VIP Member
Good Morrow fellow high society instaparents, fairy worshippers, cheese lovers & pastry enthusiasts, welcome to Rebecca Wilson’s latest thread.
Mother Gothel hasn’t been doing much in terms of, ya know….her job? Which is providing weaning content, but is still living up to her trademark of being an insufferable helicopter parent & smothering Toertelnini every minute of the day.
a new addition to the Wilson Gal clan is Mangogarnish for the porridge the premature kitten, which Hagrid bought from a dodgy breeder too early & as a result of lack of training has been pissing all up Nina’s faded plum bed curtains. Can’t say we didn’t have a chuckle at that.
panini is 6 today & something fishy is going with her party….Becky had one planned at a soft playat the other end of the country nearby but suddenly the company went bust & Moomin Ma was forced to arrange another & thrn in the space of 24hours Nina came down with ‘chicken pox’ which she’s already had…..suspicious indeed. Sounds like something went awry & there was no back up party planned but maybe Panini was meant to be with the infamous ‘other’ instead & Becky with the crispy hair has once again come up with another tale.
there’s still plenty of point blank selfies, unhealthy amounts of cheesy fatty food, mollycoddling & fake performances for theWeird peedos on the gram. We all still think Becky’s approach on parenting is toxic & dangerous and implore her to get a real life friend who she can share her coffe dates, adult movie watching & grandmas cottage aesthetic with instead of being so emotionally dependent on her weird giant child.
Also we r seeing too much of her cleavage these days & it’s making me feel uncomfortable. Maybe her next line of content will be onlyfans but cheese themed; onlyflans?
Feel free to add more recaps guys
Mother Gothel hasn’t been doing much in terms of, ya know….her job? Which is providing weaning content, but is still living up to her trademark of being an insufferable helicopter parent & smothering Toertelnini every minute of the day.
a new addition to the Wilson Gal clan is Mango
panini is 6 today & something fishy is going with her party….Becky had one planned at a soft play
there’s still plenty of point blank selfies, unhealthy amounts of cheesy fatty food, mollycoddling & fake performances for the
Also we r seeing too much of her cleavage these days & it’s making me feel uncomfortable. Maybe her next line of content will be onlyfans but cheese themed; onlyflans?
Feel free to add more recaps guys
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