Anna Rose Richards 4

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  • Tattle Recaps Continue here

    Thread 10 Thread 10 Anna Rose #10 Scammie and her new King manifesting the ring loved up and sickening
    Thread 10 Anna Rose #10 Scammie and her new King manifesting the ring loved up and sickening

    Thread 11 Anna Rose #11 Through RuPTUrES TAW Vixen designed in a rush = bodysuits designed to give bad thrush
    Thread 12 Anna Rose #12 Confused Admirers or Truth Tellers? Get the real story on her scam.
    Thread 13 Anna Rose #13 For someone who lifts weights so often she sure can't get a grip

    Thread 14 Anna Rose #14 TAW NFTs are on the rocks, Anna and Ryan talk morning sex and smelly cocks 🤢
    Thread 15 Anna Rose#15 TAW bogans taking Business and Class out of Business Class

    Oct 29:
    Anna announces that she has a Dec 7th court date against Trent. But also shares the second photo below, from 12 months ago, with the explanation that she was going through a breakup and had just seen her psychologist.

    Oct 31: Community Members asking when the next board meting is (its meant to be the 1st of ech month) No response. It doesn't go ahead on the 1st. The Awakened Nurse (who owns a suspicious number of TAW NFTS) says "Anna suggested on last month’s call that it’ll likely be towards the middle of the month (around the 15th) moving forward, similarly to when that one landed, to allow time for Anna to meet with the accounting firm to tally the prior months’ numbers so she has a clearer picture for us, otherwise isn’t worth anyone’s time meeting sooner. I believe she also mentioned there’ll be 24 hrs notice". No one else appears to have heard this.

    November 2023

    November Tattle Thread starts here.
    And continues here
    Nov 1: Anna had a business call today with eCommerce. SQUEAL. It was with the best in Australia and they were aMaZed by her her bizness acumen.
    Nov 2: Embody has 392 items worth $28,850 left. Last check, on 26th Oct, it was 377 items valued at $27, 941, so she’s put returned items back into her inventory. She’s actually gone backwards in sales in the last week. Not at almost 100% sold out as Anna claims.
    Nov 3: another day of Anna wearing LKSD in favour of her own active wear range
    Nov 5: Anna has a vision for her back patio - that involves her Short King laying some synthetic grass. Much luxurious and opulence. AND Ryan - Dance Dad - can braid hair!
    Nov 10: Anna releases tails of what occurred with Trent and photos of her blood on the carpet after (allegedly) Trent Punched her

