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01/08/23 (Continued)
So out come the 'flashing letters of dreams' and what looks like a gifted 'bassinet of dreams' which is priced at a mere £899!! We are sure all of the Waynetta Slob followers will all be rushing out after they receive their benefits to buy one!
I think Chazza meant MUSLIN!!
After yesterday's revelation of Saint Jude being Patron Saint of Desperate Cases and Lost Causes, we now have Chazza playing 'Hey Jude' on her stories.
Hey Jude was written for a young Julian Lennon when his father, John Lennon, walked out on him and his mother for the artist Yoko Ono! That'll be Matt walking out again soon. They've only just followed each other on Instagram again after unfollowing each other days before Jude's birth. Poor child being born into such a volatile farce of a relationship.
It's so obvious he was a 'band aid baby' and the name Jude has sealed their fate.
This makes very uncomfortable viewing. Jude is only a fragile newborn but everybody is in his face, Matt is not supporting his head and neck properly as his head is wobbling all over the place, Noah has already tapped him on his head and then tried to pick him up as he was laying down on the bed. They are going to have to watch Noah like a hawk as he's never been taught any boundaries whatsoever. He hasn't even got his own bedroom yet ffs!
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And yet again, more uncomfortable viewing. Luckily the young niece Ayda had the common sense to put her hand out to support Jude's head! As you can clearly see, when Noah walked away from Jude, the baby's little arm was TRAPPED by Noah's arm, pulling the little baby's arm away from his little body as Noah walked off.
Then Noah was eating popcorn on the bed whilst Jude was laying on his own at the bottom of the bed by somebody's feet. Why wasn't he safe in a bedside basket/cot? Noah shouldn't even be eating popcorn at his age as it's a huge choking risk.
Seriously Chazza. Putting a filter on that baby? Grow the fuck up and look after that child properly.
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Poor little Jude is still being passed around like a rag doll. On the sofa, Noah has a pointed finger right near Jude's little face and very nearly pokes him in the eye. Later on in the first video clip, a shattered looking Noah starts tapping Jude on the face with his fingers. Noah should be fast asleep in his OWN bed and his OWN bedroom but he hasn't got one yet!
In video clip two, Noah looks utterly shattered. He should be settled down for the night. Instead, he is still up and constantly tapping the baby on the head with his fingers, getting harder each time. Chazza ignores it as she is too busy filming.
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A Belter also pointed out that there were what appeared to be bruising to Noah's forearm. A forearm is actually a place on the body which is hard to bruise unless badly pinched or grabbed roughly.
Matt posted a video of Noah wanting Ayda's burger, although he had chicken nuggets and chips in front of him. All Matt does is laugh and doesn't even tell him no. They've created a right spoilt brat there alright.
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Yet another attention seeking post. Just turn off your phone and enjoy your newborn.
Just when you think they both couldn't stoop any lower, then this happens. It's bad enough Chazza filming that innocent baby having his nappy changed and putting it on social media but this sexualised comment from Matt about the baby's genitals is beyond vile, especially within earshot of his 2yr old son.
Second Clip:
Matt: "Ooh he's hard. He is. He's got an erection".
An utterly disgusting thing to say, let alone even think.
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Having a 'curleh blow' whilst still holding the baby.
Some "baby bubble". They couldn't be sitting further apart and Chazza couldn't look more miserable!
It didn't take long for the booze to appear although they said that "they don't drink".
Chazza was eating chips and gravy over Jude whilst holding him. The gravy was so hot you could see the steam coming off it and could have burnt him if it had splashed on him. She hasn't got any common sense whatsoever the total idiot. In fact, the gravy did drip if you watch closely and land on her hand. Luckily it wasn't on Jude.
The gravy dripping.
The gravy landed on her hand. What an idiot.
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Priorities again - herself! Her bedroom is finally finished with 'hotel vibes' whilst Noah still has NO bedroom. She's had nearly a year to sort it out but has put a bar, her dressing room and everything else before it.
Baby Jude's due date was today. Chazza was moaning about her boobs and nether regions being sore. Noah was spotted unattended on a high kitchen chair and Jude was in a bouncer on the kitchen table with the end of it partly off the table.
