Those Vegan Guys #3 Clearly Marked bully. Manipulative twits, no prizes for guessing, it's those vegan gits



VIP Member
Thread 3. Well done to @wumbhi tahaza for the title win! 🏆

Following on from thread 2.

Quick recap. Paul’s still a beggy hole, Jason is still an enabler and they’re still eating their processed shite and both look like they need an iron infusion. Paul’s shown his true colours yet again and in true narcissist fashion upset and embarrassed a vulnerable woman on their a live. People called him out for it so he blocked anyone who dared speak. Of course he’s the victim as he was ‘verbally attacked’ His disciples are supporting him, and the cult leader lives on getting away with his abusive behaviour yet again.

Thanks ChineseAlan. Can we take a moment to thank Paul for giving us enough material for already a third thread. He is the gift that keeps on giving. Just when I think he's totally hit the depths he goes and outdoes himself.

For any new readers Paul is a very aggressive narcissistic man who was fired from his job working with dementia sufferers for gross misconduct. He now has a job as a support worker for vulnerable adults, thankfully he hasn't started yet. We need to keep talking as this is the one thing he has absolutely no control over 😈
Thanks for new thread, and title.@ChineseAlan and @wumbhi tahaza.
Watching the live back Paul looks like Jason's dad. They both look like they belong in an episode of Shameless.
Paul is clearly in a bad mood. Tired due to the gardening marathon. I would say it's more likely the poor diet.
Cult leader is treating Jason like a five year old making cakes. Condescending, even though he says he's not.
Jason is a middle aged man who lives with a control freak, and can't cook. Paul talks about steam frying, and watches everything
with a beady eye. Yet he boils everything, and adds the most gross concoctions in the mix.
We need to expand the merch for TVG. Clearly Marked Tosspot. Rip off the subs. It'd be rude not too..............
Bless him, he's been playing around with his pics again. You are right about one thing Paul, "the food is real", yeah, real shite!.

I actually think he might be having a pop at those of us that take the piss out of his food pics.

We win

Always do

Always will

We got this 💋

Bless him, he's been playing around with his pics again. You are right about one thing Paul, "the food is real", yeah, real shite!.

I actually think he might be having a pop at those of us that take the piss out of his food pics.

We win

Always do

Always will

We got this 💋

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Ffs I’m sure they get better slop in prison…
Yeah it is amazing what you can do with image wizardry isn't it? You can make food not fit for a dog look like colourful food not fit for a dog.
........and he better not think we're forgetting about Linda-gate. He's trying to distract us now with colour. Haha

And a quick one regarding linda-gate. I just looked on his board at comments on his explanation post and noticed that a regular called benedict bell commented

I didn't see any personal attacks, I am guessing they were deleted.

You got it right first time benedict. Paul confuses personal attacks with criticism.
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Someone posted this comment on his those vegan guys Fb page under his other Linda-gate post.

I think I may have 'liked' a post that I don't 'like'!! Sometimes I zone out by scrolling on FB and when I see a TVG post I just automatically press the like button 😀 I even feel sorry for posts that don't have many or any 'likes' so I go ahead and press like on those too - even without reading them 🤪 sounds stupid but that's what I do🤔😂 xx

He got his sub-jects well trained hasn't he? They even apologise for clicking Like on his posts. Why do they suck up to him so much? Why are they so afraid to upset him. They obviously know he is hyper-sensitive about everything but pandering to it makes him worse
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Jason just reviewed a Pot Noodle:LOL:. The crap Paul dished up was the usual slop. Tomaaartas. Ed a marmey beans:LOL:. Caustic looking dip.
The doner looked like old shoe leather. There were some cremated articles, and loads of basic bread. Then they went all up market and had a cream cracker with stew. Why can't he make a salad? Perhaps the worst ever Come Dine With Me.
I think if you are part of an online community where you need to publicly apologise for liking something then that is a big red flag. Just unlike it if it was a mistake and carry on with your don't need to justify yourself. How bizarre.

Crazy, isn't it?!. I do wonder why the cult members can't see what we all see.

Ed a marmey beans:LOL:.

Bloody love this! :LOL:

I just can't get my head around cream crackers with stew.
I think if you are part of an online community where you need to publicly apologise for liking something then that is a big red flag. Just unlike it if it was a mistake and carry on with your don't need to justify yourself. How bizarre.
It's like when they apologise for for being late on a live, why apologise for having a life and routine that sometimes means you miss the start of one?