Loving this thread title!
Whether they’ve made 2 million or 4 million or a lot less, it’s their recent spending that should be concerning to them. I don’t begrudge their new house. Their previous house kind of seemed like a shithole. And while they are slowly turning this one into one as well, I am glad they were able to move into a better home and then pay it off.
But they are now clearly on the downward slope of their peak and there just seems to be no way to recapture that. And this is when they've really ramped it up and are spending money like it’s still raking in. Ok fine, take that once in a lifetime Roy Disney suite cruise for your birthday. But then do it all over again a couple months later? Then 3 more cruises, one in cuntcierge class?? Plus the pricey Disneyland trip, plus the nanny, plus the insane amount they spend on food and merch. And now the Aulani rinse and repeat trip. It all adds up, and surely to a lot more than they are bringing in now. They have to be seeing that these extravagant trips are not bringing in the views.
I don't know if they are spending all this money thinking it will help the channel or not. But to me, it just seems like they’ve gotten a taste of the “good” life and don’t know how to rein it back in with spending. These videos are simply #homemovies of them living the first no class life, and there seems to be no stopping in sight. This second baby is going to add a whole lot more costs to their lives, maybe even an additional nanny, and I just don't know how they are going to deal with that unless they really start some financial planning. Haha, yeah right.