Your view on covid in one paragraph..



Chatty Member
Do you think lockdown is too much and we should be trying to gain back some normal life.. are the death figures reliable.. do you think that we should have a lockdown as strict as the one back in March... discuss!
I don’t think this lockdown is strict enough to do anything so the elderly and vulnerable should shield while we get back to work and eduction. Our children have been totally forgotten about and are being sacrificed for the benefit of the elderly imo. Why can’t they just stay home until they’ve had their vaccine!?

This was my daughters schools view on it this week... Our children are in danger of sacrificing their academic and social development, and in some cases even their mental health, for the benefit of the elderly and vulnerable.
I’ve worked throughout the lockdowns since March last year. I’m worried about catching it and yes the media scares me. I have to use grandparents as childcare. Personally I think they are vaccinating the wrong people and it should be those working in the NHS, carers and supermarket staff because the vulnerable shouldn’t be out they should be sheilding. I also believe that the lockdown isn’t strict enough having garden centres, the range , B&M open is a joke - stop people going on jollies by closing them and having stores open for click and collect encourages people to not stay at home. We go into lockdown it halts the spread to a degree but we come out and it will rise again - I don’t see this going away anytime soon. I’m very conflicted about it all.
I’m incredibly proud of how my students have committed to online work this week. Things are very different this time. We are live teaching every lesson, Yr11 are still attending and are having sanctions if they do not. There have been teething problems but I’m so proud of how school has pulled this off.
Out of work, I’m still gutted about my driving test and putting off cancelling my 30th birthday holiday but so grateful I have a regular income and we are all healthy.
I definitely think children are being forgotten in all of this. Just because they arent the ones getting poorly, does not mean that they dont matter. My son changed dramatically during first lockdown and has since needed therapy. He is only 4 years old! He should have started reception in september, but thankfully I have managed to have his entry deferred until this september as he is a late summerborn.

We are 100% vaccinating the wrong people too, I'm still speechless than teachers and child care workers arent priority when they're working without ppe and without distancing a lot of the time.

I'm very concerned about those who will suffer due to the disregard of everything none covid by the Government. I'm not scared by covid at all. It's all made me even more mistrustful of authority than I was before.
Also this!! I found a lump in my breast back in february. It took until July to have it investigated. Thankfully it wasnt anything too sinister and it just has to be monitored. But I know the same has happened to many others and for them not so positive outcomes
I think the how the media have handled its appalling. Don’t get me wrong the government haven’t handled it better either but the media choosing to publish negative articles and create this panic and confusion isn’t helping. I know this first hand from working on the vaccine programme, that they actually only report the worst and twist things to make it look bad. I feel this has created two camps those who are scared to leave the house follow and those who have had enough don’t trust the government to get this right so will carry on seeing family or friends as they don’t see this going away anytime soon.
Firstly COVID is real. But I hate the effect lockdown is having on people. Young people are killing themselves and the public has never been so judgemental. I include myself in this, I work for sex health services and I take pride in not being judgemental about people’s sex lives/choices, as long as there’s consent and people are having fun then you do you. But right now the unrealistic and oddest demands are being made of us so I am finding it hard not to be judgemental and I hate this about myself. People are still hooking up and are so cross about the changes we have to made to our service to keep our patients and colleagues safe whilst still making sure the public get the services that are needed. For example a 13 year old who has been sexually assaulted, people living with HIV and not women who have had some creamy white discharge for an hour. Sorry for the long paragraph. If you do have creamy white discharge and are anxious though call your local service and let them reassure you just don’t go mental at them when they don’t book you a face to face appointment
The prime minister must sit in a meeting with his advisors and say “how can we make this as complicated as we possibly can?” The policies are conflicting and ludicrously don’t make sense. It’s been handled appallingly by all concerned and has been made more complicated than it ever needed to be. The creating of bubbles has just fucked it all up and don’t even get me started on eat out to help out
Covid is definitely very very real. People don’t understand how serious it is until someone they know has had it.
Yes life is tit right now. But everyone just has to get on with it. I’m bored, I’m pretty depressed and I want to go out. But I have a roof over my head and I’m stable. Little things will keep me going!
Do you think lockdown is too much and we should be trying to gain back some normal life.. are the death figures reliable.. do you think that we should have a lockdown as strict as the one back in March... discuss!
It's the simplistic views that are bothering me. "Let's shut down the country till we have a vax then everyone get the vax and we can go back to normal"

Except for all the businesses that have had to cease trading, except for all the people who couldn't cope with seeing no one and ended their own lives, except all the people who have developed anxiety and mental health issues and are now struggling to function.

