Shame on me but just for the sake of disbelief, I pulled up Esmemememe’s Disney TikTok. She’s truly earned that name!
It’s a manic voiceover - something you’d think she’d be more skilled at by now, but no, it’s getting worse. How anyone outside of the UK can understand her is a mystery - likewise her hometown I imagine.
It’s not long, but I think I counted 10 ‘licherllys’, all at 100 mph. Much very smug sniggers, and the ‘I’m not even joking/I’m not even lying’ or whatever.
For a soon to be 16 year old with many years of speaking on camera, she’s unintelligible and grates.
Her repetitive facial routines are so dull and fake with the filters. Still she’s going on about some product she calls Glor SP
I know what it is now, why she cannot articulate Glow Recipe is beyond me - pretty sure it’s not a regional thing.
Oh and that piece with Isla in the ballet shoes - I defer to you who have more experience- I never got to pointes with training. Give me cowboy boots & a western saddled horse any day - but I wish I’d done ballet as a child.
Clearly, Isla has talent and passion in dance. I thought she did really well - leaving aside technical issues for a moment - but look at the comparison;
Isla is smiling, doing some age appropriate trend I guess but the red head - all fierce pouting, shaking her ass, flicking her hair, trying so hard to be something she’s not, where her younger sister seems to be much more of a natural.
She’s really growing up. Not that she ever deserved some of the names she was called (overgrown toddler) but there’s no way one could say that about her now. It seems the others eat way more, especially her 2 older sisters when they were at Disney, which raises a whole bunch of questions.
They never exercise, barely move from one place to another, often out of breath, yet eat as if there’s a famine coming. So where do all the calories go? We see them so obviously on Chrish and his expanding wife.
‘Fried chicken is healthy fat’
What did you get from me watching - $2 maximum? I’ve really no clue, but it was worth it, ‘my dude’