Shannen Joyce Big C

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  • Thank you to @Mocaacom for the summary and timeline.

    Thought it would be great to put together all the research and a timeline to package it up nicely for any new readers here since Tea spill or to package it up nicely for the media to pick it up and run a story on:

    2019 - mid 2020
    Shannen gets cancer for the second time. Starts an Insta page (the big c and me) because she wants to share her journey and help people.
    Gets shared on Galz who snap, by the likes of Sue, Rosie and Grace - her following gets up to about 10k. She gets a Late Late Show appearance, a Voduz brand ambassador gig, radio and media attention and is the face of an Irish Cancer Society campaign. Her and Barry start a podcast. She’s getting a taste of the spotlight and the freebies from being in the spotlight.

    Early- mid June 2020
    First up was Shannen’s multiple attempts at creating drama to gain sympathy and boost following. Her first attempt was coming on ranting about “trolling”, saying she got a couple of nasty messages - she got shared by a couple of the influencer gang (outrage that poor Shannen the cancer victim was being trolled, go over and follow her to support her etc.) but didn’t quite gain the traction that Shannen needed to grow her numbers. Only got her from just under 10k to around 14k in a week.

    June 30
    Cork cancer survivor sent babygrows by 'sick troll' mocking her infertility
    The Youghal woman, who promotes cancer charities and raises awareness on her Instagram page, said she suspected a cruel troll was mocking the fact that she can't have any more kids

    Only 2-3 weeks later - she needed to think bigger - the golden ticket scam, pretending she got sent babygrows. Came on stories first playing dumb laughing saying I don’t why someone sent me these. Then within a few hours she was on crying saying someone random had sent her a dm saying “it’s a pity you’ll never get to use them”. Dramatics of her saying she wouldn’t be on social media for a while. However - no explanation of how some supposed random troll would’ve got her private home address. Remember she wasn’t an influencer at this stage. Got media coverage due to big outrage from some of the big influencers like MRS who came on her stories bawling about how awful it was, poor Shannen being trolled. Her followers started to really grow.

    7 July 2020

    ‘Here we go again’ - campaigner Shannen Joyce (25) reveals her cancer has returned for third time
    Instagram influencer and campaigner Shannen Joyce (25) has revealed that her cancer has returned for the third time.

    Less than a week later, she dropped the news that she had relapsed publicly (which she would have known all the time the baby vest saga was ongoing). Then she gets propelled to the 100k mark in a matter of 2-3 weeks.

    July 8 2020 - 1 day later! the famous GFM
    Then her instagram friend Ciaran Byrne (had they ever even met in person) launched the GFM straight away (knee jerk reaction) before Shannen even knew for sure what her treatment was even going to be! Initial goal amount set at €10,000 - we all know the story, claimed it was needed for treatment and living expenses. However, within only a few days it had exploded to over €100k. Shannen came on saying it was going to be closed however it wasn’t closed for another few days and left climb up to €175k along with other public fundraisers (Voduz etc.) and private local fundraisers and private donations that there wouldn’t be any public record of. Safe to assume she got over €200k total easily.

    Late July/August 2020
    Within only a couple of weeks of the GFM, there was a fairly new car purchased as well as numerous hotel breaks away to places like the Castlemartyr resort. People started to raise eyebrows already about what the money was being used.

    I could keep going but it’s all documented in these threads. Shannen’s treatment was all free, she could’ve used a free apartment in Dublin supplied by the hospital. The apartment that she needed to rent for 6-9 months was only rented for 3-4 months and in fact if they stayed in it for a month in total it would’ve been a lot as she was released from hospital and left go home to Youghal very quickly and then they were only staying in 1 night a week or a fortnight when they were coming to Dublin for appointments.
    Her Dad was driving her to all the appointments (Where was the new car that had to be bought for all the trips to Dublin and where was Barry who they needed the money for to be off work taking her!?)

    In the meantime, Shannen continues to try and be an influencer and gets signed to an agency in August 2021.

    Shannen then gave an update in January 2021, available to view on the GFM - only because people were talking here on Tattle and I think because she was blocking anyone who commented or messaged her asking her about the GFM, people started to contact the Byrnes who were the instigators of the GFM. Shannen was shamed into giving an update on the page. Made a statement that she would keep the money until January 2022 in case of relapse and then donate it. No evidence of any donations made to date.

    Shannen in the mean time trying to make it as an influencer. Lived very carelessly as a post cancer and transplant patient during COVID, money being splashed on runners, Nike jumpers, eyelash extensions, nights away, nights out. Bold as brass refusing to be accountable or answerable about the GFM.

    Which leads us to now. The traction is building and people have had enough of Shannen. She’s losing followers. She’s been called out by Tea Spill. Her agency look to have dropped her. She was highlighted for abusing a terminally ill cancer patient for asking about the GFM.

    I would love to see the Irish media put spotlight on how the unregulated Go Fund Mes have to stop in this country. Shannen is the absolute worst example of it but there are many more. Irish people are too trusting and generous. This girl is literally the reason many of us on here will never donate to go fund mes again. That’s her legacy.

    Part 2

    Feb 2022
    Still no donations made to any charity , dropped by her agency not only for her deplorable comments to Missy but her overall handling of the situation ie. throwing a major tantrum on the gram. Turns her page to private no messages of support from her fellow instahuns.

    March 22

    Back again question boxes galore will answer everything she said answered nothing.

    Missy gets messages from Exposing TSpill page accusing her of being TSpill. Liz Reaney gets the same

    May 2022

    Asking for help to gain more followers.

    Suddenly……… she finds a lump off to St James she goes asking for candles prayers while she sits first class on the train.
    Whew it’s all ok a reg had a good feel and it’s nothing to be worried about. Her pain however is horrendous and will need pain management.

    Following week up to Dublin again to meet friends to record a podcast didn’t bother going home stayed drinking all night. PS no pain management needed

    June 2022

    Podcast is aired
    Accused Tattle of saying ‘they hope her chemo doesn’t work’
    Reading on tattle made her loose weight that she couldn’t get her full dose of chemo.
    Accused Missy of sending abusive messages.
    However no evidence as Missy blocked her
    Not True She Blocked Missy
    First time going public!!!!
    Story picked up by RSVP and other radio platforms on FB
    Missy Brenda goes public and tries to share her side dirty deletes done by RSVP
    Brenda’s post gains a lot of traction and is deleted but not before Shannen goes public.

    2nd Time going Public

    All hell breaks loose as she’s attending the very expensive concerts she bought tickets for 3 so far in a week
    TSpill outs her for being the name, face and keyboard warrior behind the Exposing T Spill account which she denies of course.

    Now going public for the first time Noooooo the third time. She accuses Missy of abusive messages shared the screenshots we had already seen the very same screenshots she lied about last week that she had no access to as Missy blocked her lie lie lie.
    Says she can’t sleep but showed a picture the day before of a great sleep lie lie lie
    Says Missy said she never apologised Missy did lie lie lie.

    More importantly The absolute love respect and kindness shown to Missy on this thread during this awful time when she’s in the most horrendous situation only goes to show what kind of Tattlers we are.

    Still no response on the GFM.