The Tinder Swindler - Netflix

A few on this thread have said the child was his, everything I’ve seen said that was a lie too and he doesn’t have kids. I so want more details of alot of bits.

Picture in the background makes me chuckle. If this girl is still with him she is a fool!
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But how is the company paying for his scams avoiding a bad name lol? Rather the contrary cause they didn't do anything. He's still using their name to scam people and claims he's the owner's son lol. If anything now they have a bad press cause they haven't reacted, even enabled him, and they're a bleeping diamond company and have actual means to put the end to that. Wtf is that logic. WIll they continue paying for his scams forever?
I really did feel for these women and wish them well in future, but I do think they need to take some responsibility here.

I don’t think victim blaming is right because this guy was clearly a manipulator and a fraud and the blame lies squarely with him, but I do think that the situation here means these women need to take a good look at a) why they were targeted and b) how the situation got the stage it did for them, and they need to reconsider how they go about looking for love.

personally I think this guy preys on women looking for a certain lifestyle - ie who are impressed by big gestures, flashy surrounds and romantic movie-style approaches. I don’t think they are gold diggers per se but note that none of these women could really afford to lose the money they lent, and they did confirm that they were impressed by his tinder profile showing helicopter and boat lifestyles’s very telling that he’s not targeting women who work in high paying jobs or with family cash etc - despite the fact that they have a lot more cash to throw away and may not need actual loans etc - rather he goes for those who don’t really have that money because they are looking for someone to bring them into that lifestyle and are more likely to consider forking put in the short term for what they perceive to be longer term gain,

I noticed a few plot holes I hope we do get answers to at some point -

- the mother of the child - wtf? Presumably after he was convicted on her and others’ testimony he brought her into the scam and gave her a cut because I can’t see any other explanation for herpraising him to Cecile

- the rude shouty and abrupt requests for money in WhatsApp… I get that he was telling them he was scared and in danger but come on… the way it was portrayed was that he was just sending messages saying “card doesn’t work”, “Sort it out”, “I need more money”, “just speak to the bank and sort it” etc. No Please, and no thank you until the money ran out, when he didn’t actually even say thank you but rather just started love bombing again. Why would you put up with this? I didn’t really think this made sense - even if you love someone and think they are in danger, after a week of this surely you’d tell them to be nice to you?

- why wouldn’t deceive have noticed that he was spending her cash on a holiday in Mykonos etc etc? My Amex bill shows exactly where things were spent and in which businesses. For example I can see on my app that I spent £24.50 at a specific branch of Nando’s yesterday… So if Cecile looked at the bill or even the app she’d have known he was in fancy restaurants and hiring fancy cars and buying alcohol in bars - which is hardly compliant with the story he was telling about laying low to hide from His “enemies”. This is a major question for me as I don’t get it.

-Pernilla basically had a holiday on Cecile’s dollar. And now they are friends? Apparently they are now crowd funding repayment of debts together. Come on, if she really felt bad she’d let Cecile pay her debts off first…

- Pernilla has clearly had a LOT of work done - it’s pretty obvious even in the dim lighting they filmed her in. How is she paying for this if her life savings wasless than 10k? Something doesn’t add up with her financial situation IMO
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- why wouldn’t deceive have noticed that he was spending her cash on a holiday in Mykonos etc etc? My Amex bill shows exactly where things were spent and in which businesses. For example I can see on my app that I spent £24.50 at a specific branch of Nando’s yesterday… So if Cecile looked at the bill or even the app she’d have known he was in fancy restaurants and hiring fancy cars and buying alcohol in bars - which is hardly compliant with the story he was telling about laying low to hide from His “enemies”. This is a major question for me as I don’t get it.

- Pernilla has clearly had a LOT of work done - it’s pretty obvious even in the dim lighting they filmed her in. How is she paying for this if her life savings wasless than 10k? Something doesn’t add up with her financial situation IMO
That is a really good point. If she actually trusted him that much to not check it at all then wow no comment. I also wonder how Pernilla affords all that cosmetic stuff, as well how they still afford going oit to fancy places and on holidays when they're supposedly drowning in debt.
I really did feel for these women and wish them well in future, but I do think they need to take some responsibility here.

I don’t think victim blaming is right because this guy was clearly a manipulator and a fraud and the blame lies squarely with him, but I do think that the situation here means these women need to take a good look at a) why they were targeted and b) how the situation got the stage it did for them, and they need to reconsider how they go about looking for love.

personally I think this guy preys on women looking for a certain lifestyle - ie who are impressed by big gestures, flashy surrounds and romantic movie-style approaches. I don’t think they are gold diggers per se but note that none of these women could really afford to lose the money they lent, and they did confirm that they were impressed by his tinder profile showing helicopter and boat lifestyles’s very telling that he’s not targeting women who work in high paying jobs or with family cash etc - despite the fact that they have a lot more cash to throw away and may not need actual loans etc - rather he goes for those who don’t really have that money because they are looking for someone to bring them into that lifestyle and are more likely to consider forking put in the short term for what they perceive to be longer term gain,

I noticed a few plot holes I hope we do get answers to at some point -

- the mother of the child - wtf? Presumably after he was convicted on her and others’ testimony he brought her into the scam and gave her a cut because I can’t see any other explanation for herpraising him to Cecile

- the rude shouty and abrupt requests for money in WhatsApp… I get that he was telling them he was scared and in danger but come on… the way it was portrayed was that he was just sending messages saying “card doesn’t work”, “Sort it out”, “I need more money”, “just speak to the bank and sort it” etc. No Please, and no thank you until the money ran out, when he didn’t actually even say thank you but rather just started love bombing again. Why would you put up with this? I didn’t really think this made sense - even if you love someone and think they are in danger, after a week of this surely you’d tell them to be nice to you?

- why wouldn’t deceive have noticed that he was spending her cash on a holiday in Mykonos etc etc? My Amex bill shows exactly where things were spent and in which businesses. For example I can see on my app that I spent £24.50 at a specific branch of Nando’s yesterday… So if Cecile looked at the bill or even the app she’d have known he was in fancy restaurants and hiring fancy cars and buying alcohol in bars - which is hardly compliant with the story he was telling about laying low to hide from His “enemies”. This is a major question for me as I don’t get it.

-Pernilla basically had a holiday on Cecile’s dollar. And now they are friends? Apparently they are now crowd funding repayment of debts together. Come on, if she really felt bad she’d let Cecile pay her debts off first…

- Pernilla has clearly had a LOT of work done - it’s pretty obvious even in the dim lighting they filmed her in. How is she paying for this if her life savings wasless than 10k? Something doesn’t add up with her financial situation IMO

Maybe Pernilla will say for Cecile to pay hers first, we don’t know 🤷🏻‍♀️ Also she didn’t know she was living it up on her money. I can see why they are friends as they’ve had very similar experiences and understand what the other has gone through which gives them a bond.
As for the surgery point everyone seems to be having it now days regardless of income - Pernilla looks to of had her work done prior to Simon.

The holidays they’ve been having I don’t get either, the only thing I can think is part of the travelling was to do with making the show.