Creepstopher starts the vlog with Jace. It’s a frosty cold day and they’re off to see the eye doctor. It’s a beautiful morning but cold. They like the winter and cold so they can wrap up. Creepstopher tells Jace to hold his hand because of the ice. It’s Jace’s first review of his lazy eye. They have noticed the squint has been better since using the patch.
The appointment is done. They have had a big improvement in the eyes. Jace needs a new glasses prescription so has an appointment at the weekend. Right now they’re at Aldi because Lazy needs soap powder. They pick up some roses for her.
Mila needs help because the shopping trolley is stuck on the rug. Lazy sorts the problem. Jace and Creepstopher are home. She has been updated on everything. The appointment went well in one way. Jace clammed up halfway through assessment eye test. He had to say what different pictures were. Normally the Ophthalmologist sits quietly. There’s nothing wrong with today’s lady but she would tell Jace when he was wrong.
But I thought cleeeeeeveeeeeer booooooy was always right. They lied to us. One was a house next to an apple and he said “apple”. The ophthalmologist said it was actually a house but she was going quite quickly. She wasn’t nasty and did nothing wrong but Jace is a sensitive soul and took it personally.
Bless his poor delicate soul but that is what happens when he’s never told “no”. From then on he would whisper and then he clammed up when the lady told to speak up because she couldn’t hear him.
God help him if he ever goes to school. That really will be a shock to the system. Mila starts crying so the camera cuts. They have to continue with the patch for six weeks. There is an improvement in the prescription.
Lazy has been playing with Mila all morning. It’s fun to keep things new and exciting. It’s nice to shuffle toys around. She has helped Isla with maths work. It’s a busy day. They need to crack on. The wardrobe room is almost complete but there are a few things to add before the big reveal. The other room is Mila’s room, which is used as a dump room. Today is the start of operation get Mila into her own bedroom. She shows us the room and it’s a total shithole. Anything and everything has been dumped in there; toys, clothes, boxes, baby bath, the sides to Jace’s crib, books and other crap. A lot of boxes are from Christmas. Lazy will keep the boxes for crafts. They have bought Jace and Mila a new bed because January is a good time to do a big sort out. This is the only room in the house that is full of crap. Lazy wanted to get Jace a new bed.
Need the cot do we? ? Mila’s room is her favourite room in the house. Cleaning time lapse.
Bedroom is a lot cleaner. Lazy has moved the crap onto the landing, sorting it into sections. There are new and old clothes to sort out, Tat and Me crap, a crib, boxes, Jace’s old crib and that’s it. Creepstopher is building Mila’s absolutely massive bed. Lazy got a single bed rather than a toddler one so it will last
. She has been sorting the crap on the landing. There are clothes of Mila’s that she cannot get rid of.
Lazy thought she would show us clothes she got in the January sales. It was very rare she got new clothes when she was older. Although Lazy was older, Katrina was taller and bigger than her so she would get hand me downs from her. They didn’t have money for clothes. Everything is from Next, Boden or Jojo Mama. Most clothes are 9-12 or 12-18. Mila is in 6-9 and mainly going into 12-18 right now. She picked up some bits for next winter. She loves emerald green and navy blue on her ginger babies. She shows us all the clothes but I’m not watching the whole thing. There’s nothing of interest, just the usual crap. I think I’ve fallen into the 1800s when I see some of the clothes. She can’t wait for Jace and Mila to be matching.
There are bargains to be had. This vlog is not sponsored by anyone. Lazy likes to collect clothes in the sale to spread the cost. Creepstopher has made epic progress. The bed looks cool. There is a chimney. He is trying to do the vlog whilst building. Bodge the Builder time lapse.
The bed is done. There is still rubbish in the room. Lazy wishes it wasn’t so high. They’re picking up the mattress and bedding tomorrow. She’s glad they went for the bed because it will grow with Mila. Lazy doesn’t know where to put it.
I really don’t like the bed. The mattress will be on the floor and it just doesn’t look great to me. It looks more like a playpen or rabbit run. Lazy will jiggle around the sensory corner and needs ideas. The sofa in the corner is going because Lazy doesn’t like it. There is an adorable self care centre going in that space so she can choose her own clothes and do her own hair. Super super adorable. The landing is almost done. They haven’t stopped for five hours. There was so much to do. A massive weight has been lifted. Creepstopher wants Chinese for dinner because he wants sweet and sour. Lazy cannot be bothered to cook.
Lazy shows us the self care centre. I’ll post the screenshot below. She can’t decide whether to do a double so Jace and Mila can get ready together or have two single ones in each room.
Great so now Jace would be taking over Mila’s room then. He would like to do it with her. They’re making the centre themselves rather than buying it. Lazy wants it done asap and not be nagging Creepstopher. He says he will get it done, it’s all good.
She will buy the clothes rail. It’s from Poland but Lazy found the seller on Etsy. It’s rewarding to give a child independence and let them be critical thinkers.
Tell us social service are watching without telling us social services are watching. Lazy has done research. The rewards are beneficial. The Christmas lights are still on the carpet stairs. Mila will be able to choose her own nappies. She tells them when she’s done a poo so Lazy thinks she will be early in potty training. She leaves the toilet door open so all her children can see her on the toilet to help them potty train. Jace was early with potty training at 24 months. Anytime Jace or anyone goes to the toilet she says “wee wee”.
Mila has been asleep in Esme’s room so she brings her downstairs. Lazy gives Esme her old wellies. Mila took a tumble earlier an Lazy’s thumb nail stuck in her nose. She is still sleepy but there is a rush to show her her bed. Cackling at Mila being wobbly. She is obsessed with shoes. They play around with the positioning of the bed. Lazy talks us through the options. Finally the bed is moved against the side wall and looks much better. The room is still full of crap. Creepstopher wants to add a tv for nap time so she can watch Baby Bum.
Creepstopher picked up some roses for Lazy. Unfortunately they’re in one of Jace’s measuring jugs. Mila is upset after spending time with Jace. Creepstopher has gone to get the Chinese but Lazy has whipped up some tomato sauce and cheese pasta for Jace and Mila.
A bath is run. Mila is excited to get in. Footage of Lazy and Jace. Then it’s off to the playroom before bed. Mila is being a madam by stealing the cup. Jace is being so cute and really wanted to wear one of Isla’s skirts. Lazy feels bloomin good as the playroom is done, Mila’s room is almost done and 4 loads of washing are done. They had a backlog of washing and the laundry room was a mess. Tomorrow they’re off shopping for Mila’s room and they’re picking up Jace’s bed.
End of vlog
Even YouTube can’t understand Lazy sometimes…