The L Word + The L word: Generation Q?

I watched the original (Bette was my fave) but haven’t watched the latest because I am worried it won’t live up to my expectations.

What is it like compared to the first lot?
I watched the original (Bette was my fave) but haven’t watched the latest because I am worried it won’t live up to my expectations.

What is it like compared to the first lot?
Honestly if you loved The L Word original, I would consider avoiding Gen Q. It’s like it is written by a child. It’s all over the place, a million things crammed into every episode trying to be edgier and to tick as many boxes as possible because the original L word was slammed for not doing so, so this one has overcompensated to the detriment of a cohesive interesting storyline. There is no depth or development. New characters are extremely annoying and ridiculous (Finley…Christ on a bike is this supposed to be cute/endearing?)

It’s nice seeing Bette, Alice and Shane again for nostalgia, but even they have zero character development.

Season 2 is basically every character - sex, fallout, sex with someone else, I’m confused, sex with the other one, I’m mad at you again, sex with someone else….EVERY CHARACTER….every scene. Honestly a dodgy crap porn has more script and character development. The original L Word was hot, fun, interesting. With a touch of mental…Gen Q is, I guess, for children who dont know to expect better.

Watch it for a giggle to take the piss if you have the spare time…there’s a particular scene (season 2) with the god awful cliché character Finley…by that point in the series you will be saying Christ she’s like a petulant child…then there is a scene where she storms off in a mood like a toddler cycling away furiously on a tricycle…a modern ‘tricycle’ but the timing and the scene left us in stitches!! It was so ridiculous 🤣
Thank you! I know looking back on it, the narrative wasn’t perfect, I mean no programme made then was. But, at least it made at attempt to fill a niche that wasn’t being filled. I have really fond memories and I think if I either watch it again with 2021 eyes or watch the new series then those memories will be ruined.
I watched the original (Bette was my fave) but haven’t watched the latest because I am worried it won’t live up to my expectations.

What is it like compared to the first lot?
Did you bother with Gen Q? I‘m apparently a glutton for punishment and just watched the 1st ep of season 3…Christ on a bike….the writers have no idea about character development/arcs…it’s STILL coming across like its written by kids doing a filming project at college.