the centre of consideration, nevertheless it is not completely satisfied even with that. The smoke annoys her. It’s the camp fireplace, b***h. Live with it or swap! “I’m not here to support a Page 3 f*****g blow up balloon. Right? I f*****g ain’t. No f*****g more.” https://youtu.be/v5LgEzVkcjE
And also this on the Nov 2021 edition lauding itself again whilst slating the latest contestants for not having the social media following that she has LOL; And this from someone whose SM followers are departing in droves after the recent drink/drugs driving bust Pots n' kettles luv
www.birminghammail.co.uk/news/showbiz-tv/katie-price-flooded-criticism-over-22235445 - yes skanky, people are pissed-off with you and your rubbish
So more & more people are becoming hacked-off with it's bad-mouthing over I'm a Celeb now - www.mirror.co.uk/3am/celebrity-news/katie-price-slammed-over-iac-25515518 Katie Price hit by backlash after calling I'm A Celebrity cast 'nobodies' (thesun.co.uk) She probably thinks they ought to call for the Cavalry to rescue the show, ie get her to do a spectacular arrival abseiling from a helicopter screeching "Woo Hoo! Der Pwicey is 'ere to sayve der day!!" She seems to forget that actually SHE is the Nobody these days
https://www.thesun.co.uk/tv/16819033/katie-price-danny-miller-im-a-celeb-newborn/ - slagging off another Celeb on the show in a case of Pots 'n Kettles, again "forgetting" that she left Harvey with her mother for 6 weeks whilst she attended a shagathon at the Playboy Mansion in LA . Harvey was a little baby at the time - All documented FACT
https://www.thesun.co.uk/tvandshowbiz/16869108/katie-price-blasts-im-a-celebrity-banning-richard-madeley/ - still sticking it's oar in; Nobody cares about your opinions skanky but this is only because Richard is one of those sad acts who defends you no matter what you do
1 Dec 20 - back giving it's opinions again. Just look at the eyebrows too like two black caterpillars spoiling for a fight, but the phone filters are on MAX overdrive again
*Claiming that C4 are giving her a show on which she will pronounce about "Me Mental 'Elf Innit" We'll see about that Jan 7 2022
Katie on boozing and giving up drinking:
https://tattle.life/attachments/screenshot_20210918-121941_chrome-jpg.769010/ - drunken tantrum in a Scottish hotel.
29.09.2021 - yes the inevitable happened. /www.thesun.co.uk/tvandshowbiz/16268399/katie-price-car-crash-picture-bmw-drink-drug/ Lets see her get out of this one. Despite her frequent denials on Loose Women stating that ' alcohol has never been a problem - I'm a light-weight' it's become abundantly clear that Katie Price is, indeed, a frequent heavy drinker.
Ex-friends - people its pissed-off to the degree they NEVER communicate with it again.
Let's start with every single Ex boyfriend & then the ex-Husbands (including the ones who are obligated to communicate with it because of the children
Then there's these two driven away by it's disgusting behaviour on Their Special Days
1. Gary and Phil binned her off for good reason. She firstly turned up at their wedding in a wedding dress. Got shitfaced. Called the guests 'cunts' at the wedding breakfast. Then proceeded to grab a mike and attempt to sing 'I Have Nothing' and 'Whole New World' before collapsing and had to be carried out;
Why they kept in contact with her god only knows. Last straw seemed to be when she got pissed out of her head at Phil's 50th, collapsed in a booth and allegedly pissed herself whilst Phil was greeting guests. Phil was justifiably livid, he and Gary were mortified. It had to be carried out by said Phil, Boyson and Michelle Heaton. Never seen with them since!
2. What's happened to, in no particular order, Dionne, Lauren, Rylan, Ryan, Zoe and let's not forgot Al The Dreamboy? He did one after he introduced her to the company who gave her Rolo and the outcry about his death. Rick Live (Career Dead) has gone quiet as well.
Fascinating as well that she refers to herself in the Third Person like Margaret Thatcher used to do. It's a trait of narcissistic, egotistical and self-obsessed people detached from reality.
The departure of Dionne - https://www.thesun.co.uk/tvandshowbiz/9338859/katie-prices-pa-quits-dog-poo-online-shopping/
Ever Classy........................... NOT!
www.thesun.co.uk/tvandshowbiz/6856757/katie-price-naked-photoshoot-thailand-divorce-bankruptcy/ Gruesome photoshoots and disgusting info
* No wonder Kieron sought solace with her "friends" eh? Check this out! https://youtu.be/7KOM6EOU9PE You know that old saying "Why eat hamburger when you've got steak at home?" Poor Kieron had rancid offal waiting to launch into one at him - no wonder he strayed!!