This is history repeating itself. She did the same thing with Noah back in 2021.
WTAF is she doing? This is a serious accident waiting to happen! Absolutely NO WORDS.
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Now Chazza "can't stop crying". Most women do after giving birth because of their hormones. It's natural. What isn't normal is filming yourself and plastering it over social media. (This complete non-story managed to make the Daily Mail).
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Stop letting Noah keep on tapping Jude on the head. Keep him away from that baby's head FFS AND TELL THAT CHILD NO FOR ONCE!
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Chazza put up a grid post of a video compilation of the lead up to Jude's birth. Matt made yet another inappropriate comment when Chazza was breastfeeding Jude.
Matt: "He's just like his dad".
Chazza: "Loves the bitty".
Utterly revolting.
First Poonami Engaged. Hopefully soon it will be First Social Services Visit Engaged instead of just phone calls to her.
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This was put up as a grid post. Chazza is naked and so is Noah. Why? Just why? Apparently this was taken by a 'friend'. What is wrong with this woman? Those children have absolutely no privacy whatsoever. Noah's knee is right by Jude's head too. Let's hope he didn't knee him. This featured in the Daily Mail today - shame on them for publishing it - and all of the comments were all negative.
Looks like Matt has already gone back to work. They must really need the money!
Honestly, we hope Social Services have been watching closely over the last week. Yet again, Chazza posted video clips of herself changing Jude's nappy and exposing his genitals YET AGAIN! WTAF. She also let Noah wipe his bottom with a baby wipe and he threw it away behind him. Noah should not even be allowed to participate in this whatsoever. It's not a 2yr old's job.
A young, twatty Pob.
Matt posted this after 11pm. Firstly, Noah is NOT your 'man' but is your 2yr old child who should, at this time of night, be fast asleep and not be posted on social media half-dressed.
Fancy your mother and your sister booking a holiday at this time. Yes, you've read that correctly! We wondered where they were.
Jude's nursery is nearly done... What about Noah's bedroom? Chazza can't help herself can she by making a crude comment about the woman's behind.
Here we go again.
Utterly speechless. She is surely taking the piss now? The baby is back in the bouncer on the table again. Noah is leaning on it and poking at Jude's face near his eyes and mouth. Notice how she zooms in and out on purpose focusing on the base of the bouncer which is near the edge of the table.
Chazza's obviously been reading on here as she's captioned 'Feral Toddlers' - although Jude is a baby but she's too thick to know the difference, let alone what feral means. Vacuous bitch.
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Out on the piss again - although Chazza and Matt 'don't drink anymore' and look who it is! It's Dazza the anus flasher.
Chazza's drinking too.
Did anybody have a nasty flashback of Dazza walking to the bar? Thank fuck we didn't see that horrific sight again - his gaping anus.
Dazza didn't fail to make a disgusting remark at the table to the waiter though. When the waiter replied that his baby was 11wks old, Dazza replied "Has it been shagging?" Disgusting wanker. WTAF. Link to thread post with video clips:-
Holding Jude with one arm and not supporting his head and neck whilst filming herself. His head was flopping around all over the place.
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More heart-in-mouth footage of Jude being bathed in the kitchen sink, with a tap and marble edges near his head and Noah in front of Matt's legs. A safer baby bath only costs around £20.
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Chazza posted more footage of their Sunday outing to a local restaurant. The amount of booze drank was unbelievable as you can see on the table by the amount of glasses. She even paid for a pap shoot outside to get in the Daily Mail.
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After being gifted a new pram for Jude, there was a sudden appearance of a double buggy. As you can see, Jude was facing the wrong way with the sun in his eyes and Noah disturbing him.
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As Chazza was holding Jude, Noah bit her on the arm. All she did was laugh.
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Just why? Give these children some privacy.
That Peppa Pig bottle went a bit too near the baby for our liking when he threw it down. Chazza is literally bribing Noah with presents at this point. All 'gifted' of course. Jude being propped up on a Dockatot is an accident waiting to happen.
