Who is Jodie Marsh
Jodie Marsh is an ex British reality TV celebrity/glamour model (she would like everyone to know she has since left the limelight.) Born in 1978 in Brentwood, Essex to millionaires John (Parge) and Kristina (Marge) Marsh.
From a young age Jodie proved to be quite the child prodigy by graduating school with eleventy-million GCSE'S and A-levels. She is very discreet and modest about her educational achievements at the exclusive Brentwood School. However, bullying at school led her to have her nose operated on to look like a builders elbow.
Despite her billion qualifications, and a promising career in law (even though she never bothered to apply to university) Jodie decided to stong-arm Peter Stringfellow into giving her a job. How could he resist the best stripper EVAH! She started work straight away breaking men's hearts and getting paid to swig vodka at work. That would stick it to the bullies at Brentwood School. How lucky for Britain that Jodie preferred to show off her 32Ds instead of her 136 IQ!
Her work at Stringfellow's lead her being featured in ITV's "Essex Wives" to modelling work with the Sun newspaper and magazines Nuts and Zoo. She had been trying for years to become a Page 3 girl but now that she had been on TV, Jodie blagged £30,000 from The Sun to be their Page 3 girl. That sure showed the bullies at Brentwood that she was smart, gawjus, and far too powahful for them.
An obvious progression into Jodie's career was work in reality TV. After Essex Wives, she gained a higher profile doing lads mags, interviews, and competing in shows like The Games (2004), Trust Me, I'm a Holiday Rep (2005), The All Star Talent Show (2006), and of course Celebrity Big Brother (2007).
Here we start to see the beginning of her animal hoarding when in 2006, Jodie appeared on the show "It's Me or the Dog" presented by dog behaviourist Victoria Stilwell. It soon becomes evident that her parents are sick of Jodie's 5 dogs; bulldog (Paddy ) and four chihuahuas (Bean, Baby, Teddy, and Tommy.) Jodie has moved out and left the 4 chihuahuas running amok, urinating and deficating all over her parents house and bullying Paddy the bulldog.
An exasperated Victoria Stilwell sits them all down to discuss her training regime, when Jodie impulsively introduces a new bulldog puppy Lyla she has recently bought to the chaos, here we also learn her dad has agreed to getting a new puppy despite her other dog's wrecking their house. Jodie did not consider that chihuahuas need a different feeding schedule to bulldogs.
What is Fripps Farm
What is Fripps Farm ?
Fripps Farm (aka Auschfripps) is Jodie’s vanity project. She started “collecting” animals in 2020 and as of May 2024 it is estimated she has anywhere between 350-700 animals (the exact number is not known).
Who works at Fripps?
Currently only Jack Joggers is a full time “employee” at Fripps. His position has been elevated to performing monkey as he body pops to order and entertains Jodie's new BFFs whilst wearing filthy joggers and flicking the bird to trolls. This is not the sort of behaviour one would expect from someone whose partner is the really, really, really high up member in the Metropolitan Police Jodie boasts about knowing. Jodie has had many “helpers” in the past however most have upped and left (or been given the boot once Jodie doesn’t consider them to be the
Where is Fripps Farm?
Fripps is based in Essex in the leafy rural community of Lindsell, Dunmow. The farm is set up in a residential property which is situated amongst 3 or 4 other residential properties who are all in very close proximity.
Jodie claims that she has 7 acres of land however its believed that she actually has 3 acres and a manky pond. The land is not managed appropriately – when she moved to the property back in 2023 the grass was luscious and green. Now its 3 acres of mud and animal faeces ( and god knows what else) .
Jodie claims that everyone else who has a farm/rescue/owns animals is in the same situation as she is however we know that is another barefaced lie. For example,
Tower Hill Stables – located 34 miles away from Fripps
Tower Hill Stables look after their animals amazingly well, they are all extremely well cared for and the land is managed properly. A complete contrast to the mud bath at Fripps.
What is a Community Interest Group (CIC )
What is a CIC (Community Interest Company)
A CIC is a special type of limited company. They are designed to set up as a social enterprise and are a “not for profit” company. However, a CIC is set up like a normal limited company.
Info taken from>
Are CIC’S regulated?
Yes CIC’s are regulated by the Office of the Regulator of Community Interest Companies ( i.e basically the government).
CIC regulator website>
How much does it cost?
According to the government website, as of May 2024 it costs £65 to set up a CIC.
What’s the difference between a Charity/CIC?
- A CIC is generally quicker and simpler to set up, less bureaucratic but cannot fundraise as well as a charity and does not eligible for charitable tax relief.
- A CIC isn’t a charity. It’s a nonprofit company regulated by the CIC Regulator.
Above info taken from >
https://www.charityexcellence.co.uk/community-interest-company-cic-vs-charity/#:~:text=A CIC is generally quicker,regulated by the CIC Regulator.
Jodies version on Fripps Website – multiple lies in the space of one paragraph (bits in bold)
Taken from Fripps blurb. Found here>
If for any reason Fripps Farm can’t home an animal then Jodie will find it the best possible home. Fripps Farm is now a C.I.C (Community Interest Company) which is
similar to having charity status. We are officially recognised as being a “service to the community” (to animals and wildlife
). It means that we can receive donations and help with funding. It also means that we are very transparent and that our accounts must show where the money is being spent. The money we receive MUST go on the cause!
Can a director be paid? ( On the DWA appliation - it states that Jodie is a director of Fripps)
Yes – a director of a cic is able to take home a “reasonable” salary. The website doesn’t specify what it considers to be “reasonable” though.
