VIP Member
Congrats to @TeaAndABun on the winning title
Quick recap of last thread
Must have seen every panto in Cork or it felt like it anyways. Joolie renewing passports and making wills but can't just do it quietly without any dramas. Worried about opening bills but can afford to be out drinking, dancing on tables and gallivanting Joolie threw herself a pity party coz she has to parent her kids and she does it all on her own. She forgot to add that if said kids had a bit of routine and weren't been brought up by ipads she might find it a bit easier.Gymondo app made an appearance a couple of times where she tried to convince she gets up early to do workout before kids get up . She has a podcast with Brenda that seems to get ideas from her followers. The twinnies get baby bowls for dinner when mammy can be bothered cooking.Thread ended with a scam of a competition organised by Joolie and her "manager"
I'm sure I've missed loads so feel free to add
Quick recap of last thread
Must have seen every panto in Cork or it felt like it anyways. Joolie renewing passports and making wills but can't just do it quietly without any dramas. Worried about opening bills but can afford to be out drinking, dancing on tables and gallivanting Joolie threw herself a pity party coz she has to parent her kids and she does it all on her own. She forgot to add that if said kids had a bit of routine and weren't been brought up by ipads she might find it a bit easier.Gymondo app made an appearance a couple of times where she tried to convince she gets up early to do workout before kids get up . She has a podcast with Brenda that seems to get ideas from her followers. The twinnies get baby bowls for dinner when mammy can be bothered cooking.Thread ended with a scam of a competition organised by Joolie and her "manager"
I'm sure I've missed loads so feel free to add