    Firstly, I still have to be so careful what I share because there is an ongoing court matter. It frustrates the F*CK out of me & I'll talk more about this once it's all done, but being silenced after trauma & abuse.. it's still abuse itself. Allowing 'respondants' to play the courts to continue to control & manipulate & gaslight the applicant is itself domestic violence. My police prosecutor, arresting officer of the case, lawyers & DV support workers all have themselves & independently said this to me.
    But Secondly, I AM NOT A VICTIM. I never was & I never will be. I took & take full responsibility for my role in my life as it all transpired.
    I separated from my ex husband (who is kind & incredible - this isn't about him!!) & in the depths of my wounds & healing, sadly but with full responsibility of this fact, attracted a narcissist into my life I got into a relationship with.I was the one to ignore every red flag. To stay when my whole being screamed run. To make excuses when I KNEWWWW it was all so so wrong. Etc. Etc. That's. On. Me.
    AND.. no buts. X it was spiralling, & the cycles of love bombing, gas lighting, then abuse began, I was so aware. It was like living 2 lives. A conscious & unconscious one thinking howww the f*ck am I allowing this. That was what actually lead me independently to a psychologist & coach & I sobbed to them saying I wouldn't allow one SECOND of this when it came to ANY other area of my life. My health, my fitness, my business, my friendships, my family, my finances.. so what the helllll was wrong with me in my relationship area? Cue the deepest work of my life as the story goes & managing to break free & heal it ALL which changed & saved my life.
    And so. As I lived that period. Navigating my own heartbreak I was still VERY much in (in hindsight) of ending my marriage.. trying to make sense of the NEW relationship I'd gotten myself into, when the gaslighting & emotional abuse got to me. And I was rock bottoming. I'd film. Diary entries. Reminding myself I'd get through this. That no pain could break me & one day, oneeee day this hurt & pain in the relationship aspect of my life was going to end. I NEVER EVER planned on sharing any of these. But so deeply on the other side I realise it's my darkest story which will help other women again see the light
    And then. There was this. My blood. Splattered all over the house. Just over a year ago. And what transpired over the following months was me in absolute survival mode getting myself out of a very toxic very dangerous situation.. one where the police commended but felt bad about how I did have to do it. Without them basically until I knew I was safe & in the clear to walk right into that station and get my restraining order (which I've got). And again.. why am I sharing this now?
    Because it's my story. And the bravest thing you will ever do in this life is owning your story & loving yourself through that process. And this (unfortunately) became part of mine. BUT and it's a BIG but. Mostly because as privately people have learned my story the FIRST thing people say is..
    "l can't believe this happened to such a strong & empowered woman like you". And my response is. IT CAN HAPPEN TO ANYONE. It can happen to everyone.
    Nov 13: Is spending a week "studying" meta advertising with eCommerce Equation. Lesson 1 seems to be "Be your brands ambassador" as she announces on stories that she genuinely lives in TAW Collective now (and then proceeds to spend the next few weeks regularly wearing other brands)
    Makes a post that makes no sense "Right now I'm going for my 1st goal in e- commerce biz of $100k months, so I decided would BECOME a woman who earns that monthly before I am instead"​
    Nov 14: Sales Update From Tattle :
    • First up : TAW Collective (which appears to be undergoing a rebranding to the much less nonsensical 😂😂 TAW Co).
    When we last checked in (2nd Nov ) TAW Co had 392 products remaining at a RRP of $28,850.40​
    Today, there are 386 items still available, at a RRP of $28,390.70​
    For those that are playing along at home, this means that our phenomenal She-e-os global active wear brand has sold (DRUMROLL PLEASE) …. 6 items/$459.70 in 12 days!! Well on the way to those $100k months …. Storage at her facility will be costing more than this. Time to move distribution in house to the hostel??​
    What about the original grifty grift project! The Awakened WomanNFT? Currently sitting at 2,083 of those ugly JPEGs sold - that’s 37.4% total sold (or sold out in Scammie speak) - only 3,472 to go before we hit IRL sold out!​
    Must be time for another round of Self Love School??!!!​
    All this, and Anna's post today was about the Embody collection "has been busy selling out"​
    • Ryan posts with the hashtag #trugame In july 2024 and appears to have set up an IG account. He's been seen previously measuring clothing items and Anna has hinted that he will be going into business soon, too. Can't wait.
    Nov 15: Not wearing TAW collective at the gym today, despite genuinely living in TAW collective. Pre Boardroom Call Update from Anna (who is convinced that she is delivering everything that she said she would) in this morning stories
    1. Back on the “no one over forty likes pockets” wagon. Clearly, her in depth market research has revealed info that every other major active wear label has missed.
    2. Admits that the current crops are not very supportive despite saying again and again and again how supportive they are
    3. NFTs are still minting “pretty much daily, definitely weekly” and she’d always intended for NFT sales to be over a long period. Nothing like a revisionist history.
    4. Despite yesterdays story about she must have accounting in her blood because she loves numbers … she goes on to totally contradict herself today to say that she is bad at maths …
    5. 99.8% of the NFT owners are holding on to them … that’s because they’ve dropped in value and they’d lose money on them if they did, you idiot.
    6. She’s currently in a position where she’s delivering everything that she said she would but faster bigger better

    What she's said, that in fact, she has not delivered on
    • collections would be dropping monthly? (It’s been 7 weeks since first collection dropped. I get that she says she’s bad at maths, but it’s pretty basic to know that a month is approx 4 weeks..)
    • monthly speakers/master classes in TAW hub?
    • her monthly subscription coaching container?
    • sold out NFT collection?
    • sold out TAW collective?
    • weekly podcast drop?
    • weekly or even monthly email?
    • I’m sure I’ve missed a number of others, but of course I have to finish with - what happened to Radiance Day Dance clubs???
    Boardroom Call Summary:​
    • 66 in attendance.
    • Hot pink and leopard will be in the next collection and Trudes reckons this to be a great sell point for valentines outfits 🤦‍♀️
    • Her time lines are all over the place with constant caveats of ‘if that how it happens then it is meant to be’ aka if I fail to deliver I will just claim it was always the plan.
    • there will be a mini me collection late 2024 or 2025, pjs and a linen range. The jump suits and body suits that are coming are versatile, wear straight from gym to the bar. Ideally wants to have a shop front.
    • Also caps/hats because she loves hats
    Nov 16: Also today, Not wearing TAW collective at the gym today, despite genuinely living in TAW collective
    While not mentioning what specifically happened (*) happened yesterday that gave Anna alot of range to work through ... she won;t say what... but its not about the trial with Trent... Tattle Rattle??!!