See below link for info>
https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/community-interest-companies-how-to-form-a-cic/community-interest-companies-guidance-chapters#:~:text=Directors may be paid remuneration,be more than is reasonable
Dangerous Wildlife Application
Jodie has applied for a Dangerous Wildlife Application (DWA) on 9th January 2024 and the hearing was set for Tuesday 4th June 2024
. It was, however, adjourned until 15th July because Jodie claimed she knew nothing of any objections until the evening of 3rd June. Jodie had however emailed The Born Free Foundation on 25th May and also named, slandered and doxxed people who had made objections on the UDC portal.
Why has Jodie applied for this licence?
Jodie claims that she is being gifted 8 ring-tailed Lemurs ( who she claims are all siblings) . The Lemurs are allegedly being gifted to her by Reece Oliver (based in Nottingham). He has recently had an exotic animal sanctuary application turned down in March 2024 (he proposed to extend the current premises).
BBC article >
More on Reece Oliver – “Gifter” (aka Seller) of the Ringtailed Lemurs
Reece Oliver also “claims” that Jodie has received adequate training in how to care for Ringtail Lemurs ( see page 22 of the PDF titled appendices ). Reece Oliver does not appear to have any formal training in animal conservation. Wiki page>
There have been multiple petitions trying to stop Reece Oliver expanding his zoo:
Freedom for Animals ( 2023)
Animal Rising (Formerly Animal Rebellion) (2023)
Born Free – (2021) who offered a helping hand to Reece after they found his Stacey Dooley documentary ( Britain’s Tiger King) distressing.
Inconsistencies in the reports: -
- Reece Oliver claims that Jodie has received adequate training in how to care for Ring tailed Lemurs ( see page 22 of the appendices document) – however point 23 on the DWA application it states “ The applicant has confirmed that the current owner is not willing to give her his address and will be bringing the Lemurs to Fripps Farm once the licence is in place.” - This is interesting given that Reece claims that Jodie regularly visits the property in Nottingham.
Question – How is the training being given? Over Zoom?
WARNING - Evidence submitted to the panel (the Google Drive) (link can be found on Thread 25 – first post by @ToadyHarsh)
The DWA Application Document:-
https://uttlesford.moderngov.co.uk/documents/s35626/Committee Report.pdf
Appendices - objections start on page 28
DWAL Hearing 15th July 2024
The hearing was undertaken by Uttlesford District Council (based in Saffron Waldon, Essex). The hearing unfortunately was not video or audio recorded.
The lemurs are now not coming from Nottinghamshire, but Northamptonshire! Hey ho! Easy mistake to make. They both begin with "N" and end in "Shire!"
Evidence By Fripps Farm 15 minutes Allowed
Jodie spoke for ten minutes. "Ignore anonymous objections they are all from trolls! I've been famous for 22 years and I've been bullied and trolled. We left Jack at home. I hate the RSPCA, it's my mission in life to ruin them. People say we have 600-700 animals, they're trolls, bullies & trolls. We have 182, 73 are smaller than cats, 20 are to be released." Jodie was repeatedly told the hearing was about lemurs!
Staph spoke for four minutes. "Anything you hear about Fripps is hearsay, assumptions and twisted by bullies & trolls. The Kaotic Angels own a charity and they are slated and trolled. Dirt bikes pass Fripps 6 times a week, 20 or 30 of them making 3 or 4 times more noise than the Kaotic Angels. People visit Fripps direct people, Klingons and supporters!" Yes she actually said
Klingons and not one mention of lemurs!
John Curtin (Camp Beagle) spoke for one minute. "Hey everyone. Well I nearly didn't make it here today. You see there was a horse in the road and I wanted to stop and help and that would have stopped me from coming today because that's the kind of guy I am. There are 2 jodies at Fripps, one famous and one not. That doesn't bother me because they both like animals." Time up! What about lemurs?
The licence was not granted as Jodie was deemed
"Not a Suitable Person" to hold a DWA. Throwing geese, taking meerkats and owls to the pub and thrusting a snake in people's faces did not work in her favour. The panel were not convinced by Jodie's responses. She showed no ability for reflection or reflective practices which could lead to learning and a modification of her behaviour. Noise nuisance was also a factor.
Jodie has appealed the decision stating the council are corrupt, they have bullied her and have done so for years.
Who is who
•Jodie Marsh (angry ranter on Instagram)
•Stephanie 'Staph' Burrows - ex valued staff member and now labelled a troll & psychopath.
•Jack - farm lackey. Technically "Head of Animal Welfare" and Steph's boss.
* Nicky Weller Hayley Cropper, Paul Weller's sister, new BFF being love bombed for her connection to her faymus brother.
* Fifi Geldof new BFF being love bombed for her connection to her faymus and very wealthy father.
•Mark - Jodie's ex boyfriend and builder (probably imprisoned or drowned in the swamp) - NOW NO LONGER AT FRIPPS - March/April 2024 . Its believed they had a fall out. She definitely did dump him though!
•Parge - Jodie's Dad and piggy bank.
•Marge - Jodie's late mum
*Jordan - Jodie's brother the failed pub singer Not The Vile One (NTVO).
•Lorna - Parge's current partner. Jodie is TOTALLY FINE with this.
•Claire - ex best friend, one titted onlyfans model (left under suspicious circumstances but we can't talk about it.)
•Vicky - the better looking onlyfans model, too pretty to hang around Fripp's now.
•Nina - lucky fella. Jodie's ex-girlfriend now Jodie's hairdresser and Onlyfans plumber.
