Yeah, found her very in love with herself but the final straw for me was:
She does this YouTube video about his ex (it’s been deleted now) with whom he’s got a young child, the whole way through the video she talks about how much the woman has put her through (and this woman sounds a real psycho) and that there’s drugs etc, at this point I was feeling very sorry for her, then she goes on to say that social services asked Adam if he was happy with the daughter being with this woman or if there were problems to which he said ‘no, she’s fine’. WHAT. Your daughter is suffering and when given a chance to speak up you lied to SS? It’s obvious you don’t want your daughter then.
In his recent video he said theyre moving to Scotland and when someone asked about how he will see his daughter he says ‘I haven’t seen her in months, hopefully she will be able to visit’
Just say it how it is Adam: you dont care enough to fight for your daughter, you will leave her with a woman who sounds unhinged to play family picnics. The poor little girl.
PS: have you seen the state of their house?