    (*Tattlers suspect that it was in response to Anna reading that a tattler had forwarded Trent her Nov 10 stories about the alleged DV at his hands. While it’s agreed that it’s not cool to take things off tattle, Anna later posted about tattlers sending Trent screenshots of her stories “putting her life in danger by purposely provoking a dangerous man” not taking responsibility for the fact that she posted the “provoking” stories on her publicly viewable IG stories.

    Nov 16: Ryan will be home for 7 weeks
    Nov 17: Wore TAW Collective today
    Ryan moves out of/has sold wherever he was living and permanently into Annas rental​
    Nov 18: once in TAW collective was enough, back to LKSD
    Nov 19: Anna tells her community that she has set up a TAW Facebook page, just for meta ads, but people are already following it (so please follow it everyone!)
    Nov 20: Anna starts the week at the gym, not wearing TAW collective.
    Nov 21: No TAW collective sighted
    Nov 22: nope. No TAW Collective. Must be in the wash?
    Anna puts up a reel with the caption " I’ve pulled weeks of back to back 8 hour days…” as if it should be something to be celebrated.​
    • Tattle Sales update time! We are now at just under 11 weeks since launch, and TAW collective is still holding 368 items at a RRP of $26,941.60 That means that since our last update - and since Anna did her “ Hurry! Selling fast! If you don’t buy now you’ll miss out! Never to be repeated” post …. TAW Collective, in 8 days has sold 18 items or $1449.10 m. Who says scarcity marketing doesn’t work??? That’s a $1000 increase in sales on the previous two weeks!!!
    • And The Awakened Woman NFT has sold an additional 2 jpgs, bringing the grand total to 2085 sold.
    • TAW collective FB page has a whole 18 followers - that FB marketing that Anna is spending a whole 8 hours a day back to back mastering is bringing home the goods!!
    Nov 24: Wearing TAW collective today
    Anna constantly confuses the words "relative" for "relevant" as in "Let's focus on thoughts and affirmations that are relative to the amazing self-care tips I shared yesterday."​
    Nov 25: No TAW Collective worn today
    • Anna is starting to talk up February's intake of Self Love School - last year Anna spent 7 days revamping/updating the content. Tattler predicts that Anna will add a module " fuck like you love yourself : (SPOILER ALERT Anna gets her best business ideas from Tattle and she does add this as a module).
    • An additional 4 people are following the TAW collective FB page after Anna put the call out a week ago
    • Anna does an "Ask me anything" on IG. One of the questions is about if she and Ryan plan on having children (they've been together 7 months at this point) . Anna's response " I've always spoken about the children I will someday have & how I've waited to have them. Very intentionally & patiently. So yes. I want kids. And yes. I will have kids. And this was an upfront conversation I had with Ryan from the 2nd catch up & he was certain & clear in his desires (which were, with the woman he chooses he wants more ).She has also consistently mentioned since that her and her besties are all planning on having their next babies at the same time.
    • She also said, 4 months ago (July) on the Uncensored podcast that she wasn't in the "wanting kids mode at the moment" and that her cut off age, for having children is 40.
    • Says that she wildly respect Morgan and that their separation and divorce were amicable, and then proceeds to completely diss him two slides later ...