No one seems to be arsed about the effects of Covid in respect of the economy, various industries such as travel, beauty and leisure, retail, education etc.
COVID is real but I believe the handling of the figures and lack of transparency from our government, not to mention the conflicting and illogical “rules” that have consistently changed throughout this are frustrating and shambolic and really do make you wonder if there is something else going on because surely as a “superpower” country we should be handling this far more competently. On a personal level I feel fortunate that being bored and frustrated and feeling like my life is on hold is really my main concern, closely followed by long term economic worries and wondering what will happen to people’s mental health. The hardest part personally has been seeing my grandparents struggle and really age due to this. I am incredibly grateful for our NHS and key workers but also incredibly angry that they were not better prepared for winter and that years of mismanagement and poorly allocated funding have left it in the state it is. I am concerned that we will pay incredible amounts of tax in years to come and that it will be funnelled off to more cronies (regardless of who is in charge) under the guise of us needing to repay furlough and fund a crippled NHS.
I absolutely believe there is a virus, i'm not a denier however I think the whole thing is widely exaggerated. The vast majority of the population are asymptomatic and locking away the whole population causes more damage. Phrases such as 'behave as if you are infected' are outrageous and makes no sense. I worry about the disconnect between people now (those that 'believe' and those that don't. Those that are following the rules religiously and those that are following loosely) the very apparant north/south divide and the many more thousands, potentially millions that will be now losing their businesses and having to claim benefits and the repercussions that will come. Im worried about the state of the NHS and the many people that haven't received adequate health care for the best part of a year now and the inevitable strain that this will put on services down the line. I could go on.
I also believe the majority of us have probably had it now but didn't know. I read the news, look at the headlines, the cases and the deaths and I don't believe a word of it.

I absolutely believe there is a virus, i'm not a denier however I think the whole thing is widely exaggerated. The vast majority of the population are asymptomatic and locking away the whole population causes more damage. Phrases such as 'behave as if you are infected' are outrageous and makes no sense. I worry about the disconnect between people now (those that 'believe' and those that don't. Those that are following the rules religiously and those that are following loosely) the very apparant north/south divide and the many more thousands, potentially millions that will be now losing their businesses and having to claim benefits and the repercussions that will come. Im worried about the state of the NHS and the many people that haven't received adequate health care for the best part of a year now and the inevitable strain that this will put on services down the line. I could go on.
I also believe the majority of us have probably had it now but didn't know. I read the news, look at the headlines, the cases and the deaths and I don't believe a word of it.
Eta - I originally was really worried about this but now I dont think these measures are to slow the spread of the virus. I also dont think there is a new strain and its a way to make people willingly accept further restrictions
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I do worry in general about Covid and also about the effects of lockdown on different aspects of society at the same time, and it's okay to feel conflicted. I think ultimately, I'm just very frustrated with the government and how their handling of the pandemic right from the beginning has been reactive rather than proactive which has just intensified everybody's suffering. It's just very annoying that it really didn't have to be this way- yesterday's decisions are today's consequences. I also worry about how lack of funding coupled with mismanagement of services such as education and healthcare over the years has intensified the effects of Covid and lockdown. In terms of mental health, again, as many people have mentioned, that is also very concerning. Before Covid's existence we were already pretty much in dire straits with regards to mental health, so presumably now things may be worse. It really does trouble me how many people- of all ages and situations may be struggling to stay afloat be it financially and/or mentally. It's really not as easy as phone or text a helpline or even just speak out to someone you know. It can be a slow and arduous journey to access adequate support. It can be incredibly hard for people to articulate their feelings sometimes, and I worry about those who suffer in silence because they feel like they can't articulate, or are confused about, what's wrong.
The government are really doing themselves no favours- I feel like 'incompetent' doesn't quite cut it, and their handling of things has definitely bred mistrust and just exasperation really. It's like Covid has really ripped off the band-aid, and probably now more than ever before it's clear to see how threadbare and what a precarious state many public services, and people's lives were in- and this is only intensified now.
It's also got me thinking about what should/might change because of it- improved hygiene for example- I'm sure we've all been in public toilets and seen people walk out without washing their hands😬
Also, on the topic of schools/education-there will definitely be some kids both during homeschooling and even before Covid who's time at school and workload was extremely stressful. I remember my English teacher saying to us a few years ago that her son who was in Year one was being taught something in English that she didn't even learn at uni.
It makes you think though, how stressed are we all ordinarily? How many people are working themselves to the point of burnout, be it kids at school/college or adults at university or in the workplace? I just think it's so fucked up that even ordinarily many people are so stressed, and it's often because they don't have a choice in the matter- working themselves to the bone because they can't afford not to. Also, expectations of people to go to work when they are unwell, even if this means they may wipe out the whole workplace with the flu, and the guilt that is often felt when staying off school/work when you are genuinely unwell.
I would have expected better from Boris who lets face it hasn't been very good handling this pandemic, he has had covid himself so I was expecting more from him. Sadly he hasn't handled it very well. We are now in Lockdown three, this shouldn't be the case if the previous Lockdown had worked.
I firmly believe that for this pandemic a coalition government should have been implemented to deal with this, perhaps if that happened the situation might not be so bad now. One problem is that there are a lot of people who deny covid which isn't helping, it's these people who are making things worse because of their views.
Clearly this has not only taught us how incompetent the UK government has been in handling this crisis, but also on a global scale and how governments across the world have been put on the backfoot unsure how to react, either being proactive or reactive with equal massive fail!
Covid-19 is the "gift" that keeps on giving.
There is not one part of everyday life, that this dreadful world event has not touched. It has destroyed businesses, disrupted or ended relationships, and brought out the worst (or best) of humanity. But look on the bright side - at least it is character building!