* She likes to boast how she shat in Hugh Hefner's waterfall
* https://tattle.life/attachments/99d18cea-ee23-4dba-b26d-9ffad8d992f9-png.897811/ Wiping bogies on her clothing. Seen her using her clothing lots of times to wipe H's face or the other kids when they were small. Think of that when you buy her unwashed used clothing from Deepop. https://www.thesun.co.uk/tvandshowbiz/16909246/katie-price-blowing-nose-carl-woods/
Showing it's Class- amongst other things Katie Price strips topless in bizarre video - Daily Star ugh https://www.dailystar.co.uk/showbiz/katie-price-topless-toilets-17083053
Heard the so-called "rumour" about where it shoved it's mobile phone? Heres the evidence of same
You can now go and be violently sick . Disgusting creature * https://www.mirror.co.uk/3am/celebrity-news/katie-prices-filthiest-sex-confessions-21490397
Yeah. Take this thing home to meet your Mother eh?????
July 2019 - /www.opendemocracy.net/en/opendemocracyuk/revealed-boris-russian-oligarch-and-page-3-model/
"Harvey & Me" aka "Let's make it all about ME and slag everyone else off whilst blaming Them for everything"
This rubbish hits the streets this week, however don't waste a tenner on purchasing this crap because the Sun & other rival media have very kindly lifted the entire lot in vile segments then published it BEFORE it is officially released (which must really please the fools who paid her for it) Coming soon to a pound-shop near you, in the Bargain-bucket-bollocks-bin at a substantially reduced Price.
Here we go then:-
www.thesun.co.uk/tvandshowbiz/16533899/katie-price-plans-adopt-special-needs-child/ - Why? She doesn't look after her OWN children.
/www.thesun.co.uk/tvandshowbiz/16524783/katie-price-kidnap-threats-harvey-gangs-ransom-book/ - of course they did dear
www.thesun.co.uk/tvandshowbiz/16529457/katie-prices-harvey-stopped-breathing-after-burns-accident/ Blame Pete for this one of course because, as anyone does, one goes to check out a new horse on New Years' Eve, leaving Harvey unattended to run a scalding bath, whilst everyone else is enjoying themselves getting pissed-up. So much for being Harveys' carer eh?
https://www.ok.co.uk/celebrity-news/katie-price-mum-amy-funeral-25269370 - I bet Amy is pleased! LOL
https://www.mirror.co.uk/3am/celebrity-news/katie-prices-horror-harvey-threw-25292586?utm_source=linkCopy&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=sharebar another charming anecdote - NOT!!
https://www.dailystar.co.uk/showbiz/katie-price-warns-harvey-isnt-25298001 - this is a bit rich! Tell it to the boyfriend!
and its still spewing forth, a tsunami of garbage.....................
https://www.mirror.co.uk/3am/celebrity-news/six-bombshells-katie-prices-new-25299462 - duds, not bombshells
www.thesun.co.uk/tvandshowbiz/16540149/nanny-recorded-harvey-bath-katie-price/ but its OK for her to film H and invade his privacy of course
www.thesun.co.uk/tvandshowbiz/16559364/katie-price-gareth-gates-career-virginity/ - the poor little sod will never hear the end of it over the biggest mistake he ever made in life, shagging skanky.
Keep it coming skanky, destroy the lad a bit more, make out that he's a danger to society why not? But as long as your nails looked nice what the hell eh?
www.thesun.co.uk/tvandshowbiz/16622426/katie-price-hotel-room-blood-sheets-punching/ - knock the lad down a bit more eh luv??
https://www.thesun.co.uk/tvandshowbiz/16625984/katie-price-son-harvey-doctor-desk-rage/ - stick the knife in and twist eh??
According to the blurb, this utter BS is a "Celebration of Their Life." Pwwwwaaaaahahaha! Most of it is just rehashed nonsense that her ghost writer has trawled in from media sources then botched together to create this literary masterpiece they laughingly call "A New Book" even though none of it is actually NEW since price documents and sells every single microsecond of it's existence immediately, therefore its basically all OLD NEWS. However there's no mention of her other four children being removed by Social Services nor the deaths of any of her so-called belovéd pets that die under mysterious circumstances (See above)
And Peter has finally had enough - Furious Peter Andre instructs lawyers over Katie Price ‘lies’ in new book and ‘he’s sick of being dragged into her life’ (thesun.co.uk) Then on 1st November 2021 KP states that Gareth Gates 'wanted a bit of the Pricey' and it launched his career. The poor guy had, quite rightly, endeared himself to the British audience, winning them over with his endearing qualities/vocals, and is apparently mortified to this day that he he lost his virginity to her. This knowledge did in fact humiliate him and his family and could have cost him a tangible record deal. Lest we forget, Katie Price has always wanted to be 'a pop star' and has latched onto others, notably Peter Andre and Dane Bowers, in pursuit of her much-yearned for singing career. But she didn't listen even when her manager wanted nothing to do with it.
