So it was really really hard for me to watch.
I stopped watching the first episode after the harassment to Kevin.
I was too upset and angry.
4 days later, I told myself that I had to go on.
So I continued watching but I have read online that people shouldn’t watch it all at once.
So I decided to cut the series in half.
Second episode a little bit shocked and I cried.
What a mistake have I done to watch episode 3 and 4 in one night a day before school (I have two children in elementary school).
I didn’t sleep all night to finish the serie, I have never cried so much in my whole life, especially the 4th episode (korey’s sister,Connie island, the air con, and the assaults
From the beginning until the end, I basically cried.
In the morning, for the first time of my life, I “woke up” with very very puffy eyes (I almost couldn’t open them).
My son told me “mummy you sure hadn't slept at night because your eyes are swollen”.
Oh God.
My children went to school ( by themselves), so I decided to have some sleep.
But the delivery man from Amazon knocked at the door.
I opened and he saw my face (
),gave me the parcel, apologized and told me to go back to sleep
I was a mess,literally.
This serie hit me the very hard way.
I was a little bit upset after watching “13 reasons why” but this one, wow.
I,willingly, wanted watch in English (I’m french) because I read that korey has difficulties of speaking,so I wanted to heard by myself,oh boy in the court when we heard him answer to questions and becoming nervous and angry ....My heart broke.
I hope this was not too long for you to read and I hope you understood my stay-at-home mum English.