    Nov 26: No TAW collective worn today
    Nov 27: Or today
    Nov 28: Weekly wearing of TAW collective happening today
    Anna donated blood - and took a photo and posted it to IG to show everyone...​
    29th Nov - nope to TAW
    30th Nov - Not today TAW
    The leopard print pattern for the Vixen range has been "designed" specifically for Anna and they have had to dye it over and over and over again to get it right (even though she has not received samples to say if it is right or not​
    Anna announces that TAW will be releasing hats - because she wears hats when she runs (exhibt A...)​
    IMG_3001 (1).png

    December 2023

    December Tattle Thread Starts Here
    Dec 1: Welcome to Elf on a shelf. Does Anna fill in eyebrows herself or does her micro-blading wear off really quickly??
    (Left : today. Right: yesterday)

    Dec 2: Anna and Ryan at the gym ... despite Ryan having a "hernia" operation a week ago (Tattlers suspect it was a vasectomy reversal...)
    Dec 3 : Tattlers sales update
    • NFT Sales are at 14 in the last 30 days ...bringing sales to a grand total of 2088 sold (or in Scamma Gramma - 37.5% sold out). Most of these sales were multiple sales and/or sales that were then immediately transferred to other wallets. I think Anna is purchasing the vast majority herself to
      a) be able to claim that sales are still occurring and
      b) as holders get a profit share of TAW collective, her holding large numbers of NFT's reduces the individual profits per NFT that she has to pay out to her community.
    • At our last update on the sale of the global active wear brand, TAW collective on Nov 14th a total of 386 items, at a retail cost of $28,390.70 were waiting to be purchased.
    • Today, those figure are 367 items at a cost of $26,871.65 - in the last two weeks, that means 19 items, or $1519.05 have sold.
    • For the month of November, TAW Collective has sold 25 items - or $1978.75.
    Dec 4: Anna still not regularly wearing TAW - but loves her LKSD, Lorna Jane and LuLuLemon
    Dec 6: Short King shares a post that is (tattler comment) aggressively right wing anti trans, anti people with a disability, anti being a thoughtful, educated, empathetic human. It’s being sold as ‘comedy’ to the lowest common denominator. It’s the insidious shite making the world a worse place for all people. Anna really does attract what she puts out into the world.
    • Vixen samples arrive (with requisite in home photo shot by Katelyn of Anna modelling them)
    • Tomorrows court date for the permanent VRO against Trent is uncontested , so Anna feels safe to tell her story. (AND no one deserves to go through this. Anna, with her public platform however, swore to tell her full story - how she got out, what the red flags that she should have seen were, how to navigate the system .... 8 months after this post, she still has not done this ... using the excise that she is lining up experts to talk about this... crickets)
    Media Gallery for Dec 6th DV Allegations Click Here

    Dec 7: Tattler comment (which pretty much summed up the general tattler community feeling)
    I believe her and I think it’s awful. However her behavior during this time shows how dishonest she is. She was online posting about her success and how happy and in charge of her life she was. I’m not saying that she needed to tell her followers what was happening, she’s entitled to privacy and she also needed to ensure her safety and protection BUT she wasn’t just not posting about it…she was actively selling a lie to her followers. I also think that if he is as dangerous as she says he is, public humiliation is a very very risky move. I hope has other things in place aside from a VRO.
    Dec 8: Anna and Ryan ride to (without helmets and while drinking) a carols in the park Christmas event in the GC
    Dec 9: Anna describes Vixen range as "its like me. I like sexy. I like titty. I like to show tittly"
    Dec 12: Anna and Ryan fly to Perth pre christmas, before they go to Bali and go straight to Cottesloe (where Trent lives)
    Dec 14th: In the Hub, the date for the next boardroom call is Dec 14th. A number of community members log on, but nothings happens...
    Dec 15th : Anna goes to her old boxing gym for a workout in TAW Vixen range
    • At 6.18 pm Anna finally addresses the no show in the boardroom - (TATTLE SUMMARY --Nothing to see here … she can’t even keep her lies straight … says that the call was booked mistakenly for the 14th and not the 15th …. But if she had run it on the 15th (as is usually the case) she would only have 2 hrs notice …. She either completely forgot, or just never had any intention to run the call on the 15th and hoped that no one would notice. Mistakes happen in business? Sure. But missing a board meeting?! Nope. Not in a real business. You big multi faceted international business woman you.
    • 500 additional items ordered for Vixen (Embody was 1900 = 2400). H
    • Haters are now a police matter
    Dec 16: Because Anna is phenomenally well organised, she is constantly having to interrupt time spent with her family/Ryan to make immediate and very last minute decisions about TAW - sizing issues; transferring money for payment etc etc
    Dec 18: Anna, Short King & Anna's mum now in Bali.
    A Tattler saw a pair of TW collective leggings at an Op Shop
    Dec 19 : Anna does a lovely reel in the pool, saying that they are in Bali for bizness when Ryan walks past in budgie smugglers tugging his dick (Add video) and takes a photo posing in front of significant cultural gates 👌 Just your average bogan inappropriately dressed posing in front of significant cultural gates 👌

