Well, this has to be the Christmas she does not overeat so, right?
I don't know about ye but in the height of sunshine the last things I want to eat are massive roast dinners and boxes of choccies like!
Give me meats and fish and sea food and nice fresh slaws and salads and I am happy as a pig in tit! Few icy cold G&Ts with fresh lemon, heaven!
Says me wan who ate half a pot of stew last night!
Had to laugh - as I logged in and saw the thread gone I was thinking, I have finally gone too far and have been banned from it...(head cold brain here) and then I realised there is a new thread of course.
I was told on the QT today that I will be getting promoted in Jan to a senior position that I have worked very hard for in a many times toxic environment.
I am a fat girl in a male dominated, fast paced, high stress, highly regulated job... I am certain many of you work in similar jobs - ye know the score.
It's about how much you can schmooze the right people which I refuse to do. I had to be twice as good as any bleeping penis walking around here. I hate saying that as I love the men in my life but unfortunately this is common place still and I hate admitting that too - but the higher up the ladder I have climbed the more I have seen sexism in the work place.
I think the phrase I have heard bandied about before is "be so good they can not ignore you"
Her consistent shitness over the years has really motivated me to be better. Her consistent "poor me I'm fat" has really motivated me not to be the cliche fat girl while still absolutely being the fat girl and loving myself as a strong, independent fatty.
She tried to make it so it wasn't about weight loss or being a certain size, it was about being tit hot as you are, happy as you are. That the "transformation" was all about what's inside....well, she is right. Because never ever have I been badly treated or looked at badly because of the size of my hole. Because I am a capable woman.
It's really never been about her size, she has just made that her life. If she was genuinely sound she would be a superstar.
2023 will be our year Trisha! Trisha and Heffalump 4 eva.
Trisha special for sure tonight, Take out, two bottles of wine and twenty Benson.
Sorry for essay but also I can't talk about the promotion until end of Jan so I have told himself and ye just!