VIP Member
Congratulations @Big frank
- Baby Dinky Dot VI made her grand entrance on 11th October 2023 at 15:24pm weighing 7lbs 6oz according to her parents, who are both notorious liars.
- The kids have been introduced to Dinky Dot VI. There was much noise and her name may be Olivia. Chris blurred out the baby's wristband.
- Sarah has had the toughest c-section recovery we ever did see. We'll have a detailed video coming soon.
- Chris took all of the money out of a bank account so Sarah couldn't buy anything on Amazon.
- The girls tried and failed to force out tears when meeting Dinky Dot VI. Jace was very beggy and not at all gentle like Mila.
- An Instagram post of Dinky Dot VI meeting her siblings this afternoon greatly favoured Jace.
Hi Steve Can you confirm that Dinky Dot VI IS in fact your grandchild? Blink once for yes and twice for no next time you're on the vlog.
- Baby Dinky Dot VI made her grand entrance on 11th October 2023 at 15:24pm weighing 7lbs 6oz according to her parents, who are both notorious liars.
- The kids have been introduced to Dinky Dot VI. There was much noise and her name may be Olivia. Chris blurred out the baby's wristband.
- Sarah has had the toughest c-section recovery we ever did see. We'll have a detailed video coming soon.
- Chris took all of the money out of a bank account so Sarah couldn't buy anything on Amazon.
- The girls tried and failed to force out tears when meeting Dinky Dot VI. Jace was very beggy and not at all gentle like Mila.
- An Instagram post of Dinky Dot VI meeting her siblings this afternoon greatly favoured Jace.
Hi Steve Can you confirm that Dinky Dot VI IS in fact your grandchild? Blink once for yes and twice for no next time you're on the vlog.