    Dec 20: Catches up with Kendall and films content for TAW collective
    Dec 23: Lots of posts of Anna and Short King in the pool together. Plus - Ryan is the BEST thing that has ever happened to Anna. She does a pile of posts in her stories about how amazing he is; how wonderful he is etc etc etc In a Jan 8th Post (see date entry) she finally admits that the trip to Bali was not without its Ruptures... View Media Gallery of these posts here
    Dec 24: They're home! And Anna got a parking space in the Shopping Centre on Christmas Eve. OMG - shes amazing and annafseted it. Tattle Cooment : She’s BUZZING about finding a car park at the shopping centre. It’s the best day of her life guys. How bloody annoying would she be in the line at Coles trying to make people laugh and ‘stop being stressed’ in the most condescending way EVA. Also, the way she goes on about she does whatever she damn well wants on xmas. She’s insufferable.
    Annas Christmas Message (despite saying previously that she and Morgan Never fought)​
    Says that shes and Ryan are having a bucket of KFC chicken delivered and taking a bottle of gin to Ryans family Christmas catch up, wearing Xmas themed pajamas. Photos of the event on Ryans families Social media are noticeably absent of Anna and Ryan (and they are all beautifully dressed) . Anna also never mentions it again, which is ALWAYS telling. (according to a tattler " t’s her go to signature move didn’t she rant a few years back about taking a bucket of chicken to a family Xmas thing in WA…. And how amazing she was and the best person there because everyone wanted the fried chicken )
    Dec 26: Posts that shes hungover...despite saying that she never gets hangovers
    Dec 27: Ryans kids all posted a Xmas day pic of them with their mum, but nothing with their Dad.
    Dec 30: Radio silence on all of Annas accounts including the discord, TW collective tv etc despite there meant to be a baord meeting today. BUT - it does go ahead
    The first 40 mins was about how to create your "dream life vision statement" with all of the things.​
    • Speaking desires into existence.
    • Co-regulating, declaration and reclamation (wtf) and calling in your wildest desires for 2024. This exercise was completed with backing music from Enya.
    • She read out part of her life vision statement which included waking up to her king. Said King is building his multi-million dollar empire - this is Ryan's goal.
    • Her and Ryan are going out for lunch tomorrow and will be working on their dream life vision statements. It was utter toxic positivity 101.
    Then on to "business" where they (her and Ryan) started a rambled convo about the price of Eth. "It was xxx in Aug 2022 and then went to xxx in this date and now it's this value right, so we know how great this is" it was all over the shop. They think there will be a bear market in March 2024. Maybe it made the taw holders feel optimistic about NFTs and Crypto 🤣
    The only numbers were that she ordered 1900 pieces for the first range and 2400 for the new range, avail end of Jan. Seems to be mainly comprised of body suits, I hope Trude's is ready!
    Pricing, profitability margins etc will be on the next call (15 Jan).
    She showed what the swing tags will look like, absolutely ground breaking and phenominal.
    She went thru each piece, with Ryan right there, who seemed to know more about the products than her. My guess is he will be crowned Head of Operations of this global disrupting business sometime in 2024, dream big SK 👑.
    There were 45 people on the call which went for maybe 1.5hrs. There was a lot of "we" language, meaning "we the community" have built this, "we have built this global brand doing things that haven't been done before", very network marketing style talk. When it finally finished (thank god), lots of them commented with "thanks Anna and Ryan". Odd for an all female lead "company".....

    Anna announces that she will release her "word of the year for 2024" tomorrow ...she doesn't.