Noah was in that poor little baby's face yet again, trying to stick his finger in his mouth and getting hair in his face. Jude's face said it all. Chazza even intervened at one point.
Chazza had her nails done whilst eating. Jude was still perched up on the table so he could breathe in the dust and fumes.
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Now they are both on the pool table. Noah has Coco Pops around his face and with grubby hands he tries to put a wipe into Jude's mouth.
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Chazza put up a few of this morning's stories late and then for Tanning Thursday. She had been quiet as she had a 'very busy day' and a 'newborn shoot'. She was speaking from a shitty bed and said Jude had the sniffles. She couldn't even be bothered to strip the sheets immediately but instead put towels over the actual shit.
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Tanning Thursdays returns with Jude perched up on the top again in the bouncer. She dirty deleted one story where she said "Jude is just like his daddy as he's fallen asleep on my titty" which one Belter witnessed.
Then Melted Ken made an appearance. Again, his lips have crusty cold sores on.
Then Noah did and blew a raspberry to the camera.
This morning Chazza was once again in shit, with old towels over it, and this time also on her top.
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Yet another uncomfortable watch. This time Matt in Jude's face and being rough with his neck blowing raspberries on it.
"He's laughing".
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We VERY MUCH DOUBT that Jude 'thoroughly enjoyed it". Utterly vile. Poor child.
Again, Noah is up at past 10pm watching children's TV and dusturbing Jude. Where's daddy? Probably out on the piss and the packet (although he said he doesn't drink) wearing his new child-sized platform trainers, looking for a shag. ❄❄
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Matt has finally made it back into Chazza's Instagram bio!
So Matt is off out yet again, this time to watch Leigh Leopards Rugby Club at Wembley and Noah headbutts Jude.
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Our Trace went over to Chazza's wearing her hair in bunches and holding her phone upside down!
Chazza in the bath eating Nutella straight out of the jar.
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Oh look, Matt's on the piss again but he "doesn't drink anymore!" Well, he certainly knocked them back today as the last video he posted was at 3am the next day and he was still going! ❄❄
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We start today off with Matt being deleted again from her Instagram bio!!!
Eating biscuits in a shitty bed.
Noah is constantly shoving his fingers into her mouth and she lets him. Soon it will be Jude's mouth.
Why, just why? Honestly, just stop filming. We've had "Happy Birthday" to Jude, telling Noah Jude prefers her titty to his dummy and Noah biting the back of the chair with a mouthful of biscuit.
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What an utterly disgusting amount of food for only her and Noah. He's jumping around completely hyper as he's probably been eating crap all day. A lazy day? Nothing new there then.
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We were thinking more Chucky - not Dennis the Menace!
Social Services - Part 4
Chazza announced today that she had received yet another phone call from Social Services. The Social Worker said that it was claimed that Noah was drunk and he's been seen with drink. There are worries for the boys because of excessive alcohol and Chazza claimed she hadn't been out of the house once and hadn't even drank - what was the boozy Sunday Dinner at Lytham House Restaurant then? She also mentioned about showing the boys' genitals online also and seemed confused....... The Wiki has all the receipts.
"Maybe I should come off Instagram and stop showing Noah and Jude". Yes, that is obviously what you should do but you never will.
"I'm doing my best, I'm so confused. That horrible website". She is absolutely unhinged!
So, she is basically saying she's had FOUR phone calls now from Social Services and they rang her up mainly to warn her that 'somebody is after her' but not to worry as they are CLOSING the case file!! Sure - that sounds believable!!!
Something is not adding up here at all.
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Our Trace was pictured cleaning up Noah's old pram so it looks like a visit to Granite Grandad is imminent (with paid paps of course).
Later on, she said she felt like her baby bubble had popped. She was more wrapped up in the fact that this person had got Jude's age wrong saying six weeks instead of two weeks.
"How can they get away with false accusations? Why me? This person will not stop until something bad happens to me". Very dramatic.
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PTWM - Part Time Working Mummy aka Rachaele Hambleton is now jumping on the bandwagon. She has also got over 180 threads on here and is a vile, lying scammer. Her husband was dismissed without notice from Devon & Cornwall Police for improperly accessing the Police database and using a false identity to contact members of the public.
