Also a little bit the clothes because they look cheap and poorly made/looked after - not a moral judgement, literally the clothes cost pennies.
I don't have any doubt about Creepy totally control Isabelles income.So Lazy told Izzy that they technically pay for her stuff because they put money on her Revolute card. I thought Chrish said she had independent income streams. Also I bet any income from YouTube goes in his bank as well and he dishes it out as he sees fit. Financial abuse right there on top of all the other abuse going on
Tret my favourite wordThanks for the new thread @Saddlesoap and thanks for doing your bit too @Tilly Kister (I reckon you almost had it, as well. Maybe next time. )
Isabelle's 19th birthday - she received mostly cheap tat. The inclusion of lots of Hello Kitty type stuff and very simple colouring books prompted much debate, mainly about the age appropriateness of her gifts.
Their travels continued - they mostly revisited places they've already been to on previous trips (trying to recreate something that didn't really materialise the first time around!), through France, Switzerland & Italy, so far.
Shockingly inadequate water safety precautions....leaving Mila & Jace unattended, out in the middle of a freezing lake, on a paddle board wearing only puddle jumpers, not proper life vests....allowing the young kids to play at the water's edge, behind trees and not fully supervised, on slippery rocks....Esmé showing signs of cold water shock but trying to play it down when later challenged by well-meaning viewers voicing concerns. Sound familiar?
They showed no compassion for the poor bears living trapped in the bear pit/bear park, in Bern, and seemed to enjoy gawking down at them.
Shocking attitude to safety when visiting Jungfraujoch. The whole family displayed clear signs of altitude sickness, especially the youngest 3, but Chrish just dismissed their symptoms as "normal". Under 2s are not even recommended to visit there, due to the high altitude, but Lazy & Chrish took Aurora up anyway.
Chris only cared about getting up to the Indian restaurant (which was closed anyway), despite the fact that the kids were all struggling and he even described Mila as being "dead", as he showed her and Jace fast asleep.
Chrish tret us to an impressive strongmans display, pulling the toy caravan along with his upper body worked so hard like you would not believe. He's lucky he didn't run over his own feet, with only his plastic mules for protection. Mind you, his 2 week old socks were probably totally crusty and tough enough to withstand a tickle from that dinky dot trailer.
It's a shame that the poor pigeon that Chrish boasted about squashing, last time, wasn't so lucky. (What a truly delightful storytime, that was....and people wondered why they didn't care about the bears' plight. )
A few of the most liked posts from the last thread...
What a wonderful time you are giving your daughterSo we are in Paris, we've spent 3 days at Disneyland and Studios, one day extreme shopping (in Val'Europe, my daughter is a shopaholic and we've had to buy another case to put everything she's bought in, and gifts, for on the way home). We have been in Paris all day, went to the Lourve, Notre Dam, the Eiffel Tower, the Arc De Triomphe, the Jellycat Cafe at F.A.O. Shwarz, Miniso as well as other shops we've passed like Uniqlo, Bershka ect and I am absolutley done in like I have never been in my life. We have one last day at Disney Tomorrow. We do not earn 10K a day, far from it, but we saved very, very hard to do this for our daughter as she's been suffering from an eating disorder and we wanted to spoil her as its likely she won't want to go to Disney with her mum and dad again, well, until she has her own kids maybe.
The way the Minghams treat their children us straight up mental abuse. They are dressed like tramps, and Esme not even knowing Brandy Melville was not Brandy Melvin just proves even further those they are rarely treated to half decent clothing. I know they can be irritating sometimes, as can all kids (my daughter is perfect by no means and has her moments) but my heart honestly breaks to see him make out they're rolling in it when they wear the cheapest clothes known to man. Izzy looks so fed up, I just can't even be arsed hate watching them any more as Saz and Creepy are pathetic excuses for parents. I'm sure the girls would rather have nicer clothes, friends they get to see regularly, their own bedrooms, some semblance of a normal life rather than following Creepys dreams in his Nooky Nonk. Travelling is hard, and 8 of them, including a baby, on the road for weeks at a time sounds like hell.
Rant over. I'm off to order some red wine and pizza from room service
So Lazy told Izzy that they technically pay for her stuff because they put money on her Revolute card. I thought Chrish said she had independent income streams. Also I bet any income from YouTube goes in his bank as well and he dishes it out as he sees fit. Financial abuse right there on top of all the other abuse going on
Isabelle can easily save up pocket money (or steal some from Esmememe) to get a train to her Dad’s town from her nearby station. She can then probably get a voluntary role at a cat rescue centre to kick start things. That will give her experience to get a paid job and she can use that money to take some adult education GCSE classes whilst living with her biological Dad. There you go Isabelle, I have given you a ways to escape when you need it
I don’t know whether she’d have their numbers though as she may have been forced to delete them when Lazy and Creepstopher manipulated her into cutting off contact a few years ago.Yeah, wasn't she a business owner? A business where the owner has to have her mother and stepfather give her pocket money? Sign me up! Isabelle babe, you're running out of time to get to work on all of those accomplishments you're going to have by the time you're thirty. If there's one thing us adults will tell you until we're blue in the face, it's that your twenties will just WHIP by. Before you know it, you be staring at 31, and wondering if that big box of completed colouring books counts as achievement...
I would put money on the fact that she could call any of her paternal family members and tell them she needs help, and they would be there in a heartbeat. Sadly I sometimes think she doesn't even know she needs help.