VIP Member
Congratulations @Big frank
- Mila's birthday morning unwrapping her presents was dominated by Jace. The boring day at the beach was so her n father could show how brave he is by going in the sea. Dinner was the best American Diner burger they ever did see on the Island of Portugal. The birthday cake was covered in edible letters stuck down with Isabelle's saliva and leftover smarties of the ones Jace's didn't eat at midnight.
- Granny Groomer and Hi Steve have paid for VIP tickets so Chris can go to a Taylor Swift concert with Isabelle, Esme and Isla on 17th August 2024 at Wembley Stadium.
- The front gate at Rosabelle Manor has been kicked in.
- Jace likes watching Gordon Ramsay.
- Sarah still hasn't had her 28 week appointment with her consultant. She continues to play Russian Roulette with her health and her blood pressure is 139/76. They seem to be heading home now.
- We've had some haircut clickbait for Jace. It sounds like Esme will make the final decision. Jace's hair is in a really bad state and needs a chance to recover.
- Sarah is still deluded and thinks she's the richest woman in the United Kingdom. Chris has convinced her she's set for life. Set for a life living on Seacroft maybe.
- Home educator Sarah doesn't know what an opinion is. She doesn't owe anyone an 'exploration'. People are 'hydrogeological'. Nope, I've no idea either.
Hi Steve. We know Sarah has given you an exploration in the past.
- Mila's birthday morning unwrapping her presents was dominated by Jace. The boring day at the beach was so her n father could show how brave he is by going in the sea. Dinner was the best American Diner burger they ever did see on the Island of Portugal. The birthday cake was covered in edible letters stuck down with Isabelle's saliva and leftover smarties of the ones Jace's didn't eat at midnight.
- Granny Groomer and Hi Steve have paid for VIP tickets so Chris can go to a Taylor Swift concert with Isabelle, Esme and Isla on 17th August 2024 at Wembley Stadium.
- The front gate at Rosabelle Manor has been kicked in.
- Jace likes watching Gordon Ramsay.
- Sarah still hasn't had her 28 week appointment with her consultant. She continues to play Russian Roulette with her health and her blood pressure is 139/76. They seem to be heading home now.
- We've had some haircut clickbait for Jace. It sounds like Esme will make the final decision. Jace's hair is in a really bad state and needs a chance to recover.
- Sarah is still deluded and thinks she's the richest woman in the United Kingdom. Chris has convinced her she's set for life. Set for a life living on Seacroft maybe.
- Home educator Sarah doesn't know what an opinion is. She doesn't owe anyone an 'exploration'. People are 'hydrogeological'. Nope, I've no idea either.
Hi Steve. We know Sarah has given you an exploration in the past.