•Billy Collins - ex-boyfriend and Elvis impersonator presumed dead. However recently discovered he has happily moved on with a new partner and has welcomed the birth of his first child.
Fripps Farce Facebook Page was launched in May 2024. It has many members from the rescue and rehabilitation community who are genuinely concerned for the welfare of the animals at Auschfripps. Week Commencing 9th December 2024 they achieved 5000 members.
Purchases/ Freebies
Purchases whilst asking for donations for animal food
No-one could begrudge someone from decorating their house and buying a few treats but when you are pleading poverty and rattling the begging bowl, whilst decorating your bathroom with expensive wallpaper, it does make you wonder.
• second £1.2 million 5 bedroom mansion whilst still owning her first mansion
* £8,000 grill house in the garden (best vegan EVAH!)
• £150 per roll divine savages wallpaper
• £140 per roll muck 'n' brass wallpaper
• £145 picture from muck 'n' brass
• air conditioning units
• electric gates
• expensive love bomb trip and meal for ex friend Claire
• luxury bed RRP at £1500 with slight discount
• various tattoos, including Mabel, Emoo, Rosie paw print. (Tattooist traveled from Gloucester for home visit.)
• Botox and other aesthetic treatments
Criticisms/signs of neglect
• it became apparent in August 2023 that Gerald the goat was being tied up 24/7 because he kept breaking his shelters. January 2024 he was rescued by a goat sanctuary and seems to be behaving better.
• June 2023 Jodie rehomed Zilla the monitor lizard, in a less than adequate shelter. December 2023 it was reported that Zilla was due to be rehomed by a lizard sanctuary (they had a large expensive enclosure specially made for Zilla.) Zilla then became ill, so ill in fact that Jodie could allow the vicious lizard to lay on her lap to warm up. The sanctuary then commented that Jodie had cancelled their rehoming and gave them an iguana and 3 chinchilla's instead.
•January 2024 a video emerged from the Sun Showbiz YouTube page featuring Jodie's pigs and birds knee deep in mud.
•January 2024 on Jodie's own 'filthy' YouTube channel a video was released showing graphic images of her genet Claudette with a tail infection, her tail is bloody and her skin is hanging off. The wound is treated in an unsanitary area filled with rubbish. Claudette is then stuffed into a tiny crate.
Missing Animals
•Tommy (Shetland pony)
•Jasper (ginger cat)- died last year, never mentioned
•Marcel (lamb)- she denied he existed and it's known that 1 other lamb (Kol) from his flock died, dog attack and a falling fence respectively
•Zilla (monitor lizard)
•Cadbury (skunk)
•Cammie (chameleon lizard)
•Claudette (genet)
•Roe deer
October/November 2023 animals
-2 raccoon dogs
-Fox cub with mange
-3 chinchilla's
-ragdoll cat
No December count as got in a discussion with Miss Marsh about her lack of grazing /room and was subsequently blocked for having a valid opinion.
2024 animal additions
X 2 cows 'saved' aka bought from slaughter
X 2 new protection dogs? gifted
X 2 miniature shetlands going to stay at a friend's?
Another parrot
X2 more cows bought to rescue from slaughter, Jerry with a J and Holly
X1 Highland bull, Hamish
was going to be shot rescued from 10acres. Cost £800
The Marsh Family
Over the years, it’s clear that Jodie rarely learns from her mistakes, largely due to the enabling influence of her parents. Her narcissism leads to a predictable cycle: people either fall out with her within a year or two, or they adopt the "grey rock" technique to avoid her drama. This section introduces new readers to her family, former SoulMates4Evaaah and exes.
The parents: Kris and John (aka Marge and Parge). Happily married until Marge's untimely death from cancer in 2020. They became wealthy from their scaffolding business, which allowed them to live comfortably, sending their children to private school and visiting Barbados annually.
"Marsh Manors" was an open house for all their childrens' friends and partners. Despite their outwardly hippy, easygoing parenting style, their overindulgence of Jodie likely fueled her attention-seeking and sexually reckless behavior from when she turned 14.
Jodie manipulated her parents, often pitting them against each other to get her way, with little consequence for her actions. The lack of boundaries set by Marge and Parge likely reinforced Jodie’s sense of entitlement, leading to the spoilt, animal-hoarding, poncing, deluded, narcissistic slapper we see today.
Marge and Parge often appeared in Jodie's various shows over the years:
It's Me or The Dog,
My Secret Past, and Jodie Marsh: Tattoo Apprentice.
Parge: A builder from Bournemouth, who moved to Essex to be with Marge. In recent years, he has become radicalised from a regular Essex Tory to a Tommy Robinson fanboy/Reform Gammon fascist tweeting disgusting pictures of faeces to politicians, demanding that immigrants be deported, and that Muslims should have parts chopped off.
He was a hands-off father, who never seemed bothered about his teenage daughter's smoking or promiscuity, or at least preferred not to think about her trashy reputation. In an interview on the Jeremy Kyle show, he said it was her life and what she got up to had nothing to do with him. His susceptibility to being manipulated by Jodie, including taking on her untrained incontinent dogs, letting her tattoo him, or agree to let Jodie use his mother's ashes in a tattoo, shows a lingering pattern of permissiveness and avoidance of confrontation. The break-up with his younger girlfriend, orchestrated by Jodie, indicates how much influence she continues to have over him, but his new partner appears to have the measure of Jodie.