'You're Literally Killing Children'...? WTAF are you talking about you knuckle-dragging mouthbreather. Imagine being SO DUMB that you read somebody's message on here thinking they are having a literal nosebleed!!! YOU ARE THE DAMN LUNATIC!! Fuck off.
After several days silence, Matt started posting the 'wholesome family' pictures.
Matt you muppet, you can sly dig all you like but what speaks volumes about YOU is that you take care of your own health and wellbeing but don't give two shits about your child's. You put in all the effort with your meal preps, ice baths, gym sessions, golf days and weekends on the piss - although you said you 'don't drink' - but you let your child live off of absolute shit morning, noon and night. Why want the best for yourself but be so blasè about your own child's health. As for Chazza's 'diet plan', we all know that's a scam and if she carries on the way she eats, she's heading for an early grave just like her father.
Chazza posted a grid post where Jude was dressed up like a Victorian Child. It looks like history is repeating itself again! Poor child. She was also still on a rant!!
Chazza came back for Tanning Thursdays and clearly hasn't learnt anything. Posting Noah again wearing just a nappy, the bouncer yet again sitting up on the side with Noah walking around and then sitting up on the top with Jude when she isn't near and has her back to them both.
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You're not fooling us with your 'happy family' photos! What did you bribe Matt with this time Chazza? Another pair of child-sized platform trainers? What a joke!
The Dirty Doxxer
Well, Chazza certainly showed her true colours today. Vile, bullying bitch. We won't put up a screenshot of the story for privacy. One of our Belters was doxxed on Instagram with an array of her different social media accounts in full view and with her face and full name on it. There was also a business account of a lady with the same name included amongst them but it was a completely different person. We hope both parties have informed the Police.
Chazza then put up a story acting smug and going on about finding 'the main troll', whatever that means. She then stuck her fingers up at the end and made a disablist face. Vile scumbag.
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In the early hours of this morning, just after midnight, she was still going on talking about our Belter saying "she deserves everything she gets". Well Chazza, you deserve being exposed for the vile creature you are. Karma will catch up with you don't you worry about that.
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Surely she is taking the piss with what's on the mug? Be kind....? Doxxing a Belter and then parasites directly messaging hate to her - one even telling her to kill herself - and also involving a completely innocent person into it all is far from being 'kind' you vile, hypocritical bitch.
Jude is back on the table top again in his bouncer. Our Trace's talons are giving us the fear near that baby's eyes!
And here come yet more freaky edits!
We managed to do our own edit though!
Bagpuss, Chucky, Dead Les, (Waynetta) Slob and Pob!!
More heart-in-mouth footage from this morning before breakfast with Noah eating Minstrels laying down. A huge choking risk for a 2yr old let alone eating chocolate first thing! Also a very uncomfortable watch to see Jude's arm outstretched as Noah was fidgeting and leaning on it. He could have very easily have fallen on it and hurt him whilst Chazza was too busy filming and not paying attention.. Chazza even took Noah's dummy out whilst filming and the dummy dropped on Jude's face.
Noah holding a Minstrel in his hand and he moves it towards Jude's mouth. Chazza just says "No, he can't have chocolate yet". God forbid Noah puts something in that baby's mouth.
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More unnerving footage. This time Noah dangerously holding letter cushions above Jude which could have dropped on him , a small sharp object on the floor and Noah laying on Jude's outstretched arm yet again.
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Utterly repugnant.
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Chazza seriously needs to set some boundaries as Jude was already under the baby gym mobile when Noah launched himself under there too. There will be a serious accident soon. Give that baby some space ffs.
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Yet another unfunny video. This of her 'farting' to music.
Noah was having ice cream for his breakfast this morning before nursery. Disgusting. Tell that child NO for the first time in his life.
Yet another rant. This time because somebody made a comment about "faking breastfeeding" on her new TikTok where she is dancing around with no bra on or breast pads. Her ugliness is definitely shining through by calling people 'freaks'. You are the last person in the world who should be calling ANYBODY that with your weird, obsessive behaviour!