    Dec 31: Tattle Year End WRap Up
    • The legacy project that is funding TAW collective, TAW NFT has sat at the 2088 items sold that it was at the beginning of the month - no one got a TAW jpeg for Christmas 😢
    • For the year, 307 TAW NFTs have been minted - meaning that at 37.5% of the 5,555 item project being sold, we are a whisker away from being the sold out project that Scammie keeps promising. We started the year with 32% being sold, so at an additional 5% being sold over this 12 month period, we are oh so close to the mythical sell out.
    • In the last month, TAW co active wear has “sold” an additional 14 items at $1109.30. I put sold in quotation marks as I suspect that these are most likely items that Scammie removed to use to gift to Kendoll and her WA family.
    • Scammie has stated that for this first “collection”, she ordered 1900 items - this means that so far she has sold approx 81% of the collection, which equals a sales figure of approx $135K - not making quite as much coin as her foray into NFTs made her; but if she loses 1/2 of this to SK when they break up (like she did to Stripper Ken) she stands to lose a lot less, this time around.
    • Did she say that she was working on a 100% mark up? So means she’s made about $70k? on this first collection? So her 909 NFT holders should stand to share approx $35k between them - or $38.50 per NFT held.
    • The discord is DOA, with even the die hards (Trudie Marie and Kerry) abandoning it. At this stage, they should head here and join us - we’re much more active and informed!!!
    • Shes continuing to drop numbers on her personal Instagram ( lost another 60 followers this month); while TAW collective has gained 60 followers (3104 total) and the awakened woman nft has lost 5 followers (5561).
    • Once again, other than Anna constantly repeating it, there is nothing to back up her claim that she is dominating, in Australia or globally, in any industry.
    • As always with Anna, the math ain’t mathing.
    • Let’s bring on 2024 and a fresh round of grifting in the form of Self Love School. Looking forward to those meta ads hitting my FB and IG feeds.
    Anna is VERY quiet between Xmas and New Years Day. Tattles speculate that Anna's presences at Ryan's family Christmas get together, did not go well. He has unfollowed and refollowed her on IG over this period (break up then back together?). He has also stopped following his ex wife on FB. It culminates in a massive meltdown on NYE when, rather than going out as they had planned, Anna is hit with Sacred rage that she needs to move through her body.

    January 2024

    January Tattle Thread Starts Here
    And continues here
    Jan 1: Annas NYE did not go as planned. Apparently even though she's the most healed and together person (because she said she is) something happened on NYE that triggered her and she had a meltdown.It's OK though, because she had a cry and now she's perfect again

    Tattles take on her SM absence & NYE Meltdown " She didn’t go dark for a week because she was in a holiday love bubble. That’s not even remotely what Anna would do, she’d shove it everbody’s face.She didn’t melt down on New Year’s Eve because she was facing “unprocessed emotions” from the last 2 years, forcing SK and the bestie and her husband and kids to give up their festivities to come sit in audience with the queen and placate her. Something must have happened on Christmas day and she’s been spiraling out from narcissistic injury, as I suspected, right down to the fabricated drama to cover it up and feed her bruised ego. "​

    Jan 2: Posts about her Mum "never saying bad word" about her father, her dad being a “not great husband” but Anna making her own relationship with him, and encouraging everyone to hug their dads tonight…. are a poorly disguised dig at SKs ex wife and kids. Tattlers point out that " She had 0 relationship with her dad until she was an adult. He lived in a different state. She probably saw him a handful of times in her whole life. Scammas mum had a child after scamma and that was the main “dad” in their house for many, many years " and " I wonder if it’s ever (consciously) occurred to Anna that if her dad had been even a modicum of a supportive presence in her life and made the effort to have a relationship with her he would have been around to maybe pick up on the fact that her stepfather was sexually abusing her and could have protected her from that? She exposes that her dad was a shit husband and a shit absentee father yet goes on to praise him. Very typical narc behavior - idealizing people in her life when she needs the narcissistic supply to support her image of herself. We’ve seen her do it with everybody in her circle. "
    Jan 3: Anna begins her anuall flogging of her Self Love School - this years has an extra module "Fuck like you love yourself" .
    Jan 4: Anna releases her word of the year ....Limitless
    Jan 6 : Anna is so excited to receive an amazing Christmas gift from her manufacturer in China (she wears it/them consistently for a week and then they are never seen again)
    IMG_6336 (1).jpeg
    Jan 6: SK gets a new chest tattoo which, she teases, " contains something hugely significant to them "
    Jan 8: Anna admits that over the last 7 weeks, while Ryan has been home from his FIFO job; and they have travelled to WA, Bali and experienced their first Christmas together...that there has been "ruptures" View Media Gallery of these posts here
    Anna does a Q& A on Self Love School - whereas she has previously given a 50% discount for people who are redoing SLS, this year she isn't (because her content is much improved). She also answers a question about if doing SLS will heal trauma, in the affirmative.​
    Jan 9: A flurry of sales (3) of TAW NFT's , which on closer inspection, have all been purchased by wallets owned by/connected to Anna
    Jan 10: Tattle provides Anna with free orthodontic advice (which, later in 2024 she appeas to have followed as she gets a retainer/invisalign. " Her mouth is an orthodontic minefield. I just noticed when I slowed the videos down on isanony how jacked her bite is. The arc of her bottom teeth is wider than the top (must be fun trying to chew) and when her teeth come together while she’s talking that bottom jaw jumps out wide to the left side. On top of her tongue-tie. 😬 "