Marge: Jodie's late mother. Kris was one of the Wives in "Essex Wives", the show that made Jodie famous. Elegant, warm, and loved by all who knew her. Marge was a laid-back mother who believed her kids never put a foot wrong. Every time Jodie was in trouble—and there was a
lot of it—Marge would jump to her defense. Why? Well, clearly the other kids were jealous of Jodie! And when Jodie’s looks became a schoolyard target, Marge’s solution was to whisk her off for a nose job at the tender age of 15. Marge didn’t hold back on trying to give Jodie the “perfect” life.
There have been a few more times where Marge was fine with young Jodie going out looking overtly sexy, instead of setting age-appropriate boundaries with her. She thought it was perfectly ok for 15-year old Jodie to go clubbing in London wearing see-through pants, or wear two belts over her tits to an awards show, or become a lapdancer after leaving school. As much as a mother loves her children, there are times where you have to say no to them & be ok with that.
Jordan: Jodie's kid brother. To distinguish him from Katie 'Jordan' Price, Mushers used to refer to him as Jordan NTVO (Not The Vile One). Jordan is married to SoulMate Kyle's sister Karleigh. As fastidious as Jodie is messy, but he used to be just as entitled. Jordan is a professional pianist, but being known as the brother to England's most notorious orange slapper probably didn't do him any favours. However, he still plays gigs along with his director role at the family scaffolding company.
He was the only person in the Marsh family who would be direct & straight with Jodie. He saw the effect of Celebrity Big Brother had had on their family in 2006 and he didn't want to go through all that again with Up The Arse. Jodie of course, threw a massive Verucca Salt-style strop on the show, wailing that he wouldn't support her. Jordan went to the husband auditions with Jodie & Kyle, but couldn't have rolled his eyes any farther throughout the ordeal. Of course, he loathed the guy Jodie married.
Neither Jodie, Kyle, Jordan or Karleigh have never explicitly talked about what happened between them. What the Mushers have been able to figure out so far is that there was an epic bust-up around 2008. Jordan was the one who cut Jodie off after a massive row, and SoulMate Kyle sided with him and Karleigh. Jordan was last seen rolling his eyes to Karleigh at Marge's funeral in 2020, when Jodie spent most of her eulogy droning on about her then-partner Billy!
If you want to know if Jodie
really, really doesn't like you, she will only refer to you by some dehumanising noun ("his bird", "the tosser", "horse face") instead of by your name. Jodie 100% blames Karleigh (aka "the wife") for the estrangement and perceived break-up of her family.
Whatever the row was about, nearly all the Brentwood friends appeared to side with Jordan too; only Dave Rainbird and St Lauren were still talking to Jodie after the 2008 row. Marge and Parge had to spend alternative Christmases with either Jodie or Jordan. At this point, it has been 16 years and counting so whatever it was, must have been really fucking bad.
Dumped SoulMates
Jodie always needs a “Best Mate.” But for Jodie, that title
always comes with an expiration date. She’s notorious for elevating friends to “SoulMate” / "Best Mate" status, lavishing them with the special honor of nights in on her manky cat-hair-covered sofa, watching
The Greatest Showman for the hundredth time amid a cloud of cigarette smoke, a whiff of beef crisps and a waft of mouse poo. #KeepingItReal.
But as history has shown, this ‘Best Mate’ role has a knack for turning sour faster than you can say “revolving door.”
The lucky few who made the cut? We’re talking her
very special SoulMates: Kyle, Lauren, Dave Morgan, Boy In The Attic, Gay Steven, and ShePap. They get to guest-wri
te on her blog—a rare accolade in Jodie’s world, usually reserved for those who survive the
full SoulMate cycle of approximately three years. Apart from legendary exceptions like Kyle and Dave Rainbird, they’re all eventually dropped and forgotten.
In fact, all her SoulMates eventually fall out with her. Jodie’s
ego Instagram, which needs constant feeding like the animals at Fripps, is only part of the story. Friends-turned-photographers are roped into taking thousands of shots as she strikes pose after pose in unflattering dresses, heavy drag-queen makeup, and eyeball-achingly ugly shoes. And it doesn’t stop there—new SoulMates often find themselves pressured into adopting Jodie’s whims, whether it is veganism, weights, or Elvis. Any disagreement? They’re discarded without a second thought.
Like that, but with Jodie posing in some godawful ugly outfit & makeup.
Oh, and let’s not forget the bizarre initiations. Jodie’s Best Mates are often nudged into dressing up—or down. Some, like Claire and Jack, have even found themselves coerced into getting naked online, while others, like Sarah Eyebrows and School Teacher Lauren, are talked into donning skimpy slapper outfits for a wild night down the pub.
Ironically, any current SoulMate always think they’re different, convinced they’re special because Jodie has spent hours slagging off the ex-friends. She’ll have told them exactly how each one was a “backstabber”, a "ponce" or a “user,” leaving them feeling securely above the rest. But just as every “Best Mate” before them, they’re blissfully unaware that their expiration date is quietly ticking away.
Pre-Fame SoulMates
Naomi: Jodie and Naomi were inseparable tweets, until Naomi pulled the ultimate betrayal—shagging Jodie’s first ever boyfriend, Dave Milner, in Jodie’s house! Naturally, Jodie dumped Naomi (after probably burning her memory box of friendship bracelets), but Naomi dumped Dave after a week. Classy, right? And just to twist the knife, Naomi's big sister was TV presenter Katy Hill, who presented Jodie's series of The Games. Awks.
Kim Banyard: Kim became Jodie's Best Mate because she was the only one who was up for going out on the piss whenever Jodie wanted, and that she was exactly like Jodie, instead of being a person in her own right.
Kim was a successful sales executive, but you wouldn’t know it from Jodie’s autobiography.
