VIP Member
Congratulations @Neck lace
- The greatest gender reveal to ever be uploaded to the internet confirmed the baby is a girl. Jace was the one to reveal the baby's sex by eating a doughnut. Tattle is already working hard to guess the name.
- Sarah wanted to name her baby Cove or Covie if it had been a boy.
- Prinny is a neglected mess; overweight and dishevelled.
- Sarah moved the treat cupboard so Jace and Mila don't steal the sweeties and there is more for her.
- Jace wants to keep his long hair. Sarah said he hates man buns but the next day he had a man bun. "Jace is an individual and I'm keeping him that way!" - Sarah Ingham, May 2023.
- Staged clip of Mila Picasso supposedly drawing all over the living room furniture to try and prove what a naughty girl she is.
- Best friend Boris has failed to secure a invite to the coronation for Prince and Princess Delonge.
Hi Steve
Photoshop vs Reality
- The greatest gender reveal to ever be uploaded to the internet confirmed the baby is a girl. Jace was the one to reveal the baby's sex by eating a doughnut. Tattle is already working hard to guess the name.
- Sarah wanted to name her baby Cove or Covie if it had been a boy.
- Prinny is a neglected mess; overweight and dishevelled.
- Sarah moved the treat cupboard so Jace and Mila don't steal the sweeties and there is more for her.
- Jace wants to keep his long hair. Sarah said he hates man buns but the next day he had a man bun. "Jace is an individual and I'm keeping him that way!" - Sarah Ingham, May 2023.
- Staged clip of Mila Picasso supposedly drawing all over the living room furniture to try and prove what a naughty girl she is.
- Best friend Boris has failed to secure a invite to the coronation for Prince and Princess Delonge.
Hi Steve
Photoshop vs Reality
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