https://www.thesun.co.uk/tvandshowbiz/16669728/katie-price-unfollows-ex-peter-andre-instagram/ Oh no! How will Peter ever survive being removed from it's Instagram? Its thrown a hissy fit because of his legal action
Dec 21 2021 - another pile of old bollocks in the pipeline then . She can just put a new cover on crap edition 7 and use up all the unsold copies of that other mega-seller "Harvey and MEEEEEEEE". All that contained was her slagging of all her exes - just for a change
Talking about kids:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d6VoE-TWOhA Calling J&P ugly as babies Loose Women
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gr4V5Z02T9I Getting Bunny's ears pierced as a baby Loose Women
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-cPSObsAsdk Putting kids before Partners Loose Women
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ivYgwgbXQF4 Is your behaviour damaging your kids Loose Women
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f1uH98b1s_o On adoption Loose Women
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JeMsTpJGJD8 On adoption This morning
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qofN_xBPvE8 On kids (Forgets Harvey's age) Loose Women
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eYYavHIvgM0 Putting Harvey into Care This morning
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kIwixceKqqk On kids using social media Loose Women
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PuimuxPAfMU Putting Makeup on Princess Loose Women
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U2TIR6hS5ZE Going through her kids phones Loose Women
https://youtu.be/le--wxe_DYw - "Mother of the Year" tells little Jett to "Shut up!". Also known to yell at him that she'll "Blow his brains out" if he does'nt shut up whilst she's filming her crap for JYY's alleged "fashions"
Heres an example of the kind of "fun stuff" she likes to to do keep the kids feral. www.thesun.co.uk/tvandshowbiz/12740299/katie-price-boyfriend-carl-woods-wheelchair/
https://go.skimresources.com/?id=143714X1608376&isjs=1&jv=15.2.1-stackpath&sref=https%3A%2F%2Ftattle.life%2Fthreads%2Fkatie-price-81-holiday-in-vegas-then-tying-the-knot-fly-back-to-england-and-in-jail-youll-rot.24521%2Fpage-14&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.thesun.co.uk%2Ftvandshowbiz%2F1397225%2Fkatie-price-forgets-her-childrens-names-on-loose-women-as-she-admits-to-eating-cheese-and-fish-while-pregnant%2F&xs=1&xtz=-60&xuuid=3192c79a53dfc7e289d99112b132c3f1&xjsf=other_click__auxclick%20%5B2%5D It cannot even remember the children's names
www.thesun.co.uk/tvandshowbiz/1227948/katie-price-slams-mums-who-leave-their-kids-alone-in-soft-play-areas/ - more hypocritical BS from "Mother-of-the-Year"
Nov 11 2021 - Peter and Kieron have made the legal move to stop her contact with the four children when she marries Biffa. Like she cares anyway......................
Nov 12 2021 - off it's face again and spouting this bullcrap about how she will be taking the children to live with her and wanky in Vegas; Like thats gonna happen!! /www.thesun.co.uk/tvandshowbiz/16711857/katie-price-las-vegas-carl-kids-marriage/
https://www.thesun.co.uk/tvandshowbiz/1 - Kieron has had enough of her BS 6712301/katie-price-kieran-peter-kids-vegas/
https://go.skimresources.com/?id=143714X1608376&isjs=1&jv=15.2.1-stackpath&sref=https%3A%2F%2Ftattle.life%2Fthreads%2Fkatie-price-79-here-comes-the-bride-all-fat-and-wide-tried-to-drive-a-beemer-fell-out-the-other-side.24439%2Fpage-29&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.mirror.co.uk%2F3am%2Fcelebrity-news%2Fkatie-price-leaves-son-harvey-25439097&xs=1&xtz=-60&xuuid=3ac1ad80bc871fa767d755e9130c2786&xjsf=other_click__auxclick%20%5B2%5D - H gets elbowed from his Best Man job she promised. Who is surprised??
https://archive.md/Pea1B Doing normal family stuff with the kids - skanky wouldn't have a clue about any of this would she?
Wheel-out Harvey again because she can't access the others so easily now
Sticking two fingers up at everyone who accused Her of being the cause of H's obesity - crowing about how he's still putting on weight even in his new residential home away from her! https://www.thesun.co.uk/tvandshowbiz/16953228/katie-price-reveals-son-harvey-gaining-weight-residential-college/ Perhaps the fact she turns up with whole carrot cakes for him and then takes him out for a lunch consisting of enough chips to feed a family of ten might have something to do with it?
https://www.thesun.co.uk/tvandshowbiz/16968941/katie-price-dangerous-parenting-blunder-jett/ - for someone who insists they've had at least five "kidnap threats", she's pretty obliging with sharing the details of her kid's whereabouts is she not?
