@Winners_Song for creating this thread.
I’m vegan so I was draw to their channel, but soon realised how awful their meals looked
Then Paul’s aggressive over reactions to even minor comments started to annoy me, seemed very ungrateful. He’s all sweetness and light when he wants money from followers, but then blocks them when they dare to disagree or mildly criticise. I’m double jabbed btw, but I think Paul went too far in his reaction to Vegan Camp Out and even people’s mild comments about covid.
When I started to watch their old videos, I realised that Paul has been sacked from nearly every job and has a real anger management problem, he has zero self awareness and seems quite narcissistic, delusional and quite mad at times. Then they started a go fund me page to buy a drone and GoPro and just seemed to be begging for money and gifts from gullible followers during the lives, which turned me right off them. I unsubbed and don’t bother to comment or even thumbs down their videos, because that helps the algorithm of their channel, so now I just occasionally watch them to laugh at the ridiculousness.
Jason or (me usband)
as Paul always calls him, is he afraid of someone stealing Jason or something, no worries on that one Paul. Jason does seem a bit under the thumb at times, no matter what they say, he seems to just go along with whatever Paul wants. Jason is obviously very easy going and passive, because no one else could put up with someone as domineering as Paul. Plus Jason was a naive 17 year old when met Paul who was nearly 30, so he didn’t have a lot of experience.
Can’t wait for another one of Paul’s medicinal delightful dinners
will it be chips in soup and mushy peas this time.
and a side order of bag of ready made shitty salad.