    Anna wants everyone to know that she doesn't use a filter....very often.​

    Jan 12: Anna is back on her old covid conspiracies band wagon, frothing about how she saved 100s of thousands of Australians from the dangerous, toxic 'jab"
    Jan 14: Annas friend @nicolejoyofficial has been doing a stand up comedy course, and uses Anna's "haters" as her material. He4r set is really bad.
    Jan 15: TAW Co stocktake: 352 Items still in stock with a sales value of $25,702.40
    Jan TAW Board Meeting Summary​
    • This meeting began with Scammie berating her true confused admirers as it is their responsibility, not hers, to set themselves a reminder about their monthly board meetings, as they are the same date every month (except that they started off on the 1st of the month; and then there was that one time that Annie completely forget about it)
    • She’s setting the scene for Vixen not to launch at end of Jan, as previously promised. Stitching of garments has just begun; and that happens really quickly, but shipping will take at least 4 weeks and everything in China shuts down over Feb.
    • Her voice sounded very rough - she said it was because she was recovering g from Saturday night. Ryan was there, sitting next to her off camera.
    • There was lots of talk about the costs associated with TAW co are only for directly product related expenses - all other expenses - accounting, Kel, Kendall etc are being absorbed by her other companies.
    • TAW co spreadsheet does not include shipping costs (as she doesn’t know what they will be yet, but expects it to be between $1-$2.65 per item) or marketing and advertising costs (because she basically won’t start advertising until she’s flogged her products to her community and then she’ll advertise to move the demanding stock). She won’t be discounting left over stock as her first mentor (Brad Sugars) didn’t believe is devaluing your goods or services by discounting and neither does she.
    • With embody she ordered (based on community feedback) 3 times more size 12s in every item than every other size. This back fired as she’s been left with a huge number of unsold size 12s. Consequently, for vixen, she’s ordering the same amount (20) of each size.
    • Sounds like collection three will be called “Yes and Both”.
    • Then ensued a very confusing conversation about how profits will be split, started with this question from the crowd
    • 1724652165811.png
    • Scammies initial answer was along the lines of “no, you’re confused. I don’t know what you mean”.
    • Ryan, off camera (and away from the mic, so not clear) was trying to explain the question to her. She seems to be genuinely confused about whether TAW selling out, or remaining at the current number sold - she indicated that both are good/what she wants/ good for the community.
    • Finally, after much confusing and circling, she confirmed that profits will be paid per NFT at the time of profit payment. So, for example, if profits are paid on July 15th, and on July 15 there are 2000 NFTs sold; the 50% profits owed to the community, will be shared between those 2000 NFTs - regardless of how long you have held your NFT for. But that also means that as more NFTs are sold, the profit is shared between more - Scammie doesn’t believe that this will mean less money per NFT because “you have to understand” as more NFTs are purchased, that gives her more capital to invest, which will result in more sales and profit.
    • Refers to her accountant/mentor/finance advisor as "H" (Hairul Lutfi of Number Group). Scamma using ‘H’ cos a multicultural name is too hard rather than wanting to keep a professional she uses on the down low is very Scamma
    • I checked out shortly after, but some additional notes that I made are
    • - Warehouse charges are $3.50 per item plus 75c for each additional item - unsure if this is just for picking and packing or if there is a storage fee on top of this.
    • - industry standard is 3 items per order - embody sold an average of 2 items per order
    • - there were approx 45 participants

    • Copy of Embody and Vixen Spreadsheets and a couple of screenshots of community questions - I think Annie is just so used to people worshiping at her altar, that when people start questioning her - even in her “safe space” she gets quite rattled and isnt actually capable of responding in an adequate manner.

