Welcome to Charlotte Dawson 4 Wiki
WARNING: Some contents may be triggering.
After her awkward and clearly disturbing TikTok Shop Live, Chazza went out for the evening on her own.
Our Trace, Chazza and Jon Culshaw were at Les' statue. They were filming for Granada News and the BBC. Jon Culshaw would be performing as Les, one of his lifelong comedy heroes, in an Edinburgh show starting on 3rd August. The show, entitled
Les Dawson: Flying High, then would go on tour for three months from September.
Trolls, Trolls, Trolls!
The days leading up to the 'Troll Video'.
Today Chazza put up a TikTok video on her IG grid with Matt running through the living room. She must've been feeling rather touchy that day with the comment she made underneath it to 'the trolls'.
Here Chazza goes again on her stories! Another huge rant about 'trolly wollys' and 'that website'. This is a gossip forum. People aren't DIRECTLY messaging you. If you choose to read truthful comments about yourself then that's your choice. Deal with it.
Social Services - Part I
Chazza made a video and put it up on her grid. In it, she talked about one person who for a while had been constantly stalking her and sending her nasty messages. Her sister gets messages and her mum too. They even put Noah Dawson on a gravestone and sent it to her. This makes her want to come off IG and get a normal 9-5 job but she has to earn a living. She also mentions 'that website' and the messages about her and her family are vile and it needs 'closing down'.
The trolling 'has been going on for years but this one has really tested her'. Social Services got in contact and they said that somebody has rung anonymously about her and Matthew always drunk and Noah is always injured in their care. "Do you want to see me dead? Do you want to run me into the ground so much that I kill myself?" Well, that was just a tad dramatic Chazza. Nobody wants you dead. They would rather see you prioritise your son's needs!
"My house is perfect and I'm a good mum. I'm investigating this now and going to get a Private Investigator and the Police involved".
She then 'burst into tears and did a squeal' but there were no tears visible only the very bad acting.
Some of the 'disgusting messages' from her 'daily stalker'. Not many for a daily stalker!
'The Gravestone, that somebody made up and sent to her, is the first thing you see when you 'image search' Noah Dawson Grave. He was from West Virginia, USA! This picture wasn't 'sent to her' - it's a profile picture. There is no evidence of being 'trolled from this account'. Clearly Chazza jumped to conclusions or even made the profile up herself for attention.
All the amateur dramatics made the Daily Mail though. If she had been 'trolled for nearly two years', where was Matt's support? As usual, absolutely nothing from him whatsoever!
But "she's only doing her best".
Our Trace put up a post about 'how brave Chazza was'.
And yet another 'display of unity' after Matt's considerable absence of late!
Chazza saw a pink balloon in her garden. It stayed for an hour then disappeared. She said 'it must've been her dad visiting her!'
Maybe it was this pink balloon?
Chazza was desperately trying to get Noah to say 'dad' instead of 'Matt, Matt, Matt' but Matt wasn't bothered as all he ever seems to do is stare at his phone whilst scrolling and tapping. Noah still hasn't called her 'mum' yet but calls her 'Charwotte'.
Chazza went to Haydock Park Racecourse to judge the Style Awards wearing an OTT outfit by Forever Unique calling herself 'A Stylish Satsuma' and she was absolutely shit-faced! Chazza was accompanied by friends and Our Trace.
Another function, another piss-up. Matt looked like he was a wax melt and Chazza embarrassed a magician by taking the piss out of his bald head and rubbing it with her hand.
Chazza made the tragic death of Olivia Newton-John all about her dad.
Yet another drunken lunch and Noah knocked over Chazza's alcoholic drink and was rubbing his hands in it.
Chazza received an early birthday present of a necklace. On one side, Chazza, Matt and Noah's birthdays were engraved on it and on the other side was her dad's signature.
Chazza looked pregnant on one of her stories but Tattlers were questioning whether Matt was still living at the house.
The ugliest outfit yet!
Matt's face says it all. Absolutely zero chemistry!!!
Our Trace, Chazza and Jon Culshaw appeared on BBC Breakfast for an interview regarding Les Dawson: Flying High.
Chazza announced that she was appearing in the Cinderella Pantomine at Pleasure Beach, Blackpool as the Wicked Stepmother.
The 'stalker' returned!
Noah found a white feather. Grandad Les had visited again!
Chazza was very overdressed for the farm today and you could see Noah's cheek scar quite clearly when the filter dropped.
Noah being encouraged to kiss and cuddle cardboard cut-out Les. He had an absolutely sodden nappy that was hanging down between his legs.
Chazza doing an ad for Forever Unique in a monstrous outfit that even Batman would turn his nose up at. Nearly £150 for that?
The Scooter Crash in Rome!
Chazza and Matt went for a five day break to Rome for her friend Lauren Whiteside's wedding. Our Trace was looking after Noah. They 'travelled in style' yet again to the airport and Chazza had rollers in her hair. It was yet another chavvy piss-up right from the start.
You can see where Chazza gets her culinary skills from. This is what she gave poor Noah for dinner one day.
And the shitshow commences!
And the fashion disasters/filter slips!
Photoshop Fail: Look at the length of her arm!
The day of the wedding arrived but the events afterwards were far more shocking!
The dregs of the wedding reception. Anyone would think this was a rave.
Off her chops!
Today was the day of Chazza's scooter accident. Clearly, after days of hard partying, she should never have got on a scooter. It wasn't a Vespa style scooter but a motorised scooter. In fact, she was a danger to the general public and luckily no innocent bystander was injured. If you watch the clip you can see she nearly hit the couple as she went past them as she clearly wasn't looking.
