Fleur De Force

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  • Aka Fleur Bell married to Mike De Force aka Mike Bell CEO of AvailableCar.

    Dubai Holiday During Covid-19 Only Essential Travel

    Fleur claims to have been very careful during covid 19 particularly with her fertility issues. However a follower commented on her feed that she saw her on holiday in Dubai. Comments were deleted but not before a few noticed. Reality TV stars and influencers faced a large amount of backlash during covid as they argued their holidays in Dubai were essential to help their followers who were stuck at home.

    Eventually, Fleur slyly admitted to being on holiday when the official advice was to stay at home and only travel if essential. She edited the caption of a photo that had already racked up thousands of likes and didn't post on stories so most people would have been unaware of the buried admission.

    Hey guys, I wanted to post a message on here to address questions about me being in Dubai, as my original response to comments on this post were deleted by the original commenter.

    Yes, I’ve been out in Dubai. We booked it just before Tier 4 was announced in the South East and London, and flew out on Boxing Day, not breaking any laws. When filming my final Vlogmas video the night Tier 4 was announced, we didn’t think this trip would be going ahead, but following the government announcement on the 23rd, I believed the restrictions in our area were still Tier 2 at the time of our flight (10pm on Boxing Day) and we took the decision to still travel. I was actually mistaken in this and we were in fact Tier 3 at the time - so still legally allowed to travel, but strongly advised against doing so. (something I have, unbelievably stupidly, only just realised as highlighted by some of you.) This was a misunderstanding on my part as I thought the rules came into effect at midnight on Boxing Day, not midnight coming into Boxing Day. I’m not trying to make an excuse for my poor judgement here, only trying to explain my thinking at the time. At the time it seemed like quite a few people I knew and followed were travelling out there as it is on the government travel corridor list, and seemed to have a sensible testing requirement in place as well as strict rules of mask wearing, distancing etc. and low reported COVID numbers. Obviously we were all tested before travel as required.

    Obviously the situation in the UK has very rapidly escalated since then, and in hindsight, I made a very wrong decision. I should have realised it was morally the wrong decision, even if it wasn’t legally wrong at the time, rather than acting like a sheep and thinking because others were doing it, it was ok. For that I can only apologise, learn from this and do better in the future.

    Trademark vs Fleur East

    The Sun's Fabulous magazine used Fleur De Force on their cover for an article about Fleur East. Fleur Bell owns the trademark for Fleur De Force and posted stories and messages at Fleur East with her dissatisfaction.