Not content with blighting five young lives already, we have this. https://www.thesun.co.uk/tvandshowbiz/16896128/katie-price-pregnant-not-happening-carl-woods/. Pray to God that it remains barren
https://www.motherandbaby.co.uk/family-life/influencers-inspiration/katie-price/ More Wonderful Me BS Poor Harvey cannot escape it even when he lives on the other side of the country - and this - "Luk 'ow grate I iz"
Utilise the Kids - I mean, why else have them if you cannot use them when you want to??
https://www.thesun.co.uk/tv/16678550/katie-price-son-harvey-handbag-line/ Now Harvey gets a line of crappy handbags to go with the crappy clothing range
/www.thesun.co.uk/tvandshowbiz/16795126/katie-price-reunites-mum-kids-after-vegas/ The damage limitation exercise is picking up speed as the 15th December approaches so here we are with her wonderful mother Amy (the terminally ill one) along with Jett & Bunny on a Sussex beach on a cold November morning. I doubt sincerely this would have happenned had she not needed the children to boost her "Happy family" line of rubbish in readiness for facing Court yet again for drink/drug charges since her access normally meant staying in whilst she got wrecked in front of the telly (as in Slapgate), however her plans had to radically change because of that and it was forced to haul its backside out of bed early in the morning to get to this set-up photo opportunity.
AS IF Harvey has a "favourite" exfoliating sponge!!!!
https://tattle.life/attachments/ba0653e7-2a9b-4914-8f31-7cd8c5b3ab97-jpeg.895126/ Crank up the useage of Harvey
https://youtu.be/y2vr9DLyyw4 - More manufactured shite for her youtube. H has seen more of her since this impending Court case than he's done in the past year
Advertising some more crap
1 Dec 2021 - get some mileage out of the kids for 'er mentawl 'elf innit www.thesun.co.uk/tvandshowbiz/16900281/katie-price-school-bullies-taunt-kids-fake-boobs/
Stick a frog on it and market it under Harvey's crap collection - I bet H does not see a penny from any monies made either. https://tattle.life/attachments/b097d1e3-3f4d-4ea4-8c14-445db9b77e7e-png.899707/ Getting worried that the latest scam has been uncovered? Up pops this - 1 Dec 2021
www.thesun.co.uk/tv/16952822/katie-price-harvey-smashes-up-room-residential-college/ - yesterday she was quoted as saying she was "Pleased" that he had wrecked his room. Today though its been edited to say she is "shocked" - obviously did not like the brickbats flying in her direction over it Revised like the rubbish about her outburst of "I could've killed myself" that became "someone" Perhaps the WORST ever example of using Harvey, getting him to swear and rant in defence of her. Just look at his distress - Dec 2021 https://youtu.be/0Awh63cSOKc She needs to be stopped from using the lad like this
And more crap re Harvey - people are rightly pissed off https://www.mirror.co.uk/3am/celebrity-news/inside-katie-prices-unconventional-christmas-25798141#comments-wrapper
Here we go then - out with the excuses for it's behaviour -
* Note that its All About Me, not the damage it could have done to an innocent road user or pedestrian
And now the revised version of said apology removing the ME ME ME aspect in favour or "someone" Katie Price says ‘I could have killed someone’ as she opens up on drink-drive crash (thesun.co.uk)
* Katie Price is now in a rush to marry her toy-boy bully, Carl Woods, having her disabled son Harvey as Best Man. Could it be that, once they're married, she will no longer be ordered to testify in court against her husband over 'SLAP-GATE?
Despite KPs family begging the public to 'Give her privacy' whilst battling her demons, the red-tops are printing endless (fully documented) stories at the moment!
* Sooo...they've jetted off to Las Vegas to get married. (No Harvey for 'Best Man' then??)
AND were promptly escorted off their connecting plane by an air-marshall for non-compliance regarding the use of face-masks/drunken behaviour.
Many passengers witnessed her humiliation with one clever lady tweeting her shennanigans (Yay)
Apparently she had been asked by airline staff FOUR TIMES to please put on her mask but she refused, even when warned that she would be removed from the flight for non-compliance. At least fiance Carl Woods had the grace to look 'mortified.'
"Donchoo Know Who I am" syndrome going on here...
And no, they didn't know who she was.....
And so the saga continues ad-infinum.....
Its All About MEEE!
The Two finger salute to the Law again - Nov 19 2021 So here they are driving about one of his fleet of Lukshury Moters with his personalised plate on it, a plate that just so happens to be registered to a totally different vehicle and is of a format that is also totally illegal, plus it most certainly is NOT a trade plate.
A "Talented singer" - if you value your ears don' t venture in here but it is absolutely hilarious and worth the risk
https://youtu.be/h8S1TxCihvk She had a different face then too