Tragically, Kim was murdered by her partner 10 weeks after giving birth to their baby. Jodie's chihuahua Pixie also died the same week. Jodie tends to gloss over the fact that she had been sulking because Kim couldn't go out with Jodie like she used to because of the baby. Kim and Pixie's deaths were tastefully commemorated into a tattoo on Jodie's neck.
(if you think that's bad, wait til you read Parge's poem in Jodie's book about Pixie that was recycled as an eulogy at Kim's funeral)
Kim's brutal murder was Jodie's freebie card for years. Nobody could say anything to Jodie without her using Kim's murder as a reason to stop being a VJB towards her. It got so bad that Kim's family asked Jodie to stop talking about Kim.
Kyle Kaine (1st to be called SoulMate). They both worked at the Ministry of Sound and immediately bonded over lipliner. Jodie initally refused to accept that he was gay and she spent a year trying to "turn" him. Kyle and Jodie loved to go clubbing in London and he sometimes helped to "style" her outfits. Their 15(?) year friendship mysteriously faded out after Jodie filmed Up The Aisle and when Jodie's brother married Kyle's sister Karleigh.
2002-2007ish: Jodie's Celebrity Heyday
School Teacher Lauren (ST Lauren, STL): Every hot mess needs a grounding influence, and that’s where STL comes in. Jodie’s most sensible mate, she probably would have much rather be at home with a cuppa & a good book, than watching Jodie dance and shove her tits into boys' faces.
Dave Courtney The Famous Gangster: Did you know Jodie and Dave Courtney The Famous Gangster used to "rule London"?
Jodie and Dave went way back to Jodie's stripping & clubbing days before she became faaaaayyyyymuuuuzzzzz. Dave sometimes provided Jodie with minders for events.
Linsey Dawn McKenzie: Jodie's only mate from the glamma modelling circuit. Jodie is godmother to her son Luca. Lost touch with Jodie after she got married and moved to Spain.
Alex: Alex used to come around to do Jodie's hair & nails before becoming part of the Sugar Hut gang. So beautiful that obviously she couldn't stay as Jodie's mate forevah. She was in the same class in school as Chris Parker From Eastenders and briefly dated Jordan NTVO in school.
Sarah: Oh, Sarah Eyebrows—so close, yet so far! Sarah had the same penchant for skanky ho gear and tweezed 90s brows as Jodie, yet she never quite made the cut as a proper SoulMate. She was always at Jodie's house, if she wasn't working at the Sugar Hut. Dated Dave Morgan for a bit. Did a career pivot and went into the Home Office around 2006-7, and somehow Jodie never mentioned her again.
Stephen Naylor, aka Gay Steven, Gay Stevie: Used to work with Sarah Eyebrows at the Sugar Hut, until Jodie hired him to blag freebies for her Up the Arse show. He came
this close to becoming Jodie’s top SoulMate, even spending Christmas Day with the Marshes. But then, in a narc-fuelled raging blog, Jodie flung him under the bus, claiming she barely knew the guy. Savage!
Luckily, Gay Steven has had the last laugh, going on to
far bigger and better things—celebrity agent, OK Magazine Event Manager, and now running his own PR company. Karma is a dish best served fabulous!
Go Gay Steven!
Peppe: Italian mate of her brother Jordan. He had a restaurant in Essex, sold that and bought a hotel in Italy. Jodie went to Peppe's hotel to lick her wounds for a bit after being publicly called out for trying to break up Ben & Dawn. (Ben was Jodie's pro partner when she was on the All Star Talent Show)
Max (aka The Boy in the Attic): Max moved in with the Marshes because his parents moved to Cyprus and he didn't want to go. SoulMate Kyle had no idea the Marshes had a lodger, called him The Boy in the Attic and it stuck. One of her brother Jordan's best friends.
Ricardo Ribiero from The Salon. One of Kyle's clubbing mates.
Omid Scobie Yes, that Omid Scobie. Outed by Popbitch as having fingered Jodie in a London nightclub in 2003.
Chris Parker From Eastenders Chris was also from Brentwood and Gay Steven used to fancy him.
Emma Greenwood From Big Brother 5 Emma was a ligger who could be counted upon to join Jodie for a carnage night out down the Sugar Hut, or wherever Jodie scored event tickets.
Rick Parfitt Jnr: Son of the blond guy from Status Quo. Marge was hoping he and Jodie would get together, but it never further than a cheeky snog. He invited Jodie to a posh ball, but Jodie bailed at the last minute as she decided it was too much effort and went to Kyle's party in London, looking like a hooker. Rick didn't bother with Jodie again.
Sugar Hut posse
Tony Trumpet: one of Jordan's mates rather than Jodie's. A hardcore drinker & ligger who could usually be found at Jodie's house at the weekends face-down in a half-eaten kebab and sleeping off his hangover. He played the trumpet for the Royal British Legion. Occasionally earned his keep as Jodie's minder.
Rusty Rockets: Another one of Jordan's mates who was part of the Sugar Hut entourage. Aka Russ. Jodie and Rusty promised to get married if Jodie was still single at 30.
Pants: Nobody knows why he is called Pants, but he was Tony's bandmate.
Dave Morgan: originally known as the fireman ex of Jessie Wallace, and got famous of Jessie's back for a while by doing various reality shows. He moved in next door to Jodie and sometimes acted as her minder.
FitBod: Gym enthusiast who was in a serious relationship with a friend of Jodie, but that didn't stop her writing reams of pages about his hot chiselled bod.
