Why was Poutys shirt a Magic Kingdom shirt? It had Oswald on it (I bet they have no clue who he even is!)
Those poor kids....
* leave the townhouse at 11am
* told they're going to MK
* change of plans so drive to Wilderness Lodge for lunch and pontoon boat
* need to get to Fort Wilderness for pontoon hire
* change that to Contemporary
* quick stop in Mk to pick up Vera and to ride Astro Orbiters (with ridiculous fake screaming, he even took multiple breaths building up to it......twit) TTA and Splash Mountain
* 1 hour on boat with Prick being Billy Bog Bollocks steering the boat
Then most of them go to a bar, inc poor kids then they meet back at The townhouse.
That restaurant was basic and why do P and P get to choose everything they do......restaurant/pudding place/shop!
So glad they didn't have dickheads apple cinnamon shite ice cream......does he eat anything else? Its all he bleeping talks about, besides blue moon and being a twunt