    Jan 16: Anna introduces her new trad wife/Right Wing Conservative line that "you break a home, you break the nation" and that all of the problems in the world are because women don't nurture their men and let them lead. In her own words you should always “gush” and “ravish love and appreciation on him”. A woman should never “nag” and “complain and withhold love” when she is upset with him and women are primarily responsible for the high rate of male suicide because they hurt men by not worshiping them.

    Jan 17: Anna takes to IG (with about 30 slides) to say (in a lot more words than this) that she got a call from Hairul (afore mentioned accountant/mentor etc) that he knew people in Singapore who were interested in having dinner with her and buying out/into her NFT Project for a lot of money (millions). But she doesn't want to sell, because she wants to do what she set out to do first, which is ...???? She also says that said I'm willing that when time comes like for that first profit pool, if I want you to have more profits because it's a 50/50 profits there. I was like I would forego profits of myself to give you and I mean that because obviously those calls are reported, uploaded and I'm saying it again and it's and it's just the truth. That is exactly what I would do"
    She also talks about a birth chart/astrology reading she had that said that 2024/2025 would be big. So strap in.

    Tattlers - Why aren’t the NFT holders up in arms over the fact she’s opening her doors to self love school again instead of updating her awakened woman website, doing all the the things she promised.
    Ryan is in Canberra, visiting one of his children, with his ex wife and other children.
    Jan 20: Anna is sick with yet another virus but still attends a GC catch up with TAW community members
    Jan 21: Anna starts setting up for paid access to her musings (she finally does it in MAY when she creates and charges for access to her Inner Circle (which she first mentioned in May 2023) .

    Jan 23: Anna wakes up to a message in her inbox, from a former SLS student, from a woman (Helen) who lives in Brazil and runs a business that provides Carnivale Experiences in Rio De Janiero. A couple has pulled out last minute, and she needs someone to fill their places. Anna, obviously, spins it slightly differently ....

    Tattle : She’s been given an outfit for free. Not the food, accommodation (and as someone that’s been before it’s insanely expensive - equivalent if not more than Aussie accommodation during a massive event - like hundreds for just a bed in a hostel dorm) and flights!!! And based on Helen’s post - you have to pay to actually be part of it, get the lessons and entry to the event. It’s also not like a float through the streets - it’s through an arena, it goes for legit hours and tbh can get a bit tedious to watch cos it’s just people in feathers (albeit different colours) doing the same dance to the same drums, just walking/or on a float by people in a stadium. You’re one of 1000s doing the exact same thing - nothing special. As it’s a dance competition - that’s the focus. It’s not like Mardi Gras with diff floats and costumes. We legit left after an hour cos it got boring. The floats in the streets are actually fun- that’s where the party is.
    Anyone can sign up for this experience! She’s not in any way special (except maybe to the ACCC for not including #spon or #gifted in her posts - but then again, given with the actual little she is actually getting from Helen, maybe she doesn’t need to Lol).


    Jan 24: Vixen Photoshoot either Saturday 17th or 24th February … TBC when the Chinese shipment arrives. So be flexible…
    So realistically it isn’t dropping till March with editing and then updating the site.
    In other news, Zeus has started barking at a corner in Anna's laundry (or is it the bathroom??) - not age related dementia, as one would expect of an 8 year old inbred french bull dog - no, apparently its Ryans dead grandmother visiting Anna's laundry.​

    Jan 25: On a live, Anna claimed that she hadn't needed to do any marketing for TAW Collective so far, because Embody has already sold it (Update: August 2024, it still hasn't) .

    Jan 25: Discord rumbles starting about the lack of updates in the hub

    Jan 25: Anna is launching Vixen for pre sale on the 14th Feb (while she will be in Rio) - and the website will just have photos of her, and maybe her besties - she can’t guarantee that she will have the stock by then, so it might be just a pre sale situation, where stock will be sent to you when it arrives in the warehouse - which could be anytime between the next 2-4 weeks - but she’s not doing the “community shoot” until the 25th Feb - and it’s these photos that she’ll use in her meta ad campaigns and maybe in the website.

    Jan 26: Email drops where she says " And I am back with the promise that in 2024 I will be coming to you at least monthly with an email sharing my life & all the lessons contained within it as I go." (Spoiler: doesn't happen. Once she sells out SLS, there are no more emails after Feb 11th.....until June 6th when she sends one to sell her new "offering" The Inner Circle'

    February 2024

    February Thread Starts Here

    Thread 11 page 9


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