K/Carolina: Originally Karolina, but she became Carolina in the blog because Jodie couldn't be arsed spelling a foreign person's name properly. Karolina came from Slovakia and she was one of Jodie's cleaners before joining Jodie for Sugar Hut carnages.
Fancy Boy: Wannabe player around Brentwood. Said Jodie was "too powerful" for him.
Jodie filmed Up the
Arse Aisle in 2007 and she stopped blogging after breaking up with Matt Peacock. All that is known from this period was that she went on a massive sex and vodka bender for about a year, and tried to gain attention by pretending to be a lesbian. There have been so many examples from all her blogs, Digital Spy threads and online articles where she is booked for a gig and she blows it off to go and get pissed, or she slags off companies and people who would have otherwise considered booking her. No wonder that the work dried out by 2009 and her original 15 Minutes are up.
Jodie and her brother Jordan and SoulMate Kyle have a mysterious feud which lasts until this day. Having shagged all the men in Brentwood and fallen out her brother and all her soulmates, Jodie sells up and moves to a village 40 miles away.
In 2010, she decided she would become a tattoo artist and she managed to get a cable series out of it where again, she is shown up for being a deluded, no-talent idiot. In 2011, DMAX produced a show in which Jodie had 8 weeks to prepare for a bodybuilding show. Jodie won the "Champion of America" title (*bingo klaxon*) fair and square. Bodybuilding became her life for a few years and there was no rampant shagging
because she was too powahful for them
2008-to date: The Tattooing, Bodybuilding, and Fripps years
David Rainbird 2008-2019 on/off: the only Brentwood soulmate still talking to Jodie after Up The Arse. He doesn’t get enough credit for taking care of Jodie when she was wallowing in self-pity after leaving Brentwood and
involuntarily stepping out of the spotlight when all the media offers disappeared after Up The Arse.
Jodie never liked it when Dave had a boyfriend, because then she'd have nobody her own age to hang out with. Likewise, Dave didn't like it when Jodie dropped him for a new penis or SoulMate, but they'd usually make up again.
Dave was caught slagging off Jodie's new friends a few times. Jodie didn't have anyone else her age to hang out with for most of her 30s, otherwise he would have been chucked a lot sooner.
The final death-knell for Dave & Jodie was when Dave's new pub was indundated with complaints and bad reviews because Jodie kept bringing Mabel the Meerkat into his pub, and Jodie was spotted making food in the pub's kitchen. There were plenty of performative social media posts afterwards about how their friendship was stronger than evaaah, but Dave has never been seen again.
Kieron Stanbridge (2016-17): Young Kieran was all about giving back, using his digital and social media skills to promote various charities. Jodie agreed to be the patron of his mental health charity, and soon enough, they became close enough for him to take over her media accounts and inquiries. However, their relationship soured, leading Jodie to drop a bombshell in her blog. She claimed that an ex-colleague had changed her passwords, hinting at Kieron's potential involvement. While she didn’t name names, the timeline seemed to align suspiciously with Kieron being unceremoniously dumped as one of Jodie’s "soulmates." But, of course, this is just one side of the story; the truth behind the drama remains shrouded in mystery.
She Pap 2018-20: AKA Martine, a paparazzi photographer, she had some mobility issues that made exercising a challenge. However, Jodie, in her health and lifestyle guru phase, decided it was her mission to train Martine. Their bond initially flourished over a shared love of dogs, but it wasn’t long before the cracks began to show.
As Martine struggled to keep up with Jodie's relentless demands for attention—especially while Jodie’s mother was undergoing cancer treatment—she found herself unable to be at Jodie’s beck and call. Tensions escalated when Jodie began making pointed comments about Martine's food choices and weight, which certainly didn’t help their friendship.
The infamous incident occurred when Martine brought over a "Fried Green Tomatoes" DVD. Jodie, inexplicably triggered by certain scenes, turned the situation into a dramatic showdown, despite the fact that they had just watched far more violent movies that same night! Rather than letting it slide, Jodie insisted it was all Martine’s fault for “triggering” her. To make amends, Martine was forced to grovel big-time and splurge on a trip to Italy for Jodie—talk about a one-sided friendship
Alison / The Oracle: Alison was Marge's friend and the mother of The Boy In The Attic. Living the glamorous "ex-pat" life in Cyprus, Jodie once looked up to Alison as the epitome of sophistication, affectionately dubbing her "The Oracle."
In a particularly low-class move, Alison crafted several thoughtful handmade gifts and mementos for Marge, only for Jodie to later list them for sale on Depop two years down the line. Classy, right? Did Alison ever find out about that? Who knows. She hasn't been mentioned since.
Natalie the Make-Up Artist 2019: Natalie entered Jodie’s world as the resident beauty guru, doing free makeup and modeling for Jodie’s ill-fated fashion venture. But as any “friend” of Jodie learns, there’s always a price—Natalie soon found herself as Jodie’s go-to for endless trauma-dumping
and was roped into the early chaos at Fripps Farm. In true Jodie style, Natalie’s loyalty was also weaponized, with passive-aggressive digs aimed at other so-called “Soulmates” who weren’t
quite as supportive.
Claire 2021-23: The one soulmate that Jodie lovebombed more than some of her exes. Jodie and Claire were quite the gruesome twosome, sporting matching terrible bleach-blonde hairdos, an obsession with Botox, and a misguided belief that they were sooooo "edgy." Claire volunteered as the operations manager at Fripps, where her business savvy as a school governor and retail consultant was put to the
test. However, she soon found herself dragged into the gutter of Jodie’s schemes—buying up animals and indulging in Jodie’s every whim: she even manipulated Claire to get her little tit out on OnlyFans alongside another model and do faux-lezzing with Hodie.
