VIP Member
Congratulations @mags
- The crochet animals Esme made for Tat and Me have been sold. Despite being specifically marked as for over 14 year olds and not toys, at least one has been given to a toddler. It's ok though because Sarah "spoke to trading standards".
- Tat and Me has been closed for the summer so if you missed out on any baaaaaaaaaargains you'll have to wait until the Autumn.
- Mila may need more surgery on her hip next year. Chris and Sarah are praying she does as they desperately need views.
- Esme (13) and Isla (10 going on 5) were left home alone to babysit Jace (4) for several hours.
- The RV tour will be coming soon.
- It's thought the Inghams may have set off on the best RV roadtrip we ever did see today due to the lack of vlog.
- Accounts still haven't been filed.
- Sarah pretended to be pushed by a ghost. Her pregnancy is consultant led.
- Jace is still a bullying brat. Chris and Sarah are still cunts.
- The Inghams are "absolutely going to Florida next year".
Hi Steve
Credit to @Cheezychips and @mags
- The crochet animals Esme made for Tat and Me have been sold. Despite being specifically marked as for over 14 year olds and not toys, at least one has been given to a toddler. It's ok though because Sarah "spoke to trading standards".
- Tat and Me has been closed for the summer so if you missed out on any baaaaaaaaaargains you'll have to wait until the Autumn.
- Mila may need more surgery on her hip next year. Chris and Sarah are praying she does as they desperately need views.
- Esme (13) and Isla (10 going on 5) were left home alone to babysit Jace (4) for several hours.
- The RV tour will be coming soon.
- It's thought the Inghams may have set off on the best RV roadtrip we ever did see today due to the lack of vlog.
- Accounts still haven't been filed.
- Sarah pretended to be pushed by a ghost. Her pregnancy is consultant led.
- Jace is still a bullying brat. Chris and Sarah are still cunts.
- The Inghams are "absolutely going to Florida next year".
Hi Steve
Credit to @Cheezychips and @mags