So, I’m a bit conflicted about the cleaning of the toys.
Firstly I feel the whole thing is a bit virtue signalingly (is that a word?). She could have just rung the council and they would have dealt with it.
Secondly, charity shops have really stringent rules about what they can sell on (toys and kids clothes in particular). If someone comes in with stuff, I just accept it because it’s easier but if a toy or clothing item doesn’t have the correct label it goes in our recycling. The charity might have said yes to her to be kind but actually those toys aren’t going to kids in need at all. They certainly wouldn’t be going on sale in our shop.
Finally, if she is that bothered about “doing her bit” and has so much free time on her hands that she is washing flytipped shite in her sink then she needs to get her arse in gear and push for that volunteer thing she was after. Not just befriending people, but foodbank, MH, anything.