Chazza must have panicked somewhat whilst at the hospital because she didn't even wait for the examination results. She probably bolted before the hospital staff carried out bloods. God only knows what would have shown up in her system. She discharged herself and they both quickly jumped on a plane back to the UK. It's a shame that they didn't
test her there and then for drugs and alcohol because she most probably would have tested positive and been arrested.
In this photo, Chazza's foot is nearly in contact with the floor as the bus is coming towards her. Unfortunately, there is no footage of the actual accident. She stated that she "flew over the handlebars" but in this picture, the scooter had slowed right down. Either way, she should not have got on it full stop!
If her injuries had been serious, she wouldn't have been allowed to fly. Simple as that. It's all about the drama!
The accident made the papers and there was not one positive comment. Most of the comments were deleted as quickly as they had been submitted.
Back at home after the accident she was acting like she was a survivor of a plane crash. She did 20+ stories of a pure pity party! "Matthew was crying", which he clearly wasn't due to the massive smirk on his face, and "they did a brain scan", although they probably had trouble in finding one!
She was in 'agony' with her left leg and she couldn't walk on it. She had to discharge herself as she didn't want to miss the flight and she had to get back for Noah. She didn't get the results back from the scans so she had to go back to the hospital but "I can't bring myself to go today. I'll have to go back tomorrow. Honestly, why is there always drama? It's not big and it's not clever Chazza. This is just typical me!"
She wanted to raise 'awareness'. Awareness of what - not getting on a scooter whilst under the influence of drink/drugs?
Although she said that she couldn't stand on her 'injured' leg or walk, she was carrying Noah, passed him to Matt and then walked away.
Absolutely no mention of her going to hospital today. It's done Noah the world of good being away from these two for five days though as his speech has improved slightly and he's been in a routine and he's now wanting to go to bed. The only response from Chazza was that he is waking up earlier because SHE is not a morning person. Pure selfishness.
As usual, completely over-exaggerated!
Chazza changed new management.
Instead of filming him in this state - clean him up.
Yet more highly processed spaghetti bolognaise that has stained his skin.
Yet more filming of Noah with a very soiled nappy. Just pure laziness.
Just stop it. Give that child some privacy!
Oh come off it Sammy!! TattleChaz and Pob2099!!!! Absolutely fucking ridiculous - just like the claims of a stalker!! Both made up accounts. We can see right through you!!
So, you're going to call the Police and say what exactly? There's been a message and two new IG accounts that happen to have Tattle nicknames attached to them?
So, if one of these accounts had directly messaged Chazza, surely she would have screenshot the messages she had received? Pathetic attempt.
"The person is not wired right at all". My God, you couldn't promote mental health. You're a laughing stock! Meanwhile, Chazza talks to a statue and a cardboard cut-out of her dad and encourages Noah to kiss, cuddle and kick a ball to it!!
"In a world where you can be anything, be kind" - Matt wasn't being kind that night was he when an innocent man got assaulted by him eh?
Also, Chazza constantly complaining she has a 'stalker' but then posts everything and everywhere she goes online!!!
Noah tried to wake a sleeping Ralph up today by grabbing his foot and pulling it - all whilst Chazza found it funny and filmed him.
Chazza, Noah and Our Trace went to the St. Ives Hotel where Les and Tracy first met.
On the day Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II passed away, Chazza made it all about her dad and herself.
After several days break off of social media, Chazza was back with stories of Matt's Birthday and a 'catch up with Chazza'.
Noah caught Hand, Foot & Mouth.
But they still went to a Christening Party whilst he was still contagious.
And then to Ralph's 1st Birthday Party.
Bliss (Squidward) slut dropping/bursting out of her jacket at her son's 1st birthday party. Vile behaviour!
Oh bore off with your 'trolzz' narrative Chazza. Put some footwear on your child and give him a little plate instead of making him eat off of a dirty table surface.
Even on the day of HM Queen Elizabeth II's funeral she had to make it all about herself and her dad yet again.
Our Trace is 'always
Sober' is she? We really don't think so! Like mother, like daughters!
Advertising her make-up with such a weapons grade filter that the palm lines on her hand had vanished!
Noah sitting in a filthy car seat with ridiculously loose straps ready to go to nursery. Matt was sitting in the front vaping and completely ignored Chazza when she said goodbye to Noah. This added more fuel to the fire that they were co-parenting and that he wasn't living with them at the house.
So, she's still getting really bad trolling still and she has 'gone down other routes' to find out who it really is but 'they keep making up different accounts'. They're saying 'she's put on timber and 'is she pregnant?', they're 'commenting on her friends' nights out and sending messages which are upsetting them'. She then ADMITTED to putting on over a stone in Italy!
She then went on about the scooter accident in Rome where 'all her friends were crying' and 'Matthew was crying his eyes out' (although from what we saw, he had a huge smirk on his face). *then Noah attacked her.
She claimed that 'the doctors were 'rude' and 'she doesn't like needles', (although she had a load of botox before she went), so that's the reason why she rushed home!!
All throughout the video her eyes were darting everywhere and she was constantly saying "obviously". What a load of utter bullshit!
*look at the tan tidemarks on her neck and hand.
The Daily Mail report a 'weight loss' although she admitted she had
gained weight.
Our Trace did Chazza a pre-Birthday 'spread' and they went to their usual pilgrimage to Les' statue. Noah said 'grandad' for the first time and Chazza was amazed (considering that's all the child ever hears!).
More IG stories aimed at trolls!
Yet another fake account.