VIP Member
Congratulations to @Mopsy75 for the new thread title
I'll let someone else handle the recap because it angers me that two of the dumbest assholes on the planet hit the life lottery with having unearned wealth (IMHO) and the ability to conceive (without medical intervention) and birth two children and they aren't grateful for any of it. To me they are DNA donors that created two boys that deserve better.
old thread
I'll let someone else handle the recap because it angers me that two of the dumbest assholes on the planet hit the life lottery with having unearned wealth (IMHO) and the ability to conceive (without medical intervention) and birth two children and they aren't grateful for any of it. To me they are DNA donors that created two boys that deserve better.
old thread
The Tim Tracker #189 The Scariest Thing At HHN is Jenn
#brickortreat Yeah he’s gonna tit a brick after he eats that. I'm surprised he didn't have issues on his "run" last night.