VIP Member
Starting a new thread whilst I wait to speak to the doctors. I'll either be waiting 10 minutes or 10 hours.
Congratulations @Malcolm Conkers
- The Inghams' world is imploding around them. Just a theory but I'm sure I will be proven to be correct soon.
- Chris is now a published author. He is releasing an MLM finance e-book called Escaping the Matrix. It's likely written by someone else and already available 27482382 other places on the internet but still... Chris wants to let us in on his get rich quick secrets including having a pension, selling his chuldren and selling tat for inflated prices to unsuspecting teenagers on a website called You Viral. Desperate times.
- The Inghams are making £10k a day according to Chris. Unfortunately for them we aren't blind or stupid like they think we are. They live in a cheap house that is falling apart, can't afford a screen for the outdoor stairs to the office, only ever shop at Primark and have to share one communal portion of food between all 7 of them.
- Chris is going to create some secret WhatsApp groups forgrooming more teenagers an author Q&A.
- Chis may or may not be having a breakdown. No I don't have any sympathy for him.
- Sarah has been doing DIY pr-oh-jects, almost cut the prodigal son's hand off, and had a rant about Jace's hair and Janet on the internet this weekend. Now she needs a long rest.
- The guinea pigs are still alive... for now.
- We're getting a house tour soon. Probably means they're selling the house.
Hi Steve I have a theory that your son is in a very very of deep tit right now thanks to his precious step-daughter/love interest Isabelle. Remember when she went to the Edinburgh Vaults and eagerly jumped into that circle that is supposedly cursed?
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Discover Trending Products at UK Based Trending Items. – My Store
Escape The Matrix (
There's lots of gems on the old thread. Go and order by most liked and have a look.
Congratulations @Malcolm Conkers
- The Inghams' world is imploding around them. Just a theory but I'm sure I will be proven to be correct soon.
- Chris is now a published author. He is releasing an MLM finance e-book called Escaping the Matrix. It's likely written by someone else and already available 27482382 other places on the internet but still... Chris wants to let us in on his get rich quick secrets including having a pension, selling his chuldren and selling tat for inflated prices to unsuspecting teenagers on a website called You Viral. Desperate times.
- The Inghams are making £10k a day according to Chris. Unfortunately for them we aren't blind or stupid like they think we are. They live in a cheap house that is falling apart, can't afford a screen for the outdoor stairs to the office, only ever shop at Primark and have to share one communal portion of food between all 7 of them.
- Chris is going to create some secret WhatsApp groups for
- Chis may or may not be having a breakdown. No I don't have any sympathy for him.
- Sarah has been doing DIY pr-oh-jects, almost cut the prodigal son's hand off, and had a rant about Jace's hair and Janet on the internet this weekend. Now she needs a long rest.
- The guinea pigs are still alive... for now.
- We're getting a house tour soon. Probably means they're selling the house.
Hi Steve I have a theory that your son is in a very very of deep tit right now thanks to his precious step-daughter/love interest Isabelle. Remember when she went to the Edinburgh Vaults and eagerly jumped into that circle that is supposedly cursed?
Links to the websites
Discover Trending Products at UK Based Trending Items. – My Store
Escape The Matrix (
There's lots of gems on the old thread. Go and order by most liked and have a look.