Wearsmymoney - Kate Hiscox

A bit disappointed she’s jumped on the breeded puppy bandwagon. Plenty of rescue puppies needing homes.

I agree, though not so much that she has gone for a puppy from a breeder but that she appears to have gone for it on the fly and it’s a trendy doodle dog. So all in, it suggests that she’s probably got a puppy farm dog. There are very, very few ethical doodle breeders around. I’m not against pedigree dogs from breeders, I have a pedigree from a reputable, ethical, well researched breeder with waiting lists for her puppies. There are reputable breeders and there are unethical/disreputable rescues, it’s not purely a case of Rescue Good, Breeder Bad.
I expect she may have been made redundant? If so she will get a fair wedge. She doesn’t seem to have been working much during lockdown and getting music acts on Tv is not going to be priority at the mo!
Never thought of that! Maybe you’re right!!

I saw today she’s been gifted a beauty advent calendar that she usually buys anyway. Well why not raffle it off and buy one like usual this year?

Gah. So jealous. 😞
I’m a long time tattle lurker, first time poster.
move followed wears my money for a while now. I started following her because we live in the same area and I found her very relatable and authentic compared to other influencers.
I unfollowed her after the liberty gifted advent calendar story yesterday. Yes, I’m jealous but also like it’s not been changed post - if she has bought a calendar every year why not raffle this one off for charity or a giveaway?She can more than afford to buy one herself. I have saved up and bought myself a liberty advent calendar the past two years but I’m not sure I will again, they are so expensive but if you’re one of the popular girls you can get one for free!
I don’t like the tone of her posts so much any more. It feels very braggy and there are too many ad/gift posts.

Sorry for the rant! Also, sorry I know this is a rave about thread - I really did rate her until recently but they all seem to go the same way
I have always liked Kate and think she usually comes off very well compared to others, although her level of consumerism is off the scale. But she’s on the beg today! Sad to see! Buy your own mattress, you’re clearly absolutely loaded!
I’ve just seen her stories & came on here to post just this! She’s a full time beggar now she’s given up the security of her office job 🙄 Doesn’t take them long does it!
Thought this too she’s always seemed to have a fairly good balance but dropping major hints for mattresses now Doesn’t take them long does it ?
Does anyone follow Sarahs.actualwardrobe ?
I found her via Kate, and Jesus Christ. Her constant head bobbling and nodding drives me batty.

I don’t know what’s wrong with me recently, but they’re all p****ng me off! (Influencers) 😵