Hey everyone,
Ive had a little break from ttc threads since my last AF. Sometimes my mind needs it.
10dpo though so it's approaching again... I know it will very much most likely be heartbreak again so I'm sure I'll be on here in tears in a few days as you are the ones who understand!
So husbands sperm anaylsis came back as low on the morphology (the shape /form of the sperm I think) . The paperwork hadn't been filled in properly though so they say they cannot say if its actually okay as it depends when he last came (sorry tmi) could be 2 weeks ago or 2 days ago for all they know they said... The morphology would obviously be different for however long it's been. I mean it said not to do anything for 3-5days so we didn't (luckily not the fertile window
) so it was in the right time frame. So I do wonder if its correct that morphology Is low and not just to do with the paperwork error. Apparently drinking can affect this and he does drink each evening. It can be reversed. So he's trying to be healthier. His sperm count was high which so great. I was very upset at having to do it again. I know that's irrational but I already feel behind at only being at this stage when we about to go into cycle 18, and now we have to re do this before I can even be referred to a clinic... Then the waiting list.
We also had a nightmare even getting the results as the clinic and gp both denied having them for days and just wouldn't listen for a bit. We had to fight for them. I think part of my upset was this whole thing feels like a losing battle!
Found out a close friend is pregnant. Hard to hear as it is but when it wasnt planned and they'd only been together a few weeks... Its so hard to take. I am happy for her and anyone, but it is so hard.
Sorry to sound all sad and low. I'm actually not right now, just updating and I know you guys will understand any hard times in this journey.
Congratulations to all the BFPs the last couple of weeks x x