I’m glad you’ve found what works for you and that you enjoy it so much. I want to get to where you are, I know I really need to work on form I usually end up with a sore lower back when I do things like squats. I’m one of those women that worries about getting too bulky, I know I know, they say it takes a while but I’m about an average build so I feel that if I put muscle on it would make me look and feel bigger. But I suppose I won’t know until I properly try! I would definitely like some definition especially in my arms. When I was a bit lighter at the end of 2018 I actually had some definition in my stomach, not full on abs but I think if I’d been working on them I could have got there. I’m rocking a bit more of a Santa belly at the moment, just to be festive
Thank you so much I will have a good look at this today, I do want to do some reading and try to find a plan over Christmas so I can get started in the new year!
It’s the repetition I find boring I think. Doing 3-4 sets of the same thing, I have a very short attention span and hate repeating myself. That being said I’ve only ever really done weights with a PT and my husband used to go to the same gym. He does weights and he said he’d get bored doing it with a PT and that for him putting his earphones in and just getting on with it is something he enjoys. So I have already done a Spotify playlist and am hoping that it might be a bit more motivating. Usually in the gym I went to the music was either pretty quiet or not really music I was that into.
That’s fantastic that it’s helped with your injuries. I have bad knees so I will have to be careful starting out but I was told that leg extension would help strengthen the muscles around my knees and that I might find that helps a bit. I also get pain in my lower back sometimes so I should probably look at trying to strengthen that and my core.
Generally I do love cardio and the buzz I get from it and my favourite is going out for walks and runs. I had been going to the gym for spin classes and doing weight/cardio circuits with a trainer but once the gyms closed I was back to just walks and youtube workouts that I had to do at the end of the bed as husband was using the office as the lounge. I just became so bored I even started dreading my walks. I feel like I need to mix it up more next year and also get some definition once I’ve worked off this little layer of lockdown lard I’ve been accumulating! My husbands bought some dumbbells during lockdown and he had one of those weight benches in the garage that he bought years ago and never used so I feel like I’ve got some things I can use to get started. I feel really anxious at the thought of doing weights in the gym without a PT holding my hand but I don’t want to use a PT anymore so I figure I can work on form and start learning with what we have at home. That’s the plan anyway (she says led in bed eating a biscuit!)