Gemma Louise Bosanko now Marshall, married Andrew Marshall in 2016 and has a 14 year old daughter to an ex husband.
Born December 1986 (that's 86 not 76) from Millom, Cumbria (she'll tell you she lives in the lake district).
An ex Slimming World cult member turned JD Training cult member.
Loves to hide an ad affiliate, or not mark it all.
Has multiple health issues concerning her heart, bowel and disorderd eating. Treats herself to half a malted milk biscuit crumbled on top of a protein mousse (she'll spell it protien). She used to read books like she breathes air, but she hasn't got the time these days as she's too busy doing sunrise steps on Haverigg beach, not to be confused with the Lake District.
Swishes around her bungalow in silky negligee style dresses, fresh flower Friday is her thing.
Gifted most of the things she shows.
Ran a marathon or two.
Her account is basically a load of poncey, filtered and preened to what she believes is perfection in "little squares".