But in Jodie’s chaotic world, even the strongest connections have an expiration date. Claire’s time came to an abrupt end when she refused to sign off on Jodie’s latest harebrained scheme to acquire even more animals. After a two-year rollercoaster ride, Jodie cut her loose, and now Claire is nevah mentioned again. To make matters worse, her position as operations manager was never filled, leaving Fripps without a steady hand to guide its operations & finances. Claire's friend Jack was left to be 'Head of Animal Welfare' but he doesn't appear to have any management skills other than saying yes to Jodie.
Now, without an “official best mate” since 2023, Jodie clings to her remaining employees, Jack
and Steph. They’re often made to stay after hours, enduring Jodie’s off-key Elvis karaoke or her incessant need to avoid being on her own in a massive house full of cat hair and mouse shit. Let’s be honest, though—they’re there out of obligation, since Jodie (or Parge?) signs their paychecks.
Steph Burrows 2021(?)-23:
Steph never quite had that soulmate bond with Jodie like Claire did, but she ended up at Fripps anyway because of her love for animals (and probably just a pinch of Claire’s influence & manipulation by Jodie). Steph’s marriage fell apart in 2022 when her husband came out, and guess who swooped in to make it all worse? Yep, Jodie. In true classy style, Jodie took to social media, mocking the poor guy’s coming out with every catty comment and homophobic euphemisms she could muster. Total sweetheart, that one.
But Steph found some comfort working as “Deputy Head of Animal Welfare” at Fripps. Sure, she had to deal with Jodie’s never-ending rants about “trolls and haters”—those imaginary people Jodie swears don’t rescue animals
half as much as she does. When she wasn’t acting as Jodie’s personal venting buddy, Steph was out there in the thick of it, getting herself well and truly stuck in the mud. Yep, there are more than a few “Best Bits” clips and snaps of her slipping, tripping, and landing face-first, all thanks to Jodie’s dodgy health and safety practices.
And when Jodie needed some backup in the online trenches? Enter Steph, the trusty flying monkey. Anytime there was a Facebook or Instagram spat about Fripps’ overflowing menagerie (all crammed onto Jodie’s
sprawling 3-acre estate), Steph was there, valiantly defending Jodie’s
selfless hoarding—er,
rescue efforts. Without Steph to back her up, it’s anyone’s guess how long Fripps can keep up the facade. Who’s going to defend Jodie’s “selfless” efforts on Facebook now? Or keep an eye on her questionable health and safety standards? And let’s be real—who will Jodie vent to now about all those
haters and “fake” rescuers?
(Think we're joking about the karaoke?!
The ShagList
Mark - 1994 or 1995ish: Mark was 10 years older than Jodie, who was still in school at the time. *cough*
He kept pestering her to do an orgy with him, which happened one night at Jodie's parents' barn. Then he got pissed off that she had sex with other people there.
Dean Clark - 1996: Jodie's first engagement & fixer-upper, she moved him into Marsh Manors to help him get
Sober. She didn't particularly love him and the sex was shite, but he was nice to her dog. And he proposed to her, so she can't have been ugly.
Garry Delaney (the Boxer) - 1996- : Two days after getting together with Garry, Jodie takes over his career and fires his promoter Barry Hearn. Jodie thinks she's a heroine in a Martina Cole novel and gets thoroughly obsessed with boxing stats.
Gary Lucy - Jodie's first celeb shag.
Anthony Costa from Blue - 2002/3
Jodie chatted him up at a T4 Beach Party by saying she'd love an orgy with him and the band. Dated for several months, but they broke up due to his drinking and him trying to hook up with Lucy Jo Hudson from Corrie.
Callum Best – 2003
Met at Funky Buddah nightclub in London. They shagged for 4 months.
Max Beesley - 2003
A short fling "scenario" for Max until he had to go to LA for a movie. Jodie was head over heels with him (what's new).
Fran Cosgrave – 2003-2004: Fran is (was) a nightclub owner and a former security guard for Westlife. They split in 2004. Fran really did try to get famous off Jodie's back and off Natasha from Atomic Kitten. Jodie claimed he had cheated on her (and that she was pregnant at the time). TW- Jodie aborted the baby ( if there was one).
Kian Egan - 2003: Met in 2003. Jodie and Kian had “a sizzling fling” allegedly. A mutual breakup apparently.
Dane Guiden – 2003: Jodie and Dane had a one-night stand back in August 2003.
Scott Sullivan – 2004-05: Jodie and Scott dated for 4 months. Scott is famous for being Skanky Price’s ex (aka
Katie Price). Jodie thinks he is a money hungry fame seeking arse hole.
Kenzie – 2005 (engaged): Jodie and Kenzie dated for 4 months and then got engaged a month later. At the time Kenzie was in his teens and Jodie was in her mid/late twenties (7 year age gap). They split a month after getting engaged because Kenzie was so young, and his mum & agent HATED her.
Scott Wright - 2005: Jodie flew from Barbados to break up with Kenzie to Cyprus to film "Trust Me, I'm a Holiday Rep". Jodie barely has a chance to change her knickers when she starts shagging Scott on the balcony, while the TV crew are drinking on the patio and can witness their love.
Jodie does an
interview a week later and says she wants to marry him. However, she didn't like his drinking and channels her inner Jackie Collins to dump his cryin' ass. She also wanted to be available if MotoGP Valentino Rossi was up for it. Scott sold a story to the VJB tabloids that she was only "alright" in bed, so now she hates him as much as Fran.
Shane "Shakey" Byrne - 2005: Jodie became his Moto GP brollygirl that summer. She never pulled Valentino Rossi, but she got with Shakey instead.
Lewis "The Builder" Nunn - 2005: A very fit, sexy, muscly builder. Everyone loved him, including Jodie's brother who usually hated all of Jodie's boyfriends and husbands. Jodie decides not to bother with vain celebrities and stick with builders & civilians from now on. Incredibly, it only lasts six weeks because Lewis has a job where he needs to get up early, while Jodie wanted to party all night long. Lewis was definitely made of husband material, but trust Jodie to sabotage a good thing.
Dimples 2005-06: Cute, but a head-wrecking player. He and Jodie were always bickering and sulking, and he mugged her off one New Years Eve.
Dave Sax 2006: Saxaphone player at night, music teacher by day. Jodie figured he was the closest she'd ever get to snogging Jake Gyllenhaal. Jodie's hungry mimsy got twitchy after a few weeks. She was shocked, shocked I tell you, that he dumped her publicly by showing up at a gig with a new girl.
Fit Barman: Cypriot holiday fling. Yes, he was married. No, Jodie didn't care.
The Two Dancers - 2006: Jodie met these two hyper blokes in a Kent nightclub and she kidnapped them for a few weeks of "cuddles". They were in a throuple until they started doing Jodie's head in, and she found out they had girlfriends.
Thanks to Bluecup for finding Jodie's blogpost about them:
Dave Doyle - 2006-07: Three weeks after dumping the dancers, Jodie pulls and gets engaged to DJ Dave Doyle. It lasts 10 weeks before she sells a fake story about their marriage to Hello Magazine and she posts the epic rant "If you're reading this Dave Doyle, you're dumped!!!111". Dave was first called "The Perfect Stranger" when Jodie and STL first spotted him across at a carvery at the Slug & Lettuce.
Dave spilled the beans (or "got famous off my back", if you're Jodie) to the Sunday Mirror where he confirmed that she was a hard-drinking, filthy, lazy, chain-smoking narcissist who was crap in bed.
Jodie wasn't going to take this lying down, she is the Human Viagara after all. The man that she called a Perfect Stranger, got engaged to after two weeks, was now "so ugly he hurts her eyeballs", "Dave Boil", "smells of BO", ... the usual.
Lashes - 2007
Two weeks after dumping Daue, Jodie gets with a rather handsome green-eyed Jason Statham lookalike, called Lashes.
This is the guy who Jodie forced into getting a "Meat is Murder" tattoo down his arm, and the first boyfriend she talked into vegetarianism. Lashes treated Jodie to a trip to Oranguatan World, which inspired Jodie to open an animal sanctuary in the future.
Anyway, Lashes was a bit of a player at the time and he had a "normal" office job, so he got the boot after a few weeks. Lashes eventually marries Jodie's brother's ex, Kirsten.
Matt Peacock - 2007-08: hoo boy. Matt was the one who took Jodie #UpTheAisle *snigger*. Matt was an up-and-coming male model from Manchester, who had previously dated Jordan/Katie Price. Matt was first referred to as MSN Boy in Jodie's blogs as he was working in Japan, and Jodie wasn't quite so rich that she could afford to call him there.
(For the young people in the audience: MSN was an online chat tool. Social media and smartphones hadn't yet taken off)
Jodie had been on a mission to get married before she turned 30, and while she's at it, get a TV show out of it: the ill-conceived series "MTV's Totally Jodie Marsh: Who'll Take Her Up The Aisle"?
Matt did seem to like Jodie initially, but let's face it, he had been working his way through the various glamour models of the mid-noughties. He was definitely hoping to boost his career by hooking up with someone famous. So when Jodie came up with Up The Aisle
Arse, he went along with it at first.
Matt had a far more successful at modelling than Jodie ever had, and he still works as a model today.
The breakdown of their marriage the following year led Matt to say that Jodie only liked him because of his 2002 fling with Jordan. "I think the fact that I’d been out with [Katie] must have done it for Jodie," he said. "She’s obsessed with her. She’s a sandwich short of a picnic. [...]I want all my clothes that I left there. I don’t know what she’s doing with them, whether she’s sniffing them or whatever."
Jodie later claimed that Matt was abusive towards her in an interview, and Matt successfully sued the
newspaper for libel.
Nina "Lucky Fella" Elley - 2008-09: Jodie started seeing Nina after dumping Matt for the umpteenth time. Somehow, the VJB media did not believe Jodie that this was definitely TrueLuv4Evaaaah this time. Jodie took every opportunity she could to prove she was a proper lesbiuuuhhhnnnn by slobbering all over Nina in front the paparazzi. Nina was taken out of friend storage in 2023 when Jodie needed to upload some sleazy content for her OnlyFans page. You've never seen a more miserable or overly dressed person on a porn shoot.
James "The Tosser" Placido 2014-15: This marriage lasted 8 months. It was enough time for James to be included in several of Jodie's TLC documentaries, be gifted with several designer shoes and watches, and score a few thousand pounds off Parge.
James looked like a hipster version of Parge; Mushers nicknamed him Bluto. Jodie will only refer to him as "The Tosser".
She CALMY AND POLITELY texted him to repay her father... which somehow landed her a night in the slammer.
Wayne Lennox
Billy Collins
Mark the Builder - 2023-24: She DEFINITELY dumped him, OK?! Citation for this is the minutes to Uttlesford District Council
Licensing Committee Meeting of 15th July 2024;
Late List document page 8. Twice.
Wank Bank Gallery